page fol k I THE WENDLING MAIL. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Publ1»h«t Every T hursday a t S prtngfle’d. tam e County. Oregon, by THE W ILLAMETTE PRESS H. E. MAXEY. Editor. _________________ nered aa tw o n d class m a tter February 14. 1 H 1 poatstflcs. Springfield. O ragoa MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE One Year In A dvance----- 11.'5 T hree Month» Ma M o n th » _____________ »LH Single Copy ■ T ill USUAY. M AY IS. IS2*. L Make Springfield the Industrial Center of Wee- M. tern Oregon. Develop a Strong Trading P o int; Build a City * a C le a rw a ter In Tow n— J A i'h .i r • f Contented Homed. II I . Improve Living Conditions en the Farm . Pro- mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock end « the Growing of F ru it; W ork fo r B etter M arkets a IV . T e ll the W orld About Oregon*« Scenic W onder­ Sine. .1 I» Visitor W illiam Hue I’d AL. G. BARNES CIRCUS AT w ater of N atron »pent a puri of Moi. 'o f Walt« rvlllo »»» a Ituslne»» visitor EUGENE NEXT FRIDAY day tra n sactin g busines« lu Spriin; i bere Monday. Each day mail trout Wendllng for Springfield field. pa.-s.'s through our city bound for another town The »nncuncsmeot of At. 0 harass for distribution. We receive it the next »lav. Crlng ctrcii» npt>«>»rs In this laatl*. latch tiny we mail a letter to Wendllng we see it Th» «owing -f • *» or«a»nauit>n ’• Drive O ver Paa»— E,l Griffin and son. of Weal HprlngfleM. retu rn ed going through our town next day to its destina­ » . new*. >» *'• >’ &»»«•* Sunday a fte r m aking a trip yver Ine tion. H em e It it t takes four •••».»«’ days to get lion, lienee a s e s u ordinarily n m u u u j *«>«• «*■ • i ,. , w nt» n a t tbs a , lin H .t n , p iy f r o m ., l o c a l i t y within the range oi • y J an(J e n lw la h ,,ng M cKeuilc I’nss They reported th at ctvnn. whv»b*'*»uu j II snowed In the pa«» d istrict several v is io n f r o m o u r city. Su< it m a il - u t n . ' is al - • lim es during the la tte r part of th. surb ami detrim ental to our business interests. prcgrnm . Thia yv«r, accord!®! io antiounco* He If the postal authorities continue to he blind to m nnte week. th<> circus has been greatly “ fa this situation it should be brought to the ntten- enlarged. and In addition In the all -— tiott of the Oregon congressmen. now «pccinrto of P ocahontas at the Editorial Program I » TH I ’ ICS I »A Y. M \Y 13, H»2ti. TI IE SPRING FIELD NKW8 W sltervllle ttssld so ts H ere— Mr „ud Mra E E Hearn of W allervIHe dioppeil In rtprlngfleld Monday morn- tng. iW.Kay Is V isitor— W lUliun McKay of M arcda « a . a visitor here Mon day. Court of Queen Anne with the #n«'r mnun east, selected from the I«»« emplovees. oilier new featured a re : 180 horses In one big act. the Fe«. Ton tribe of Arabs from the Sarah d a sa rt— th s tr first visit to America, the Canton T roupe of C hinese rtrras artlats. the Im perial Midget fam ttc • • • from R avarln. Joe M artin lhlm «elfi. Josh Billings said it isn't what people don't the giant gorilla m an. Ixvtiis. the only know that m akes all the trouble, hut knowing so perform ing hippopotam us In the world, amt the fam ous exclu»tvn Al nianv things th at aren't so. • • . • . . i f ) , B arnes fe n tn re ~ 4 0 dancing horses One thing about these full balloon pants. A | dancln < „ ih ,. am t Al a ' Those of us who have been unfortunate enough to have m otor m eters and other spare parts stol­ en from our flivvers can console ourselves that thieving is not so bad in this country as some other places. In the Philippine Islands police are having much trouble with wholesale stealing of tom bstones from the grave yards. land. fellow don't have to take off his shoe« first to disrobe. BUILDERS OF MEN. nppt„ „ m person at each ' perfnrm