\ TlH'HsnAV. M>V fl THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS page FOUR Mrs. K stsls' Father Dleh. Winifred Tyson, »»social» xlllor, and| Alfred Linda« r. f«lh« r of Mr» J»hn Ernest Nelson, art editor. E J Evans, of Sun Francisco. says the United HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL F Koiel« of Ibi city, died Sunday READY ABOUT MAY 15 should end its worries about crude rub. nt Hebron. Nebraaka, »«-cording «o THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS States ber bv planting rubber trees along both sides oi word received bv Mrs Retel». Mr. Old Time Dance. Published Every Thursday at the Panama Canal (on two strips 50 tuiles long, May 15 la »he tentative date t>r Ltndaey baa v u itsd here with hl» Steven» llall. Springfield Every laaulng the Maple Leaf H|’rln«fl.-I.l Springfield, Lane County. Oregon, by 10 miles wide) ns a government enterprise. dnugbter'a fr oily, and I» well kuowu Saturday Night. Garretts Grcheetra , The government won’t do it, because the ad­ high »chixd year hook. which la v«ll THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Bere. led thia year by Emma Roger». Ih-lnt Tickets 76c ministration does 'ministration u o e s not m u believe u e iir u - In m having ........p . govern- ........... — , , , H. E. MAXEY. Editor 7 mem do anything that private enterprise can do. mg of tin. annual h«a already .tart-d Her» from Creek—Ernest Conley Card of Thanks. aa »scond claaa matter February 1«. !»♦» *» th* ^ r o n e a ttn n* n a t i o n s ----- have been compelled to out- Bt the N ew . office A , >,f Camp Creek was a Springfield visi­ EsHll'l’* I.wv.w-w - ------- - i postoffice. SprlKfieM . Oragos ' grow ‘ that primitive ......................... ------- the time The annual thia year will contain notion, dating from Wc wish to thank the many neigh tor Monday. about 100 page«, brimful of literary hors and friends who so kindly of of Romulus and Remus, and that is why theii MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE government enterprises are worrying our indus­ work, reviews of even t, of Hie echuol j fered sympathy and aid during the In from Ridge— F Perkin» of Fern One Year In Advance. _.-> IT5 Three M o n .b e ----- year. Joke», picture., and other feu | Illness and death of our loved one. Ridue »pent a pari of ftxtnrday M o n t h ._____________ >LH Single Copy -------- * tries. turee traditional with achool ywnr especially mention the .ecvlcae transacting bu.lneaa In Springfield. This writer lacks information as to soil qual­ books The pioneer Idea ha* been car We THURSDAY. MAY 6. 192«. renedered by the Seventh Day Ad- ities along the Panama Canal. Rut there are »««•— ' , h. ,lt^ ra„oa of th . book centlat church members, also the FOR RALE—Carbon paper In la rg e Mexico unlimited opportunities for rubber grow-, ^ Uh L pleating . i n . r e .u iu re»ulta. • h e e t a . MxSt inches, suitable for beautiful floral offering« Editorial Program ing, ideal soil, plenty of labor. ■waking traMngs. Tbs New» office. Orval Katos la buslne»» manager (Rlgnedl * a h . - ___. . • Mahe Springfield thè Induetrlal C eatfr of W es­ te rn Oregon. Oevelop a Strong Trading Polnt; Bulld a City • f Contente«! Homos. • IV. Im areve L M n g Cendltlons ea « M Farm . Fvw- mute thè Ra«slng of PueoSrod Llveeteet- e«d thè Growlng t l r n t H i W o rk R»r S e tte r M a rk e t. T e li thè W orld Aboot Oregon*» Sconta Woodor- • M ilt _ • • • • A floating college is being sponsored by a New i York university. A boat carrying ISO students MILLION DOLLAR RAIN. will cruise on a 240-day trip around the world. Nature is generally kind to the Willamette val-j . . . ley. Never is it dry very long until there is min E d i t o r i a l C o ai m i n t and it usually stops raining before damage has INDUSTRIAL NEWS BUREAU, THE MANUFACTURER been done by flood. « WOULD MAKE MARS SMILE. With the warm early spring, drops, gar­ dens and orchards are well along and we’re be­ The