( • W» haut been b l i i i t J w ith rain nuui u)e fear froet - Such it Ufa. T W E N T Y - T H IR D THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS YEAR SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, --------------------------------y L SHOWN BY REPORT LADIES CIVIC CLUB Detailed Survey Submitted To GIVES CARD PARTY Bonrd By Superintendent V. Th»« Ladle* Clvb club iwtv«* a bene­ D. Bain; Uncovered Warrant fit card party at the cham ber of ed Indebtedness is $11,000. «.» muo n «- Tu>*duy ufternoy th e high achool on the Mill and II s tre e t grounds on May $1. people Th«* pro« ««eds of thè* party ko Miss Itebhan waa elected by the A coiupb’t« financial aurvay of tow ard luylrig for th e piano which atudent body. Hprlinerlebl achool d istrict No. 19, wuN recently pur« ba*««d for th» «bam- The tnuld o f honor elected by the afthralhK that th«- »It iiu t n July | h< f rooms Junior claaas waa Naomri Carlton. 1 will havti u wurrnnt ludobtedtirN'i! The room« were lustily deaerated Willie M oyers ‘waa chosen by th e flu! cover« (I by I MI”* of It |»U roil IIIM I In young flowers Hrblge und Five aohomore», wed F rances Frlzell by |v f i t . 064.96. and th at the Ulatrlct «• Hundred were played until 1:30 the freshm en. C harles Thompson will indebtednasa at that rial* will prolb , o'clock, wh»n a laln ty luncheon wae I ttct „„ herald. Principal V. I) Hain ably «’icosd th«» l««jtal lim itation o n 1 served Mr*. Floyd I). Thompson na bishop. Albert H arper, T hayer I t ’ p re « » li t valuation by 16.766 36, wimi (dive tw o vocnl »olo«. ‘ M« Murray. Herald Morrison and Pry- aubm ltted to th«« *« bool board at It* i Til« prises w ere arranged openly ton O derktrk guards, nnd Lyle Has- Yes Sir, the millenium is hero— n vetlrur on Tuomlay nlsht on a table, each woman being pi r J tings and Orval Eaton, Jiwters. at least in Chicago, w here Mrs. The survey was m ade by V P 1 T hese will play the m ajor roles Ja Mas W allisher refuse» to accept Hain, principal of lh<- h ’nh school m ill e d In chooa« her own W inners wore Mr« J A Hcavey, Mrs. Hha*. the coronation cerem onies, which th e $10 weekly alim ony h er ex­ m id stttH’r ltitw n d e a t e le c t fo r th e com - hubby pays her. "I don’t deserve Mrs. Levi Neet. Mias Edna Swart*. (open th e afternoon festivities follow it," she »ays, and has gone to court Continued on Page 6 Mrs 8 A Balch, Mrs F 1» Th«»mp lag a processional s t 1:16 o’clock to have it stopped! Can you beat son OWNERS ORDERED TO s o o ^ ib n ^ ’ T * ' “P»clty of V isitors prea.-nt w« re Mrs. 8 Th«- public Is Invited (o the cere- it» F U R T H E R -L A N S M A D E •»00 gallons a m inute ag ain st the nor- Aa Balch. Mrs J, A Seavey. Mr» M monies. MOVE FOR PAVING, mal city pressure of SO pounds, the T H I R T Y - S IX T O T A K E FO R M E M O R IA L P A R A D E 8 W allace, Mrs C. P. McKInnle Mr». | The program for the day follows: --------- i suerin ten d en t stated it is to be In- 8 W Calkins, Mrs It A Brodie. S T A T E E X A M IN A T IO N S 1:16— Processional. | Following reports that the churches As a resu lt of a rep o rt made by «tailed a t the M ountain S ta te , plant 1» W Cr it re Mr* Brown nnd Mr* ' Coronation, Queen C onstance I. of lb«' city » 'O ld cooperate with the City E ngineer Simon K lovadahl to the w ithin three weeks, and will be in Kb-mmcr. O lrls' glee club, selection , Thirty-six member» of the E ighth effect th a t in some cases buildings a re operation by the middle of June. g« nernl rom m litee |n observance of Members of the rlub yesterday ex Muy pole dan«-«-. Junior high school grade of the Springfield Ju n io r high ju ttin g Into the alley in the re a r of | Memorial day her«- May SO. the coin E q u ip p e d f o r E m e r g e n c y . pressed appreciation Io th«« Spring girls. I school will taka the sta te e ig h th ; business houses on th e north side m ltt'-e in session last T hursday night field nnd Eugene women for tlielr sup The value