PAGiC THREW Platt la Vielt©«-—Georg»- Piali af Move to Seventh— Mr. and Mr*. Julin Muuwitrrlnit liru nuiviini Iron» Tbliraton wa« her» Mon-lay <1 .iruul to Ri-vrnth' n- ur K Iruul Hare from Band Sunday I-' ll Ur Vlalt In Portland— Mr and Mri ii .I nhii anil family were visitors hire Frank DePu«- apeat iho Week uad viili from Henil Siuiduy. lux In I *<>r (tn ml Oo to Lebanon Mr. anil Mra. Paul The ehleken dinner given by the The Star car belonging to Gaea» Civic club ns a benefit for the piano llerg of Springfield wan stolen at recently Inetall-d In the chamber of the circus grrfund» In Eugene last | commerce, proved a distinct success. Friday night, driven to the Coburg Thu many vlaltor» were entertained blrdg". and abandoned after It had by mu»lcal number», including piano b' .n trlpted of new tire» and other »»lection« by Mr». Herbert J. Cox. and loose parts. Thu car wa» found by duets by Mra. W. C. Rebhan and Ml vs sheriff’» officer» on Saturday morn­ Mary Ellxabeth Whitr.ey. accompanied , by Mr«. Paul Basford. ing and brought to Springfield. Vlalt at Rf.we Home— Mr and Mrs. John Lamb* rt) un i lamlly of Albany.' nn l Frail I la m ’» rty and fa t Hy >f I nrtland, v 11» «1 nt ll' bone- of Mr and Mra N A It ov< - Sunday. ' V is it at B »nd— D ro lh y DIM»», Ver-; itta M irr » o and oily D-l»' 11 w - Lebanon iinong Springfield vlel'or at B e d ove rthe Week ,’till iB B B R B R B nB B H M B R M B nM H Qo Flehlng—-Juck lleii l'rnr anil M Si hh we w re visitor» at M llunllv fluhtil mi the llluu river I laut Saturday Fritta?. At Fl»h Hatchery— Ml»a Paari Nel Attend Eugene Me-t nfj — Agent ' Mra. Harold eon. with relativo»« frinii nut -of-town, Carl Olson of the Sou'liern Pacific'» Mr«. H a rtley He Hartley of Waltarvtlle wa« a Spring- vlalteil at the fleh butchery Sunday. liM-al offli la - ' Friday “night att'ndcd a in» »ting of ug ill» a n . ticket ft«' I visitor Friday. Drive to Bend— Mr unit Mra. N lore i f the company, b»ld at tin Eu­ Here from Waltervllle— Mr» Fred L. Pollard drove to Hind Saturday gene Chamber of Commerce Discus- Baeton of Waltervllle waa In town for evening. returning Sunday. »loti of thn new lourl«H rate» wa, a »hurt time Friday Rauch Hero on Buelneee— W alter the principal feature of the muttlng. Vida Man la V is ito r— Lewi» Joseph- Rauch of W altervllle wa» In town on Mr». Barber at Bend— Mr». Clayton non of Vida wa« In town earing for ■ nualnoae Monday. F Barber 1» remaining for a month bilelnuae m a tu re Saturday. M r, |n Town_ Mr, W aller at lleiid, where »he la vlaltlng with Here from Portland—J II Male ot (lf -phur»lon waa a local visitor Mr Barber's Parent». Mr. and Mra. If. I, Hurber Mr Burlier and hla Porllnnd win In town vlaltlng friend» Monday. over the la .l week end , rom F#(| C r o h -A lffM , C, , . father In law Burt MeCurray. return­ ed from Huti't Sunday, and Mr Bar- Little oirl III—The little daughter waa a vlaltor hero from Fall ■bur resumed work at the IPoth Kelly o f Mr and Mr». Fore»t Frltta 1» »ur ('rn,-k Monday, office here. lonely 111 thio week. with pneumonia In from Camp Creek—Je«» Oat. , Vlalt Anderson and Wing— A group Pleaaant Hill M»n Here <' F Jor ()f ( ainp C re ek wa» In town trgn»act- of nnvployea of the fa n n er Mt,tor dnn of Pleaaant Hill wa» In town for ln< tlUII| n,.»» Monday morning company's garage here .pent the »hört ttmr Tuesday. Here from Brldpe Sanfonl bench week end at Bend. where they visit- Giving Him a Lesson in Albertina Vitale poses in this smart practical ensemble, which still holds popular favor. The c-.ct of Iiengaline is cut in a new shape to show a brightly embroidered silk blouaa. Laird I" Town— P N I-alrd of nf McKen*lu bridge waa In town on (s lost to 18 Oregon counties and low», erlng thereby the taxes of every taxpayer in Oregon. The Stanfield Home Loan Bill will benefit thousands of city dwellers desirous of building and owning a home. It provides for government-supervised loans on residence property In amounts of $500 to $10,000 at a rate of interest esDmnted not to exceed 6 per cent and payable in monthly installm ents over 5 to 15 years. Senator Stanfield is a consistent supporter of the Coolidge ad­ ministration and 1« standing with the president in the latter's enforcement of the prohibition law and redaction of federal taxes.. As a staunch friend of the Direct Primary Law, Senator Stan­ field has publicly stated his attitude In unmistakable language. He says: “Conventions called without authority of law will be open to the saime objections as the old convention system.” 1 n Because ho has proved1 him self during his entire term In the I Z Senate to he a friend of labor, Senator Stanfield has been officially endorsed by representative labor organizations. Including the Central Labor Council of Portland on May 10 and Sunset Lodge No. 130 ot the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen on May 14. Also by the Bayonet Club, the political organization of the Disabled Americans Veteran» of the World War, for h is steadfast support of legislation for veterans ot all wars. *7 8 TH E U N IV E R S A L C A R Being an Authorized Ford Dealer, we are directly inter­ ested in all Ford Owners. We are equipped to serve you in our new location at 5th and A Streets. ♦ 4 I E. R. Banner Motor Co. REFRIGERATORS FOR THESE WARM DAYS Priced at 2 1 ,5 0 2 5 .0 0 2 6 .7 5 1111,1 $ 3 0 .0 0 Screen Doors, in nil sizes, 2 .20 2 .5 0 $ 3 ,5 0 Screens fo r W indows, 50 60 70 80c Screens fo r W indows and Porches B rin g in your sizes and get our prices Wright & Son H AR D W AR E — FU R N ITU R E — P AIN T 9 W 11 Keep Oregon to the Front in the Senate by Re-Electing Stanfield. It Would Take a New Man 10 or 12 Years to Match His Committee«. (Stanfleld-for-Senator Campaign. E. D. Cusick, Mgr.)