The Railroad Deci- ■Ion I» a Boost To Springfield As A C rn ln and Sawmilling Cooter. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPRINOFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. T W E N T Y -T il HID YEAH PLINS FINISHED FOR GRADUATION Rev. S. Earl Childers To Give Baccnlaurente Sermon May 30; Prof. Rainey Will Speak At Commencement Exercise« June 4; Examination« June 1 and 2. Springfield Scout I roops to Join Lane County Council M em orial D a y P ro g ra m R e a d y Rev. Moore and Rev. Stiver« To Deliver Addresses At Ceremonies Rev F L. Moore of the Methodist KpUropnl church of Hprtngfelhl «ml Rev. C. K. Stivers of the Eugene Christian church, will be the principal speakers at the Decoration (lay anrv- Icea to be held In Springfield on May 30 The comm ittee thia week com­ Detailed piano for Ihn Springfield pleted and announced the program high school rotnen an cen eal. when '!• for what promts«» bo be the must iwnlura will lx- graduated, have been Impreaaive obaervance of Decoration completed l»r Prlnelgxl V. I) lla'n Day ever held In thia city. ('nniiiienrrniKit duv will lx> Friday Iter Moore will apeak at the Ixiurel Ju n e 4. -tid bar.'alaur* Ml» Bunday Hill cemetery aervlcea In the morn­ w ill lie May 30 ing Rey Stiver» will deliver the ad- ---- ------------------- Re». H Karl Childer«, paator of the dress at the afternoon aervlcea. to be Springfield Christian church a n d 'bp)d t,an dinner features. ty-seven hundred dollars have already i tavorahte consideration of the city The menu, as announced by the been raised in Eugene and Springfield council of the railroad franchise W committee In charge of preparation NEW ORDER IS OUT FOR is expected to contribute »360. oP*rate bnaaea ,n Springfield. of the meal, will be as follow»— -------------, At a meeting Wednesday evening cy. M orrisonjind Arthur Pen- bus service to Springfield. The ordi­ triiMees of District No 1», will pre­ O A R way for exchange of mall. Both going and AlfrPd M rga . nance passed also provides that the sent th* diplomas lo th* 29 seniors. 4 Roy Scout Troop No. 2. cowicll P. E. O Meets. and coming, the carrier will atop for J Joining of the Lane County . . Southern pacific will take up the Principal Rain will preside, and will It Ijidirs of O A. R H r Pol- Mrs. A. J. Morgan, Mrs ' W " " U” Srlngfleld ma'I a rvlce. making no ; baa ‘he endorsement of the Spring- street car tracks and repave the Introduce th* speaker and the presi­ " wha, PV„ , he service be- Held Lions, sponsor» of troop nusm 6 Mayor and city council. lard and Mrs. W F W alker streets. dent of the board 7. Headquarter» Company. 142nd night attended a u e e tlc g held I M< Kenrie Bridge. 1. whlc voted oo the question at A petition for water on Broadway Musical numbers given by high Regiment. O. N Q the Oshun hotel nt which a ”r Earl McNutt, who has the con tract, l“ Bt meeting, was received signed by* six property sa hool students and other» will be 8 American t-egton. chapter of P E O was organised n ,ng mal, on thllI end. will At the meeting last night C. R holders and the council recommended other features of the graduation, prop- Spanish-American war veterans. Eugene Monday night the local mem- additional »326.94 annually i Clark. Lane County Boy Scout execu- to the Mountain States Power com­ ♦r A new plan to be followed this All ex-service men. bera attended a meeting of the E u m(]n- wh,ch he tlve, was present and told of plans pany that the service be furnirfied. yenr provides for reserved seats for American Legion auxiliary. gene chapter, to which they belong tJjp n<>w arrange- for the annual Boy Scout summer A petition to open up J street frooS relatives of the graduates In years 9. Fraternal orders. ' camp to he eld this year In July near Mill street to the S. P. tracks and _ , Cl K M - , . im en t* His resent contract calls for past, the high school auditorium has Loyal Is»glon of ixigger» and Lum­ Progressive Club Meets. | Blue River. Work of preparing the thence along the S. P. right-of-way not beeh large enough to seat the bermen The Progressive club will meet at | ' ______________ _ camp has started. Every Springfield j was read and referred to the street crowd, and a» a result at tim es rela­ scout w ill have the opportunity of j Odd Fellows te Odd Fellows all tonight for de committee. tives of seniors have had difficulty Woodmen of the World. Refreshments will be WILLAMETTE CLUB IS TO attending this camp for two w eek s. gree work Work was ordered started by the In getting In tc see the exercise». HOLD MEET FRIDAY NIGHT An organised course of instruction In , I council on the grading and macadam- Modern Woodmen »erred later Each senior, this year, will have a Other fraternal orders. outdoor life and scouting will be car­ txlng of A street from Ninth to Tenth The W illamette U niversity club certain number of reserved seats for CRIsena. CHANEY TO BE HEARD ried on. and Seventh street from Main to D will meet at the Methodist Episcopal relatives and special guests. 