THPHKHAY, APRIL 29, 192*1. NKW K PAGE PIVI Return from S outhland—Mr In— A . W W eaver of and ( to Reavey*» ferry. Mr». (lis s ie r g a ré Wife and Husband n »pvm a purt of Mo*aav Mr«. T. H. Ilu lrb u rt a re back a fter m ilitary drill» a t the ferrv if 1» Ilk 1/ Both III With Gas l re n tun •ng bu.'ne»» .0 Springfield. l a five m onth»’ trip which took them »¡,0 Girl» Hcouta will take . ■ kin-’ Into Southern ( ’id I for ula and over It. to n s at ,1« high e c h o '. th is Sat- •T o r year» I had gae on the stom ­ Recovera from lllneee M r*. A of I t i e line into Mexico a t T ijuana and e rra y , If not 'h ey will a w . at Mr», ach. The first dose of Ad’c r ’ka •n from Marcola—Mr«. John Condo» Iiowi'iH I U|> et» • " uu ■¡lut e* M-xIcall. They made the trip In a fw th a n '» home. helped. I now sleep well and all g.ts i" .iiieiit of Marcola, wa» in Hprluc ■«■virui il-iy» duration. i house mounted on a tru ck holy, and Is gone. It also helped my husband field on l,u in,-«» i,,., |i*rJ4ay. M e i e r ! *1'* • Hevrral month« working in th - Hae Minor O p e r a t io n — Nick (signed) Mr». B. B rinkl-y. ONB Again They Agree. grove» at Rlverwlde, Callfor- Hare from W altarvllle Mr«. Il of Catizp Cri -k underwent a m inor : spoonful A dlerlka remove» GAS and ‘'D arling, I've been w ordering w h a t Stoddard of W altervllle was in Rprln* operation nt a local physician'« offUe|*>la They v leiu d point» of Intereet often br'ng» astonishing relief to th» | In ('nllfornla, Ineluding Hollywood would happen if you and I would stom ach. Stop» th at fu l, bloatad lu «I Friday. fb ld on biidne»., Monday. Drive to Roseburg— .Mr. and Mr*. | 1 movie colony and the *ea«lde resort*. agree on anything?" feeling. Brings out old, w ait m a tte r Go Flehln#— Dr M Ralph Dippel j " I’d probably be wrong If we d id !” yon never thought wa» in vour ry » M others-D aughters Meet. < E Kenyon drove to Rom burx f o r ’ and lila ni phi w H arry W atson, »<-nt In Europe farm er« pay th eir taxes tem. Tht» «excellent intestinal ovacu- fl dilng last Ttm raduy on th a McK n- « vl«lt lust Sunday The Girl»’ league of th ' Springfield with produce Muat be fun to throw a n t 1» w onderful for constipation. zlii rlver. high »chord sponsored a nc. thorr- ton eto es a t the collector. F lanery’» Drug store. In from T hurston—( baric« Davla daughter» dinner held ’.q I i • high - Vielt Relativ»» H ere—Mr« Emm et i "f T huratua was « Springfield visit Furnom and chlldren of San Jo se ‘ »rhool lawn last «veiling at 6:80' (or a «licit tim e Monday, vlaltliig relative» höre for a (>w o clock. Mr». Vlri-lnla Rice, advlsoi of the league, was In charge of t l " Matthew» H ara—Rn«s Matthew... event Mother» of the league m em bers G akrldge resident, wa* In town on in ♦ •rri Thurafo ■—Among the » • r e present, and enjoyed a delight , b u.lti'«« S aturday 'hiir«ton reMdentH who trnn«aet> d ful dinner prepared In »he domextli imlm-Hn In Springfield were George ecli-nce dep artm en t of th e high Eugana Viaitora H are V I4 tor» l a t t Mr« W alter Platt, C harlea Reboot. -.. I Iw r.