nnc* Owing ------- to the enorm oua slie o f the Probably the most valuable m aterial of any folks aav the Charleston Is a revival of country is its boys -the potential leaders of the ^ ^ ^ ^ ¡ . V d a n c e ' '• - > ' '~ r r ’* T i,n m comm unity a few years hence. It seem s to be K • • • no »treet - par«r it« 400 pr1, ra tn re „ oyer too from rare „ Insist on economy and elimination of useless commls- unfortunately the home Influences Is either neg- iwn way arP im possible of carry in g out. th at th ere aiway« all n„ quart. quarters of the earth lia b le or bad. _ tu k .. » d .n .-lt m the nostofflee as tong a» the present n s oerform The .ire rlrcua perform ar ance « ta rts Bglble slona. K , But there is another factor of #ygtem of bookkeeping 1» in vogue He explain» hi» «tat (prom ptly at 2 00 and 8 00 p m. Ample Strict enforcem ent of the prohibition law. _______ nr * in n this moulding or the hov—his spare time. During a bo y s year m by char„H a„ain,t the postal »ystem 'p a rk in g space for a u to . Is reseryed ico n hours are snent at leisure—with the gang guK, idizc» certain lntereat» and then a»k» th at oth r , s|)r)W „pounds and a city ticket What is he doing" M AA hat is leam - Qg(,rg of . with his pals. W hat Is is he learn- mail« — pay «•«- ra te s m»* high on.-ux-h enough to to mi m ake up office, w h -rr num bered iweerved feaeo t n g " W hat ideals is he finding, and what habit lnrurred Thp rur,ii m au routes cannot * * 'irh|li 'c h a ir s m ar he obtained at same is he forming? _________ , . ' made to pav They n ev er were expected to pay They i harged on the show grounds. A boy in the teens has to follow some^leader^ Inaugurated for the purpose of serving people In la m aintained In each city eith el a gang leader or someone better. 1 h e d u d s igoiate<1 d | gtrlc, g> principally farm er«, and keep them con who make pals out of their boys can aiior^ tentw, on ,he farroa , Troni» T ournam snt Planned. laugh at the gang leaders, bo can the dads whose makf> an „ p .'v s e which should i Announcement was made this week sons are Boy Scouts. They can safely entrus. public tre a su ry They are a benefit to « „ th o ritle s that R pri-g their boys boys to to the the scout scout leader leader w W ho IS a a volunteer volunteer of people who are a re being being St,h,.d.«ed by »h-i® the by their ho is r iaM of people who .u h sid ired by * “ university a n th o rtt.e .«ha tennis players are Invited to __Driving freely of hours with worth-while inter- w tntn«iv But the deficit should not he field . . first . . annual . ...urn Of Portland In the hm rn H I,7 » 0 g i. . C..a„ g a , g - . h e scou. .n » p . .... - Candidate for Republican Nomination His lessons are given in God S outdoor tem ple O. T h ere should be n special appropriation an” M«y 27 7* U I’ U IO Republican Candidate for the Legislature CHARES M. EMERY ! nature. He is a guide and counselor to your boy poncrc»« tor th< deficit m th e m m i '„f Oregon ; rh,lB? ! o" ' . he an-l ’! a T a 1 1 m i n p More M n rP DOWOr ilU . ... a rry tn E _ m all hy airptan I. an n *»urt< Scouting work has become highly organized ...w n u e if mult is to b<* cofrtlttued to b** r »rnam enta are au th o r1»« n Any am ateur a th l 'te who corues a time when Springfield is invited to be- come a member of the l^ n e County council and d c r g r tr r e n f at w a -M -g to n u- the franking r r ’vl h a d not attained the 'c - of 1« pr January . t. 1#2«. 1« ellrlb le to en b ear a share in the cost of supporting scout Governm«.nt Tail 1» carried f-c. Thai 1« alt rtg» ------ work. There are nowr some dozen sdout troops s • „„»«rnm ent mail n<* b* t«*r w inner» win h« eligible t- om lr t the h e county and Lane county counc of «he mall m3|) Th0 council I has a pro- r h»rge an»in»t o th er n««ra of The rn., co*t |n -h- Pacific Nor h v - t Junto gram for organizing m any more. It takes a pa. R„v .m m * n t malt »houW b« chanseahle to each ihAmpio^^^îp* Rt T a rim a early I" official to devote all his ttme to this work and °f 7 ™ ” proporthn to ,h>. ,«rvice rendered.