PAGE F1V1 THE SPR1NOP1ELD NEWS TH U R SD A Y, MAY 6. Drive to Portland— Dwight K essey Here from Noti— Mra. Ivan Miller Picnic at Thurston— The D. W parent* of a baby daughter, born at ____ and James Mitchell drove to Portland and Mr». C. M. Miller o t Noti were the Pacific Christian hm^Atal last Crites and M. W Whitney families en vlaltor« In Springfield for a abort Saturday evening, returning accom- Joyed a picnic at Thurston last Bun­ Tburaday night at » 30 o’clock. time Saturday afternoon. panled by Mlaa Alice Mortensen. day. • In from Wandllng—Ed Thomas, Reserve Man Her«—Clifford Brv- Visit Triangle Laka—Mr and Mra. Picnic Up River— Dr. W. C- Rebhan Hara from Vaughn—Jay Yoclwy, Wandllng resident, waa a business and family and J C. McMurray and ant who la located at Reserve during N. L. Pollard and Mr and Mr» N. In from Fall Creek— Mr« W. U. Bcott ot Fall Creek . F.rb- Here from Eugene— Ernrst Stroud, i transacting business In Springfield. Iter <»f WalUrvlUa waa a local vl»H‘>r Marróla »pent a part of Friday on trainmaster of Eugene, was a visitor business In Springfield. Mra. Thurman Hara— Mra. Mark ; In Springfield on business last Mon Turedey. Thurman of Notl spent a part of Sat day. Hara from Creawall— Mra J It Mrs. Wallace Hara— Mr». W u II t Walla*-» Of Jaap*-r waa In town on Scott and daughter, Hell, and Mrs J urday here. Begins gchool Work— Ml»« Vernlta Shank of Creswell were vlaltor« hern In from Ms root a—Oeorg« Roberts . Morrison has resigned her position at TtitMlay. I of Marcola was a Bprlngflels visitor I the Omimerclal State bank and Is | Friday. Laird »• Vlellor— 1*. N. I«alH uf last Saturday night. now attending the Eugen» Business Creewell waa a hu»ln«ee vUilor In Recovers from Maaalea- Ruy, th ' college, « b e has been attending the H|irhiitfl