The Railroad Decl- •lon Is n Boost To Springfield At A Grain and Sawmilling Center. THE SPRINGFIELD NF7 "The People's Paper" it: H PRINGFIELD, I «A NE COUNTY, OREGON, T W K N T Y -T IIIIU ) YEAR SPRINGFIELD VOTES IN PRIMAM FRIDAT Success Greets Campaign For Lane County Boy Scout Funds in y LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NU M B ER 20. TH U R SD A Y, MAY 20, 1926. l/ôcie. Senior Play Will Be Friday Night RELIEF 15 ASSURED Tarkington’s Comedy, "Tweed- Lug«, Mis, R, Montgomery, A W Sum of >200 Toward >350 To les’f To Be Presented At I «an» berry anil Mary Roberta, clerk» ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Be Raised la Reported 9y 8 O Clock ....... — P red a ci »—-llaltle Drury, chulrinan. Stops Are To Be Made By Car« OF MISS EUNICE PARKER Committees Soliciting; Le­ Citizens Of Four Precinct» To Adils M Perry, Baiter Y25; Total To Be Parker. .laughter of Mr and Mrs <*”»*<” ’ On Party Tickets; Polls Open « *• ' ,Bru<* ‘ liver Mail In Springfield; ’ Ini «ford and I Hu* THOU. John C. Parker of Springfield, t o - 1* presented by the senior c l.e s Ine Ha llasford and Nil»« Nina Me Mcltberson. Reached Tomorrow Morning at 8 clerks. Gives Assistance In Agitation -------- ! John B. Bell, Jr., o, Eugene, was an high school I o n o n e . O'Clock; Voting Places Given Prednct 4—C. E Wheaton, chair « « ... ...... ... Assurance of relief in the Wendling .V I auditorium The play will start at 8 man, II F. Cordon, Ida Hwarla, Mabel 1360 to be raised here as Springfield'»: morning. „ May 9. « at . the Kappa Omrl- < Springfield voter» go Io lb« poll, Howard and Mrs. It I) Wilson, clerks portion of the fund to support the mail situation is given In the follow­ eon sorority on the University of , ton« rrow Io ballot for those seeking . , « Tweedles, portrayed by Prank Loin- ing telegram received by President Counting Poank- C. A. Swart». chair Lane County Boy Scout council has Orecon < A noRypoH* rorm»-n paily nominations to United U tiles, man; Elma llalaey, Judge; Kl< f_,im bard, 1» a poor but proud villager who Alible been raised! as a result of personal the K centerpiece of the table, H J. Cox of the chamber of commerce from ’ X ___ stale, district and county offices In Wheaton, Arnes Wheeler, Bertha solicitation and organization dona­ . . . . z _ look« down upon the »unwner board- which ribbons extended to each cover w,,a)thy lwarderg ag yesterday from Senator Robert X. the Oregon jirlniury election. Polls In ftouan clerks tions, the comm ittee In charge of the where nosegays concealed cards tell- f.agt|ebury playpd by Stanfield; the four Springfield pr*dlnctc open campaign announced thia morning. In* of the covnlflff * e < ng ¡Carl MeKlnnl« and Shirley Hemen-i -Just received advice from fourth nt s o'clock Imnorrow morning, clos­ Commltteemsn working on the drive BROTHERHOOD VOTES Proaent were the «oror > s « e respectively. The Casttlebury’« assistant postmaster general as fol- ing at 8 o'clock In the evening. said that thpy were certain that the >25 FOR BOY SCOUTS of Ml*« Parker, t «• ousc m> . ^aye # gon j u)ian (Etbmer Griffith.) lows: 'Concerning statam ents that The polling places for I he precincts, quota wlH be reached. Miss Sue I. Baddelb-tt, . r ' ’ . who falls In love with non- other than ; carrier on Eugene-Wendllng routs as unnout’cael by Recorder It. W The Methodist Church Twenty-five dollar« wn» voted to , . , . . Brotherhood . , ¡Parker, Mrs.\ John B e “ j,r Tweedles' daughtelr, Winsora. not stopping at Springfield It may bs Knillh, follow: »nr 2 5 towardI the | Mien p , rkpr „ . former unlvereWy „ phban mediate attentlon since there Is ap- south Second near Main a ired work when the Methodist Brother-j fund, while personal subscriptions I tudcBt an,| while In school was a Family pride Is re- ; p parently no U • reason why he should not • . ’ CK «aya a PHIIIIIV |/r « A S on S either » » « side ••«■*« •— iio u ii; M ^« ww—.g •-*» — — —-W Precinct J—City hall hood met In monthly session Monday j have totaled to >125. The Lie m« mlx*r of Kap^a Pro T w (^ , pg. to brPak way |p thp game manner evening. I’rednct 4—-Corner of Elglilh nn.l superintendent of .Ions for the two local scoot tr.npa, 0)pp rlnh. Mr. Bell Is a law major