THURSDAY, MAY 13. 1926. THE 8PRINGFÏ3LD NEWS PAGE TURE» FOR BAER—Carbon paper In largo I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Lane, and said order was made and •beeta, 26x39 inches, aultablo for LANE COUNTY, dated this 6th day of May, 1926 and making tragiuga. Tho Newa Office " FOR PUBLICATION the date of the first publication of Classified Ads _ ____ ... IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX MEN ■ Abner Gilchrist, Plaintiff, vs Mil IN TUB COUNTY COURT OF THE larq F Gr„„„ ant this summon» 1.» the 6th day of May. 1926 All proces» and papers In this pro reeding may he served nr,on the un­ der« tgnert r c ld t -g w'fhfn the State of Oregon at 'he address hereafter mentioned S M CATKINS. Attorney for Plaintiff. Address- Eugene Ore M 6 16 20 27 J 3 16 17 24 J 1 1 STATE OF OREGON FOR THK T„ Millard F. Green. tho above nam COUNTY OF I.ANK. id defendant. In the Matter of the Eatate of Jack In the Name of the State of Oregon Rodman, dei’oaaed s You are hereby notified that Abner CITATION To the belra of Jack Rodman, tfe- Ollrhrlrt Is the holder of Certificate that day, then and there to show Inin property; »aine Ittlion for go„l States Power company plant follows al kinds of second hand furniture NOTICE OF FINAL, SETTLEMENT, caure |f any you have, why the pc larly bounded and described as ' fal­ residence In Hprlnxflild Will give lows, to-wlt; Beginning at a point In Ing a week’s tltness. Notice Is hereby given that Emery ,l,,r»n ° f Elmer Roberts, administra and Implements. J. K. Oroer, Phone or take dlfferetn ■ Apply la mile J M Richards»«! and Ellis J Richard- *"r nt "hI County, Oregon All persona FOUND Buxton Key Klip with keys, June. 1926. a. the hour of ten o'clock ?*•"; « » < -» * Ing the state norma, school. She vis­ having claltna against said estate are Owner can have same by paying In the forenoon of said day at the Ing therefrom a strip of land 56 feetI ,nPnPP nr,rfch ’ »0 chains to the cen- wlde through said lot conveyed to ter of ™” sout’»Kest quarter of sec- ited her mother. Mrs. Maude Bryan. hereby notified in present the same, County Court room In the County Mickey Roy Mining company, also t? r,n 21 Town«hlp 21 South of Range for this ad at News office. property verified, to the undersigned Court House In the City of Eugen*. the south at the offices of W ells * W ells, Bank ( G ood pastura to rent Address Box Oregon, as the duy. time and place excepting certain tracts of said lot ? W .- t ; ,hpncP w‘'"t heretofore conveyed respectively boundary of ’.he northwest quarter of NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. • of Commerce B ld g , In Eugene Ian» for the louring of objections to «old II. Springfield. Ore. ______ Nellie T M a tlo ck T r t nebov i »he southwest quarter of section 21. M 6 13 20 NOTICE IS HEP fry GIVEN. That County, Oregon, within a ll months ----- final account That all objections to Rov stlen " ' 12 97 chains; thence south , 56 chains nnrsuant to an order of the County from Che date of tho first publication Butter wrappers printed aecorottig said final account must he In writing e i . Hon. it _ C. r. r, r, j i f to the NW „ corner Witness: Th»' P Bi.rnard. o, . . . of said .. D L. C. Four, of »he state of Oregon for the of this notice. to regulations wfMi noma weight ,n * '* * ,,h ,h *‘ <'«tk of said Cxjurt i.,.,... , e. Conntv of Lane, dnlv made and enter­ Judge ,» cf th»' c County Cour» . of » th«- I thence ~ u 8. 6 , 87 .. chains; . thence ,, . east .. Dste of first publlcallon April 29, and add re.a, «126 « at th- ,,n ° r b ,f' r*‘ *»M ,I,,V “ n<1 t,m*' o, i . , 3 8 1 2 chains to the west side of the ed that Saturday the l ’ tii day of J’»?,; Dat«,I May II. 1926 r r roart: ‘î 7 - n7 ’h ’ * 7 ? » ,”" Ione. 1926 at the hour of t»n o’clock News orfico. HAROLD J WELLS, EMERY M RICHARDSON, ^ " n l n g . containing in the forenoon of said day. at the tn affixed, this 23rd day of April. ¿ ? ’hP Administrator. ELLIS J RICHARDSON. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTRE it ,r».e. ~a first at_• -...vgs-_as._ County Court room In the County 1926. The .»«♦« date of publication ** acres of land. WELLS ft WELLS, Executors. You are further notified that said Court House ,n tne Cltv of Eugene, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TIIEI FRANK A DePCE. hereof Is April 29th, ,926 Attorneys. Abner Gilchrist has paid taxes on Oregon has been fixed and appointed Attest: R S BRYSON, Clerk A 12 29; M 6 11 10 STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR j Attorney for the Estate. said premises for prior or subsequent as the day. time and nlace. for th« THE COUNTY OF LANE By EVA DUCKWORTH. Deputy M 13 20 27 J 3 10 rears, with (he rale of Interest on said bearing of nblectlons to and the set­ IN PROBATE. A 29 M 6 13 20 27. a mounts a follows: NOTICE TO CREDITORS tlement of the final account of the In re Estate of Fruncls M Yoet, de- ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Year’s Date Tax Re- Am’t admlnlofratnr of the estate of Angel- NOTICE Is hereby given that th . , eased N O TIC E OW S H E R IF F 'S S A T F Tax ceplt Paid of Ine Hills decesrert. which said ac­ und-rslgned has been appointed Ex«- .\'„t|,-. M hereby given that I. Wll sta T k ’ o F ' oi S n ' ’l ' ? AND FOR Notl<* h‘“'Pbr ,hat by T,r"'e No Ii it’ri count Is now duly rendered and filed cutrtx of th . estate of Anna E Do- . •>»"• i ..,..------- of nn î PXPCUt|on p,SUP<] out c, p. 1921 ..... 16 5 1922 22236 , by " r * the nna c " o u n t, ,lam v "’ «' ' , - — - a .1 duly appoint Ô- p n r v N T a vp 12 08 12 In «aid Court. Groot, decease cd . ., ai„ A lllnlHtral„r h„ Bbov„ THE ( O, TÌ v Aw " F i LANE. . 1923 ..... 16948 8 8 1923 12 08 cult Court of the State of Oregon, 12 That all obkctlon« to said final ac­ Court of lame County. Oregon. An „ u„ « .,, _ IN PROBATE 4 5 1924 7638 12.89 12 count must be In writing and filed against .aid said * . . In r»* K-tale of Thomas Adam Yost. In and for Lane County, on the ,6th 1923 ..... persons having clslrns ngnlnst ••Mate shall bo paid to me and th a td e c e a se d day of April, 1926. upon a ‘ " 1924 ..... 7 1 1925 16126 14.5.8 ,2 with Ihe Clerk of said Conrt on or •sta te sr« hereby noticed to present ,11 persons having claims a g a in st, Notice 1« hereby given that I. Wil tendered In In said Court, on 1926 7 3 1922 25883 1 97 12 before said dav and time. the same, properly verified, to the said estate shall present the une Dated Mav 11, 1926 ’ ’ Ham A Yost, have been duly appoint- ’ »*’ ’»*y ° f April. 1926. In Ihe su it, Said ....... .................. Mi'lerd F. .............. Green as .... the owner undersigned, at the office of Wells * P. L BARBER, Wells, Bank of Commerce Wdg., In III. n i i h vouchsrs attached at th,- ,.,| administrator of the above entitle,I "f D«ra H. Peters against J. H. Bob i of ,he legal title of the above nron- offlre o f O IV attorney. II E Slattery. | estate, that all debts due said ln- ° » T" v Bolin J W ShtmwiteJ erty as the -same appears of record and Administrator of iteid Estate. Eugene, latne County, Oregon, within 717 Willamette Street. Eugene, Ore­ Lillian R ________ FRANK A. DePUP • „0,1 ^ . _ T.ra.L,R p"ch of ,hp °tJier persons above natn- «‘Mate shall be paid to me and that elx months from Che date of the first gon. «titilli 6 months from Che date nil pcrMM.n. hnvlnr claims agalnM Attorney for the Estate. Tr?V,S’ aKa,nfM thp ed are hereby further notified that Ab­ publication of this notice Date of aga of first publication of thle notice k «M rntatt* shall pr«s»*nt the ■’Mine t*> a ( M 13 26 27 J 3 16 c ,n an<* Olive V. Bolin first publication April 22. 1926. which Is May 13. 1926. m<> with vouchers attached at the b ’r '»*’ M,ra °f 91473.73, with Interest ner Gilchrist will apply to the circuit MAUDE M. I’OilTKR. II E SLATTERY. Court of the Countv and Stn»e afore- ffb-e f mv attorney. II E Slattery. al P,r annum from the date Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Attorney for Administrator. 