TIHIISDAV, APRIL PAG£ TURE» THE BPRINGFl'ZLD NEWS •I lì*-«» ■ Classified Ads EXECUTORS' SALE OF REAL I*ROPERTY. AGED PIONEER DIES M arriage Licensee laeued. AT DAUGHTER'S HOME Durlna the past week County ClerW NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN '.hat R 8 Bryson hue Is »and marriage b* v.rtus of un order of tr» ’ .unty Another of the pion-era of ear»» |h„ fo„owlnr conplaaj <'oort of laine County, Oragon, In Oregon panned away in the death m|Jm r He|m> an(1 p„ar| \fcGin, th«.- matter of Hie entât« of Puah M last Friday of Orin Henry Hta/r. Mr L tJj of rny. AI, „ P r ln , d eii axid. duly mede au I r.n Hlarr died nt the bom. of his dangh aB^ j ^ na m 4 ora Mor^field, i vd of record on ti> "tli day i f ter Mra K A. Ft g i n of • oburg and w endllng; Fred Dowdv and *pr'l, 112«, the underafgn.d, Exncn- ,s , fn tera, held a' the Walker M#ren< t l l ,B JohnROB of gp rh |> • IS , l the I-ast Wilt and Testam ent I r here Sunday a f rio.on. Morr1fl Wen(JllfMr a„d H gh M Price, d eca a ed , will, OP „ rfl p.-ederlck. lllla o l. In I M T j ^ R Andrew, El,rana. XorTa, and after the 10th day of May, 192«, Mr Htar ram«- to Oregon when he w ,.nrt„ nfc arvt j„«,|«. Ry- F o il SALE— Payroll »beets, printed FOR HALE. i d i M i lliistm i K>'» k lip with Id m years old and settle* !n A ,b a n y . Eu- laiit 3 yitirs. compute workman', compensation Beginning at the Southwest corner business at .Monroe for many y Of Camp c re e k c l.lte d In HprlngfP 11 «'»•!“ "> ,h " »e «“1 rei.ulrem eut. on 502«; thence North 38.58 chains. Tough Guy; “If 8hak>«peare »aye — Thursday anil Friday, May 13 and II utolerslgued hus Iwen uppolntnd Ad­ anything 111 bust him In the eye." Monday. thence East 11.76 chains to the cen- Goshen Men Here— Bob Coponhavnr ministrator of the eslnte of Hartih M. commencing at 9 A. M They «ay that drinking shorten» » ter of the channel of Bill H ay. Creek, uim1 hjf( HOn j ame8 Copenhaver, both Ikivb d n ou si’il, hy tho County Court! E J. MOORE, NOTICE Tfl I'll EDITORH thence along said channel as follows: of Goshi n, were In Sprltiglield on man’s life! But most of them see of Lato County. Oregon All pnraons County School Superlrten d en t. twice ft* touch anyway! Notice 1« hereby given that letters hnvlng Claims ngnlnst mild estnte ara North X degrees 20 minutes W est ' Vasistas Monday. A 29 M 8 harehy tvitlfled to present the same, t, iiinmentary on the Estate of Erttnk « 29 chain*, north 22 degrees «2 min­ properly verlfled, to the under.lgned ,| Zimmer, deceased, have Issued out Trotter Here— <> < T r o t t e r of W il utes West 9 09 chains; 9outh 73 de­ at the Offices of W ell. Ä W eil», llanK of the county court of ldine county. of Commerce llld g , ln Eugene laute Oregon, to the underslened executrix, torville was In Springfield on a shop grees 30 minutes W est 3 21 chains. North «5 degrees »5 minutes West County, Oregon, wlthin a ll rnonth. nut thnt all persons having clalma plug visit Monday. front the dato of the flr.t puhllcatlon gainst -aid estate should file the 5 91 chains; north 77 degree. West of thla notice. name duly verified with the untter- 2.27 chains, north «« degree« 30 min­ About New. Oute ,,f flr.t puhllcatlon April 2!. »Igned ut the office of 8 D All» n, ute» W e.t 1.52 chain«; north 5 de- hom - “Ruth knockt llovey llullillng. Eugene. Oregon, 19**6 Hubby: within six months from the dutu of run the other day and the papers av grecs East 1.7« chains; North 26 de­ HAROLD J WELLS. Administrator. grees West 197 chain«; North 82 de- this ttoCce th e b le a ch er , iwent wild!* Haled April»1. 192« WEI.1.8 « WELLS, lirunetti gre.-s 16 minute« We«t «85 chains; Wifey: "That's an Insult MARY JAN E ZIMMER. Executrix Attorneys. North 1.48 chain«; North 2« degree» 8. H AI.I.KN, Attorney for Estate yell nt games too!" A 22 2». M « 13 20 ■*" 30 minute« East 1.«« chain»; North A 1 X 15 22 29 " NOTICE TO CREDITORS the *2 degree« West «.