Classified Ads (RMNGWt* FO U N D -B uxton Key Klip with kaya. GOOD punture to rent. Address Box p o R RALB—Payroll aheeta, printed M 6 13 2 0 1 and In atock at the Newa office. II, Hprlngfleld, Ore. (lanitr cun have aauiu by pay tug ------------- — — I Form aultable for road, construction for thia ud at New» office. | work, eawmllta, etc., with table to FOR BALK. compute workman'» oompeaeetlon Heed Corn, Mlnnenota Number 13 WANTBD— Wanted to buy, for eaan, and deduction». No employer «hould hl kind» of «won it band furniture Dent., IK year»’ In latne County, 65 be without the»e forma when they and tmplenv-nta. J. K Greer, Phone bunhola to acre la»t 3 year». can be pur«ha»*d for a few cent» each. tf Kilned Dried Kugena 1603 At Fnrtnerc Union atom, Hprlng­ M18; M 4 Visitor» In Town—Mr. and Mra. fleld. or Eugene, or at tny place on FOR SAt.E Carbon paper In large 29 M6 Carl Hpeare of Marcóla were business McKeuxla. Geo. W. Neff. afaerta, 26x3« Inrhea, »tillable tor vlaltor» In Springfield (Saturday. Butter wrapper» printed acooming w aking tracing» Th» new» Offlea to regulations with luun», weight In from Mareola—Mr. and Mra. My­ and addreaa. *116 a hundred at the NOTICE TO CREDITORS ron Craig of Mareolu were In town for N olle» 1» hereby given that the Newa Office. ii short lime Saturday. underalgned tin» been appointed Ad- anlntatratnr of the eetute of Hnrnh M.1 NOTICE TO CHED1TORH In from Leaburg— Frank Emmerick Dnvl», deceased, by the County Court' _ All peraona __ NOTICE I" hereby given th at the of leaburg spent a part of Saturday of Io n e County, Oregon. bav'mg olalina against'« 1 4 »»U te are un,l»rsl«n. I has beet* hereby notified to preaent the tam e. ^ " -'s VASBY BROS. Painting & Decorating in all its branches Your Home When In Springfield 312 Main Street D. W. Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 R. W. SMITH Justlce of thè peace and notary publlc, Insurnnce WM. G. HUGHES F IR E City Hall Springfield, Oregon A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y P U B L IC , Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete *or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers nt foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. Springfield, Oregon FRANK A. DF PUE A TTO R N EY AY LAW NOYARY PUBLIC Sutton Springfield Buldllng Oregon. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF I-ANE In the Muller of the Estate of Jack Rodman, deceased. CITATION. To the heirs of Jack Rodman, de­ ceased and to all other persons un­ known. GREETINGS: In the Name of the State of Ore­ gon, you are hereby d ied and re- qulr* d to appear tn the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coun­ ty of Lane, at the Court Room there­ of. at Eugene, In the County of Lane, on Saturday, the 29th day of May. 192«. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day. then and there to show cause If any you have, why the pe­ tition of Elmer Roberts, administra­ tor of »aid estate praying as alias or­ der of license to sell, at private sale for part cash and part credit, for the purpose of paying the claims against said estate ahd the expenses of ad­ ministration, the land of said estate described os follows, to-wlt; Lot 2 In Section 23 of Township 16 South of Runge 4 East of W illamette Meri­ dian, In I-ane County, Oregon, except­ ing therefrom a strip of land 50 feet wide through said lot conveyed to Ijuckey Boy Mining coin puny, also excepting certain tracts of said lot heretofore conveyed respectively to Nellie T. Matlock. T. C- Luckey and Roy Stlen. • Witness: The Hon. C. P. Barnard. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lane and the Seal of said Court here­ to affixed, this 23rd day of April. 1926. The date of first publication hereof is April 29th. 1926. Attest: R S BRYSON, Clerk. By EVA DUCKWORTH. Deputy A 29 M 6 13 20 27. Harr„ burfl_ Mr. and Mrs D D Carr of Harrisburg were Springfield visitors Saturdav. Eighth Grade Exam inations. The uniform state eighth grade ex­ am Inatlone will be given In school districts In Lone County where ap­ plication» ha» been made for th e questions and where pupils have com­ pleted the legal requirements on Thureday and Friday. May 13 and 14 commencing at 9 A, M . E J MOORE, County School Superintendent A 29 M 8 I NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby give« that the , undersigned has been appointed Exe­ cutrix of the estate of Ira N Taylor, deceased, by 4he County Court of I Lane County. Oregon. All person» having claim» against »aid estate are herehy notified to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned, at the office of Well» * Well«. Bank ! n t Commerce B ld g , In Eugene, Lane ’ County. Oregon, within alx month« | from the date of the first publication I of this notice. Date of first publication April 22, 1926. LOURENE TAYLOR, Executrix. WELLS « WELLS, Attorneys. A 22 29; M 6 13 20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that Eunice H. Bonney has been appointed admin­ istratrix of 6he estate of Alva A. Bon­ ney. deceased, by the Country Court of Lane County, Oregon. All persons having claims against »aid estate are required to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the 22nd day of April. 