THURSDAY. MAY 20. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOS POUR Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LAN! COUNTV UNIT r«O. 14 FILTHY CHERRY MAGGOT CONTROLLED BY SPRAYING Community News nal By ‘ farm reminders FARMERS’ UNION WORKERSlMANY ARE PRESENT AT HAVE PICNIC ON SUNDAY ANNUAL JERSEY EVENT The annual Jersey Jubilee held by A group of employes of the Lane CoutMy Farmers' union enjoyed a the lame County Jersey Cattle club No patent poultry medicine wilt The filthy cherry m ascot *• control » •» cui the Ills producml under condition« picnic on the summit of the McKvUst" ’ at the fairground« Tuesday table, according to C. L. Lone. O. A. Paas Sunday After having lunch a» marked wllh th* largest attendance WILLAMETTE where the growing pullets did not UPPER WILLAMETTE C. extension specialist in horticulture. have a chance to develop Into money the lava betls. they returned lo llelk Ì in the history of the club and the The adult fly is easily poisoned during The Girls’ 1er tu e of the Sprintiti hl itera. ttnp spring« for a swim. i largest» number of cattle ever ex- "School Day" which was inaugural the first few days after it appears in Those enjoying the event were Mr ' hlhlted nt one of the Jubilee« rd hr ITof M E. Hays, prlndpul ot high school was nt a breakfast held aarly summer as Its time is then n .iv .r r an o eanua Pl«'a«.nt Hill high school. Satur- noar the Bailey home at the river. Too many poutrvmen rest their and Mr», Fred Louk and daughter. I Louis W Morell i of New York. devoted to playing and eating if , , , I,. .1 , ht> fruit will not d“ V- M»y 13 proved to be a marked given in honor of the scolora Satur oars after the first three or four J. an. Mr and Mr« E K M 'rrleot» I representative o f ihe Amrrlean Jer- •prs>mg i- i • . ** . ¡»uccisa The morning was given over day morning A bountiful feast was w • ks and remark that their pullets and son. Gerald. Don Gllleaple, Misi ,,.y ca ttle elab. was the prlnrtpet S l t ^ J T r n " i n l V Ù ‘¿ st™ a P < .......... Jumin< - • * * • *nd “ b‘W * rt' Miss Francia ^„.„ker of the day and complimented are out of danger. It takes «lx or Eva Eva Hychards, were present. The girls were chap­ seven months to mature a pullet and i Travis. Mrs. A C. Travis. Mr and j the Istne breeders on their first das« the timing ot the arrival of the first «*< *»• ™ e Pleasant Hill Public flies and the immediate application of * ’><*’’ *« ■ ' he h*nn"r' winnln|1 thl eroned by the following high school there Is no time In that entire period j Mrs. Vincent Gillespie of Creswell, I stork D O. Woodworth of Albany, i Mr and Mrs Henry Quinby Of Cot j president of the Oregon J< resy Cat­ the first spray. i most points. The freshman class won teachers: Mesdames Bjpn and Ric« when she is out of danger ■ ■ ! tags- Grove. Mr and Mrs H. D Me tle club, and Mayor K t’ J -e e of Eu­ v , * the banner In the contest held be- and Misses Hill and Spalding. Control measures are simp e If of (hp J. B. Malo of Portland was a recent If there |s any place the poullryman I'herson of Springfield. Mrs Mary geni* were other speakers, The Jersey properly timed. The spray solution l s |, fn the afternoon the Pleasant HUI visitor at the home of hit sUter-ln can afford to spend time, money and Cllngan and Mr and Mra. Neal Pol I Boosters, a club led by H L. Plank, composed of one-half pound of arsen . . high school baseball te a « defeated law. Mrs. Clara Male was given the cup for showmanship. ------- labor It la on the proper management lard. ate of lead. two quarts of ayrup. and pjttsburj{ of Eu(t,.n>. by Mrs. W W Ries and dnughter. growing pullets. The hualenas It­ 10 gallons of water. This Is enough * Qf 3 Candy of Grand Forks. N. n . who self deipemls upon the pullet and the drilled In at the rate of one pound MAY 25 CHERRY FIELD for 10 trees. It is not neces-wrv to i cpeWB aold netting high have spent the winter at bong Beach, quality of pullet Is determined by the for each acre the experiment station DAY IN IANE COUNTY ■pray thoroughly M the sweet solu a n e -t ,,t, | e gun) | of , h„ rherry third spraying, extra spray Is given as gefcool next year The house on raen met on the Springfield diamond goes Into It because he has kept I. a cultivated crop. f it. into the Pm •soon as the trees are dry. ____ the old Hand ranch Is being fixed Saturday afternoon The game result _______ chickens on ____ the ______ farm for 30 years: tatlon well, provides a good quality In a quarantine against U n s cherrlea This Insect la scattered throughout up by the Mr. Linton for the Kilpat­ te<î In a score of 8 to 0 In favor of if he permit» egotism rather than wls of feed, and on good soil gives a large by the desirable California market». the Willamette valley and is Increas­ ricks to occupy next year. dem of investigation of hla enterprise tonnage It la easily handl'd for soil the green house men. The meeting Is being held under the ing It will continue to he numerous Ekuery Schrender. a former high to guide his management plans he Ing purposes auspices of the lam e County Hertlcul. nnless all cherry growers unite to school student, passed through Gosh • • • , • • • • * will ghortly be lined up with the i - tural society and the county agen control the pest. One neglected tree en Sunday on his way to Oakland, HOME POINTERS many that fall In the commercial Orchards to he visited follow: Turnips fo r « a crop that may be will Infest a radius of a quarter ot California. poultry business. 