The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 13, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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    THURSDAY. MAY 18, 192«.
T t. — -
Lane County Farmers Union News
Springfield High Loses.
By a score of « to 1. I he university
Mrs . Brag* of Portend arrived High school baseball nine defeated
lite S; rlugfleld M«h arhuol (emu here
Two cases of meningitis have brok- Monday f««r an indefinite visit with ! Tuesday evening
Inferior pitching
April waa a busy month for Count,
en out in Southern l> elfic railway
'on the part of the Springfield mound."
A (tv nt O. 8. Fletcher. according to
Waldo Hurdle has been at the Vet
a statistical summary ot his report construction camps at Lawler and erans hospital In Portland, for the ' men was largely responsible for th<
for that month annhunced this wee.k
past tw o weeks where he Is receiving defeat. Eugene making six runs on
¡two hits Springfield made Its etn»< «
Mr Fletcher received 338 office lard, who Investigated the cases for j
medical treatment.
Ì run on an error, although (be local»
eaP' In April and had «5 telephone the railway company this »reek.
The first cas. broke out some time | The Sunshine d u b nt, t at the home knocked ont three hits Springfield
calls In regard to farm problems Ho
ago. when the camp was s l t i f d a t 1
! battery: Harper and Hastings. IMI
wrote 187 individual letters, mtvlle I
Reserve. This »reek s case was re­ time was spent demonstrating aprons lard.
117 copies of six circular letters, an!
ported at l-awler. where practically', and material suitable for them Com
A rather different score result'd
visited 47 farms. He travelled 1308
mitteea were appointed, Mrs. W R
from a game played this week be
Biil s by automobile and 89 by train. the same workmen who were at Re­
serve are now employed The victim, Haidle and Mrs Frank Bailey ar tween Springfield high school girl»
Specialists of Oregon Agricultural
a Mexican. Is now in the Eugene ho* members of the social committee and and Coburg girls, the local- bringing
College cooperated a total of So days
pltal. where he was examined ¡rc» Mrs And.» >n of the flower commit­ home the bacon to the tune of 49 to
with the county agent, and the agent
R .freet,’cen ts cf sandwiches,
terday by the state health officer, i tee.
cr cooperating specialists spoke at
whose department has conducted an strawberries and cake were served by
IS m eetings with a total of 2fi9 in
'investigation into the health situ ation , the hosteaa.
, To Make Trip—C F Barber. M rs
, The next meeting will he held tt Barber, and Bert McCurray of Eugene,
The number of days devoted to va­ at the camp
the home of Mrs W. H Anderson at will spennd the week end at Bend, go­
rtova project» follows—dairying. 8.
which the making of sandwiches will ing over the Cascades by car ttxlay
farm crop«, 8.5: rodent control. 4: JOSEPH FARNHAM DIES
be discussed. The following members They will Visit relatives in the eastern
•oils, poultry and mlecellaneous. 1.5
AT SAN JOSE. CALIF. were present: Mesdames. Clarence i Oregon city, returning Sunday
•ach; hortlfulture and home econom
I Chase. P G. McElhany. W. H. An
les 1 each; marketing and general
Joseph Farnham. 7«-year-old pl<> ! dersen. Tester Cvr. E. Robertgon Ross i
husbandry. 5. each.
Beer resident of the W altervllle dis Manning. H. R
Nolleih. Manning, j
trict. was burled on Monday following Collingwood Kellogg. Cogswell. Eich ,
Christian Church.
funeral servcles held at the Walker horst Horton. W F Cline. I d in e and
chapel here Mr Farnham died last Miss Etel Cogswell
J - 45— Sunday school.
11:00— Morning service. Rev Chil­ Thursday night at the home of » arn
Mr. and Mr«. Feree enjoy vaude-
ders pleaching on “Paul's Discussion at San Jose. California.
i vllle waa In Eugene, they were deeply
c f Perseverence ’’ Junior church.
Surviving are tvro sons. Martin and vllle was in Eugene, tev ere deeply
7:00—Senior Endeavor,
Emmett of San Jose: five daughters. | Interested In a sketch cleverly' enact-
f : 00—“John the Baptist and His Mes­ Mrs. D. C. Trotter and Mrs E E Pot­ ! ed by Mr and Mrs Reginald Knorr.
sage for Our Generation." by Rey. ter of W altervllle: Mrs. C R Sylve.- The familiar’ name brought My Feree
ter of Canary ; Mrs O. Wagner of Sa­
hack to his boyhood days In Con­
lem and Miss Grace Farnham of Tok- stantine, Mich., and he determined
M rs Preschecn Here— Mrs. John lo. Japan.
to Investigate. He went, to the hotel
Rev. Harry Benlon conducted the
Preschern of Camp Creek was a visi­
were the Knorrs were staying and
tor In Springfield for a time last funeral services. Interment was In found his old schoolmate, Reginald
Mt. Vernon cemetery
Knorr with whom he forgot thirty-
three ytare ago. Together they lived
over their boyhood days until It was
time for the actors trains to leave.
Msrrtags Llcsfwas Issued.
Physician at Lawyer— l)r Kugelte
During the peat w« »k County i'l«-rh
Krater was a visiter at l.awler In t
week In behalf of the Southern Pa It S ’ llrysou bus granted liter' , »
rifle company, lie Itiveatlgnle I the lleensiM to the following Jame- Har­
Illness of a workmen at thw S I* old Paris ami Bulah I'l’Ck. «if Wend-
vamp her«', discovering the trouble ling: Clayton Collingwood. Eugen« .
anil l.lla (tester. Springfield: te ste r
to be only a cold.
Darby. Wntdllug. and VI «I. t i n S t i t l ’ h.
