THURSDAY, MAY 13. HK!6. W S'i wlio- e I uslneea It Is so Ordinane« No. 500 1 atl*»U of «ahi town all polo* « In 1« SPRINGFIELD STREETS assess fines a g a'n st rielatora. !.. a» vonneotlou with »aid "W e m ake the arre sts, but that Springfield lays claim to the dis- P acific Company, » c * law , o. stre e t c ar lb»«». an«t «o repave the doesn't end th e trouble, nor does It 1 •— an.l e x ls tm i »**»_ tra c k a re a s upon and alen a the Unction of having more paved streets *he S tate of Kent««k >1 '*„?i atrevta from « h lch »aid track s are mean that we get money from the th an any o th er town of its slse lit violators.*1 said the reco n ler yesler and assiK“* ' “ * rl» rem oved witn with DKumnic bltullthlc pavem sors I.woecs *na - rsm paxvu ent of .... «.»r hnsstk* to r th e sam ___ e ___ fran. hlae to 0P*r»’* m »„ acceptance of often they snap th eir fingers at the T^»» Town of Sytingti*'* «■ provisions h.-roof by said South« too much of a tem p tation for t h ' citation, falling to »how up nl all scores of autolst» th a t pasa through Ajdn a* follows: , h r0 ern l*»ciflv Company. Section rh a t tn th cre ere * o* « ist. Pass« d by the Comivuo, I 'u m w n Council this h ere every week end -in fact, city They know we w on‘| come after A c tio n i 1 That PtwaM „ Ä o a n -e d " f Ma> 19S‘ tho-n. About th e only recourse w« 'official» snv east Main Is rapidiv ta k ­ Mayor th is 10th b-ive eow Is lo claim th eir fines tm » ing on all the ap p earan ce of a «pee'- m ediately a fte r arrest, and If they > ' and ex l.U M « a smx.e smve»».ws. by »g th(, tr # n i. spends S aturday night and Sunday to opera’* V e n g e rs . baggage. with the Will Annexed of the estate roaring in pu rsu it speeding auto.«. of the M cK enile river highway r*>- of O. B Kessey. deceased, ha» filed and * r » r «* for Wr£ j , ^r'.'? a c n '» « ' h»r Final Account In th e , m atter of L a st Sunday th e following were aorta, th at one officer can hardly hope to cope with the situation an I tton» UP0" o v er- , routes' in I said esta te with th e County Clerk of hailed and stopped by th e officer, an I ♦he following street» " “ Oregon to 1 Lane County. Oregon, and an order charged with breaking the lim it: W il­ check law violation, said the record the Town of Springfield. 1 has been made and entered of record er While he Is g«»ttlng the nam e of one th , l b y th e C ounty Court o f said County. liam Cooper. Independence: P-—• speeder dogens of other« go roaring Snook. C orvallis: A. A nderson. 2341 Reginning on South ” S treet dlnH.!inK th ls notlce #n’“ > "f May. * ' m * KESSEY. to E - e e t ' A d m .n l.traU .x with the W .l. An nexed of the E state of O. B Kes- upon and along E * ^ 1 al0„ , 5 h sev. Deceased. thence aou-h P« thence west M 13 20 27 J 3 10 s tre e t to Mai - street to Second upon and along Mai» street . t r ~ ’ - thence « • * “ * ’’* £ " stre e t: If you have vour property priced Second street «1 south p to »ell. o r w ant to trade, we will ^ T to ’ X ^ — H ’U ts o f - M th an k you for your listing. W W. I W alker. 333 E 9t . Sprngfield M 13 20 Section 2 1,1 constructed »“ m ld Town of 8prm gfield and a t the location of the X n d o n - d bridge form erly used oy »•reel cars of »aid Southern Pacific company, the said routes hereinabove described and over which said Sou- th e m Pacific company is hereby granted the right and franchise to operate shall thereupon be changed and the franchise right and privilege lereby granted shall then apply west f Second and Main afreets to the fot owing route to-wit: From Second street wrest upen and. "Uncle Sam ” plans all long Main stre e t across such new things well. When he inau­ liifhway bridge to the w est town im its of said Town. gurated the parcel post Section 3. Southern Pacific Com­ system of mail deliveries pany shall cem m ence m otor bus op-' he had in mind the wel­ eration over the routes heriinabove fare of rural residents. We described Im m ediately upon the tak log effect of th is Ordinance. have built up a worthy— Section 4 Said Southern Pacific com pany shall m ake not less than Mail Order Business eighteen trip s w ithin tw enty-four hours between the towm of Spring- because we carry a com­ field and the City of Eugene b-tw eep plete stock of high-grad«* the hours cf six a. tn. and 12 p. *n. goods and back every sale of each day. with a guarantee. Send us Section 5. O rdinances num bers 173 a trial order. Phone, write and 174 of the Town of Springfield relatin g to the m aintenance of street or wire. ra 'lv a y lines and th e operation of street car» w ithin the Towm of SpriBg We prepay postage on all field by Southern PaciUc company, a« orders. successor In in terest of Portland. Eu­ gene and E astern Railway company, Phone 31 are hereby repealed. Section <5 In c o n d d e ra tk n of the franchise for m eter bus operation hereby granted, and in consideration of the repeal of said O rdinances num her» 173 and 174 cf the Town of Springfield, »aid Southern Pacific company agrees within six month« from the taking effect of th is Ord* nance, to ta k “ up and rem ove Vs stre e t car truck« w ith in ,th i Town of Springfield and to remove from t v If You Live On a Rural Route W e’ll D e liv e r Drugs At Your Door FOR COUNTY TREASURER GRACE M. SCHISKA SERVICE WITH EXPERIENCE. EIGHT YEARS ASSISTANT RECORDER AND CITY Anderson of Eugene lost contrcl cf his cur on Main betw een 81 fund and Third stre e t allowing It to strike an other car. »- ndlng the second mu chine tnto the city 1» "no parking" et gli was ai-ut ratlllug 1“ thè alil». walk. «Ilh thè resuR that aulolatg bave liail no w urulng agai»"* parking In front of thè m unlclpal heailijuart» ter» Ibi» wei-k .-ifKiraaad 676 DEPARTMENT STORES 942 W illamette St., Eugene. Oregon. « Step-Ins of Popular Rayon Noto Our Economy Price Raron U the oew«at demand in tinged« fabrics I And her« art Step-Ina all mads so daln» tily for you I Trim mad beautifully, too, 98c Isn*t thst price gratifying f And the garments wear uio«t s-itlafao» torily. Yooll like (he soft, shUa« martng look I * y In AH the Paalel Shades RECORDER OF EUGENE. PRESENT COUNTY TREASURER. (From the filed report of Audit by C. A. Horton. ( ertlfled Public A ccountant— 'Eugene, Ore., March 25. l»2b. "The work being done by all present County offkla.s is of high grade and in all offices exceptionally free from errors.” The duties of the office prevent the m aking of a per­ sonal canvass of the County—and I take this m ethtsl of respectfully soliciting the support of the Republican Voters at the coming Primary. J. C. BRILL STORES Ax-Billy Dept. Store Successors to S C H A E F E R S B R O S . Date of Election. May 21st. 1926. GRACE M. SCHISKA. Eugene's largest Piece Goods section. As usual takes a prominent part in Value Giving! In a blaze of Summer colors and Prints! N«-w soft texture»! New beautiful color»! New attractive »designs That*» the atory