'i'iMiUHDAY. MAY (5. L#26 Lane County Farmers Union News _ s te A ftM b tt I A k ll C O U N T Y U UNIT N I T iwO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANE COUNTY wQ, 1 14 4 — , , ■ HO LSTEIN BREEDERS' — noon Committees wll be appointed • O F F IC E R S O F L A N E C O U N T Y • PICNIC TO BE IN JUNE for the coming year. F A R M E R S ' U N IO N * dy n p ecisl COOLING MOTH SPRAY. Jeff Mounts, who haa been vlaltlttg The !a»ne County Holst, In plo­ FIR ST. IS NOW DUE Corre •p on d «-t» in I’ortland for the last two months • C W Alien. Vida, President with slaters and a brother, haa re­ • W. I Seal». Eugene. Vlce-Prest • nk- has been tentatively set Ibis year fogliti* moths have been emer* as June 9 ami «til be a tour of sever­ turned to the Bailey home dent. wtU be followetl by the high school | Ins acattarbvly in G** W illamette Mr. and Mr». Henry Cook of Oak • Betty M Kappauf. Cottage Grove • al of lb« dairy farms Plans *r< to UPPER W IL L A M E T T E valley «tace April 15 *•>'« H ob C. contest At the close of the Declaim ridge were week end visitors at the start at Benter and Son. near « res- • Secretary-Treasurer. Mot*, entomob’glst of *he experiment Mr. aud Mrs. A. W. Daniels and j th>n contest, the fi.W and ‘ruck w n G It Ftah home • Walter Morgan. Creswell, Conduc • w> II. at 9 o'cliM k A basket dinner Station- Tb.' hot spell of l*«t week daughter. Nellie of Santa Clara, vis? tests for the grade school* « ’»1 »>< , Cha»«- garden« ha« organised a will be had ai neon tor. broil,; it hern out in number«. FulUv i ed over Saturday and Sunday with j gin and he completed before noon. B oys and girl« Hub work and stock hn.eball team The personnel of the • >1 II. Smith, Eugene. Doorkeep («.'-thirds of lb« tooths are now fly- Mr. and Mrs Bert John They are! A basket dinner will be enjoyed » team are the following Dewey Ray. Judging c la sse s are to be features of •r. Inc Warm nights are conducive to ' contemplating returning to Montana noon Candy and tee cream will be fori Ion Ralnea. W Cock, tlene Chase • o L Clement. Wa lervtlle. Chap • the picnic. Ubder the direction of N •g g laying. The eggs will hatch in in the near future Miss Opal Daniels, sale all day. lain * C Jam l«on. dairy exten sion speelalH t Marvin Chase. Bruce Thomas Norton Vfter noon the high school field Pengra. Clayon Kirkland. Kenneth g to 1« days depending on the tem­ who has Visited with Miss Cora John . • • • • • • • of O A C The committee planning perature. the picnic includes A llenter < B recently, was married to Mr Merton | and track con test. will «»*• P1“ " • Duniway. Owen Thomas and several The first cover spray should be on Cree in Los Angeles Monday. April The U st part of the day will he giver others who are trying out for the FOR SALE—Carbon pap«r In targe Sw ango. C B M cCutcheon and Oua over to baseball games between El j team After a little »tiff practice they A meeting was held l««t the apple» and pears before the worms 19 •hoet». 3«x39 tnohea. eultable for l» .v o ss batch and enter the fruit. Growers plan on getting some oatatde game« The young folks of the Christian mlra and Pleasant Hill making tracing« The News Office Er dav at the county agent's office. Resident of Plea-ant lllll were lit- B »v combine this codling moth spray Endeavor of Pleasant Hill held an Mr and A. II Fish and daughter. with their regular Ifd a y lim.