Elkton; Dale Dunce Claskin", and
S p rin g fie ld , t 'r » . M ay IS. 193«!
Mart I' | ' fc 1 ' 1
N O T IC E IS IIE ItK H V G IV E N . H u t
School District No. IP. of lame Conn l.ln d s a v . Goshen and T h e lm a KHn
ly . I re., w ill pay ut th e o f f lio «if the
S ch o o l C le rk . C ity H u ll S p rin g fie ld
t 'r
School W a rra n ts Nt
91.' to
987 In c lu s iv e in te rv a l roaaea a fte r
M ay 15th, 1936
It W S M IT H .
C le rk o f School H ist. No. 19, lutar
Co., Ore
Ask for Information
Eugene Business College
Eugene, Oregon
992 Willamette St.
nH Mb».
Being an Authorized Ford
Dealer, we are directly inter­
ested in all Ford Owners. We
are equipped to serve you in
our new location at 5th and
A Streets.
Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­
keeping Course
V - r n a r .l A rth u r K oahev,
SnglnuW, and Mae Beach Walker;
Joel A tlb -a -o n . S u th e rlin , «nti O riy-e
llu k -r Cottage Grove
at your.
b a ll. T r e n t:
E. R. Danner Motor Co.
Facing both the McKeiigie highway
and Che Natron cut-off of the S ou th -:
era Pacific cramny. the large sign
advertising Springfield's free Indus
>t us show you th is latest creation j
trial site offer, plans for which ure , America's Manter Pi-rfumer.
•' of
complete, is expect««! to attract wide-1
! spread attention to the unusual offer A complete line of Toilet Accessorie.«
l this city Is making.
The sign will he 15 feet high, and j
approximately GO feet long It will bear
. the following word»: “250 Acre«,
, Free Industrial Sites. Address Spring-
field Chamber of Commerce.'"
The sign Is to go up at an early
date, according to members of th" in­
dustrial committee of the chamber of
, commerce.
Stanfield Gets Favorable Report
On His $5,000,000 Refund Bill
Drug Store
Restoring Taxes to
18 Counties
Senator Stanfield's bill Io
refund It. 907.000 of O. ft V
grant laud taxes to 15 coun­
ties cf Oregon was reported
out favorably on. May 8, 1920.
hv hl» Senate Committee on
I'ub'.e Land», for passage In
ill Mi- ate. Besides restoring
thl» big sum to the counties
affect««!, the bill provides for
the annual payment of »600,
000 hereafter, which will very
gr«-atly reduce the burden
of the taxpayers of Oregon.
Winning Fight for
Senator Stanfield
tain» that Oregon'» resources
belong to the people of Ore.
goti ninl la making a deter­
mined fight to »«-cure th«n
all of the revenues derived
from the utlllzalton of public
land» In Oregon, and to materially reduce laxee. Hla Graxlng Bill,
reported out favorably by the Cemmlttee on Public lutnd», la the enter-
wedge ot hla campaign toward that end.
Your Jewelry and your valuable papers are so much
safer in a Safe Deposit Box. In fact, you can all but for­
get them, knowing that when you do want them, they will
be awaiting you. The rental for a good-sized box Is only
$2.00 per year. Better get one today.
Of Springfield
W anted
Eggs and. Poultry
Sher Khan
Stanfield for Port and Shipping
Satisfying H u n g ry
Folks is W here
W e Shine
It keeps us busy, of course, but that’s
what we are here for. We try to
satisfy all tastes and all pocketbooks
Cove Oysters ........................................................... 2 for 25c
Pork and Bea/ts, m e d ........... ................................. - 4 for 35c
Corn, per can .....~......................................................... .......10«
Tomatoes, per can .................. - ......................... ............— 10°
Peaches, per can .............................. ........ ........................20c
Orange Marmalade ................................... ........................ 27c
Fresh Vegetables and Strawberries
C A S M iC A R R Y
U. 8. Senator McNary wired Bert Anderson, republican county
chairman of Jack»on County, on May 4:
"I am busy assisting In the hearing» before the Senate Commerce
Cirtnmtttee on the attempted sale. of the Oriental line by the Shipping
Board to the Dollar interest». SENATOR STANFIELD IS ASSISTING
Writing Favorable Report on Lincoln County Refund
A h ranking member of the Senate Committee on Claims, Senator
Stanfield 1» drafting the report of that committee recommending the
passage of the McNary bill for the repayment to Lincoln County of
over 145,000 In back taxes on the U. S. spruce land».
Insists on Early Completion of Roosevelt Highway
Senator Stanfield recognize» t!he economic and strategic value of
the Roosevelt Hlgh»-ay and maintains that It should be completed at
the earliest poRHlble moment, because of the great development It will
bring, particularly to all of Western Oregon.
Helped Pass Original Federal Highway Act
Senator Stanfield, ae a member of the Committee on Post Office«
an<l Post Road», gave material aid In securing tho passage of the
origins! »75,»00,090 Federal Highway Act. Senator Stanfield secured
the Inclusion In tho Townsend bill of an appropriation of »15,000,000
for forest roads, the flr»t large appropriation for forest roads ever
made by Congress.
More Federal Funds for Rivers and Harbors
Since Senator Stanfield has been la the Senate, »7,888,000 of Fed­
eral funds have been secured for tho Improvement of river» and
harbors In Oregon. Aa a member of the powerful Finance Committee,
Senator Stanfield Inlets upon larger appropriations for river and
harbor Improvements la Oregon and Is la per tt tea to render valuable
aid In securing Oregon's Just share of govnrnrntmt money for this
Stanfield’s High Rank on Senate Committees Helps Oregon. It
Would Take Years for a New Man to Attain Hie Rank In tho Senate,
(8tanflnld for Senator Campaign, R. D. Cusick, Mgr.)