The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 29, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    T hursday . apwl go. i w
ones, and the use of them depends
upon the personality of the Individ­
uals. Sometimes abs. nee does the trick
and the engagement can be broken
off by separating the couple. Sent- •
times too much of each other's com
pany will do the good work—a little
M o th e r s
A r e n ’t
Alw ays Capable 0» ridicule is always effective, but the
one sure way to make the match la
Selecting the Ideal Mate tor
to forbid the boy or girl to see each
T h e ir Children.
other and keep nagging them about
My son i* enjtaite»i to uiarry a young IL
girl who works In his office. He
thinks he lores her. but I'm sure he
is only infatuated with her pretty
face I think she is frivolous, irree-j
sponsible, and foolish—and I know I she cannot possibly make mV
Son happy
They have nothing In }
cowsnon She is gay and fun loving i
h.. i, mt li• ctu ai and «erious Then ßrjef „f Resun,e of Happenings
too. the fact that they are not of the
the Week Collected for
same social status makes me fearful
for 'he outcome of the marriage.
Our Readers.
Won t you please tell me haw lo
part them before It is too late
Lumber shipments by water hare
rirl of Increased at Newport 400 per cent
" m v ^ ^ “ d n X o v e will not fill
In Confidence
Mrs. Johnson Oles.
Springfield Loess.
Cottage Grove high school baseball
S. P. RESERVE CAMP players proved the old adage about
Mrs. Anna I« Johnson of Jasper
died at the Pacific Christian hospital
at Eugene on April 27 Mrs Johnson
«as horn on April 13. t**H. «'»I has
been living In this district for »•»■
era) years with her daughter, Ml ’
It F Moore of Jasper, •
The funeral Is lo be held this af
lernoon at the Walker chap«l, at 2
o'clock, will« Rev W A Elkins of
Fug. lie III C h a rg e Burlai will be at
Mt Vernon cemetery
Surviving Mrs. Johnson are one
Recovery of three of the (workmen the worm turning, wthen on last F r l
Satisfactory progress in the com­
whose Illness, following the death of day they nahlxsl an 11 10 victory over
pany'a work Is reported by the off
two other men within the space of Sprlngneid, after the locals in an
cera of the Springfield headquarters
three days, brought about an Inves­ uncompleted game a couple of day*
unit of the Oregon National Guard,
tigation by the state health officer before had walked away (With 10 run*
which was organised here a short
at the ikoithern Pacific contsructlon against two In fourjnnlngs The first
time ago. Tonight's meeting of the
camp at Reserve last Saturday, In game didn't count, and as a result Ihe
company Is the final one to be held
itlcatvs that the malady which was slate shows Cottage Grove's victory
in the chamber of commerce rooms,
swceeping through camp was neither
and henceforth meetings will be held
typhus fever nor meningitis
Weilnesday Ihe Springfield team
iu EgglmHun’s hall, which has be- n
was reported yesterday following a again played In herd luck, when Bu­ son. C h a rle s W J o h n s o n o f E u g .- n - ,
rented for use of the company.
trip lo the ransp made by Dr Eugene lge ne defeat«»! It 10 1» 2 Cowart win and three daughter». Mrs Roy llarrk-
Rooms to be used for offer, squad
Kc.-ler, who was one of the physi­ out of the game on account of sick us of Wmalhurn. M r s M o o re o f J s s .
and locker purposes, also equipment
K Aiikmau ot
cians who, with Dr Frederick Strlck nets, forcing Hastings lo plloh with per, end Mrs S
and supply quarters and drilling
ntr. stale health officer, conducted a badly cut flng«r
Clarinda. Iowa
room, are available In the Egtlmann
the investigation
Through Lieutenant C A
Dr Kester said that three of the
Swart«, the company commander,
five men who had been apparently at­
the guard post thts week expressed
tacked by the same malady that
Its appreciation lo the chamber of
caused the death of their fellowswork
commerce for donating the use of
nu n late last week, w rri well enough
meeting quarters iwhlle the company
to he hack at -work, and that the
was being organised.