-aul early meeting Sunday. May 5 and , »rested to learn of the marriage of Catty of Rahm, were Bunday guest" of Mr and Mr» O R Fish. Sunday phur scab spray. went to Trent to he present at th e, Mrs Dora E. Hallgua to «*"r J The weather at this date is unfav­ closing meeting of the revival being Conlee. A. M . dean of the Bible | The varlelle» ofm angl« a that have Standard Training school. which j orable for egg deposition and may held by Rev B ate* bewt yields In Oregon are the giant took Place in Eugene last week Mr- , continne for several days more Kav Olson, a student at O. A. C . half sugar, the Dnnlah slmUtrup, the Where teh evening temperatures at spent the week end with hts parents Hallgua with her »on. Vernon, lived j red eckendorf and the mammoth long many years at Pleasant Hill and is. g;0rt p n t . is «0 degrees or above, the red When planted rather »hallow on at Trent. A tender. Juicy Me»k. or a savory, tem pting ronut. la well known In ths district Mr and j codling moth may be expected to lay a fairly firm seed bed between May I Mrs. Saga herd and Mias Cora John Mrs Conlee will bZ at home at «91 | •gga Consequently when this tem­ ami 30 erpertmehtal planting« have the chief dish of our heartiest meals. Your art in cookery ill teach again the coming winter Seventh Ave. west In Eugene. perature of «0 degrees at 8:00 p m given g|>od results. Mangel» require at Trent. Is registered on several consecutive I h wasted tinleba your meat la choben with gon coast district when planted aft >r observed by station entomologists, b it 5 The rieasan t Hill girls were victors the middle of June softer much less be had here. as soon as any eggs are found the ford of Portland will teach the pri­ with a score of 57 to 1* Thoee who from root maggot», experiment work mary grades. information will be broadcast played on the hoy» team were: bat­ Mrs. R. J. English and daughter. tery. Humphrey and Kabler: Ted | ere have found bead arsenate la the standard Cslng fairly good seed iwtth constd poison material. The powedered ar Margaret, who have been with friends j Bedell. Guy Mathews. Delos Davis. | • • • • renate la used at 5 pounds to 100 at Pleasant Hill the past two weeks Berry Mauney. Lyman Tinker. Eu erably leas than the normal amount left for Crow Sunday where she w ill, gene Parker. Carl-Linton. Jerry Ka. of disease the Oregon expelrment ata gallons of spray solution. have charge of the cook house at the ler. The girls team was as follows i tion found that small whole seed po tatoea gave as good yield« as cut Bena Awhry. Minnie Olson. Velma Early maturing varieties of corn Lottln m ill piece» weighing about twice a» much Allan P. Wheeler, aoo of H C. j Williams, Cora Ölsou. Mary May for silage fields do best when planted The whole potatoes are ail bhwaon thicker than for grain corn according W heeler of Pleasant Hill, will be or- , Lindley. Gertrude Dilley. Helen Maun end places ami b«*t«r sgands are Springfield. Ore. dalned at the Bible university in Eu ey. Darllne Hall. Nina Dilley Fourth and Main Sta. to Oregon experiment station advice gene May SO The Pleasant Hill C hris-, Mr and Mrs. J. A Phelps. Mr and , produced. Phone 63 tu n church gave Mr W heeler a vote Lord motored to S-wtss hewn.- Sunda-- More than 1.500,000 pounds of Py of recommendation for ordination Ust Mrs. George Lord and Mr» Floyd , PREPARE TO COMBAT potol will be need in blasting stumps April 55 looking for a location for Sunday. CHERRY F R U IT FLY in Oregon this year In the estimate MI m Gladys Inman motored to Mr and Mr». Phelps who plan to. pf the extension service. Bend Saturday and returned Sunday. more to SwUahom« In the near fn A canrpalgn to combat the cherry A Declamation. Field and Tra -k tnre. fruit fly will be carried on In Imnr O. H. Wangetln received news of county an dthe remainder of the FOR 8AI.E—Carbon paper In large day. known aa “School Day." will sheet». 