«6 chain»; north NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice 1» hereby given that ADMINISTRATOR'» NOTICE i Mnder»lgned ha« been appointed Exe- «3 degrees 30 ra'nutes West «73 Mtelerslgned has been appointed Exo- > • degree« NOTICE Is hereby given that the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That cutrlx of the estate of Ira N Taylor, chain», north 79 degree« West 7 36 undersigned h as been appointed Exe­ The management of most large, well-established public cutrix of the estate of Anna E De- on the 3(lth day of March, A. D.. 1928. deceased, by the County Court of chain«, north «5 degrees 30 mioutee utility companies is in the hands of executives and- engin­ Groot, tleceasi-d, by the County It H W ilson wa» appointed admlnls- |,ane County, Oregon AH person« W(,n. d deceased, present person» having claims agnln.t said on. n eum-d. by the County Court of hereby notified to pr. sent the name. sam e. -; - -- ■ ■■■ - _- . ,g Sound management means high class service, reasonabk estate are hereby noticed to present bene County, Oregon. All persons bar- properly verified, to the undersigned. Last « «0 m ain«, m in e went rates, pleasant relations with the public. \ the »tune, properly verified, to the J'ng elelm s against said estate are re at ,he office of Wells # Well«, Bank chains to the Northwe«t corner of the undersigned, at the office of Well« ft jqulred to present them duly verified, of Commerce Hldg , In Eugene, Lane Southeast quarter of the Northweut The Mountain States Power Company is in the hands W -lls, Bank of Commerce B ldg, In '» by law required, to »aid admlnls County. Oregon, within six months quartPr o{ satd se,tlo n 18; thence of men who are well-known as earnest, conscientious exe­ Eug'-ne, l-atte County, Oregon, within Hator at the law office of Alta King from the date of the first publication chain»- thence W est 20.16 six month« from the date of the first -Miner Building Eugene, Oregon; , h|* notice. _ _ S"° h 2? cutives whose first thought is “the best possible service at publlcstton of this notice Date of *Hhln »lx month» from this date, i Hate of first publication April 22, chain» to the quarter corner on the the lowest possible rates." West line of »aid section 18, thence t Haled March 30, 1926 1926. . first publication April 22, 1926. Under their guidance the 7 per cent preferred shares LOURENE TAYLOR. South In 68 chains to the place of MAUDE M 1'OltTKIl, ¡ Date of first publication April 1. Executrix. have established a long record of uninterrupted dividends. Executrix, i 192« beginning, containing 270^27 acres in , ALTA KING, Altorney for estate. WELLS « WELL8. WH1.L8 V WELLS, Lane County, State of Oregon: Let us give you complete details of your oppor­ It D. WILSON. Administrator Attorneys. Attorneys. Excepting therefrom the following A 1 8 16 22 29 tunity for sound investment in this company. A 22 29; M 6 13 20 A 12 29; M 6 13 30 described premise», to-wit: ♦ - .............. Beginning at a point 28 rods North NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice la hereby given that Eunice of the Southwest corner of the Sooth- H Bonney ha» been appointed admin­ east Quarter of the Northwest Quar­ istratrix of the estate o f Alva A. Bon­ ter of Section 18; Township 17 South ney, decenred, hy the Country Court of Range 6, Weet W illamette Merid­ of Lane County. Oregon. General l-aw Practice Phone Re» 101J Office 73-J All person» having claim s agaln»t ian, In lume County. Oregon; running F. H. WALKER OFFICE »aid estate are required »o preeent thence East to the cen te/ of the ! I. M. PETERSON Auto T ru ck T ra n s fe r them, with the proper vouchers, stream known as "Bill Hays Creek ; j Adorne) gt-Law House Hold Goode, Baggage, within six months from the 22nd day thence North wert erly up said stream of April. 