S. J Chaney A streets this district, . . . the chief sp -.k er which are to become part of the (>f , hp r)a„ , 9I7. anrt formerly a t P pri()e g rQnte Fee, pogttlre «'onatdcrahle Interest bees „ ,bB interest has been emphasis -I the lutne county council with s o c i a l Columbla Military academy In F® » Tn,agen! R tnrns favorab,e act)on soon w11l b„ takan.. ap,ritual deyelopmen. In a - amp and other prlrlleg. . hr -trine T,.nne„ pe and Wert Point Military p . gR OTobb,Rb as clty peo-i ROBERT N STAFTFIELD. shown In various Issues, and a fairly valne " ' J • " U S . Senator." ’ heavy vole over t he county Isexpeetsd short talk, which was followed by a ->f the raising of money for scout a(,adHmy ' Reglslratlon In Bprlngfleld was not d | , Etta nurypp as Mrg Ricketts. Springfield mall service between here 400 la expected 111 the luBnl precincts ------------------------------Several bu-!n«-s men, bus t -s OFFICERS FOR YEAR E1|Mbeth Hughes as Mrs. Albergone and W er.dlit» the subject of a recent Th<- candidate« for nomination on MPS. A. SAUL DIES A T , house« and organizations, h a v e n o t : U P r .v -- Whitenack as Ambrose wport compiled by a committee of the republican ticket which are Io y.-t been solicited -V t w e-om i, . Springfield Lions club will Twped, p Evan Hughes as philemont the Springfield Chamber of Com- HOME NEAR SPR IN G FIELD be voted on tomorrow follow, their but will !>• ->n t wet . " h, J hear nominations for officers for the Twppd)p merce. Is to .b e improved by the car- ' ‘ 1 1 n,.w y» ar at it« meeting in the W. O.j p| ay ^aJ| b^en directed and rjer picking up and delivering Spring- home county being given: Mrs A. Haul, a resilient of »his ,M'11 T T Ilt .. __s_ « ... L i. ■. i within the n« xt two or three deys, Member Republican National com community field1 mail enroute, has been obtained tîall tom orr v noon A committee poacbPann «• J tilt»» Fulop W n f of Eugene Motor M.«tnr’-*cowt ert N Btanfleld, Multnomah; Freder­ w k,.r „ w i • i J n-nx-d to » Bt “ • for u,.e I »c’1001 handwork, attractive achieve- p etm arter general. Mave tenta- Mr. A Anns o McRee _____ !r.ovcment ____ has In the mind« of l,ann k,.r promises . n )h , ay mpntg m needlecraft by local needle i asgurance Springfield service up ick stelw er. Umatilla Rose E Barrett, R ,m t e " n " V r / c h r l.G n 7 K lm b ,u r o f ¡ s «’rlnuch for future of scout wrok here The LIcP • - has TOt ‘ to‘ clubs, and an art exhibit, on display, j Mohawfc wlu bP improved by picking e ,.,,... Mayor n G C Dr. Wcbban. O l nnwbmnn Bushman ward the Springfield Boy Scout quota (hp annuaj community rose s*ow. Repreaentatlve In Congress. First Springfield and ——— dpltTpring ---- — Springfield mail and John Will compose the general . . . j « The club sponsored the or-, spongored by the W omen'i Civic club at SprinOeld postoffice Feel you caa district—W. C. Hawley, Marlon. ______ solicitation committee. Lodges and of »3 - committee troop . oppppd at 10;k th l. morning at depend upon thia but positive decision tloerrnoi— William A Carter Mult O p E N E D p A S S , g S IG N A L organizations sre being solicited by ganlx i the Chrlrtian church. nornab; I L Patterson, Polk; Jay Up- will be mode in next tew days. Also --------- ; Many local people together with the " y e ’aggurancP Spri„gfield Will have FOR MUCH AUTO TRAVEL the following: It J Cox W P Ty-^ here. ton. Deschutes. son. Leri N eel. W O Hpghes. F B t u i i d < 1 T O N HIGH TO HAVE Justice of Httpreme Court Ivot« for h o o l children, gery)ce McKenzie McKenIie river point« U R S T O N M ILin i v. n c — . ^ acooui cuuu.sw. were - visitors -------- at the .sam e service Oeenln Columbia; <■.. m - . , . « . M flc which gives promise that the Me. ----------- Wurphy, R E Morrison. Arthur „ Pen- i . ,fc T T P zor Tburrton this afternoon. On account of rain. effective next Monday. ry J Bean. Umatilla; K enile highway la to enlov Its most gra and - Alfred — - ---------- ------ Morgan •• H. *" E " Mnxev June « le the t ,t however, the pageants which were to Brown. Douglas ROBERT N. STANFIELD, high school . / ° ® me „„^ «lau reate he presented on the Lincoln school Superintendent of Public lnstruc- --------- Popular season Ihls year. Traffic on Is general chairman. “U. S. Senator.’ 