others were Improving It Is llkelv
Drills and m eetings are being held that the quarantine, which was placed
each Thursday night, and the work
on the ramp last Saturday by Dr S
ia getting well-organ lied. Lieutenant
M Kerron. county health officer, will
Successors to S C H A E F E R S BROS.
w h.m .
son’s soul The
six registered Holsteins, valued at Ewarts and Second Lieutenant Wal be raised either today or tomorrow
every n
‘ •
you #Ter jjyqq. were stolen and butchered ter Gossler have received their com­
A post-mortem examination was
. - • •
a i“ "
I m issions from headquarters. and
held over the body of one of the vie-
wife i« so absolutely a matter
-j-be ,jls, r)ct conference of the Amer- three sergeants have been appointed tlma. a Mexican, last Saturday nigh'
& .n ,.i taste that she could still (can Legion auxiliary was held at They are Daniel C. Taylor, staff Ser­ by the medical experts and the In­
be The WOM precious thing in J h e Rok-burg
j geant. C. F. Scott, acting first ser vestigation Is now ‘ going ahead at
geant and Ben Davison Two more Portland Symptom« at first led the
world \ o him. filling his
J The 30th birthday anniversary of
romance ami happiness On the ot <
Salem lodge of Elks was cele- sergeants, four corporals and four authorities to believe the disease to
first class private» are to be named be menlngttlg. Instead of typhus
[a “
he might he bored W r e a th
Cases were immediately Isolated and
with the nice sweet Joni
The annual conference of the state
Lieutenant Swarts spent the sari the quarantine clamped on Ihe camp
you would choose for him.
court of the Catholic Daughters of
ier part of this week iu Portland,
Again Demonstrating Our Ability in Giving Values— Two
You admit that your son
America was held at Astoria,
attending an officers school
Selling Days— Two Days That in Our Estima­
tellectual and s s > r i < n i s ktnij
Increased premiums for dairy cattle manders of the company In the stale
tion Should Prove To Be Intensive Selling Days. Practically
tainly. he ought to r‘ *
serlou» exhibitors have been decided on by were at the meeting.
Every Section Of This Emporium Will Concentrate Upon
on prices on plate and other work.
a wife he wants. It
before the Linn county fair management.
Making The Final Day of April And The First Day Of May
B atter to break off *nmpan>ntg might
Mrs. George Boedegheuper died at a
Notable For Its Values. Merchandise Of Merit At Eugene's
gltemptimt >t. •'
consideration Salem hospital from burns suffered
Largest Department Store. There Are Many Unadver­
W«U give more
attempting l’- whea s te was eockln8 at her home
tised Items Equally As Attractive In Point Of Value.
t0 .n the facts before a
bhat a voung g»«1 l!* -
l o w good times is not
Water is now running in all canals
frivolous an o
mother to dis- of the Warm Springs irrigation sys-
TOff>.ient reason for a
tem. Warm weather has made the
Of t h . water needed.
ial satus make a z t - 'A '
William Macy, aged 28. was killed (
eame soc®
there ever was whva he fell under the front trucks
T r ’ nZiudice against working women of a car of a logging train on which
By Flo
Ax-Billy Dept. Store
Two Days—Friday and Saturday
88c Surprise Values
Men’s $1.25 $1.50 $1.75
Dress Shirts, 88c
world is getting over it very brave he was riding.
The first annual convention ot the
lv Any nice sweet girl who has the
ndence of spirit that makes her southern division of the southern dls-
- n< tie out and earn her own living, trict Epworth league for Oregon held
tostead of forcing a poor old father a threeday »ession at Medford,
or her brother or her family to sup-
The Lane county fair board has
port her. who has the intelligence authorised the drafting of plans for a
and grit to hold down a position, is proposed building program on the
a fit wife for any man from the county fair grounds at Eugene,
president down
The Baldwin mill at Anlauf In Lane
It is the moat natural thing in the county, which has been closed down
(world for parents to really believe for nearly two years, will resume ©per­
t-hat they are in better position to ations as soon as repairs are com-
Jndge what sort of a husband or wife pleted.
