The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 06, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    TH U R SD AY. MAY *1 Iff?*»
recorded on Paa» UH of Vol. "4 V of Co.-, of the 8W '« of the NK'» of aal.L EATON AND POLAND
the M o'tguai Itec. rd» f th u »aid
Section 4. and running Ihenco N o r'h l
u n x A T H I . Y EVEN T
7« d*gr*«a 20' K a.t t».4O ch». 10 the!
wl nl
Now therefore, pursuant to »aid ex N orth line of »«Id .n b d lrla lo n . the,.c ! O rva,
#|i(| w l,11<tn
edition and order of aale. I will, on Kant on »aid N orth line 10 50 ch», to,
S aturday, the 12th day of June. l»2S the N K corner thereof, thence boxed four round» to a draw In lite
-— ----------------
In m
the e ai.ern
at 1 o o'clock
c tc c a in
,» .., 'at
... the so
u th 70
2« chain» lo the 8 N.
W. corner ( m„ )|t
» « „ k c r which ». ».
The Am erican city is better press-agented. its advantages,
Southw est door or main entrant'* to thereof. Iheuce W*«t »0 ch»., lo the
and supposed, more insinuatin gly and p o te n tly set fo rth than any la th day o f A p ril. IM«. in the »uii the County Court house in Kug*i |s W corner of »aid »ub.llvl.l.m and lured the annual banquet g I yen high
brand of pickels o r cigarettes.
|J X " V M b t.t w
Orvaten. offer for »ale and * ''' * t Pub thenc* N orth IB.Stl eh», to place "U »chool letterm en by Ihe H prlngflrtl
lie auction for caah In ham to t h e ,
a |j , gf<
Some o f the beet young blood and brains is being
’ ¡^"S osW H ry « ’ T ra X '^ .n s Z V h e htgheat bidder, subject lo redew |M lon; Ctll||1|y Oregon.
Hl Y *',uh- h'’1’1 *’ "*
fro m the country to the city not only because o f c ity dollars
t j H
#n| Q,tV|( v ,,oltn In th e n an tler provided by law. all
ihe right, title, »»tat* and lnt*rw»t
M ulligan and W illiam Cog, alao end-
W hich look big and b rig h t and abundant.
fl,r ,hp iUra l)f 1147343, with intcr*«t of all said defendant» In and lo the
S heriff of Lane County, (fregiai
M « 13 SO 27 .1 1 Ing In a draw.
The trend is also cliargebale to an idea ’ hat somehow c ity "¿ ,.*¿ ,‘” ¿ ¡*"^ “ ^ ^ '^ 1 1 1 ' of t i t s , land» In,»»Id m ortgage de»crlb*d. to.
Notice (a hereby »Wen th at by virtu«
of an execution t»»u*d out of tha c lr
cult Court of the S tate of Oregon,
i In and for Lan» County, on the 16tH
day of April. 1926. upon a Ju Igni« nl
real rendered in In »aid c o u rt, on the
Washington College Professor Says
Youth is Educated away from Farm
successful, m ore stim u la tin g in every way, coat» and dlaburaeuw nt«, Including w it:
. ife
. . is happier,
........... more
......... .......
Ihe 8K%.
in t i more w orth w hile than c o u n try life.
attorney fee and a decree of fore-
..... 8% of
• ■ the ---- • . -- f
closure ..gainst all the above nam ed the SKI* of Section 6. Town»hlp I.
Vrhanism is lodged in Am erica som ewhat like m ilita ris m In 4,,f,,„l|.l i ■. Of the m ortgage given tu lS o u th . Kang. 2 w .a t of th * Wiliam
n :. upon * which
i le tte * M
M eridian,
c -iiiuteitelcg
Berm an pre-w ar thought.
«* î l e note
h ,r’' »si'’*“
« td iau . » alao
'•“ co«m
*u«l#g at
Judgm ent » a » r i n d e r e ,1 U"d whl.-h w a-.i |- 'n l
I •'<'
N. \\
h» S o u th or th ,
T h is conies from Dr. Paul Em erson T lts w o rth . president of
W ashington college, a little but first-g ra d e in s titu tio n at Ches­
te rto w n , M arvland. who has sounded a new note in practical edu­
cation w hich is now arousing national interest and attention.
R eport Given.
(Continued trout Fag* Onal
Educators, magazines, newspapers everywhere are ra lly in g to
S uperintendent lluln'» com plete re
1 leg year, an.! give» a iletalle.l account
D r. T its w o rth 's idea.
¡of the en tire financial »lluatl.m of port a» made to the board 1» h ere­
S ch o o l F inances S h ow n
D r . T it s w o r t h .
with printed In full:
th e j»ch.H>l d u trlc t.
Financial S u re ty of D istrict No. 19. L an . County. Or*.. May 1 1926.
a n a r t ic l e w r i t t e n s a y s :
“ The c h a ir o f co u n try life proposes to help n u rtu re a co u n try
set-of-m ind. It w ill aim to divert a larger part o f the human
stream flo w in g through its doors in to the land of grow ing prom - t
ise— the sm all tow n and the open country.