- from Eugeni lent Friday luclud rah t, and George Neff • d Mildred lllHhop, Joe R tiln n iitx and Girl 8couts Meet. family, and other», I V isit In W altervllle— Mr» May It’s A Good School Enroll Today The Bob W hite and the Daily Slip i C raft and »on, H arley and Ml»« M ar­ Baby Born—An Kt^ pound baby g aret llem eiiw ay were vlaltod» a t the per patrols of the Girl Scouts, under A. E. Roberts, President d au g h ter w iim born to Mr. and Mr», home of Mr». C raft'» paren ts, Mr. the direction of Mrs. W. C. Rebhan Phone 666 Eugene, Oregon 992 Willamette St. till« Galloway of Belknap Hprlng« lust and Mr«. D. C T ro tee r, In W altervllle and Mr». W alter G ossler, m et a t <1 Saturday morning o'clock S aturday m orning and hiked over the week end. W eaver I TOWN AND VICINITY ! Tonsil« Removed—G m irt1' C tilt'ir; underw ent a t''n»ll operalhin at u | ih ul pbysb lima office Tin ulay. H » r» fr o m H a r r is b u r g Witliul'i Hpurliii utul 1> 1) Curr <>( H arrU bur^ wvr«* vlaltoiM hot«« Tu»'»«lay. H rra from W endllng— Mn Jessie Will " S ' i i nf WetiilllU* wii > a visit ir In re Tuesilay. H u N»w C ar—Mr Minnie I t r v ’i Is th ' prnilil nwii’T of a new Chevrn- Igt aeilan. H ara from W e»tflr—J u n e « Mil chell of W estfir 1» expected lu town Saturday. Olson at Kroll— Mr and .Mrs. ( ’.u l m o to r e d to Kroll, In tin- Coo» liny country, Sunday. O l.o n V ielt at Siltcooo— M r It Flanery wer« Bunday. » I h H o und Mr«. F. m at Hlltcoo» Here from T hureton— Alvi« Armi' tug' of T hurston * m a vleltor here on Tucaday afternoon. Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­ keeping Course Eugene Business College H e r e fro m T r e n t— M r. a n d M r - V liit In Salem — Mrs. II B F re e -1 Vieit Tyson Home—Elm er Furu»«t of Wont Springfield '»a« a gucat at I l G r e s a n d »W C Grt l'"tn of la id of Eugem and Mr* T. V. H en, T rent »pent a »liort tiu » ln Spring ib-rson of Springfield are v e ilin g In th e Tyson home lent Tuesday. field Saturday. , Ralem with Mr». Freeland'» m other H e re fro m N a tro n — M r - Il O. thia week. S m it h o f N a t r o n was a Springfield . H er from Salem— H arry Jones visitor Tuesday. guard nt the »lute pt net -Hilary, wa« Child 1» Injured—The 3 venr-olc a visitor in Springfield Sunday. He son of Carl Gilbert of Coquille se­ B o n e » In Town—J was on his way back to Sub-ni a ft r riously Injured h is arm In a clothes r i s h h n t. w ■« a visitor here on Tue»- a vlail with Ills parent« nt Jasper. w ringer nt th e home of his grand­ day. % m other, Mrs. Delp of Springfield, In fro m W a l t e r v l l l e — W altervllle Inst T hursday. The little fellow allow ­ W endllng Man Down— Arnold Mey er» of W endllng spent a p art of T u es­ j resid en ts her« S aturday, Frank Km ed hl* arm to g -t caught In the wring nierlek, Mr. aud Mrs. George Ea ton. er. and It iwas pulled In to the elbow d ay here. Mr and Mr«. T. W. C arney unit Jim before lb« w ringer wa» stopped. He H»re from Vida—Mr«. Anna G ; Kurban. wns taken to a local physician’s of­ B aker of Vida «a» a Sprlngfl- M v isi­ fice. were M was found th at no bones To A ttend School—Ml»» Ellen lo rn to r on Monday. had been fractu red , although the will give up her work nt th« flesh was badly crushed. M r » . A n d e r s e n H ara—Mr». Joaepli ! Ketel» drug »tore this week In o rd er A nderson of Marcóla was a visitor : to attond th« bu«lue«s college at En In thia city on Monday. g'-ne. PILCHER’S 