9:30 a m.—Farm of R. A. McCor- fed for summer sotting purposes Io g « tie. The Pleasant H ill baseball team A well balanced growing ration and •om e slock In Oregon When planted narK nack. m miles ------------- northeast of Rügen« The college, county agents, cannery- defeated the Coburg team at base clean soil for the brooding and rang When chicks are derprlved of heat (n ,.ar|y May a g»«d crop 1» usually | ^ (,Pr demonstration, visits will be men. and fruit Inspectors are cooper­ ball Sunday afternoon on the Wood­ Ing the pullets are the two fundamen- when they want It they are being „»„lu b le from the fit at of July on mada to study pollination at 'ha ating to time the arrival of this pest, man grounds by a score of 9 to S. : tai _ principles which the poultryman one of tbe ._ _ „lost _ J t needed needed things : especially If good seed la used Vgrl-, w „,by Stevens ranch, as well as the which Is expected about June. Its ar­ ____* «»A A W w as«-4 t A T » 3 n V 4 * A _ The high school baseball team lost canno< y)oiate and expect to make a Feed, drink and heat ‘ recommended by the experiment , orpharda of Prof F O Yount J R In their live* rival will be announced though the Its first game of season last Thu 5« a huslness kitalnoga ay 1 as—. — te* ,n » tbe are of the same relative Importance , Mta t|on ar» white globe, or purple lop- j Srot,h, E W l-evee. F, B Fossek and press, KOAC radio station, and by' defeated when th . - Thurston tt fm defeated [ Succeaahl, cn|t Ur«w of beans need No _ _ two _ _ _ of these _ will overcome th«* atrapleaf at te rate of thr*>e ^jorman Furuset. county agents them by . score of 8J o 'th e nitrogen-fixing bacteria In een postponed until Friday plication. thank you for your listing. W W. arate the lungs from the outside air tfersigned at the office of W ells & , K| ven FrI News office. n A high percentage of Oregon pool Walker. S3S E S tS p r n g fle ld M 13 20 W ells. Attorneys Bank of Commerce 21 p*fty y " * . during the feathering period that chirks on new __ _ Lane County, ____ Ore- day ay and Saturday of this weeg. • trymen are brooding chicks » .„ „ r i . wtiii B ld g . _ In _ Eugene. t gon. within six months of the date e B Tinker, accompanied by h ' p-ound. The abundance of sunshine pneumon a s a < om of the first publication of this noticet fat,ber-tti-law. H. Wangelln. l* f i' ano and the •«.. Inxurlant growth of m .e n . chicks ratner-ro-iaw. Otto ... -------— succu- Date of first publication May 20, for California - — — »«-- s »>« Friday. May , 1« by «u. au »reen feed hare been factors »»2«. . .. ____ a » 4c .. . . . as ______ The average planting of seed po­ tomobile. They expe«t to K., be mnp gone In keeping ordinary chick diseases H B BURTON. tatoes in Oregon la 9 to 10 bushel» per Administrator. : about a week. reduced to the minimum. It should not coat »10 for fuel for > c r e Within reasonable limits the Mrs J. E Mornlngstar and Rav WELLS & WELLS Attorney», M 20 27 J 3 10 IT s t o r e d to ^ n m o u th 3 » ^ . a brood of BOO chicks until they are larger the seed piece the larger the _________ iM ay 8 to visit with Miss Mliorea really old enough to do without ar*l- > rop produced, according to expert 676 DEPARTMENT STORES Mornlngstal*. who Is attending the flclal heat. The brooder represents mental data The advantage« of plant NOTICE TO CREDITORS. quite an Investments In cash, labor * mg whole tubers Is that an almost normal. 942 Willamette St.. Eugene, Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that the J E. Phelps was In Swlssnome last and equipment, hut the running oper- perfect stand Is assured with greater gndersigned has been appointed Ad­ atlons are low enough that no eqop freedom from disease. Difficulties ministrator of the estate of Harrv week on business. omlxlng should be done on the brood with whole seed planting In this yfarkman, deceased, by the County country are that too often small tub Court of iAne County. Oregon. All Notwithstanding the high nitrog *n er »tore. persons having claims against said contest of the swamp soils on which Thp chick* dpfdre h<*«t for n «hnrt ers from unselecrd stock are used estate are nereby notified to present period tranV times each day If the permitting many sprouts