- th* flurnnx r there are m any other expenses in1 ' R pfprrln„ , o »econd-da». m att rate« E ditor H all »ay»; with sum m er cam ps and eeneral adm inistrât tot . _ set.ond d a t a matt rate« haa forced aon.- Old Tima Dance. W ien you are asked to give a few dollars toward , o , he wa„ . bag d rU en o th er» from A e mail« Eyerv Steven» Hail. Springfield th is work, you m ay know they a ie w d l ape»t. G arrett* O rchestra History repeats it^eif. Boiled cocoa, corn and red neuer of ine the ancient ■uer constituted a drink o* anttein As- z*»- tc s. Must have been similar to Oregon m oon-, . , Fifty thousands g ro c e n fafl in b year, according to trade statistics. Don t b lieve ‘ (00 much bunk about tl • average grocer being - a profiteer. „ '^ ¡ " „ “".id. M « Î -«« f forced ^ e d to to «et »ell out to a on »«-count of the sob » r a t « apple (.nfnpp, » | , or on ¡r naoera bv espr« -- • m ai'e r ha» re-uit- d in a Io»» of revenue to tie S aturday Nlxht. Ticket» 75c PATTERSON - - - of £ 0|a— Polk County --------- VOTE FOR ALFRED E. CLARK for United Stales Senator OREGON NEEDS A MAN IN TiIK J??^E S SENATE WHO GAN SECURE R E S L L IS FOR H « « 1*°- I’l E AT THE NATIONAL CAPITOl«. It* u. i-ds a man fam iliar with it* resources, agricultural interest*. Industrie*, harbor ami rc lainutlon It need* a man with the energy, industry and ability to *e« ure governm ental re. ognltlon and aid for the develop­ m ent of these resource*, various Interests, Industrial en- C A N ........ A T E E - .R t l « » Pi BLIUAN NOMINATION FOR UNITED STATFS SENA- l.H l, THE PEOPLE OF OREGON HAVE SUUH A MAN. He ha* the energy. He ha* the ludustry. He ha* the ability. Moreover he already lias to Id* credit a record of faithful ami efficient public ner'lee. HE HAS GDI ItAGEol SLY OPPOSED IN THIS CAM­ PAIGN THOSE WHO WOULD DEPRIVE THE PEOPLE OF THE RIGHT TO SE' EGT THEIR OWN CANDIDATES UNDElt TH E D lltl'1 T PRIMARY LAW AND WHO NOW SEEK TO DICTATE PARTY NOMINATIONS. These factors have made him the leading Republican candidate for the «enatorshlp and lii* nom ination seem> assured. A VOTE FOR ALFRED E CLARK FOR SENATOR IS A VOTE FOR THE GENERAL WELFARE OF OREGON AND ITS PEOPLE. Paid Adv. A lfrul E. Chirk for Culted S tates Senator Cam­ paign Committee. ■ * ;M¡ , «• ; i? Strain is the same Anyway —says Mrs. Randall The Republican Candidate for GOVERNOR '• S ilk Dresses 4 50 to 16.50 MEN’S CLOTHES A well-known brand Suit sizes, 36 to 44 inclusive Pepperell Sheeting Blue and Gray Serges Hard Finished Worsteds Bleached 8-4, per yd. 42c Bleached 9-4, per yd. 49c Unbleached 8-4, per yd. 39c Unbleached, 9-4 (Page) 49c C . J. B R E IE R In fact all seasonable patterns and fabrics The prices sell these suits $18.50 to $24.50 6TH AND WILLAMETTE Eugene, Oregon Reduce taxed by reducing coat of G overnm ent. Place pen iten tiary u n fh r B oard of law. H asten construction o f K o ohpvh I i Highway. A dequate provision for retiring Control. Make Hoard of Control th e Parole H oard; few er pardon». E nforcem ent of P rohibition by offi­ cial» Who believe In enforcing the bofld*. I«iiie no tax free bond». KI»h and Game CommlMlon function to r «people and not n» political ma­ chine». Play fair with ex-service men. M aintain high »tandard« of publlf, achoola and Institution» of higher learning. I do not believe In tak in g any polltleal pow er from the Individual voter. No discount on the tax p ay e r’s dollar (Paid Adv.) I I.T *'N',) m atter hew badly the houto and guta;', »««’