• It w ill teach W ashington college men and women the vital
role ru ra l life plays in w orld enterprise.
"The significance o f ru ra l life m ust become— shall I say It
— a c o u n try complex, that is. not only an Idea to be respected
b u t an idea charged w ith em otion, a way o f life to be
1’ w ill not be enough to dem onstrate that the wide-awake coun­ II
ts u r e a e h e r doctor, lawyer, banker, editor, business man and
the fa rm e r is a man to be reckoned w ith in the scheme of things,
th a t he is m aking fo r him self a career shot thrin.S »^ n d ¡^hiding
w ith and rewarded bv all kinds o f hum an satisfactions, ln clud ng
m oney; the ch a ir o f co u n try life w ill aim t o in s t i l l in to Promising
yo u th a determ ined and enlightened purpose to live and w o rk
and play and serve in the country.
“ W ashington college does not aspire to become an a g ric u ltu ra l
In s titu tio n , but it w ill strive to nurture a la rg e r measure o f clear-
eyed. w arm -hearted co u n try citizenship.”
Senior Play Postponed.
L adies of the O. A. R.
T he -play. “Tw eedles.” to be p r*
?nt<-d by th e Springfield high school, Several Oregon farm ers are al- III.
enlor class. w d l'b e h e ld on May 21 ready planning on building « “ " H
, stead of the date originally an-
ou-ced. It was stated today by Mtsa
« n n e Hill, coach. May 21 Is May day
„ ,he high school, and the play will
be ’he final event of the festivities
_______ __ ______ _
Memorial Comm ittee Meets.
Z T K intzlev. m archall of the day
a the Observance to be rid in Serin«
field on M em orial day. h as called a
m ee’lr g of hi« aide*. F B. H am lin
and John Will, to be held a ’ E-vgi-
t r a n s '! store to n ig h t M B H untlv.
p re » id e n ' -f th e Memorial day com-
w ltte? will m eet with th em *o plan
event«. 83 will Mr*,
fe a tu re s o
C. F Eggim nnn. p re sld e -t of
p itt for the m anure from
da' £ ‘
barn, w here It may be stored In the IV.
w inter m onths Such a pit -will soon
pay for Itself, th e experim ent via ion ;
has found The value of th e plant
food In the liquid m anure when cows
a re in the b arn one th ird of th -
tim e am ounts to 35 0(1 per head if y
r placed in com m ercial fertilizer«,
F or a herd of 20 cows 13o sacks oT
cem ent with th e proper am ount of
Mnd and gravel is required to con
stru ct a pit for 5 month» Such a pit
h; ■ b-.-n found by th- experim ent v ,
statio n to nay for Itself In a short
tim e. P lans may be obtained for
extension service.
W arran t Indebtedness.
» »at a
W arrant» o u tstanding July 1. 1925 (from clerk » annual rep o rt) I.9.H0 IB
W arrant» Issued «Ince July 1. J925 .
To be Issued by Ju ly 1. IS3«:
Teacher». Janitor» and Clerk — ............ ................ »6.218 S3
CRhcr h ills
(< s t in ia t . - ll
P ractice teach, rs (eatlntated l — ------ ----------
6.836 6 !
T otal outstan d in g or to be Issued by July 1. 1926
Money received or receivable to take up w a rra n t.
Received from all oth er sources »Ince July 1. 1925
Delinquent taxes m ot received 1
»19,970 OS
1.783 03
41 268 00
1925 26 b u .lict lies» atnount« for Interest anil bonds)
T uition anil breakage ............. -
Manual training teaih n u ted ) - .........
100 00
T otal ..... ................. .........— ----------- -----------------
----- »63.169 61
Leas In terest as fellow»
Paid atae* Ju'y I I M
* 1.1.7399
E. stiw ated on rem ainder of unpaid w arran ts to July I.
600 00 > 1.733 99
Total U) pay w arrants
T otal to pay w arran ts:
Tout of t
L ess to tal of II
W arran t Indebtedness not covered by taxes July 1. 1926
Indebtedness by July 1, 1926:
Bonded _____________ ____—-------------------------— .....
W arran t nbt covered by taxes
------- ----------------
T otal ________________________
Less legal lim itation .« p rœ e n t valuation
In ex.-ras of legal lim itation
Millage for 1925 26:
Special for B rattaln school
For regular adm lnlntrntlon
>61.435 62
>72.502 S7
61.435 "2
>11.'"' ' '
n» m
>81.066 95
> 6,756 35
T otal ............. ..........................
. _
Millage for 1924 25
IF 4
Amount of teacher» salar ! 1925-26
833 775 00
Atnount of teach ers «alary (all teachers Bow under c o n tr a tti 22.922 50
s-... ,
This provide» for «Irl» phys ed instructor not. provided
In 192526. and centrallx.-.l control and .up rvlslon under
In Style, Quality, and Low Price
I4.75M S29.75
Of course, we think our Coats
are superior, and many of our
customers who have shopped
every place tell us the samel
We know our buyers »e»rch
everywhere for the best Value*.
In Fine T will»
and Smart Color»
We are showing the finely
tw illed fabrics in straight line
modes in the to ile r «hades.