their child should have. They feel
Joe Sylvester of Milligan was kill-
that their experience and knowledge ed instantly at Vaughan's camp of the
of life qualifies them to select the Coos Bay Logging com pany about
Ideal partner Believing they can midway between North Bend and Co­
bring a calm. cool, uninfluenced Judg quille.
ment to bear on the matter, they are
A special city election Is proposed
quite apt to forget that the faults in a petition now being circulated in
they find so intolerable In a boy or, Eugene asking that six outlying die-
girl are not really faults at all. Young tricts southwest of the city be an-
and the old do not look at things nexed.
from the same view point. T h ey ; a merger of the Malheur county
haven’t the same Heals, nor do they farm bureau and the Malheur Pro-
Judge thines by the same standard ducers’ association was the result oh
Especially is this true now when the a meeting of the two bodies held re­
present generation accepts as com- j cently.
morplace many of the things their
The state engineer has been request
parents condemn as criminal breaches ed to investigate the condition of the
of manners and morals.
- Whited reservoir on Burnt river ia i
Having children marry out of their Baker county to determine whether
class, out of their religion, marry a It is safe.
poor man. or frivolous girl, mean»
Salaries have not been paid for two
nothing at all. for others that hav»» months by the state board of hortl-
no apparent point« of friction fail . culture and the board has decided to
This makes it more and more imrpos- agit fOr relief from the state's emer- |
sible for parents to decide, with any gency fund.
degree of certainty. what, sort o f 1 Tentative organization of the Lane i
wi.-es and hu«han<t» swill really make COUDty cow testing association was
their children happy.
effected at. a meeting of a number
As for breaking off th e match, the
dairymen at the Eugene chamber
only successful tactics are diplomati • oj commerce.
942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon.
Summer’s Smartest Styles
In Frock« of Silk
O ne
S illt
—Here are shirts which are Ideal fur every day wear In
this group are neck band styles and collar attached styles
—honors for quantity are about even.
- Made of splendid quality fabrics, well tailored, full cut,
and come In appealing colored stripes anil novelty checks.
—While the range of sites Is good to start off with, how­
ever. we advise early buying as we anticipate an Inroad
in the stock.
F ro ck — such a» these we
talkin g
Entire Stock Genuine
about — and
Kalburnie Fast Color
Ginghams, Four Yards
looking w ell all S u m m e rl
A t this reasonable price!
—Superb in cutting and draping qunlitiea, aun and water
fast. 32 inches wide. The new frock patterns are especially
well interpreted in "Kilburnie" Ginghams.
Lace trimmed! Flares!
Plaits! New Sleeves! In
ravishingly lovely colors
Shop at this Store for all
your clothing I Our styles
For Women,
Misses and Junior«
W ear-Ever”
3-quart Straight Sauce Pan
Two Day Surprise!
High Grade Guaranteed
Aluminum Ware at an
Atonishingly Low Price
605-609 Willamette St.
Dry Goods
Shoes for the Family
The Seasons
Latest Blonde
Gore and 1
Strap Pumps
Edmonds Foot
For Men
Dress Oxfords
$5.95 and
Every woman should be proud of her kitchen mid ns
willing to show it off as any other part of the house. Tills
Aluminumware Sale affords you a splendid opportunity to
take an Inventory of the kitchen supplies and stock up
with bright new aluminum utensils. Huy now at this great
saving and give yourself the satisfaction of having pur­
chased Aluminum ware of real quality (guaranteed to give
satisfaction) and worth at a substantial saving. You can
so easily make your kitchen work a real joy.
Thit offer it good only
from April 30th to May 8th
, Also, a Steamer Section to
fit 3-qt. Sauce Pan—
(Regular price $1.30)
Steamed foodt art healthful foodt
Backed by a Guarantee—
-P O W E R S
» A vr V iv r w »no
Willamette at Eleventh
No Interest
We guarantee every piece of “Priscilla Ware” to give
unquestioned satisfaction. If for any reason this utensil
fails to give satisfactory service, you may return It and
we will refund the purchase price or replace the utensil
without question. You are the judge. Fair enough Isn’t