11 Bone». Vidi SH O P P IN G N E W S eth W earln In—M J W earln of W al­ L anders Baby Born— A baby boy, tervllle wa« a vlaMor h ere on T ue- weighing ounds, was born to Mr. day. and Mr». Lionel laitidera of M arcola H era from J a s p e r Mr». B O. Sunday. S m ith of Jasp er waa her« for a short Rev. Moore III— Rev. F. L. Moore tim e F riday I of the M ethodist Episcopal church Bob Purcell H ara—nob Pnrcell of j was I I I early this weak. The pulpit M arróla win a Springfield visitor waa filled Sunday by Rev. J. T. Friday. Moore. In from Craawall—Mr». N. P. I-alrd Hera from C orvallis—H attie Nad of Crrwwell visited friend» in Spring vornlk, who 1« working a t Corvallis, field la»t Friday. «pent the week end here a t th e home O akridge Woman H era—Mr» O. I. of her parent«, Mr. and Mr» J. F Nelson of O akridge was a visitor In N advornlk. S prltiffleld Friday. Baby Girl Born— Mr. and Mr« Sid­ Fall Creak V leltor—Roy Brew er, ney W ard are blie happy -parent» of re sid e n t of Fall Creek dietrtet. wns a bub.v girl, horn early last Monday m orning. Tha new com er tipped th e a buetne»» visitor h ere last week »rale a t seven pound». Crabtree Hara— Fred Camp Creek Saturday. C rabtree Consistent With Our Fixed Policy to ^ » .U lo n 'th U month t o ' J t o v X « to’Ll "department, "that are .no^nnusnel. Our merchandising department in New York has been exceeding y making tremendously exceptional buys of quality merehandise for_ our stores m Washington, Oregon and California and we are consequently offering it at PIL­ CHER LOW PRICES. We invite you to see for yourselves. We do give remarkable VALUES! This is undoubtedly the greatest selection of merchandise we have pre seined the public since we opened our stores. Thousands of dollars worth of mer­ chandise for men. women and children bought at very low prices, and, in turn, to be sold at prices that you cannot afford to overlook. Read tits advert,semen thoroughly; come down and see the merchandise—you can rest assured you find everything exactly as advertised. Act! * DRUGSTORE For May 9th Mother’» Day Men’s Work Clothing SpringSuits of wu» h e re on business Vlalta on McKenzie—P. E Sr.od- grn»». president of tfie F irst N ational -Mr. J. H. Neal hunk of Eugene, stopped over here Mr». Neal H Runday on Ills way up th e M cKrnale of Motor Route II i « an here for a w here he will »pend a fern day« in while Friday. re s t before retu rn in g to his duties M r». Sharm an H are— Mr* Frank at the county sent. Rhnrmnn of Eugene wns a business T rout Bit«—Don Gillespie, Cecil visitor In ftp. .ngfleld Monday. Mulligan and Jam es ltarp o le an sw er­ A r e v is it o r » H a r e — M r . a n d M r s ed the call of the rod and line Sunday M 1«. B u o y o f E m te n e w e re g u e s ts and Irleil th eir fish erm en 's skill in Runday of Mrs. Buoy*« sister, Mrs the w aters of the McKenzie T h-y E lsie Pollard of Springfield. retu rn ed with a good catch Sunday Have Picnic Dinner—C E. flw n rta | elstifr. Mrs. F re i| Freae. Goes to .P ortlan d — Miss V ernltn they motored up the MeKenale riv er M orrison Is going to PoHlnnd to spcm l the wyi'k end visiting relative« hlgliwny to the snow line w here they spent the rem ainder of the day. and friends. For Men and Young Men