of the device as It con­ English Folk dance, senior ’1,8h [Krude exam inations n ext Thursday of Main betw een T hird and F ifth fu rth ered plana for the cerein o n b a port. cerns fire protection is In the fact school girls streets, the city council on Monday and appointed sub com m ittees to him and Friday under the supervision of Folk dance. Junior high school girls. night sen t notices to E E. Morrison th a t It Is so designed th a t if the res- die various phases of the p rep ara­ N O R T O N P E N C R A G IV E N T arantella, senior high school glrla. Principal J. O. Burchum of th e Lin­ and John W lnxenrled statin g th a t th ,,, e ervoir w ent dry and presssu re drop- tions building» m ust be moved or shortened J’*'* < ,f 10 P°unds, •*« capacity of S U R P R IS E B Y S IN G E R S "A M aker of D ream s," on«*-act play. coln schtxd. $ As decided on at th e meeting, the Small adm ission. Members of the claps who pass the In order to allow paving of the alley the pum p would be Increased auto» parade will form at 10-30 o'clock on The Springfield B aptist choir save m atlcally to 1000 gallons a m inuta. 2:10—F ree for all races for Ju n io r exam inations will not a tten d echool to proceed. M«-morlal day m orning, the main rob a su rp rise party for Its leader. Norton high school. Mr. M orrison's building Juts into This Is a feature of all centrifugal umn on W ith »treat The M cthodl.t Pengra. at the P< ngra home Tuesday a fter the principal Is notified of the re ­ the alley betw een T hird and F ourth pumpB- an T roop No 1 will get fir bow« for sie Chase W ilfred Cook, Mrs P. 11. ° decoration. nnd T roop No 2 will g f Emery, M arshe Chas«- Mrs. Jam es, c«-n»e to operate the P astim e po ll of the month, and will have an o th er held against It for paving charges ar»’ hnll. II W T ib b etts yesterday era opportunity to attomprt to gain a not paid w ithin 30 d a y . by Mr K e r T his is a situation th a t has n ev er flower» C leaning sh e , cem etery In Mnts A rthur P engra. Mr. Wilson. ployed A ttorney F red Sm ith of Eu high school freshm an standing when ner. Ppn at ,hp ’oeal plant, except preparation la left to the I. O. O. F M yrtle H arvey, Mrs. Sohteck. Mr«. gen», contested the license »„sponsion «-ramlhatlons are again given on J u n e , C arnivals aeekln* to locate i n , « t the tim e of the freexe tw o w inters nnd W O. W Rebekah-« will obtain A. J Cowart. Ju an ita C rabtree. Mr« Springfield in the future m ust pay ago. when faucets throughout the f l o o r s , the l.lona cllib and cham ber Norton Pengra and Mrs litivoy R a y . and la te r had the poolroom unlocked $100 for a license. If a decision m ade ■ city were kept running to p revent and business resumed. of com m erce will arran g e for con- by the council a t M onday's m eeting freezing Th«- suspension by Record«-v R W. F IR S T S A L M O N L A N D E D v vnncea, nnd the Legion auxiliary Class Holds P ic c ia Is earrl«>d out. Considerable sentim ent Increase in w ater consum ption h ere, S m l’h c f T lhhett»' license was con- will plnpe Hags on th « graves In BY A D R IA N A N D L A X T O N against allowing shows of this kind as a resu lt of the growth of the ei y Th«- Frli-nd» clan« of the C hristian t«-»t«-«l on th e ground* th at the record Ptennant lllll Ml Vernon and Laurel B E L O W H A Y D E N B R ID G E to locate here was exrre-»se«, a t the and the fact th a t m any re s id e n c e s Hunilnv m-hool. whl«dt Is taught bv er had not held n h earing giving the HUI cemeterleo. m eeting, with the r«ult that w hat w as here a re now being conn«ct«»d uo th a t ♦ Mis o r a Read Hem enw ay, enjoyed pro p rieto r of th e poolroom an op F irst salmon w ere tak en from the considered alm ost a prohibitive li- hae net h eretofore $«-en served b y n pl< nl<- mi ili«- R lverslde reso rt Sun- portunlty to show m u se why the S C O U T F IN A N C IN G W IL L the city system . Is the chief reason Idiiy uflernoon A cafeterla