Paying Storaa are Al­ ways Good Advertis­ ers— Thera’s a Rea- son. THE SPRINGFIELD NF.7.T PHAMPHLET IS 10 Society ADVERTISE CITY and Honor L IV I N C W S P A P IR IN A L IV K T O W N BUS SERVICE TO EUGENEJ’LANNEfl Scout Troops H o ld Petticord Choson Public Ceremonies President o f 4 L Investiture “The People's Paper* NUM BER 17 »PRINOFTOLD, LANE COUNTY, ORBOON. THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1»M. T W K N T Y -T I1IH D YEAH r Court Additional 25 Cents Is Voted Held At Methodist For Changes In Hospital T sschsrs to Picele- Franchise Is Sought By S. P.J Church Service _ , , ! Teacher» of the Bprlngfleld public Official Tolls Council Of Chamber At Meeting Decides M bool« will hold s picnic at the llen- El-< tIon of officers and shaping of In Impressive ceremonies held at Company s Plan To Replace On New Publioity Plan; P o o k-'dr|,.|,a bridge on the McKensle (hlgn- let To Tell Of Advantages Of way next Tu Whe‘!,er “ nd PPy’° “ ,w .s chosen member of the board of that a first class pamphlet, telling et such a franchise, will remove the The 1’rlsctlta club met last Irklay f)dpri,|rk Springfield's manifold advantages and I trustee* which will Include Ai Ç. street car tracks on Main street and Mrs John SeavejP of Eugen«. “’j»la n ,inat|ona were given by mem «rlth emphasising their appeal lo the per- ra' ra Clark as chairman and R. C. Rich POSTMASTER DISCUSSES repair the atreets within six months, seeking . new home In western An enjoyable afternoon w n . .pent ber. of the court of honor acUn* i ardson, the latter two being hold-over W EN D LIN G M AIL PROBLEM , after the changes are made. O-egvm Five thousand .-oples of the «Her which dainty refreshments - e r e . as magistrates. J F Ketels examined j members. _____ I The Southern Pacific official said booklet which I. to be «1» inches served by the h o st.« ., assisted by her th» scouts In first aid; V D. Bain Vote Feet Raise of ,n the problem C cheated , tbat tbe company company plans to use use inre« three to slse. Illustrated. With eight pager, daughter* and her mother. utner. Mrs mrs directed a demonstration d w , nnR, ratl„n of -work In! A|) , hp hoRplta, fees Sf,lutloD 01 e pro,’,f',,, TB" ™ it h a t the plans to In An advance In the hospital fees „ , . Morse code with signal flags, and A , m„nlhly by thP members, from here by the delay of Springfield- busses, as good or better than the rw"! be printed for distribution Steward. ..... tn In order order to to make make possible p ossin ie.w en u n u a mall u - .. service, which Is „ a a / one . n e now now carrying carrying passengers passengers as as a far , . j 2S Wendllng through the various channels provld Those -present won- Mr" _? " J Morgan examined the youths in , .............. warts. Mrs. the use of _ ,_. . . __» e.t by such organisations a . the Ore Tnmsrth. Mrs. C A. knife and hatchet. T h e y , nddl(,onaI aPrv(CP and Improve the 2-day service one way and four days “ stnrinefteld Surlngfleld Junction. June ion The e busses usse Slate Chamber of Commerce Riley Snodgrass. Mr. Alfred M'>r«u. were later questioned by Mayor Hush r wayR, could be eairtly atW evetl ' ETpy for th e p u b lic ity pamphlet to to Mr, Pau. Hasford. Mrs L. man. and ,« developed that each had d istrict » , .v o t e d „ departmHnt would dJ n MaIn sixth, north be prepared In,mediately, and the Mr. Leland Kwbank. Mrs. William money In the hank he, himself, All qualified, and were ® at th(. w „ndllnK' arrange stops for the Wendllng stage | on 9 ,xth to G. west on O to Fifth or Ntearmer. Mrs Norman Howurd, Mrs learned. learned. All quallfl booklet will be printed as soon as Il H Freeland, Mrs T V Hender­ awarded the badges. r - h u l- n c e servic«, here, according to Postm aster F. B. Fourth, and back to Main street, the possible. I camps and mill 1 , ” Hamlin. - exact route to be determined later. son. Mrs J. M Larsen. and Mrs John fnvsstltuer ^Service. T such as Is given tihe local employes M all Situation Talked The route could be changed’ as the j Deputy Scout Commissioner A I f^ alrn)an M„odv N,.at | a to namoj Th* situation, as brought up at the Parker. A. Investigation of »he conditions city grotws. he said. M organ administered th" oath to the # c(lmm|t, pe wh|cb wl„ ,nePt wtth I last meeting of the chamber of com which make It ti: joeelble to get mail »a coram ui»‘e w n icn w iu tu c ri Local Couple Wedded. . , __ . unlta at . Wend- , i m erce. is questioned on m the e company’s - American Legion troop ^An-mlih-o committee rppre_..n, atlrR of . ti,e merce. Is an important Important one for man) many , When w „en qUesiioneo to Wendllng and back In less thaw four recommended by an. M|ga Th(t)ma 1d of former l*o»t BprlngfteM young people Draon Vaughn took the oath, follow „ervlces of certain doc- Wendllng »"d tack. company Is not offering the P,erl’ “ master Harry Stewart. H E Maxey Dprlngflsld young pe p, _ , .. ............ . .............. P Wendltng. Mohawk. Marco.a Mabie a trade for any>hlnK bot ^ t n g th . amt City C ity AttoMey A tto rn ey Ira ir s M m Peterson _ i j , yaon left here Thursday ed ny m e m em o cr» e , ,o org M hag the plan in tne past. , - - - - - - - it e and r s a a n u n i c - r u U> v e- 1 p a st R n rtn rfteld a r e ________ __ —ee—— Reports to to ths ths charatwu’ rharatwu’ by »routs of Troop No S are: Dorman „ ,g algo piann” “ * P" ” eBt 40 t h e c C'‘^ Reports by this this rom- rom lo r Ixis Angeles where she was m-1 m ute, are expected to result In early Mr Thompson. Miss Layson Is the cba>, . w illiam Cox. Richard H a r o o le . action to an effort to reform the »*» , on|v dau(rbter of Mrs. B erth a Fro»t Kelth Kendall. Gordon Lee. Richard uallon. of Rprlngfleld. and Mr Thompson I* b ep ley C hester Moon. Marlon Mooney. T o give Hu» c i t y , offer of free (h< of Mr >nd Mra E K Orpn MnlItjMn Bert Mew.U D scse Industrial Mtoa to desirable concerns Sprtngf,p|,j ' Nxwlun. dx«ya1 Aolta. Paul «chontnt more publicity the Industrial site --------- a(one Jpl|gpy Summer comm ittee brought forward plans for Party Is Planned. Crofton Truax. ,h„ o, . , . r ^ .«n ,» ,b- r _ t. C. R. c l.rt o f t b e a(M1ttonal 25 voted to create | _ a fund for the provision of ex p en ses. Th* a®B f -,_,d daIrv but gnd wand gtud)ed noon at .h e high school and stu d ied , M h|bu w)n Mr, Rert M„ Ca, and Hftrr,s. will be in by fall All ill-appearing Roland Moshler. and readings by .... ____ M_____ a..A»i in I millinery, __ u ,ery with Mr«. Mrs. Walt w a ll r f »« rfinn(.c„ on with th« the flower show, and nnrnea. RarnPs. Mr* Mrs Pam Sam Richmond. Mr a and nl ,g poRtR arP to be removed from the Glenn Riddle. re Several of the girls made en pPople are Invited to con- Mrs Fred Hinson. Mrs. Harry Burn- * street wherever possible, to give way a e Sunday, p» • . the Springfield -------------- a !» « »be team nosed ' to the new new lights. ¡th e Wendllng team out of a victory) with a «core of 8-5. Several changes FLO O D LIG H T SIGN h irt"school at 1:30 O’clock, to con will he given this year In place of ANNOUNCE CAST FOR SENIOR PLAY MAY 14 in the line UP are being made th ’s Springfield 1 tlnilP lbP R , ll(|y. !a parade, and will start at 8:30 n. m TO A DERTÌSE TR A C T Charles Nndvornlk. ______ on the lawn of the Lincoln school. J week by Manager Jack Larsen» a n l high school student »nd prominent is Hold Picnic st Lake. Three png- ants are to hw pre-ented The east of "Twoedles." the play hv a revamped nine will pit Its skill A sign, illuminated at night with a a violinist here, won first prln In th" I A greur of Springfield voting pen- by Ihe grnde school children. The fir«! Booth Tarklngton to be presented on against the Harrisburg aggregation floodlight system , is to be Installed violin contest nt the stale high aakool I on the Springfield city Industri» music compojltlve met held at Pncl- p|, .„Joyed a picnic at Triangle Lake will he a Moth, r Goose pageant hv ' May 14 by the senior clnss of the otl Sunday. ♦ Sunday. Those making up ....... the the younger tract, visible both to the new mala «..v j - ....... ... - children; ..................... the second. Springfield high school, -was an- --------- «. — I’nlverflltv nt Forest Grove Into h«» fl< line of the Southern Pacific railroad last iwek, lie was accompanied nt th e ., arty were Dwigh K cssey, Alice health pngennt, nnH th-’ laRt a color nounced ypRterday by Miss Ann H ill. M EM ORIAL C O M M ITTEE iiiio by bv Miss M I rh Wlnnlfred w in m ireti Tyson. i«i. -t< • nsen. Dorothy u n n o u y Ditto. V ernita ful flower pngennt. < h lldren of p i' wb»? ^ m m HO TEL LEASED TO HOUSE , , Ju, lnn Castlebury. Ethmer Griffis o i ^ « ^ „ J t t e e . j a means of giving the free site plan Members of the Junior class of Ihe Mr»- S co tt WATER SYSTEM ______ W ORKMEN I Springfield opr...