THURSDAY. M’llll. .9, 11124. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOLK ALFRED E. CLARK OF PAINTING THE HOUSE THURSTON WINS BALL PORTLAND WITH THE RIGHT COLOR CAME FROM VIDA. 14-0 W hat's th«> use of being a congressm an, any« Candidate for the Republican way? The day of privileges Is Just about ended. It,is an open secret th at meal (oiks The T hurston high school lined at! nom ination for United States Not so long ago someone made congressm en alu i tli< Ir houses (or the sake of ap­ niin- mad« II (our straig h t win» I >i Senator. quit using their stationery allowances to pur- . hasing things that didn’t have anything to do peal alive. Ib is can uevqr he con­ 'll« season Friday when the VI«,• dem ned. It is a lact (hat many of team « a s -Imi out with t acoro of with legislation. And now along comes Speaker Longworth and e ar choicest neighborhoods owe th eir I l f to 0 Tin- gum« w-.ii Thuralost to the governm ent ““ “ ,' 1" " *"*' a » i g’-ni'-ry when »cor« »a» l i to 0 for T h n rt - o f $24.00 a column. 11 The idea was to make the folk-« at home be- *'«>” "h> »• “ hatu.n.,1 ton Thompson canght for V’ldn lieve the congressm an bad reached the p innacle' U“ 1 »«•*“> 1 f all tiw us. i h a Thia week. tin- T hurston nine IT S A HAKI) LII E WAILS CONGRESS. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every T hursday at Springfield, l a n e County, O rrto n , by THE W ILLAMETTE PRESS • H. E MAXEY, Editor. B ute red aa second class m atter. February J4. 1903 a t the postefftce. Springfield. Oregon MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE One Y ear In Advance tl.7 5 T hree M o n t h s 75c Btx M o n t h s _____________»1.0« Single Copy --------- »c T H I’R SIU Y . APRIL 39. 19--I. Editorial Program L Make S pr’ngfield th e Industrial C enter of Wee- tern Oregon. IL Develop a Strong T rading P oint; Build a City ef Contented Homes. III. Improve Living C onditions on th e Farm . Pro­ mote th e Raising of Purebred Livestock and th e Growing of F ru it; Work for B etter M arkets IV. Tell th e World About O regon’» Scenic Woirder. land. e e e e e e e e e e e e s e e e e e of oratorical fame. •,B " h‘" •'««" ,M' «•» »*• «•<>«» tntkleit T hat's the end! No congressm an from now on • : ' r''i “lr* f cleun. brightly pointed property with and polish them , but he can't extend them. It» »UKKestlvi-Ot-sa of prosperity and Congress isn't congress any more. th« S anta Cluni team . W. C. T. U Play Postponed. Ttt« W T V farm boni« bene fit play, which «a- tu h a t. bei n p r - shod ih e e r should never l>« disregard »ented on April 39. ha» been post- ed. IMiiied In.I.fthC .lv 1t .wa« announced THE AMERICAN FARMER LEADS. a b |t Voto , ft.„ for r ,,,KM him p ro g re s lv e . Next In Ituportam-« to palm ing 1» y«»l«riluy Th« plav tu b« g lieli I« i , American farm ers are the most efficient in the th e use of th« right hind of paint aud •What H appened to Jo n e » .' |,’in i,rs l.-iw enforcem ent. Gon- point of th« right color Color In­ world. LANE COUNTY FINaVNGES IN GOOD ¡struttive legislation for ngrlcul- The United States leads the world in the de­ trigue» our Interest. It druw s us to- CONDITION. FOR SALE C arbon paper In large i ( i r n | relief und the upbuilding velopment of agricultural machinery. ward or repel.» u» from a home II i< sheets, 3«x39 ’nein-«, suitable for ,,f |||,. industries and resources With the year 1925 ending. Lane county gov­ From 1910 to 1920 American farm labor In­ ». It I.» m I wi YM w o r k in g m akin* tru « n g s. T b» New» Office, «»f the State. ernm ent reached a cash basis after being in debt creased in efficiency 22.5 per cent. The volume t your li.t r. » ». So th« --------------------------- I Puhl Adv Alfred E Clark fur m any years. At the beginning of the year 1925 of crop production increased II per cent. • m. «11. libi be «b eli!. i| UP"U fu com- TALL ANO S*-.E Dr N. V V Emery I’tiU.d Si the county was in debt $30.592.63. according to These figures are from the survey of the Na­ eitti y. And let u» not think en or * * *>n ntAi* end oth«. w°rM •• th- annual audit of the treasury while at the end tional Industrial Conference board. They don’t «II • Itfiill« by painting of the year there was a balance of $27,079.15. or offer the American farm er any relief, but ill -i h «sardinas «f th« ’>*pe -q a saving show n in the 1925 budget of $57,671.33. They do offer every American —farm man and hou» Hut a few years ago Lai e county had outstand- cjtv m*an KOOd d. nee of satis1 acti n, G enerali speaking, the house proni - lug w arrants of over $100.000 caused by expenses fighting is said to be losing Its popularity . i..» ally .