59x39 inches. suitable for be held at the Woodman grounds at death of his oldest sister. Miss Ixtutaa Willamette valley as soon as 'be in making traMngs. The Sevra Office Pleasant Hill May 7. The contest Wawn-lln. which occurred Friday. sect make» Its appearance The p r- between the grade schools o f the April 30 at her home in St. lamia. vabnee of the maggot laying fruit ’ r fly has caused California to quaran TAEL AND SSE Dr N. W Em er. n lo n high school district will begin Mo. tine Willamette cherries and nth -r In the morning at 9 :SO sharp. This pn tie« • -« on -»is*» and other week W IL L A M E T T E states may do likewise. Community News THE MAKING of a MEAL The INDEPENDENT MEAT Co. ■■■■■■■■ Hit and Miss Pattern Rag Rug, Heavy Weight Specially Priced Friday and Saturday Heavy Weight, hit and miss pat­ tern . good quality, Rag Rug, size 24x48. regular value 11-25 Only 8 9 c .Friday and Saturday Special PLAN TO ATTEND THE FREE COOKING SCHOOL MAY 4TH TO 15TH Tuesday Wednesday. Thursday and Friday a t 2:30 p. m. ^ d Saturday at 10 ^0 a. m . Mrs. Jessie Nead Domestic Science Expert, of the American Maite Co., will dem on­ stra te the efficiency of cooking with Amaizo Oil. with lh«* assistance of the “Bridge Beach” Gas and the Standard Electric Ranges. ^/ETHERBEE - POW ERS W f.Iamerte a i Eleventh W anted Eggs an d Poultry Sher Khan 662 Oak Street Eugene, Oregon Frult growers, inspector», cannerv Last w»«-k Mr and Mrs Byron Hav- men and county agent» met at Bukin prsfield. Mr Otis Cog«well, and M » Monthly and made plan» with C. 1 Ethel Cogswell. Bpent a day at Blue Long, extension fruit epeclallat of River. O A. C.. for the work InatrutMlons Otl« Cogswell left for B«nd. Wed on how to combat the fly ha« I •• || neariay. prepared by Don C Mot», ettmolog! • Mi«« Ethel Cog«well entertained n ; few friend» Thursday evening The j at the college, and will lie diatr.but by County Agent Fletcher, who was time was pleasantly »P«-n’ playing >e Turner, cannery representative ey Mrs. Arda Curry, la Mra. Bailey's and Dr. L. Scarbarough. Creswell growers, attended the meeting In Sa­ sister. The 3un«hin<- club will m eet at the lem. home of Mrs I. Cline. Friday after- T IM E AND PLACE OF LOCAL M EETINGS ' Canary -Firet Sunday and Third * Saturday. Farmer.-, Union Hall ' Cloverdale—Second and Fourth Ertdaye. Cloverdale School House. Oreevsell—First and Third Tue»- ' day», (kreawal). M. W. of A. Hall. ( oaM Fork—Second and Fourth Thrursdays- Farm Union Hall. Danobo—First Tu<«day, Dan■ bo 1 School House. Dorene—Second and Fouth Tues­ days. Doreoa Chore*. Hadleyvllle — First and Third Thuredays. HadleyvBle School Hecota— First Bunday of each month, Heceta School House. Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed­ nesdays, W O. W. Hall. Jasper. • Lorane—Second and Fourth • 1 Wed nee. lays I. O, O. F. Hall. * • MtKenele local, second and * • fourth Wed n««day, 8 p. m. I. O. O. • » F. hall. Wnltervflle * j 1 Mt. V"vwn—First and Third • . > Wednesday. Brnefldd Store • I > Silk Creek Meet« First and Third • • Thursday at fjwlsr School House • ' » at>eDcer Oreels—Third Friday. • • Ptne Grove School House. • • Trent—Dccond and Fourth Wed- • • needaya. Heaaant Hill High * • School Btdg • ! • Vida—«econd rod Fourth Hatur- • 1» days nt Mlnnsy Hall. * Seoretnrles will ph ase send In • 1» time and place of meeting and • I • cj^naes of date as they may oe- * • the u n iv e r s a l C A k Being an authorized Ford Dealer, we are directly inter­ ested in all Ford Owners. W e are equipped to serve you in our new location at 5th and A Streets. E. R. Danner Motor Co. GRAY’S CASH & CARRY “It Always Pay« to Trade at Gray’s” Another Carload of fresh Valencia Oranges at very Attractive Prices Graff'» Coffee 1 lb. T i n ..................... .............................. . 5?f 2’/ j lb. Tin .................................. ............ >1 80• Van Camp'» Pork and Bean» Medium Size ..................................... 3 ,or Large Size 2Ufc Peaches No. 2‘/2 - 25c a Pears No. 2’/ a ............................................... 25c Cherries Oysters 4 qz ........................................ ........... 2 for 35c No. 2’/ , .... 25c Crackers 3 lb. Box Perfection .............................. ’• 48c Corn ............ Tomatoes 10c 10c CASM&CARRX . h re.,. I M| m i TIH IJPB