FAGK TWO t t THURSDAY, APRIL ,-"t. 1 !>'.!>’. TUB srR IN O jÿ K L U N K W S - Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L LA N E C O U N T Y U N IT iv O. 14 PREPARING PLANS FOR Lane Farmers Union in Session Today candidate for republican P U B L IC A T IO N Community News By bn»ei«i C o rrs» p o n d --ts • O F F IC E R S O F L A N E C O U N T Y • F A R M E R S ' U N IO N C THURSTON nom ination ; Mr and Mrs NOTES Jam es C alvert fr tn Public Meeting To Be Held At for g o u rn o r : W illard Rlkitts, candl-i Jun ctio n City vlalted th e ir daughter. 1:30 This Afternoon With - d ate for the state se n ate; L. Tooao Political Speeches Main Fea­ who is seeking the stale su p erin ten d ­ Mrs John Edmlslnn. last W ednesday Mr He iv n w ay from Sprtngflel I ture; Committee Gives Report ency of public in stru ctio n , 8. 8. who sells the Raleigh product*, w - On Candidates George, candidate for the legislature, WILLAMETTE • W. W A llen. Vida, ,'re-ildelt, I S eals. E ugelle, Vici F resi • debt. ' • • lb ttv M Kappatif, C ollaga Grove • DRAINAGE DISTRICT W ork Ot, till' C resw ell ( l l a t l l a g o project I» under wav thia w c-k with F, K Ihiwer-. extension drainage en ­ gineer of H A C . hen- a«»l»lln» w ith tiie driving of a properly way and iho circulation of the petition am ong prop. ri> ,,w „,r Nearly tout! aer«» Is expect«*,, lo be taken Into th e project which would lr« com m ittee, pushing <»»•• plan» for a drainage d istrict The pupils and toucher of D istrict • geerctary Treasurer. • Ifio enjoyed a w elnle and m arahmol-l • W aller Morgan, Creswell, fondue • Io» roast on the school g ro u n d ' W ed-1 • tor • in -day noon. Beside» the teacher, I • II ,1 Smith, Eugene, Doorkeop • Mrs H om er Chase, add a v is ito r.; • , r • G avie C hase, the following pupils' • O I, C lem ent. Wa tervllle, Chap • »or. present R ichard Hart, le. • • • • • • • • • Charlo« ami Roscoe Cole, Virginia • and Leland Chase, Laverne H oney,, Elsie Srhickr Itaymnthl ll«*f- n. IlC en COW TESTING ASSOCIATION HaUgolt, latw rence Chase, Kuby l»ld ham. Maxwell Doty, Florenc, ll-ll CAMPAIGN NOW UNDER WAY Alma, and C harllne Fish, Ran lr 11 ' A drive tn »Ign up 800 head Of Ray and Lucille Haines dairy ca ttle In a cow le»Ung associa G race Maxwell won, Io P ortland Ilon I now tin d e r » av N C Jam ison. with the , Ce< Ilian choir of Ritgens eXtcn iltm dairy specialist ot Oregon S aturday, retu rn in g Sunday. A gricultural cnllege, and <> C F ie l I. L. PATTERSON VISITS O. H S tarr, whose funeral was held cher, county ag"M . a re assistin g far IN SPRINGFIELD TODAY from the W alker chapel Sunday, was m ers gelling the work started In lie* . Already 10 her is a resid en t of thl* trin ity for about v a r m i' d istric ts I L. P alterson. republican tan d l. seven years He owned what Is now consisting of 322 cows have been d a te for nomination for governor, is the Cogswell place. Mrs. S ta rr pass signed up. a visitor In Hprlngfleld Imlay, and ed awway here about three y ears ago. ’Tto eow tcetlng association wyrk th is afternoon will be beard In a talk Miss Mary F laher of Camp «"'reek carried on •*xt«*nalvely lh other coun­ given ai a puhllc m ie li,ig », th« w as a Monday night guest of Mar ties ha n t h e , , , In p ra e lli, herí wit:, W o o d w n of the World hall under guret Haugen. the exception Of w estern Latte couutv , the uusplces of the Latte County Sanford Holton baa Iteen II, with which mie tim e belonged lo lh " 1’ iujj , F arm ers union in T hurstote on T h u r-lu y and o th ers will speak. A nother f a ­ Miss V> ,1a Grav. who teaches th un* of the afl-rn o o n session will be .« grade school here, gave the hoys talk en cooperation given by W M baseball and the girl« an indoor base Wilson, of the B rotherhood b a n k -o f ball. Portland. Clifford W eaver drove (o C orvallis Political Issues. a -d to O akridge during the week n-1 T he rep o rt of the union's political Mr and M rs Ray Baugh and fam ­ com m ittee ure s support by the union ily m otored to Shedd last Sunday to to the income tax bill subm ltts’d bv visit Mrs Baugh's sister. Mrs R b- the grange and the F arm er's union e rt Davis and of th e one mill tax for the fa ir-' The L adles aid will m eet «with ground«. It also urges careful »tndv Mrs Ray Baugh T h u rs ¡ay They are of the H ydro-electric bill. c o n te m p la tin g of b u ild in g a k ite ’- i The com m ittee nu« also adonte* ■» on th e church house. • The morning's session was taken ticket and recom m ended It to 'h e Mis- Flossie H errington, who ?». np for the most p art by rep o rts trom unien for approval today. A« the union te n d - n o rm al at M onmouth spent 'he com m ittees and o th er F arm ers union is non-partisan, both republican a n ! week end with her sister, Mrs W. i business, w ith C. W. Allen of Vida, dem ocratic can d id ates a re approved Henson. the president, in charge. In the report, which follow s: , Ml