* I (tutted ap p ears best in «ini- exceeding budgets year after year. The rev e rsal.jQ gpa in t u t not so in America, pie treatm en t. N atural g ray s or of form speaks well for the present county court • • • drabs, with lig h ter gruyn or Ivory for ami county officials who are generally conduct­ trim , a re naliitfactory. If th ere is much FREE DELIVERY ing their offices efficiently and economically. There is a marked constrast between the way Lane county has gotten itself out of debt even . a business, s in the face * of _ expanding county and 1 Sea gulls carry clam s from the ocean to a concrete road in M assachusetts in such great quantity th at autom obile tires are cut to pieces. — > gulls se do a i this g_ 1 A _A. a their V. — I — clam _ I _ shells M WM/xIrev/i The to _ get cracked. . . • " ' •• y ... ■ " «»> •»>••»««<* van h« «too« with by painting It in th« body the m anner some of our other local taxing and Wise gulls. We should rem em ber this In crack- . W here th ere la plenty of aha.!«, governm ental administrative bodies plunge into ing our Christm as nuts. light color« a»« advlaabk- for huuMea. debt without thought of curtailing expenses. larg« or »mall. W here unahrltered. It takes $561 a year to dress a college girl, ac­ atone, w arm d rab o r gray will avoid Sin. e the war France has claimed the attention of Americans as well as other countries as a cording to the wom an’s organization at the Uni- th e bur* look th a t brighter color« place to live Statistics show that 50.000 Ameri- versiflty of California. We have seen lots of would create. " cans reside in th . a t country. . ___ — are also 60,- .•« them in the sunkist state who did not appear to Nor can the idea of color be di«- There aiMociated from th e eurface on wliich 900 Germans and 4000 Englishmen counted in have more than 50 cents' worth of clothes on. | It is applied. L ight, v a n ii colori:. France’s population. It takes 25.000 gallons of w ater to m anufacture Unti aIkJ BhBdeB <>f ye|| (W _ • • • a ton of paper. In other words it takes a gallo n , app,.ar Urrk We can send a letter to San Francisco and of­ ten get a reply quicker by return mail than to and one fourth to m ake the paper in your c o p y , ^ Be#m >mBl|er , (b, s t m im do not «««m to «bang« npp»-ar. Wendling. We can equal Goshen’s reply from of The Springfield News. * , , ,, . . . . ___ to «"T extent Bright, warm col Portland. There is something the m atter with P arrots and m onkeys climbing on the wires In org ll)ntalnln< rr in delightfully blended flavors In w Bricks, ♦ Is a truly dell Ions confection. The guaranteed purity of ull Ingredients adds to your enjoyment of it. E G G IM A N N ’S In tr o d u c in g Office H ours: 1 0 -A. M. to 4 P. M. ONE DAY ONLY No C harge for C onsultation , r | ""HE "Severest test to which varnish can be put is on canoe paddles. A large manufacturer of paddles writes that th e o n ly paddles th a t d id n o t g o to p ie c e s on a 4 3 8 m ile ca n o e trip were those varnished w ith V\^ter-Spar Water->)4 cc/’ V arnish and Enamels Soaked in water for days, baked in the sun, scoured by sand, bruised by rocks 1 A varnish that endures such wear stands anything on floors, furniture and woodwork. It's the same varnish that you get at this store—the same that is on the wood panel that we keep soaking in an aquarium month after month. It comes in colors for every possible use and is the one varnish that is up to the quality standards of this store. Vasby Bros 312 Main Dr M ellenthin I» a reg u lar graduate In m edicine and surgery and Is llcen- »«d by the sta te of OREGON Ho doe« not operate for chronic appendi­ citis, gall stoneg. ulcers of stoma« h tonsils or adenoid«. He h as to his cred it wonderful re­ sults In diseases of the stom ach, liver, bowels, hl'iod skin, nerves, h eart, kid­ ney. bladd«-r. b«-d w etting, catarrh , -weak lunga. rheum atism , sciatica, leg ulcer« and rectal alim ents. Relow are the nam es of a f«w of Ills m any satisfied p atien ts In Oro- . gon: Mrs. W. J M artin, Moro, high blood pressure. Mrs W estburg, Colton stom ach trouble. Mrs. H alvor N elson, Chinook, W ash , goitre. M artin Jorgesson, A storia, nerve trouble. Mrs. C hris H anson, Chinook, Wash., bowel trouble and n eu ritis Mrs. Jam es Ellis, Coquille, gall , stones and colitis, Jam "« Suess, L akeside, ulcers of I stom ach. .1 R Jenkins, Silverton, circulatory trouble. 1 R em em ber the above date, that con- «via,Ion on this trip will bo free and • h at bis treatm en t Is different. M arried women m ust be accompnn- i.-,t by th etr husband». Adfir«'-»- 211 R radbury Rldg., Loa Angeles. California. A 15 22 29 O u r F rid a y a n d S a tu r d a y Special! /¿'MA 4« v,i, Each week we will offer HtmiethiiiK entirely new fur Friday and Saturday, s ta rt­ ing this week with a — F r e n c h F ryer With W ir e B a sk e t This Fryer has a capacity of 3 quarts; 10 inches across made of good a lu m ­ inum and fitted with a wooden handle. Basket. Is heavily tinned. A wonder­ ful kitchen convenience for every home for Pota­ toes, Oysters. Corn Cakes, etc. Special Recipes with each Fryer. A Big Value at S J49 WETHERBEE -POWERS l l t h nt Willamette AN ACCOUNT o f Her Own The feeling of financial independence th at comes to a woman having a Bank Account of her own is shown In her keener Interest In life. She can feel more certain of her plans for enjoying the sm aller pleasures without being dependent upon her husband lor the money. Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon A Good Bank In A Good Country