10 Schools (Form on Sixth with streets. AT BROTHERHOOD MEET church tomorrow night, for monthly May 81 will be a holiday at Ihe head of column on Main) The city attorney was ordered te high school. June 1 and 2 will be social evening Dinner will be nerved MRS. EMMA PRICE DIES High school. Prof. Bain a' c proceed to collect liens on delinquent Rev. S. L.. Chaney, district super­ devoted to examinations .but the sen­ by the Ladles Aid of the local church. lJncoln achool. Prof. Burrhum. AT HOME OF DAUGHTER property. Those property holders intendent of the Methodist church, ior examinations will he finished hy Visitors are expected from Cottags Rrattaln school, Mrs Hemenway. ' who have paid neither Interest or May 28 In order that the graduates Line of marrih—-west on Main street will be the principal speaker at a Grove. Creswell and Eugene. The lo­ Mrs. Emma Price, well known rcsl- prlnicral will have action take# meeting of the Methodist Brother mny have grsJuaVnn week fre • from smith on Second numbers street ------------------- to south D m— «".» - ------------- - ......... ...........- — - - ' cal m> mbers are p playing la y in g host n u a i to IU mem dent of Parma. Idaho, died at the pr attorney street, where thoee who wish will hood, to be held In the church Mi n- otbir piacea at this meeting. bome of iher daughter at Mabie Tues- aRa n* stud lea. take autoa to Laurel Hill cemetery. day night. A discussion of c i r . d l d a t e s ___________ ______ day morning at 12:20 o'clock. She was lnst™r,ed . . . _ _ . i — • ----- — " , i John Fitigerald was ordered to for political offices, to be voted on at Open. Realy Office. ha(, 9tayInK at the Mablc home h)g from KpHy 11:00 Service« at cemetery. SPRINGFIELD VICTOR the May Primary will take up part Music, America. W. W Walker, an experienced deal- for seten m(,nths during her severe g,dewalk could b, OVER MOHAWK OUTFIT Invocation. Rev. 8 E arl Childers. of the time, of the meeting. It Is re­ er in real estate, baa opened an of- nine««. The remains were «hipped to ported. ,r,ed - flee at h is home at 233 E street. It p arma. Idaho, for burial W ednesday a _ Music, F lag of th e Free. Bunched hit» and superior fielding T he eupper will start at 6:45 o'clock announced today M* Walker mor„,ng. * Property owners on the allev be­ Address, Rev F. L. Moore. ability gave the Springfield baaeball tween Third and Fifth street and President Sam Bartholemew wilt ore-1 - - Music. Star Snanxled Banner. Mrs. Price Is survived by her hus­ Main and A streets conferred with will do a realty business, dealing In l.-am a 6 io 3 victory over the Mo­ Ritualistic ceremonlee. American side. band. J. W. Price, of Parma, and elev­ tne council in regard to paving. The both city and farm property. hawk nine In a hotly contested argu­ en children; also a sister. Mrs. L council voted to reconsider Its ac­ ment on the Wendllng diamond Sun­ Tx-glon and 0 . A. R. E. B. U. Night Planned. Salute by detachment of O, N G. White of Burlington.* Washington, tion In ordering some property moved P.-T. A. Will Elect. day afternoon. Taps by C. A Swarts. Sunday nlghL May 23. will he E. Election of officers will take plac* and a brother. H. E Peterson, of that was slightly In the alley on con­ Snyder atnrted the hitting for Afternoon. B. U. night at the Christian church nt a meeting of the Parent-Teachers Tarme Her daughters living at Mabie sideration that the property owner« W, ndllng when. In the first Inning, he 3:00 An’ ^mhly at bandutHnd. Sec-1 here. The entire rogrami will be devot- association, to be held tomorrow at- are Mrs. L. J. Andrews and Mrs. L. would pave the space when the build­ si-if the bull over the right fence for a home run The local players rallied. *nd and Main. . ,-d to the Eugene Bible university, ternoon at the Lincoln school. It was W. Brown. ings were replaced. »ii-l by expert fielillng m anaged t ’ l Flower rw -m o n v on water, by Lad- j 1 and _ t students and teachers of that In- annunced „ „ „ „ n e e d todav. today Other important Important bus- bus Property owners on East Main Births Are Many— Dr W H. PollarO hold down the Wendllng team at the I >•» of the O A R street were present and asked that stltutlon will speak and have charge m ess Is scheduled. reported this wpek that blrffli« In Music. Battle llvm n of the Republic. --c --- v», j -»a li t be oiled because of the duet In anime time hunching lilts for a quin­ of the music. Pictures will be shown town for April totaled 13 while deaths gummw Thp cftunc„ gaid that