Amertcna people »re paying but one-eighth of their Income for taxes—whether they are In the higher ginning to reach the point where they suffered total Income bracket or In the class iwhich dors not pay any for rain The welcome rain came the first of this taxes or file returns. The San Franclaco Chronicle put» week and gave everything a good soaking. Farm­ it thia way: ers say it was worth a million dollars and as In 1934 the total Income of people ln Öle United S tates compared with a dry valley this is more than true. was 63-H billions. Taxe«— national, state, municipal and the reel, took eight billions. This means that out of Highways, too, which were becoming dusty and ¡all | each >10 you spent, you got only >8.75 and laxe» took rough can now be smoothed up again. >125. no matter how loudly you may have pleaded pov­ Prospers are for a heavy yield and good erty. prices for most farm crops thia season. And after "In 1903. we gave up only one-flfteentn of our Income. we give more than tw ice that much Out of eight the heavy rain it won’t be many weeks before Now working days, the proceed» of one day must go to the the harvest begins. In most cases a month earl­ government—federal and otherwise. "If the small taxpayer could be presented with a bill ier than in years past. Kansas has a law requiring hotels, to have nine- foot sheets. Now some other state will go it one better—perhaps we will have a law regulating the thickness of beef steaks, the ratio of cofTee to hot water, the size of menus. And it takes a commission to administer each of these laws. Other member» of the ataff are: L ad le Stew art.' aaslatant editor: Ho­ bart Wilson, adverttalng manager: Elliabeth Hughes, organliatlon edi­ tor: Katherine Hemenway. literary editor: Shirley Hemenway. society editor; la » « Carlton, girls’ athletic editor; Albert Harper, boys' athletic editor; George Moon. Joke editor; Constance Rebhan. associate editor: Eelhcr McPherson, associate editor: once a year, showing Just how much his taxes amount to. j including not only direct taxes hut all the Indirect tax«*» skimmed off every commodity he buys, a howl would go up that could he heard on the planet Mars. • • • A newspaper publisher offered a prlxe for the beat answer to the conumdrum. "Why la a newspaper like a woman.” The prixe was won by a lady who sent la thia answer: "Because every man should have one of his own and not run after h it neighbor ».’’— Harrisburg Bulle­ Three children of Desert Center, California, motored 108 miles a day over desert roads to at­ tend s hool at Thermal. We have parents In (his town who object to sending the children from one side of the village to the other to school. ..f flo a of the Maple Leaf Ih l. year He Mid today that 100 copies WlU be printed for distribution to those wko have paid for the year book. With a $100.000.000 output California ranks first in the canning Industry. There is lots of room of expansion in canning in Oregon. • .a . • Only 125 Indians remain in Indiana, a state once so populous with redmen that it was named •for them. • . tin. Report» Indicate that there were the usual number of: putomobile accident» over the week end. About the only! safe place on Suuuay is at church, where the only crush j • • • you have to avoid ta the candidate struggling to shake yoa by the hand —Corvallis Gaxette-Tlmes Next we will have to get a license to dance the • • • Charleston and other hard ones. Dancing mas­ If California had W illam ette river, with Its scenic at ters are planning on getting a patent to the new tractions, year long fish.ng.. boating and river sports, then steps. would be page advertisement» In the big magaxities telling e s s about It and inviting the world to come and enjoy It all— Several store fronts have greatly improved ap­ . fish, frolic and fraternlie. We are merely use to it, and pearances with a new coat of paint during the pass It by. letting the poacher and commercial fishermen idestroy a big