4 - Ha< raiaur^i** n»* prrstruiou ----------- v . o. tlo n -F r e d J Toose. Marlon; W. C. the highway Is nollreshly Increasing _____ ___ „ to „ grounds „ „ nds hv Liat 1» C v*"' ' announced thia we _.tlh . the sermon by school children will be i The „ R a tio n for better servle« Alderson. Multnomah; Mrs. Emma an dthe opening of the tourist season Here Is a list of (Sunday 1« Ma>r 30 postponed, probably until tomorrow. s|arted thp chamber Of com- who have given to the fuq.d. the com , he clM, delivejed F_ _ , Judcpg wpre bugy thig morn|ng wgg ,nformed that it was n eo Bryant. W ashington; Charles A How. Is expected to result In exceedingly mllecmen asking that It he remem " V e Eugene Bible ‘ aw’ d7 f o r ' L X l o u T r t ^ ard. Coos; Boss B Parrott, Douglas heavy traffic on the high wav. essary for four days to elapse hered that had no, ye. been seen The upper classm en . a t.J h e h * - k i n g ---------------- ----- while -- Commissioner of Bureau of Labor Oertngfleld so lo owners have l.'3n- mail was going to and from Wendling, Bintlsllcs and Inspector of Factories pd o ,her» In taking advantage of the when .h e llrt was school are Pr P op dgpd by Mr _ .k holaon, head gtp, perio<, whlch Anderson Barber shop. A R Sneed Marrled Man. unJyergUy >nd Mrg. mal, tQ „„„ bacA and Workshops—C. H. Gram. Marine. nP,.ned nass The last week end saw Gardner or tne universiiy, auu mi«. take» to send mail to ann w w » ...................... n Commissioner lhtblle Service Com- g dofpn nr more Srrtngttcld rers tn C. F Egglmann. Springfield garage. Jupe s Hobson, will not be made until thî* | from San Francisco A report citing m ission—Tluzmes K Campbell. Mult- , bp p,.n<, m nntrv and msnv others Izing A Cross, Springfield Bakery. I,, _______ _ , the trouble was sent to the postoffic« afternoon. Plan Poppy Sale. on the summit, among these was v c . Martin. Roof Jewelry. Jolllff ft nomah The awards In the art display, made , authorltles. and Senator Stanfield At t R a mPet|ng meeting of the A®Jr’< American ,aR, Le- ’ ;, by Miss Eddy, were announced this Slate Senator. Third district—J. S r -.,in from the local Word enrage Scalefe Motor company. ‘jr»' ' ‘ > h|g gervlces In behalf of the Maxladry. IA n e; H. C. Wheel, r. Iaine which visited , Anderson s"d XVtne and carry store. Ke els Drug More* auxi„ary Thursday ntght of * mornt ..The CaBtle.- exhibited by hproypmpnt. as well as the matter of Harry Blewar. Fuel )( aR dpcMed to m ee1 on May l r gtven f,rgt; M„ £ Slate Senator. Fourth district— fornM,r srrlngfleld gam re operators Irtula B. Bean, I-ane; Willard A. El V etc(n cha,rmBn of the Industrial lion --R R Turner, Talk; J O. Mr- rived. while working there Tuesday. best exhibits In grades 1 and 2. R ich-¡ committee of the city has granted the To Hold Picnic. Here from Crawfordsville—John Lnughlln. Benton w H a w « club will ard Lepley took first In the fifth and use of a plot of ground on the factory Commissioner of Bureau of Public L EG IO N .VO TES >25 Newton of Crawfordsville was ft visi­ The W illamette f a l lo w s McK,nnls Labor Statistics and' Factory Inspec site east of th® cltY- FOR SCOUT COUNCIL tor In Springfield yesterday. « . . . . . . . p ,™ ,'" x “ "s™ : p i« .. tor- f l A. Von Schrlltz. Multnomah. Municipal Camp grounds next sun In the sixth grade needle work, The American Legion In meeting Hospitalization Board Meets. Public Service Commissioner — Removing Tank. , ¿ av ,3 ,t was announced here Thursday night voted $25 aa Its Clyde T. SpooneY, Multnomnh. Workmen started yesterday to ills. ' «>• b Mrs. Dallas Murphy, Evelyn Harry received first, Maxine Hospitalization will he the topic of State Senator. Third d lstrlrt-B d - In the drive for >350 for the I«ane mantle the Southern J Wallowa county residents Dwarts second and Belxona Hill third. —---------- , u a Joint meeting of Springfield and County Boy Scout council. pnny's 5000-hsrrel oil tank, located rguaUy 75 wnrd F nalley, Lane. Walter Brattalo Honored. TVPI,uUng 4-L local committeemen. County Judge— Alla King, laine. urge , A comnultlee of the legion wns ap the railroad yard here. The tank Is were 100 are present at the annual . picnics, In honor of Walter Brattalo, w h o , baWy