liniv-r w.is license shtild Pot he suspended. A McKenzie riv er this season on T ues­ cense fee was planned. — -------------------------- for Installing thejne-w onmp a t th is BE T O P IC O F M E E T IN G foli- wt-d hy garnee. «wlmmlng. a n i e rfe re n re hetw een City A ttorney Irn day when W. H. Adrian and Jam es To Teach Not! School—Miss Lillie tim e, said fhe superintendent It Is o th er «llvernlons. A score of vouiig M P eterson and the d is tric t atto rn ey l,axton landed two huge fish while Springfield's m em bership In th« rssu lted In the sustaining of T ibbetta' angling about half a mile below the Sehlewe, siste r of Mrs. Fred F raee th e alni of the utflltjes services, he iM-oplc w • re prcsen t I.inu Countv Council of Bov Scouts of Springfield, has contracted tO 'gaid. to rep are for all em ergencies. cotnentlon nntl the reopening of th«’ Hayden bridge. will h«- the topic of n m eeting to be Mr. Laxton landed the firs t fish, teach the Not! school again next and the local system has rench-td a* pool hall T he doors were unlocked Kill Kare to Meet. hi-ld nt the ehnm h-r of commere-» with the u n d erstanding thnt T. Hutl- an 18-pounder. Shortly afterw ards, year, m aking her third successive point w here additional assu ran ce of The KHI K are club wilt meet! th!« n- xt Wev> ral of the m em bers who live nt ! the dism issal of h er school for the ^v the com rany in purchasing the In landing him. time. of hn!h li c»l trfo r» . num ber« of the Eugene are ex ie c te d to bi- over to ' Mr. L axton Mr. Adrian and Jess y ear on Friday. She will spend some p „ mp T he o rd er for the appafatu« T ibbetts was arre ste d Tuesday «i o r' cf honor, and Deputy Commls- atten d tin- m eeting Card« will furnish night by P atrolm an Fr«-d Hinson, und Seavey composed the party. They tim e a t Mulino visiting relatives be- wa, spnt 0U, t b |s WPek. th diversion for the afternoon, g r­ . hrag«-«l sloni-r A .1 Morgan. about m two iles ».««»-.• above My- fore ~ going r»- «• ........ - —____ -- _____- ’ nut’Ui i' m in.«».» — to A shland, w here she w ill, with — drw nkones.. R eco rd -r started Three ftnndred fifty dollars nr-» ■ordtng to plans made hy m em bers o f ^ , ^ f|nwt h(m |1 5 on |h n t ch n rg „ 1 prs p„r k. fishing down stream and I take the sum m er course at the Ash- W h itta k e r Not to Teach. In be rnl«<"1 IP this comm unity for r |„ b ,-esterday. shooting the rapid«. _________ land S tate Normal school.___________ I F red W h itta k e r reported to the l.nn«- conntv eeuecll nctlvtlr» Most hoard th a t he will not be able to fill r>t tills money 1» ils<-d f o r » ilm ln lM r - l C h r y s a n t h e m u m M e e t in g . i the osltion of In stru cto r to the high tlon nnd n rrn n lrn t’on work within By A. B. CHAPIN school next y ear on account of ill Tli. Chrysanth« mum club m et yen- OH. SAY CAN YOU HEAR — ? th e conntv. «"d a «mnll pi’rc c etn rc health. S n eerin ten d en t B ain was au- . . . , , lerluy afternoon will» Mrs. Ltlnnd Is »eni cut of the conntv to nation il I ! thortzed to look over prospects for C ards iwere played «luring . . . 1 Euhii bi-ndiniarte»». I . . . • the position and rep o rt to the board ' thi- afternoon, ami refreshm entn were The T.nne conntv council wn» er j a t am earlv date. , , , served bv the host«»«». gnnlred n venr ago. nnd results nf If« i ' _______ Mr Ba.’n als w as authorized to w ork have proven thnt neonllng can o io s io in investigate the sttu a t’eo regarding not function sm oothlv. nroe.-rlv nnd , M R S . A L M A S IG N O R hose at th» various sfh«»nTs. It being perm nni-nllv unless th ere Is nn ml D IE S A T AGE O F 83 reported th a t garden »ud fire hose imlnlstrntlV' head over the co u n ty , in use ts out of oond’tt-— work, scout loaders sny In n slat«- ' Funeral service«» w here held at the will«- gathering of scouts h« Id re c e n t-, Wulk« r chupel Monday for Mrs. Alma tv, tjin e county was the only en«- ^ 'an o r- w’10 t8«»