namral advantage —Oregon I ' i t y E n t t t- MUR ALICE I. THOMTBON. MR N. H. SIGNOR and Family. MR and MRR J M THOMPSON CAIA. ANU h De. H. W It Secretarial, Stenographic or Book- keeping Course Eugene Business College Enroll T o d ., • '« • * Oood 8‘■,,o», A. E. Roberts. Prealdent 992 Willamette 8t. Phone 6«6 Eugene. Oregon CHOCOLATES One day in all the year that’s Mother's—and none so thoughtless a« will not remember it. If you but knew, she wants to have you tell her that you love her. She’s count­ ing on some little gift to let her know that, through the passing year«, you realize more and more just what she mean« — the countie«« thing« «he’s done the influence of her gra­ cious presence in your life _So for Mother, on her day. «end Johnston or Whitman's Chocolate«. In specially packaged assort­ ments. charmingly pre­ sented. She judges, not the costli­ ness of gifts, as much as that you thought to send her one. They are worthy of the sweetest lady In all the world. Phone 31 A. G. Barnes Big 4-R.iag Circus At EUGENE, on /TA-OQ/Möf/S s/zr oe- s, tow run ye.a comc'L-i ui TO Announce _ h / 5TRCET M M D E _______ _ last week. n r ’ }. • - RAiM OR :: W s” ’ ' • Admission: Adults 75; Children 50c <4 Loaf of Bread Please” When you say, “Loaf of Bread. Please.” you expect to get a loaf of bread that i.-> everything it should be. PER­ FECTION BREAD is everything it should be—and more. Th«- finest ingredients are used and the very best care taken i; baking. Fresh daily it comes out of our ovens a crisp, golden brown, and will tempt the appetite of every member of the family. ASK FOR PERFECTION BREAD THE BREAD YOU DON’T TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Perkins Laxton Building ► ¡■ b stä Fifth St. Springfield Phone 66 FRED FRESE, Prop. PURE ICE CREAM temptingly served are excellent as refreshments for horn«-, parties, picnics and church socials. Eggimanu s ice cream is the favorite ice cream made in Springfield. Visit our ice cream parlor for a cooling half hour. EGGIMANN’S UNITED STATES -' ■ ■ I E. Of Portland Candidate for the Republican Nomination for United States Senator R--ad a few of many press comments—- THE PORTLAND DAILY NEWS »peaking of «he Senatorial ca dldate« Bald: "If we were entirely buslnesnlike m th» conduct of'ou r public affair». Intent only upon getting the best man available for the money, there 1» no doubt whom, we would employ. We would employ a man of prove«! ! achievement», proved honesty, proved | fearlessness and trustworthiness. We j would employ a big man. ‘And that man Is Alfred E. Clark of Portland.’ THE TOLEDO LEADER: "Mr Clark 1« a man who has had a world of experience, has the age, the dig-1 nity and the ability to represent the people of this great state In the na tlonal law making body as they Rhould be represented." EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS' "There are few men in the state (who are a» well qualified for Senator as Mr Clark ” THE CONDOM TIMER: "Hie (Mr. Clark's), knowledge of public affairs, his prominence as a lawyer and his reputation as a speaker will prove valuable assets should the people de­ sire to »end him to Washington. Paid Adr.- Committee. -A lfred E. Clark for United States Senator Campaign ih- 1 —SfMithrm pBrifu « w» travel hargatn SPECIAL OFFER We will drain your Crank Case for 75c and fill up with- One Gallon Shell Eastern ' Oil Free Drive in and let us fix you up Jolliff-Scaiefe MOTOR COMPANY Springfield, Oregon LviW F ares B ack E a st E ffe c tiv e M a y 22 R o u n d trip sum m er excursion fares effective all summer; return limit October 31 .T ake advantage of these substantial reductions in fares to eastern places. Do and see more this summer than ever before. See California o n your way. Know th e whole Pacific Coast. It costs so very little more. Have the Southern Pacific agent h elp you plan y o u r trip. Thus get the most for your travel expenditure. fhem PacificLines — CARL OL8ON, Agent » t _____ z