«...-........... ----------------- Castlebury Shirley Hemenway , c a members be present more publicity. The erection of the high ..................................... school held a meet , The kitchen, dining room and 15 Ing yesterday and decided tentatively SCHOOL BOARD ELECTS Mp C astlebury. Carl McKInnls ? o'clock. an enr,y da,P W,U br’?* bedrooms of the American hotel, op on the diplomas which, as seniors. INSTRUCTOR IN ENGLISH Adam Twee.’le Frank J'""’J " . A rpport from the committee which free site offer to the a t t e n on o -------- , ' .\mbroRP Tweedle Delbert W hltenac k )ntPrv,PWP,, the representatives tourists now beginning to fill the prated by L. K Page, have been th«y wlll receive next. year. At the same lim e, the held ■- on Tweedle Evan Hughes of the churches regarding ^dispensing highways. A committee to cooperate ......... ..... eophotnoreH ....... Miss n«.iiinP Pauline Mttlnr Miller, graduate graduate oflphtlam of j Philemon Tweedy lensed by contractors for the hous­ ........ i with the ¡terviees on Memorial day wtth the city Industrial committee ing of Workmen on the Eugene water meeting anil chose the rings which \y m nmPttP University, was named, Legion Leader Here he heard. Following this, a def has been appointed by President H they -will purchase next year. . _ . Instructor In English and director of - — , ... system . About 30 men are locating physical education for girls, (nt a ' Carl Motfler, department n-liutm ^ „gran , wlH be arranged, which J. Cox. in the rooms this (week. meeting of the school hoard held nt j of the American Legion, iwns n w expected to Inedude plans for a, COX SELLS NOTI LAND; The contractors are operate their nd,p snd tt.nprPBRiye services ti­ Scouts Clean Dump. part of the building Independent of BUYS SPR IN G FIELD LOTS the city hull last Friday night. M iss|Sunday and conferred while here w er. who will serve during tlhe , pPrcy Tyson, president of the a t'rto*- , A R , t Lanrei HIU ceme- --------- > Miller, the remainder of Ihe hotel. ’ “ field post. Problems of membership A- ' ” A group of Boy Scouts of the local H. J. Oox lh«s sold his 80-aere , ypar 1928-27. iwlll receive a salary Much progress Is being made on the formed the chief topic of conversa- 1 »<«7. troop cleaned up the dump grounds construction bf the water system , property to the Noti district to J o h n )of j , 2o a month. near the river last Thursday, burning McKinnon Property Sold. which Is to carry Eugene's wnter sup Rarker of Springfield, according to . Adjustment of conditions regard- tlon at -hh> conference all the trash and burying that which ply through the Springfield district announcement nmde t-hls week. Mr. |ng b,R duties as principal of the The D. W McKinnon property on Enjoy Picnic—Dr. and Mrs. W C. would not burn. A considerable Ins- Rrbnol having been made. Al- from Hie McKensle river, replacing Harker wlll move to the property and Third street, W illam ette Height», wlll Improve It. fred J. Morgan- accepted the position Rdbhan, Mr and Mrs. Paul Basford. was sold Tuesday to H L. Carr, for­ provement resulted. Among the boys the old W illamette river system. Following the sale. Mr. Cox pur- at a RBi„ry of »1300. It was reported Mr and Mrs. W. M Hunter and fam- merly of Harrisburg, more recently who bandied the task were Oscar lly. and Mr. and Mrs Dallas Murphv, Newlun, Marlon Mooney. Fred Stone, V isits Parents— Mrs. J. M. Larson chased- lots 17 and 13 of Block 78, on to fbP board. Principal Burrhum of of California. Mr. Carr and family enjoyed a picnic Sunday afternoon Paul Shantel and Roy Holverson. A between Ninth and Tenth streets, tbP Lincoln school has accepted- his visited In Junction City early this are already occupying the place. at the Stafford school. from A. F. Flowers. -position. It was announced. week iwlth her parents. tire hats h<*foro before the _ ........ to Ihe art nr( exhibition PTbthlH()n I n r A I RHY IA W INNFR OF « clsse < ' M wns dis- tribute LOCAL BOY lb W I N N t K u r • m,MM^ Next Saturday they will meet ' PRIZE IN MUSIC CONTEST In the domeatlc aclence room In the The pageant by I e oo < t p(tp and MrR j,pp sherry