TH E HPRINOFIELD NEWS THUHHDAY, MAY 13. 1&26. TOWN AND VICINITY I . S. C o llin * III— K. H Colim a U III at h l* houin -'ll Kn*t Mitin atrvet. H ara (rom M arcóla— M r*. Ivan M illa r wa» a viador hora Huluritay. In (rom «ordena— M r* W illy * F in ia of Chusa llurdntia *p< nt u part of Kntuntuy In Hprlngflahl Here from Natron— tllnnn Scott ul Natron wa* a vlaltbr h«ro yaatnrilay yn»tnrd«y. H e * New 'Baden— Donald Gllleepln 1« the proud ow ner of a new C h uvra lot »'dan. Hara from Jaapar— Mra. Dora Lyon* Go to Portland— M r. and Mra. V In friMM N a tro n —Jim T a lla fa ro of (•Iro n waa a vleitnr here yesterday. of Jaxper w a* a vlaltor In Sprlngflelr» D Bain spent the week end visiting relatives and friends a t Portland. yesterday. M r*. Saul III— M r*. Anthony Haul (a III a t her home •■u»l of Hprlngfb-ld M arlon Chase Here— M arlon Chase M r*. Huntington Hara— M r*. C. A. waa a Springfield Hun-iington of Kugene waa In Spring of Camp Cre- k Mra. Evane H are— M r*. Kvun* Of field for a abort tim e yesterday a fte r­ visitor Tuesday morn ng Mabie »pent a part of Monday visit- noon. Here from W a lte r v llle — W illia m Ing In Hprlngflnld. Flucka of W a lte rv llle was a Spring- Here from Creek— 8. I. Davla and In from C reek— Albert Blnunon* of A K Davla were In town on buxine»« field visitor on Tueaday. Camp Creek w a* a vlaltor In Spring- from Camp Creek Tueaday. R e tu rn * from South— C a rl Hoaxer- field Monday. man I* back from a trip made last In from Hayden Bridge— J. T. I week to Bandon. M arshfield and oth»r Ooaa to Riddle— W . A. T a y lo r of Moori of lla y ik n bridge was here ' Coos Bay points. Springfield went to Riddle to a lie n ' yesterday. Leave for San Jose— E m m ett Far- a funeral. H iv e Dinner Guests— M r, and Mrx num and M artin Farnurn, who were Hera from Thuraton— Mrx W a lte r Fred Look had a« th e ir dinner guest« here for a tim e to attend the funeral P la tt of Thuraton »pent n p art of Sunday, i h 'l r parents, M r. and M r o f th e ir father, le ft fo r San Joxs, Monday »hopping In Springfield. John Louk and M r. and Mrx. Kugene California, Tueaday. How e all of Cre»we|I. Goes to Lake— Dwight K«»sey wax n vlaltor at T ria n g le i^ake Saturday evening. When in Coehen Man Here Jim Cop<-nhaver and Clatula l l i i t | l « war« G<»li«ii rix -| In from W a lta rv llla — M r* A III- n t* who H|*'Ht f a rt of W ' dntnid.iy Cnmball of W a lta rv llla w u x II *h«p|» r tran-nxactlng buxine*« in R p rln g fk ll In M prln*fl«lil Moniluy, Mre, F lllo tt I t - Mr Eva E llio tt 1» % M r*. Stowell H ara— M r * 11 <1 III at her h 'm g till* wniM, but lx SlOWall Of W < IK l t l ll K W U» U b l|H itl*'X I slightly better today. It 1« reported. v U lto r hom Haiuritay. In from Mohawk— M r*. H M. It nidi M r« fo u n ta in Hara— -Mr*. J. W of Mohawk «I« nt Monday vlxltlng In Fountain of W a lta rv llla w a* n vlnltnr Bprtngflald. hi-ra Monilay. Here form, H arrisburg— D D. Carr Bert Snook Ml— Mori Suntik l n Injure» Back—James M itc h ell, who of H errlabuR l » a * In town on S atu r­ porit'd to be Mtrlugaly III at h l* I io iik i day attending to buxine«* m atter*. has been w orking at W ix tftr. injured «ara. hlx back recently. He baa been re- Co to Lake— M r. and Mr» I t J nutlnlng a| the home of hl» parent* In from Maroola— lluvt- Coitvar*« of Cox were v lx llo r* at T rian g le laike here for a few d ay* taking treatm ent*. M arcóla » « • a v lallo r In Hprlugflol * luxt Sunday. on Monday. Portland Man III— W . Brace of I Vlelte H ere— Sanford le-ach, of the! Portland, who la »laying for a U n i­ Up A fte r U in ta»—Juno x !)• sirdorf I'p p o r Mohawk wax a vlxltnr in I of Hprlnaflnld Route 1 I* ap following S| rln tfle ld f - r a *h< rt t in « pn Ttten- at the I I C. Jnckaon home at W all« r- vllle, waa ill thia week. a n lltaiwa. day. I M ohawk Man H ere— F ran k Stafford resident of M ohaw k d i» trlc t( Iraqjp acted buxines» In Springfield yester­ day. FO B S A L E — C arb o n paper Eugene Open Day and Night Eugene, Ore. 585 Willamette St. FOOD FOR THOUGHT 3 sizes, IV2 qt.. 2 qt., 3 qt capacities. Have well riv­ eted handles. Every home can use ettra sauce pans at this price. Fred J. Tooze Complete I For centuries Bread has been called the “staff of Life,” because all food properties are contained in it. Bread builds the body— nourishes it and Eat more Bread— either White— Whole Wheat or Rye. USE YOUR CREDIT THE BREAD YOU DC N’T TIRE OF WETHERBEE Ç . -POWERS SPRINGHELD BAKERY Perkins Laxtoc Building llth at Willamette : FRED FRESE, Prop. Portland, Oregon Fifth St. Springfield Phone 66 Telephone: Atwater 4 8 0 0 Come One ! > Come All ! to For The • Price You Pay? . .to be held ¿.t Olds, W ortman & King’s Some foodtt products are cheap because they ate of poor