W ell lined! Priced sensibly.
For W om en and MiMee
Ax-B illy Dept. Store
Succcaaors to SC H A E FE R S BR O S.
J iin .-tlm r 1« plgyttm * for th.- bey» and girl-, wh,. will goon thruai
Editors Note:
Th. county tre a su re r rep ort, d ihls m orning that the bonded Indebt, dne»,
of D istrict *7<> 19 Is >72 000. | r » t . I of >"'»,000
A d ig n itj time is v.arm
w ith hum an tinder-
standing. A d ig n ity
th a t is beautified by
No Coats Like Our Coats!
Children’ s New Footwear
100% Leather Construction
19 5
Note: Th» Indehedne«« for the B rattaln school Is taken
care of by special las«« of w arrants and Is not 'included
In the «hove, as It Is all covered, both principal and In­
ter, si. by taxes aire idy voted and levied.
i n
!H2 W llliu n c ttc St., Eugene, Oregon.
>70.000 00
_ 11.066 05
41/V 4 ’' /K WUMli
perfect appointm ents,
A d ig n ity th a t is sub-
lim e is w hat o u r S in­
cere Service offers.
à e? - j funeral service " a ' n
aaidt* t ’-44 / 1- 1 and wnrrl»-« nf «rbool-tluu and »p.-b.l th eir ener-
h pin;
• that. Th.-r. for» thia hrlnea fnrih wor-
rieh and cure «. Ch Uh - parent», annd.-rl
now lh«y cun b»»t cnrabal
th e ra v a g e < t w al­ which this , nt-rg-tic play utwaya bring»
‘ I’
th o < lutiiliu ni I'»«» g :'rl o r buy.
Thv fnotr n r I ir. 11• il.qnlnatlnglv of grvwtast concern, T h .y
f, rg.-t, for h.‘ mom ent perhap . that Ax Hilly'» »hoc« fot th. young
-U r» »(and pre-, m lncntly In the Ion,I fur wear.
S pring field , ore .
S A V E •with
We have Hvni In a good rang.- of style» and pattern*, In the
n,»»t w anted leath ers (a.» well no two-tone ciiiuliltiatlen»). a.iino
f,,r rtrt-x , -< in.- for piny anti »,«•”. for hard wear. The price* n r'
Indeed a ttra . ilv.-ly low, quality conaldertal.
Tan O x fo rd j
— Size» S t, to 11, P air »3.35
—Hlxea 8’4 lo 11, P air >3 6
May is the Month of House Clean­
ing. Why not make it complete
with a new floor covering?
Patent Oxfords
—Blxe« SH to 8. P air 32 76
—Size» 8% lo 11. Pair >3.5(1
Tw o-Tone Oxfords
; j
: 7
Regular Value $1.50, Special
Price fo r Both ......................98c
E lectric C u rlin g Iron, Special at ................................
< 79c
I ib. Lord B altim ore Linen and 50 Envelopes, $1.00 value
Special at ............................ ................................................ 69c
Household Rubber Aprons, Special at
M axim um 2 qt. W ater B ottle $2 00 value, Special at $1.43
25c T ra ilin g A rbutus Talcum , Special at ........................ 17c
Flanery’s Drug Store
Felt Base floor coverings at 50c to
85c sq. yard
Print Linoleum at $1.00
9x10 1/^ Congoleum Rugs
9x12 Congoleum Rugs
9x10^2 Linoleum Rugs
9x12 Linoleum Rugs
Wright & Son
«m,-.,,, -..„„m,',, i . i ,JIJ i T „, ii ,., r
sq. yd. up
Rich brown shade euibelllahed
In patent.
—Size« 3 to 6, P air >2.75
— S llea 614 lo 8. Pair >2 96
—Sizes 8% lo 11. Pnlr >3.35
Two-Tone Oxfords
Of gloHsy pnlent leath er with
blonde trim m ing
- Size« 5H to 8. P air >2 95
—Size* 8<A to 11, P air >3 3Ji
Blucher Oxfords,
Special, Pair $1 98
Child'» brown calf oxforda
alxe* 5 % to 8.
100 ,' All Leather
Sandals, Pair 98c
Infant«', Children'» and Ml»«,-«'
two »Im p (brow ni »andnls with'
fl xlh|p »ole». Compare lhe»o
for quality. Size« 5 to 2
Elk Bluchor Shoos
W ith heavy flexible »ole».
—Size« 3 to 5, I’nlr 82 50
Tw o-Tone Oxfords
In elk trim . With com fortable
Hole« und rubber heel».
- S iz e « 5 to 8. Pnlr 1159
- Size« 81,4 to 11%, P air »1.79
—Size« 11% to 2. I’Blr »1.89.
Brown Calf
Oxfords, Special
Pair. $2.95
for the little fellow w earing 8’,i
to the larger boy In size« to 5%
Patent Strap
Pumps, Special
Pair $2.75
W ith c o m fo rln b le w ide toe, ru b ­
ber heels; size« 9 to 11%.
Here— Men’3 and W omen's Now
Footwear On Display. Priced Low