1926. to the snld administra­ trix at the law office of L. L. Ray tn the Miner Rullding, Eugene, Oregon. L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. EUNICE H. BONNEY, Administratrix of the estate of Alva A. Bonney, deceased. A 22 29 M 6 13 20 NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice 1« 'hereby given that the iirili rslgncil Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Frederick C. Cotta, deeensed^hns filed h rr neceunt for the final settlem ent of the estato of the said Frederick C. P otts in the County Court for Lane County In the State of Oregon, and thnt Saturday the 29th dny of May, 1926 at the Court Room of ¡JrId Court tn the County Court House. In Eugene, nt ten o'clock In the forenoon, has been by said Court fixed as the time and place for hearing objections thereto and for final settlem ent of said es­ tate. CLARA E. SCOTT, L. L. RAY, Attorney. F irs t N a t i Bank Bldg., Springfield V isit Morisnean Horn«— Mr. and Mr» Ivan Hrhomaker of Han Francls- co art, visiting at tb« home of Dr. R. P Mortensen, Mr. Schomakev, who I* Mr». Morten»en'i brother, la pro­ prietor of the CMIIfornla Clinical lab- oratorie» at Han Francisco. They are accompanied by their daughter. Gale. — - from D I R E C T O R Y 1, General 1-aw Practice PÀOI THREE TUB BPRINOFI’X D NEW« -------------- -ses THURSDAY. N AY G. 192(1. Executrix A 31 M f 13 20 27 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Thnt the undersigned has heen duly ap­ pointed by the Countv Court of the State of Oregon for the County o f laine ns the adsnlni trator of the estate o’ Josephine B Ahrams, de­ ceased. ami nil nersons having claims against said csfnle arc herehv noti­ fied to present the mm? propcrlv verified to -aid ndnvlnlstrntor nt the office of Frank A DePue attorney for the estate, tn Springfield, Ore­ gon on or hefore six months from the date of this notice. Dnled Mav 4th. 19°«. FRANK A. DEPUE. Attorney for estate. CLIFF ARRAMS, Administrator of the ostate of Josephine B. Abrams, deceased. M 6 13 20 27 J 3 EXECUTORS' SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bv virtue of an order of t>e • .unty Cotirt of Lane County, Oregon, In «he matter of the estate of Pugh M Price, deceased, duly made un I en I ed of record on the 7th day of Apri, 1926, the undersigned, Execu- ' rs vt the Last Will and Testament of H gh M. Price, deceased, will, on and after the lOtb day of May, 1926, offer for sale and sell at private sale the following described real property belonging to said estate, to-wlt: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 18, Township 17 South of Range 6 W est W illamette Meridian, thence North 89 degrees 39 minutes East 41.35 chains to the quarter cor ner on the South line of said section 18; thence South 20.37 chains; thence South 89 degrees 45 minutes East 1003 chains to a point on the W est line of the John M. Crooks Donation Land Claim No. 47, Notification No. 5024; thence North 38.56 chains, thence East 11.76 chains to the cen­ ter of the channel of Bill Hays Creek, thence along said channel as follows: North 8 degrees 20 minutes West 6 39 chains, north 22 degrees 42 min­ utes W est 9.09 chains; South 73 de­ grees 30 minutes W est 3.21 chains. North 45 degrees 45 minutes W est 5.91 chains; north 77 degrees W est 2.27 chains, north 44 degrees 30 min­ ute« W est 1.52 chains; north 5 de­ grees East 1.74 chains; North 26 de­ grees W est 1 97 chains; North 82 de­ grees 15 minutes W est 4.85 chains: North 146 chains; North 24 degrees 30 minutes East 144 chains; North 62 degrees W est 4.46 chains; north 43 degrees 30 minutes W est 4.73 chains, north 79 degrees W est 7 35 chains, north 45 degTPes 30 minutes W est 5 88 chains, North 26 degrees W est 3.82 chains. North 34 degrees; East 4.4o chains; thence W est 4.26 chains to the Northwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said section 18; thence South 20 49 chains; thence W est 20.16 chains to the quarter corner on the W est line of said section 18. thence South 40.68 chains to the place of beginning, containing 270.27 ac¥es In Lane County, State of Oregon: Excepting therefrom the following described premises, to-wlt: Beginning at a point 28 rods North of the Southwest corner of the South­ east Quarter of the Northwest Quar­ ter of Section 18; Township 17 South of Range 6. W est Willamette Merid­ ian, tn l4ine County, Oregon; running thence East to the center of the stream known ns ‘‘BUI Hays Creek”: thence Northwesterly np said stream to the W est line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 18; thence South to the place of beginning, containing four acres, more or lesg, In Lane County, Oregon. That the said sale will take place at the law offices of Potter * Foster, at 961 W illamette street, Eugene, Ore­ gon. Terms of sale, cash In hand or one-half cash and balance to be se- cured by first mortgage on the prop­ erty oti terms to be approved by the Court. JOHN M. PRICE, JES8 A. FOUNTAIN, Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Hugh M Price, Dneeftsed. A8152229 M6 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LANE COUNTY. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN Abner Gilchrist. Plaintiff, vs. Mil­ lard F. Green, Ilefendant To Millard F. Green, the above nam ed defendant. In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that Abn<-r Ollchrlst la the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1996 Issued on the 3rd day of July, 1922 by the Tax Collector of the. County of Lane. State of Oregon, for the amount of Sixteen and 47 100 dollars, the same being the amount then due and de­ linquent for taxes for the vear 1920 together iwtth penalty, interest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said County and State, and particu­ larly bounded and described as fol­ lows. to-wlt: Beginning at a point In section 21. Township 21, South of range 3 West of the Willamette Mer­ idian, 30 feet W est of the Northeast corner of the J. H Shortrtdw» Dona­ tion Land Claim In Township 21 South of Rang)- 3 W est; run thence north 1.75 chains; thence west 8.57 c.halne; thence south 175 chains; thence west along the North boun­ dary of said claim 16 58 chains; thence north 1 50 chains to the cen­ ter of the southwest quarter of sec­ tion 21. T ownship'21 South of Range 3 W est; thence weet along the south boundary of t ie northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 21. 12 97 chains; thehce south 1.50 chains to the NW corner of said D. L. C. thence 8 9.87 chains; thence east 38.12 chains to the west side of the county road; thence north 9-87 chain» to the place of beginning, containing 41 acres of land. You are further notified that said Abner Ollchrlst has paid taxee on said premises for prior or subsequent years, with the rate of Interest on said amounts a follow s; Year's Date Tax Re- A m t Rate of Paid cepit Tax Int'rt No. 1921 .. ___ 10 5 1922 2223« 1208 12 1922 .. ....... 8 8 1923 16948 13 63 12 7638 12.89 12 1923 ____ 4 5 1924 1924 ____ 7 1 1925 16126 14 53 12 7 3 1922 25883 1.97 12 1920 Said Millard F. Green as the owner of the legal title of the above prop­ erty as the name appears of record and each of the other persons above nam­ ed are hereby further notified that Ab- ner Ollchrkrt nrtll apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State afore­ said for a decree foreclosing th« Ilea against the property above described and mentioned In said certlf'cats. And you are herehv summoned to ai> pear within sixty days after the first publication of this summons, exclu­ sive of the day of said first publics- tlon, and defend thia action or nay the amount due as above shown, t o re'her with costs and accrued Inter­ est, and tn case of your failure to do so, a degree will be rendered fore- closing the lien of said «taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. Tb' summons 1« published by order of the Honorable O, F Skipworfll, Judge of the Circuit Court of th« State of Oregon for the County of Ijine. and said order wae made and dated th is 6th day of Mar 192« and the date of the first publication of Hits »um-mons 1» the 6th day of May, 1926 All process,and papers In this pro­ ceeding may he »erred upon the un­ dersigned residing within the S tats of Oregon at the address hereafter mentioned. 8 M CALKTNS. Attorney for Plaintiff. AddTees; Eugene. Ore. M 6 13 20 27 J 3 10 17 24 J 1 8 In from Thurston—Ctrl» Hanson, reeldent of the Thurston neighbor­ hood, was In town for a sh od time Saturday. Vaaby at Silverton—Rinehart Va»- by left Saturday for Sftverton, where he planned to spend several days vie- ltlng relative« and friend«. Here from Corvallis— Mrs. Sadie Lambert, a former teacher In the public schools here, was In town transacting business last Saturday. She Is now teaching In the W. C. T. U. farm home near Corvallis. The Richardsons had 3. the Right I d e a c i They figured it out this way: Why should they ultimately bear the cost of a new wood floor when, with judi* cious applications of A cm e Quality Floor Paint» they could keep the old floor beautiful and easier to clean and also preserve indefinitely its wear­ ing qualities? So, when the floor began to wear, they quickly put a stop to it with A cm e Quality. A 40-year reputation for dependability with a product for every type of floor finish. ACME QUALITY Paint^Varnish Come and discuss your painting problems here. Our «tore is the local Acme Quality Paint and Varnish Serv­ ice Station. Let us be of service to you. M I Wright & Son Utility Investments are Protected by Properties Staked to the Soil Investments in public utilities are backed by tremendous physical plans and distribution systems, staked to and im­ bedded in the soil. They are soundly constructed in accordance with the best modern engineering methods, and operated on safe, sure, economic principles. Your investment in the preferred shares of Mountain States Power Company represents actual ownership in such properties, with power to earn a steady return amply demonstrated by a record of many years of uninterrupted dividends. You can invest for as little as $5 a share per month. Let us tell you all the facts about how this investment is protected. Mountain States Power Securities Company OFFICE Mountain States Power Company Albany Independence Corvallis Junction City Cottage Grove Lebanon Dallas Springfield Engena Stayton