THURSDAY. MAY 20, 1J2>>, T ire SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAO® TWO IN FAIRNESS TO STANFIELD, THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 'V i What has been said of the private life of Senn to r Robt. N. Stanfield we can neither confirm S pringfield, Lane County, Oregon, by nor dispute. We know nothing about it. But w* do know that those politicians and editors who T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS are howling about Stanfield pot acconiplishlm, H. E. MAXEY, Editor. things are falsifying for the sake of someone els aa second ciana matter. February 54. IMS at tbe Stanfield has done as much for Oregon ns any postonica, Springfield. Oregon _________ _ _ [man ever sent to the senate from this state. Con sidering the tact that he is the junior senator In- M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E 75c record has been rem arkable. We believe In go One Year In Advance----- 51.75 Three Months . 5c Ing everybody bis dues. No one can successful S ix M o n t h s ______________ |L 0 B Single Copy _ — dispute that Stanfield has been the leading con THURSDAY'. MAY SO. 1926. _ gressm an in getting the federal governm ent t :* spend millions of dollars on roads and other pub • lie works in Oregon. We shoul appreciate tli I Editorial Program • fact when »•• have all bcnefitted hv It. 1/ S ta n fie ld is wet he c a n 't he an y w e tte r t i n i * L Make Springfield the Ind ustrial Center of W e e some of the candidates who have dry endors • ' tern Oregon. m ents. And we are not guessing about some *n • IL Develop a Strong T radin g Point; Build a City his opponents cither. af Contented Homes. THURSTON TEAM WINS SIX STRAIGHT GAMES Building New Garage at Blatera. Approved for Summer Henry Kerf, foNM fly ° f Springfield, who operata* a atoro and service ala­ tien at Slater« la bttlMIng a now garage for retmlr werk II 1» “ largo wood and cullerete struclure Dial will he (he finest building In Staetrs Mr Kerf n perla that let al people crea« Ing the pa«« have maile hl« place tliclr headquarters thia year Thurston high school baseball nine made It six straight for the season when II defeated the Pleasant 111» high lean) 5 Io 4 In a «arm argu­ ment at Pleasant Hill Friday Talle- held ferro, Thurston niounds’nan Pleasant Hill to six hits, hilt- Thur», (OH hollers Hindi' Iwelvr hits off ald Adv.) H. C. WHeeler energy that will come upon it through •‘limited families." For selfishness Is the great Immorality. Where are the poor? And what have the other classes, “On My Honor I Will Do My B est:’ o n Aly Honor 1 VVU1 L»o my n est. thel^chlldren "all the advantages." to prom ’ J 0 1° oy ? 7 y C° U n tr y ' a n J ise for tomorrow? The poor of yesterday are in the seats ° SC°?U aW S' , . „ H m ec lOt power today, and the fam ilies of yesterday that "had 2. To help Other people a t all times. advantages • are going to seed. It may be some- THE BOY SCOUT PLEDGES. 3 To keep myself physically strong, m entally (n a boy.e faror th„ he has to RO work „ fff twake and m orally Straight. . i t e e n (If the Constitution of the United States continues I .V a b°ik^ " rh6 COUI!t.ry W^rfe dpnr to Pe™“ hlm ,hat raUrh llb"rty) and ,hu" *sr“P‘' ”* ollow this pledge the problem of delinquent unlreraU whlch more thafl an>- industrial sjwtem molG rouths would be solved. T here would be none. down robot> Forbld(1,.n a„ thp .-„¿„„tages" he Pe°P'„e ‘n!ereati d 12, W arP trvlng to may have _ fhanc( to makA h,a way ,|fp •alse $3o0 in Springfield to carry on scouting poail|b,e one daT tf> compel the poor to cease ind extend its privileges to every boy. Surely i t , hayinK chlMrP„ but lt „ rr,,utly be hoIX„, tha, „ ihould be worth a dollar or so of every ones mon-i bp proposed to compel the other classes to make iy- , ; up the defleucy For the Impression one gains from all this work. It Is not known here wheth er the company will arrange to have this work done by contract, or use a regular Southern Pacific crew on the. completion of the Job Take ■home ba Q uart On these more than hot sum m er afternoons and evenings when you crave something tasty some­ thing cool and satisfying remember Egghnann's Ice Cream. A million dollars worth of frozen goodness packed in a 60c container of ting ling joy. EGGIMANN’S The Sweet Shop i When in Eugene EAT AT Local People to Build In Bend. I Ivan Anderson and R II Wing, formerly the Ford agents In Spring | field, hut who now hold the Ben i I ag' ncy, are preparing to build a new j gnrage building In Bend to hand;<'| their rapl-lly Increasing business I Mr. Anderson has been here the past week looking after his hop ranch. THE MANHATTAN CAFE The best place to Eat Open Day and Night 685 Willamette St. Eugene, Ore. this talk about limitation Is that those who deliberately Springfield is getting the good out of the M e- effect It are thereby conferring great benefit on the coun Kenzie Pass road. Probably more people from try. Those who can be brought into that camp do well bv descendants. :hia city crossed the sum m it Sunday than a n y '- society In leaving ‘ no ■ * - a » - » - m Meantime » . » , , ™ » , the h . . "school sch,..ii yther town in Oregon. And there was some tra i­ of hard knocks" will continue to have the m ost dlstln gut shed sons and dauxSiters -'AL 1 F w ^ •4 '' ' 7 ' 3W * L ',- ÔOODNESS.'THREE O'CLOCK AND tDWlN IÇNT HOME YET ' J NEYEft KS6V4 LODGE W \ i.-Srk,«!*? A U T J C A S T E K CEJTVli RXG. U.G. V A X o m e f i -raeRs he comes now , ¡" jl - pretcno i ' m asleep , 1 don ' t wan TTOTALK" HE'LL KEEP ME AwAKE ' all night with an "L'.BI A MILE long / 1 0X11 'V "UCk! WORK - NEVE«- ’ Y'O>^ UP AT O ’Y a l l / I'M ÓETT ik IG W l GOOO 1 a m ! j Silk Dresses 4 SO to 16.50 A well-known brand Pepperell Sheeting Bleached 8-4, per yd. 42c Bleached 0-4, per yd. 49c Unbleached 8-4, per yd. 39c Unbleached, 9-4 (Page) 49c l C • J« D D I? IC’D O rvtillL lx MEN’S CLOTHES B Suit sizes, 36 to 44 inclusive Blue and Gray Serges Hard Finished Worsteds In fact all seasonable patterns and fabrics The prices sell these suits $18.50 to $24.50 6TH AND WILLAMETTE Vzv-r» Eugene, Oregon