M Invocation. Rev. C H. Blom. Wearin In— M. J Wearln of Wal- of the school. A definite program »will tet of runs. Address. Rev. C. E Stivers. were only five. tervtlle was a visitor here Monday money was available at present to Batteries»--Springfield. Beeson and appear In the N ews next week Me«lo. Columbia the Gem of the oil the street but that later the cal­ Black; Mohawk. Contes and Schaefer. cium chloride being placed on Second The next gnne- will be played at ! Ocean *w««Ma«iinwiainnminMi^^ Dismiss. mght he also applied to East Main, Eugene fairgrounds Sunday, i gainst provided that it was found to be sat- Eugene Manager Jack l-arson of the A CCinrfM T«? C A II9 C o f I lsfactory. local nine today urg'd that S pring MANY INJURIES HERE | field have support at tho games. WHAT IS THE REAL DIFFERENCE? H alf a doxen nersons w -re vlct'-us DUFS RFDUCTION TO RF of accidents, more or less serious, TOPIC OF LEGION MEET h ere this week, Charles Conn wbh brought bere r«,r ini’ rm i»» «» Reduction of dues for the retna»"d I in- p-'nclo l fronp-the Flslu r Lum ber com pany m i'l e r of the year will b c,»n-.!d-icd bv süH crlug frmn severe topic of b u n 'n c - to be , whgn „ ptp(,e of bim th e Springfield e»st nf tb»» Anierti an her struck him as it was passing I cgloP, In meeting tonight, an Into a resaw. Conn was hit squarely to Ccintnaird»»r P ercy Tyson »■ « - * •■ • z — Mr T „ » n . I- ™. ™ r»«- » ™ " ‘ -» P»»-» M* l™ lr While putting un shelves In the pnlgtn for new member« for the nr- cookhouse at the Echo Hollow mill, S “ t,OX e L i u a H o r X l 5 e X l John F it,-. 18. slipped and fell back- I One is the result of DIRECTED ACTIVITIES while COMMUNITY NEGLECT is responsible for the other I ■ j j * We have 250,000 men and boys in prison with art annual Crime Bill of $6,000.000,000. and yet ' ! J 1 I » i | I p e m b e r« at less money j w ard onto a h o t Move resu R in gJn J He was than few -r members at more money , painful nalnful burning burning of of Ms his back. back. He was 1 A membership campaign la planned h ere for tre a tm e n t Monday Angus Hnrblek. another employe of by the post, the Ei-ho Hollow mill, sustained « A J" - crushed thumb when a piece of lum­ Scouts Do Signalling. ber fell on It late last week. Ben Endicott, employe of the Signalling practice was the princi­ pal feature of a meeting of Boy Scout Springfield Gravel co-mpnny, la suf­ I Troop No. 1. held Monday night fering from an Infected hand. The Infection was the result of his brills Signalling by flags In the Interna­ tional code was curried out on the tag his hand on a rock while at work hlgdi school grounds. Following this, recently T. C. Thomnson of W nltervllle fell the scouts went to the home of Scout­ master Percy Tyson, and there pnac and struck the end of his nose, break­ ing tihe hone of the nose and severe­ tlced the Hoop ttong with Mis« V ly Incerattag his face. froil Tyson accompanying. Our -Government spends only 3 cents a year on each Boy for Character Building and Citizenship Training. What Is a Live American Boy Worth? HENRY CLAY HART IS DEAD AT AGE OF 52 Henry Clay Hart, a resident of Springfield Route 1 for 16 years, and well known In this community, passed away at the Pacific Christian hospital at Eugene Tuesday. Mr. Hart waa born 62 years ago In Kentucky. Mr. Hart Is survived by four bro­ thers, G. W. Joseph, and James of Springfield, and William E. of Hood River; two sisters. Mrs. Mary Par­ rott of Springfield and Mrs. Sarah Csrman of Medford. Oregon. U 1 g Miss W ard III— Miss Jarelda Ward Spurlln In Town— William Spurlln of Harrisburg was a visitor In Spring Is reported 111 at her home here tills week. field for u time Wednesday. We spend $5,000.000 a year on reform schools and only’ $1,000,000 A Year For the Protection of Child Life DOES IT MAKE YOU THINK? The boys of Springfield are Springfield’s Responsibility What is one Live, potential, Unspoiled Springfield Boy Worth? Springfield Quota for Boy Scout Work is $350. Organizations and individuals are ex­ pected to donate this money. If you want to have a part in this worth while woi-kr-- be an associate member of the Boy Scouts of America— leave your contribution at the First National Bank. -, K Here from Wendling—Mrs. John ' Purcell of Wendllng is here for a few days taking care of her mother-ln- | law. Mrs. Frank Purcell of Mnrcola. i The elder woman is remaining here during her Illness in order to be near physician's care. Platt Is Visitor—George Platt, resi­ dent of Thurston, was a visitor here 1 on Monday morning. Baby Girl Born—Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lane of Marcola a girl. Weight. 10 pounds. Here from Portland—Dr. C. O Van sfxah was here from Portland visiting his mother, Mr». A. B. Van Valxah, this week .