quality— In other word» they are cheap because they are cheap. There la no economy In buying food of poor quality no matter what you pay. Nationally advertised, standard brands of known high quality are the kind of food products we sell. s ta r tin g M O N D A Y , M AY 17th and continuing the. balance of the montl t Tt n cnlf» isil and ar*<4 surpass finm acc that It is a sale to om equal first great sale held a year ago after the taking over o f this business by B. F. Schlesinger &. Sons. WlAtn you buy our famous S. & W. Brand canned goods, for Instance, you know you have gotten— THE BEST FOR THE PRICE YOU PAY and that price Is usually lower than Inferior grade goods. SAVE IN TH E BASKET BY BUYING QUALITY GOODS that have our personal guarantee. A Few Specials For This Week: New Pea« Goose Berries PHONI Home Grown Lettuce New Carrots New Spuds Rhubnrd and Strawberries \ PHONE 8 - M E FRONT EROCEBV - 9 par n it h a A v year u n n r d l p e r w w a a v y , w with a year’s accomplishments and im provem en ts will make this M ay Sale o f momentous importance. / Savings of 20% to 50% on wom en’s millinery and ready-to-wear; savings o f enorm ous import throughout the store on quality ‘ merchandise,— that is new , desirable and of summer appeal« Come the first day! Come every day! "Ifs shopping time for the whole countryside^ O lds , W ortm an & K ing , la rg e The best place to Eat Sauce Pan Set Morrison, Tenth, Alder &. W est Park, You Get In sheets, 26x3» taches, solíanle for m aking tracings. T h « new s Office. Paneled .O lds *W< What Do H ere V isiting Mother— Mra. F lo r­ ence Dunbar of Penn, Oregon, I» hero for a short tim e visiting w ith her mother, M ra. O tla K iser. THE MANHATTAN CAFE Special! Tueaday. Down from Portland— Leora Spaugh T w o C hildren III— The two amali Republican Candidate For eon» of Ira Hake of Weal Springfield of Portland vlalted over Sunday at the home of h r friend, M l»* Allen are reported III thia week. Superintendent of Morteoaen, of Springfield. Public Instruction In from Crook— A lfred Callloon of Jackaon In— H. C. Jackann of W a l­ Endorsed by thouxandx of b-adlng F a ll C reek a * here vleltlng on T ue*, te rv llle wan here on Monday c ltlte n * over the entire alate. Urge» day uniform textbooks fo r en tire xtute F la n a ry * at H lllebo ro - M r »•• Hare fro m H arrisburg— Pearl Paw- and w ill cooperate with A L L school», trer o f H arrisburg wa* a Springfield Mra. F II. Flanery motored to H llla ­ teacher», and patron» In educational boro Sunday, where they xpent the w elfare, v U lto r on Monday o f thia week. (lay v lx ltlrg w ith friend *. Plaase compare hla Statem ent in In from Notl— k^rx R It Wllaon Candidate*- Pam phlet w ith those of H e re fro m C re s w e ll— M r '. Henry and M r*. M ark Thurm an of N o tl were hla opponents. ! itlc k n e r o f Crc»w< II xp< nt a part of out-of-town vlalto r* Tueaday. If you want a school superintend­ .Tueaday visiting here. ent who I» und«r no o bligation* to Jasper Resident In T ow n — Mre. lo>w F O R S A L E — Payroll sheet*. printed eny political machiné, clique, or In­ W allace o f Jneer waa a local vlaltor and 111 aleck at the New» office. dividual and thoroughly train- I In Tueaday Form anltnhle for road, eonatructlon N orm al, College, and C n lve ra itv , ex­ work, aaw m llla. etc., w ith table t o 1 perienced and • a u c c c n fu l In Hural. com put»- w orkm an'* cnmpeneatlon In from F all Crook— M r*. D. W. V illag e and C ity Schools, and deduction» No em ployer ahoald (llnaple of F all Creek waa In town on b e without these ft rm« when they Vote tor Fred J. Tooze hualnea* T ip «day. can be purchaaed for a few cent* each. tf Republican Candidate Andonaon Here from Bond— John Andereon. form er garage operator her«- and now proprietor of a garago at Bend, was in Springfield visiting oa Tueaday. He w a* accompanied by hla wife. EAT AT Our Friday and Saturday W a lte rv llle Men H era Mut Rm Has Rheum atism — l.a w r nee Bern- Former Resident In Florida— Mre. Bn-rlch of W a lte rv llle waa In town Addle Cobh, form er realdent of I h t * , agloxkl of the state game farm 1» suf­ to r a »hört tim e on Monday. d is tric t, I* now in Mlnm l, Florida, i fering from a severe attack c f the rheum atism . He vlalted Springfield Hara from Creek— Mra W It Scott If wo* learned from a le tte r aent j this week for treatm ent. of F a ll Creek wa* In town on hualnea* here thia w «-k V lelt M arcola Home— M r and Mra. ... E llie In T ow n — Alfred Ellla of Motor W a lte r G o -rl» r » rrn t Sunday vleltlng; Route R tranaacted tutelava* In Spring at the M arroln home of h l* parent*, I M r and M r*. P M Goanler field on Tueaday. PAGE PIVI B. 9. S C H L E S IN G E R & S O N S , Swnsasis “ Portland’» Progressive Store**