192«. to the said edm lnletra-i _ ,, . ,, „ Merchandise Moving Commercial Slate Bank Bldg., trlx nt the law office of L. L. Ray In »0 We’ 1 llDe of «»W Southeast Eugene Cottage Grove Dallas Corvallis Albany Office at 312 Muin St. Springfield, Ore. the Miner Building, Eugene, Oregon., Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Springfield sta y to i b*- banor. Junction City Independence L. L. RAY, »aid Section 18; thence South to the Attorney for Estate. nlace o f beginning, containing four HOUSE PA IN TIN G Telephones; Office 613 Res 2075 EUNICE H. BONNEY, acre», more or less, in I-ane County, Kalsomimog in all Its Branches. Administratrix of the estate of Oregon. City or Country W ork. Lowest Alva A. Bonney, deceased. That the said sale will take place Prices. Every Job Guaranteed. A 22 29 M fi 13 O steopathy standg for the nt the law offices of Potter & Foster, Give me a tria l. tru th ither» ver it is Bcienti- ROV K O I H. Spr*nglleld, Oregon. NOTICE CF HE'RING OE FINAL at 9«1 W illamette street. Eugene. Ore­ fli ally proven. ’ACCOUNT. gon. ferm s of »ale, cash in hand or Phone 125 J Osteopathic Physician and Sur­ Notice Is thereby given that the one-half cash and balance to be se it’ ibrsirntsl Executrix of th» Last geon Will t i n t ' T e s t a m e n t of Frederick C. cured hy first mortgage on the prop Office «04 M. A. W. Bldg., B U Y F U R N IT U R E H E R E Vnttr. lb e -etl. hits filed !-v said Court fixed a® th- time «ml Contracting .mil Building Call place for hearing objection» thereto GEO. W. PERKINS and for final settlem ent of said es­ Old Tim e Dance. SU TTO N TRANSFER Corner 5th.and D Streets tate. CLARA E. SCOTT. Stevens Hall. Springfield. Every Springfield, Ojregon Executrix Phone 57 Saturday Night. * Garretts Orchestra. Plans and Estimates Furnished L. L. RAY, Attorney Free. W ill Help You Finance A 3" M « 13 20 17 Tickets 75c. UTILITY INVESTMENTS ARE PROTECTED BY HIGH STANDARDS OF EXE­ CUTIVE MANAGEMENT B U S IN E S S Mountain States Power Securities Company D IR E C T O R Y Mountain States Power Company Dr.John Simons Your Building. i 'G E O ,. DR. N. W. EMERY O E N T I8 T Button Bldg. Phons 20-J Resldenco Phone 153 M The Loop M cL E A N My business is to protect your business Smith won’t buy just Paint— 860 W Utsm ette St. Eugene Oregon,, Springfield, Oregon M N, Automobile, F ire and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonds.. Phone 617 VASBY BROS. II Painting & Decorating Your Home When In Springfield D. W. Roof .IKWELKR Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon In all Its branches 312 Main Street DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 First N st’l Bank Bldg., Springfield R. W. SMITH Justice of the peace and notary public, Insurance W M. G. HUGHES F IR E AND AUTO IN S U R A N C E NOTARY PUBLIC City Hall Springfield, Oregon , Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock 9and. Bunk­ ers nt foot of Main on Mill street. HENRV W. CHASE, Prop. Springfield, Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LA W N O T A R Y P U B L IC Button Buldllng Springfield Oregon. ments for years to come. St) he thinks he has not only a right hut an obligation to dictate the kind of paint to be used. A nd it’s Acm e Q ualityl Come in and let us explain why Smith always gets an unusual weather-resisting service from 'ACME QUALITY '*■ Painta^Varnish J Famous for giving “value received” through 40 year« of use. Our ■ store is Smith’s Acme Quality Paint and Var- rice Station. Yours, too. Make use of it—today! nish Service Wright & Son Here T h e y A re -- The Economy Twin» Pay your money and take your choice. In either fcase you’ll show wise judgement in picking a Pathfinder. Pathfinders are big, tough treaded, good looking tires— made in the world's largest tire factory for folks who've been trying to get long mileage out of low priced, unknown brands. No coaxing or coddling these babies. They deliver. The manu­ facturers guarantee 'em— and so do we. We've got your size—when you want it— at a price so low you'll be surprised. DANNER MOTOR CO. Ford Garage Fifth and A Streets Springfield, Oregon