717 Wiliam» tt.. s t i c f . Eugene. Ore- ,h,'r, 'lf ''n<< '»n- further sum of 9 1 U / c hFoclnsIng th ' Hen WEI LS a WELLS. NOTICE Is hereby given that the WILLIAM A YOST, gon within 6 freni the date »"‘I disburaem nts. including tbp Property above described Attorneys. Administrator. Of flr-t I.tibl'cstlon f this notice »Hontey fee and a decree of fore- ^nd mentton-d In said c e -t fe n te u n d e r s ig n e d t-pe h e , n appointed Ere- A 22 29; M 6 13 20 M 13 26 27 J 3 10 which Is May 13. 1926. < b,aure against all the above niimcdi ' nfl vn" nr,> hprphr summom d to an- 2 ltr.'x ,hp p"ta»" c f W ’IPam T. <1 • fciidar: s of the mortgage given t o ; near within «txtv dnvs after -he first Kerley, deceased, by the County Court H F » , 'TTERY. secure the note upon which said publication of thb, summons eyclu of Lane Conntv. Oregon. All person« Attorney for A 'mlnlstrator. n e l-, k ¡n the afternoon at the „hove named igsg House Hold Goods. Baggage, deceased, hy Ihe County Court of p;’iu' bwp"‘ d’* ,r or “lain ontrance to tt , i summons ,« published hv order " MARTHA J I T 1" FV Commercial Stale Bank Bldg., Merchandiee Moving Lane County, Oregon. All persons 1 < o u n t y Court house in Eugene, of ttle Honorable G F Sklnworth Frecutrlx. Springfield. Ore. Office at 312 Main St. having . claims ngnlnst said estate ..... are „ V’" ;" .. . a rof « , «»<1 , sell . at pub- of the Circuit a Court of the Wells & Wells, Attorney« ..................... . . ----- «..«ai^e. • - - T„dge VI mv 1IHUII uun. Ol inr hereby notified to prreent th<* unmo, ,u,rt”>n fcr ca®h *n hand to the of n r w m for fh*» Conntv of M « 12 m 27 .1 3. I properlv verified, to the undersigned, F ' “t bidder, subject to redemption HOUSE PAINTING ¡nt the office of Wells ft W ells. Bank ? ,h '. manner provided by law. all I Telephones: Office 613 lies 2076 Kalsomlnlng In all Its Branches. 'o f Commerce Bldg. In Eugene. Lane rlg,lt' tlt|p' pMate and interest ' County. Oregon, within six months ”f all Aald defendants In and to the) City or Country Work. Lowest | from the date of the first publication ,,n,ls In said mortgage described, to- Prices. Every Job Guaranteed. * ’• : Give me a trial. Osteopathy stands for the I of this notice. Date of first publication April 22. Thp ’ f the SEH . the NWfc rf ROY KOCH, Springfield, Oregon. truth wherever It is sclent!* 1 1926. | ,h‘' S E 1-« of Section 6. Township 17 fically provpn. - Phone 125 J LOURENB TAYLOR. I Range_2 W est of the Wlllam- Osteopathic Physician and Sur­ Execdtrlx. ette Meridian, also commencing at geon WELLS ft WELLS. ! a P01"’ 4 2n chi" South or the N. W We have the finest and tastiest candies. I Cor, of the SWM of the N EL of said BUY FURNITURE HERE Attorneys. Office 404 M « W. Bldg., A 22 29; M 6 13 20 Section 6. nd running thence Nor ti Eugene, Oregon Rockera, Beile, Mattreeeee. Stovee, Every sweet is neatly arranged in special holiday box. _______ ¡70 degrees 26' East 10 46 ehs„ to the Osteopathy stands for the truth Tube, Stove Boards, Clothes North line of said sub-division, thence I We have chocolate bon-bons, chocolate covered nuts and wherevet it is scluntmcally NOTICE TO CREDITORS Baskets. East on said North line 10.50 chs.. to! Proven fruits. N'ltli-e Is hereby given that Eunice ih ... .................... N. E. corner thereof, thence Wm, DONALDSOv NEW AND II Bonney has h e n appointed admin- South 20 chains to the S. B. corner H SECOND HAND STORE Try our fountain these hot days. latratrlx of * ie estate of Alva A. Bon- 'hereof, thence West 20 chs.. to the ney. d eca y ed , hv the Country Court 9 W. corn-r of said sub-dlvlsien and of Lane County. Oregon. thence North 15.80 chs.. to place of Contracting and Building All persons having claims agaln«t beginning la till 158 acres. In Lane! Call said estate are required to present County, Oregon, GEO. W. PERKINS them, with the proper vouchers. FRANK E. TAYLOR, Corner 5th and D Streets SUTTON TRANSFER within six months from the 22nd day Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon. Springfield, Oregon of April 1976, to the raid administra­ M 13 20 27 J 3 Plaifs and Estimate» Furnished i Phone 57 trix nt the law office of L. L, Ray In Free. Will Help You Finance NOTICE TO CRED1To n s. the Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon. Your Building. L. L. RAY. IN TIIE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE o p OREGON FOR LANE Attorney for Estate. COUNTY -*-r. EUNICE H. BONNEY. GEO,. N, McLEAN In the Matter of the E itate of Alma Administratrix of the estate of DR. N W. EMERY Luelna Signor, Deceased. Alvn A. Bonney, deceased. Automobile, Fire and t-lfe D E N T IS T Notice Is hereby given to all per- IN S U R A N C E A 2? 29 M 6 13 2(1 More than 7,000,000 people in the United States own ons whom II may concern that the Surety Bonds,. Phone 617 Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J undersigned Nelson H. Signor nnd investments in public utilities- Such widespread owner­ My butinr » Is to protect your NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL Alice L. Thompson have been ap- Residence Phone 153 M ship indicates the confidence of investors in this type of business ACCOUNT. rolnted administrators of the estate Springfield, O r«gnc H6J W illa m e tte S t. E u gen e Oregon^ securities. Here are some of the ways in which they are Netlee 1» -herebv given that the of Alma Luelna Signor, deceased and j rslwned Executrix of the l.nst hnve duly'qualified as such All per- protected: W'll an,' Testament of Frederick C. i song haring claims against said es- The services they render are indispensable to "etts,, licen sed , bus Hied her account late are her > v notified nnd required I 9 VASBY BROS. municipal, state and national growth. They are if for the final sett)-incut of the estate ¡to nresent the same with the proper founded on public necessity. of the said Frederick C Potte 'n the vouchers therefor and verified In the i Painting & Decorating County Court for Lane County In the manner required hy lnw to «aid ad- They are backed hy sound physical properties, Your Home When In State of Oregon, nnd thnt Saturday iiilnlstrators nt the law offices of I in all its branches staged to and imbedded in the soil. ¡the 29th day of May. 1926 nt the M Peterson nt 115 4th street in 'the | Springfield They produce and sell their services at the low­ I Court Room of srld Court In th o ) Commercial State Bank building I 312 Main Street County Court House. In Eugene, nt j Springfield. Lane County. Oregon. I est possible rates commensurate with good service, ten o’clock In the forenoon, has been within six months from the date of thereby winning the good w ill of the people they hv said Court fixed as the time and i the first publication of this notice.; serve. plnre for hearing objections thereto lo w ,,: On or before Ihe 13th day ofi DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL They are safe-guarded by a well-established sys­ nnd for final settlem ent of said es-! November, 198«. (lM Y W 6'«S n i«fi< r B U S IN E S S GET RESULTS D IR E C T A o y Or . John Simons Everybody Has a Sweet Tooth EGGIMANN’S How Ltility Investments Protected The Loop D. W. Roof JEWKLKR Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon R. W. SMITH Justice of the peace and notary public, Insurance City Hall Springfield, Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. DENTIST ,n,e- j Dated and first published this 13th CLARA E. SCOTT, | dny of May. 1926. Executrix. . NET SON IT SIGNOR Phone 43 L. L. RAY. Attorney AI,ICE L THOMPSON, A T> M 6 IS 26 27 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., 8prlngfleld Administrators of said estate. T. M. PETERSON. N otice to creditors , Attorney for Administrators M 13 20 27 J 3 10 notice IS H E R E nr GIVEN. Thnt the undersigned has been duly ap­ pointed hv the County Court of the NOTICE EOR FINAL HEARING. WM. G. HUGHES Stnto of Oregon for banon Dallas Eugene 8prtngf1eld Stayton