Who Would Be Weil Dressed Artstyle Chocolates The new sensation in qual'ty chocolates—truly the best and est of mothers. sweetest of gifts for the sweet- Motor to Roseburg—Principal and Mrs. V. D. Bain motored to Rose- b u r* Sunday. Mrs. A. K McClintock, Mrs. llaln’s m other, re tu rn 'd with them to visit for two weeks. , Ankle 1» Injured—Leonnrd Viin Leuven of Eugene sustained n sprain­ ed ankle when lie Jumped from n pile of lum ber a t ’ the Booth Kelly lum ber plnnt here Tuesday. Albany Official» H ere— Lloyd Bd- w ards. nsslstnnt superintendent, and W .1 Mnndley, m eter su p erintendent, of the Mountuln Rtntcs Pow er com- pnnv, were visitors nt th e toent of- | flees of the company Tuesday. McLagan at T angent—W. C. Me laigiin. sup erin ten d en t of the local pro p erties of the Mountain S tates Pow er com pany, accom panied by hl« fam ily, visited on Sunday a t the hom e of hl« fath e r a t T nngent, in Benton county. Men yon cannot afford to miss these suit values. New British styles, single and double breasted models, novelt» weaves, plaids, checks and stripes for the young men. $29.75 STAPLE SUITS One Pound $1.50 Flanery’s Drug Store 5*- 5^*°^ Mitchell H ere— D elbert Mitchell o ' W estfir spent the early part of the week visiting hero iwlth hl* paren ts. Mr. and Mrs II. T. Mitchell H ere from P ortland— A. M Lawson, hop buyer of P ortland, Is h ere this week negotiating with local hop grow ers for the purchase of th eir crops. NEW BRITISH MODELS SPECIAL OFFER We will drain your Crank Case for 75c and fill up with- V $24.75 to $37.50 I Men’s Shoes Work Shoes, tan and brown. A good, serviceable shoe .... $2.98 Work Shirts, blue and grey chambrav, cut very large. Union made ... 69c Khaki Sateen Big Six Work, Shirts, triple stitched, will give real service . 89c Men’s Furnishings Semi-soft Collars, each ...... 10c Pure Silk Hose, reinforced Tan and Black Side Dress soles and toe ..... 49c Oxfords, welt soles, me­ Cotton Dress Hose, black dium broad toes $3 98 and brown 12 -C Tan, Black and Brown Kid Fine Knit Union Suits, ankh length, short sleeves 79c and Side Oxfords a n d Shoes, medium, broad Men s Fine Quality Nainsook Athletic Unionsuits 79c round toes $4.98 Drive in and let us fix you up MOI OR COMPANY Carpenter's Overalls, heavy weight, white duck. Union made, each $1.98 For the Conservative Dresser. In blues, browns, grays. Stouts, slims, stubs and regulat sizes. We can please you if you are hard to fit. One Gallon Shell Eastern Oil Free Joliiff-Scaiefe A. B. C. Overalls, triple stit­ ched, heavy 220 blue de­ nim. Waist, suspender and high back styles. Union made ..... $1.29 Express Stripe Overalls and Jumpers, heavy weight. A very fine quality. Union made, each . $1.69 Moleskin Work Pants, heavy weight, will give lots of service, made exceptionally good. Nice fitting $2.98 Khaki Work Pants, extra heavy with full peg top ...................... $1.98 Men's Work Sox, heavy cot­ ton. brown and blue mixed. Gives real wear. Pair .....................1 2 ’iiC Engineer and Firemen's Sox, black and brown, pair ...... 18c ■ A A PIL C H E R - CO INCVaPORATCB 9M WiUdinetta department Stores Bath Laraway Bul'dln« Across fro m R ex T h eater Springfield, Oregon rE P F V Ä L IT Y M EETS C O N F ID E N T