TH E SPRINUKIKIJ) NEWS T IIU R S R tY , APRIL 22, 192«. true <0 Curtiss, not on account of L U M B E R A C T IV IT Y any question of morality but bccauss l lev’ him. you sour I “I know you expect to bs. Sallle, and I have all the confidence In you In the world but. you're going to hare a hard time doing It. I'm afraid.'* He relighted his pipe "Women hare chanced radically In the last few years hut they haren't . . . brought the men .I o n , with them all the way It doesn't make any d l'f-r how the modern woman figure. —the reaction of men to her reorgan­ ised code men are Innately crude, and unlews they are held down hr old- fashioned eeneontlcnallt» thry'll re. vert to tree it's for that reason I would warn you. mr dear “ He got up. walked over to the- window and stood lost In reverie for what seemed to me, a long, long time. I called to him softly Ite reseated him self In his chair "here's another thing I want ,n ™ "«*"•< " " " » » • What do you mean by that' T asked “Just this that If vou allow your­ self to flattery von'II let tne t>avg down In spite of yourself, ita m Y u and h fore vnq realise It r ’ 1 11 ne » •’ CarH’ » , Sallis's Father Takes Her In Hand about parties and er-good times." -W h a ts the matter. Father? Has “Yes. I konw your argument. Bam- anything happened? You haven't bins. I've heard all you modern wives heard from Curtiss, hare you?“ I on the subject, before, but I don't questioned, with swift alarm at his think Its quite fair and besides Ted's unexpected appearance at the dance, a pretty bad sort; the men at the "Nothin« has happened. Sallle," he club call him the 'young matrons' de- re piled In a calm and reassuring light..’ voice, "but I want you to do som e-. I smiled. thing for me " j "He did say. that a girl w a n t ‘■Of course I will What is It Daddy even interesting until she waa mar- dear?" ried—to some other chap.” •W ould you mind com ing horn* ‘ "Just what I thought." exclaimed with me now Instead of later with Dad. "I see you understand what I Ted? I've been doing a lot of think- mean and I'm glad of that." Ing since our little chat tonight and "Another thing, daughter. I don’t I wanter to talk to y o n -th a ts all think you should make an exhibition w * sec. Its nothing _ . — , ..... ...If .1., inn ik. nl n nt., n and tin.’ Yon startling and , V. be- of yourself doing the I'ko Charleston sides.'* he attempted a smile. "I eras being the center of attention like a Invitee to the dance." - | cheap ‘Garden of Allah' dancer under “AU right. Dud. I'll meet yon In a a tent. All they need at the Country Jiffy " I flung over my shoulder as Club for more realism, la som e saw- I hurried towards the stairs. “tell dust and a squeeky flue. In spite Ted were going. If you can find him. of their tuxedoes the men who form He’s probably patked with some the audience are the same and make pretty girl a mile from the place!" the same significant remarks. Now * Ct|r lift I shook mv head in a positiv,- nun- 1 • ns I rejected the thought "At first yohl! only , n> outage I Im f ’ Ibi srke of dlv.>?!’ i«J und beennsc yon van t a bit ef eiib-kr lr thr regular bi tv-drum of '!•» da — th<>n, hefore you know It. this man have taken first place In your thoughts, his compimento, his pretfv Reaching home we made our way Its not quite as ur.dlgnifgd for a his entertaining manner. to my father's stndv which waa a debutante (though Its deplorable ' 7 and a thousand little courteslea that privilege extended only on occasions enough) but for a married woman It all husband» are. unfortunately prone to neglect." Mv thoughts flew through space Father was right Many, manv tim e, slrce we had been m Paris 1 hsd .Li NOW 0N NORMAL SCHEDULES Portland. April 19 -—(Special)—A majority of logging camps and saw­ mills in the firs districts of the Pa­ cific Slope are now operating at close to average schedules as com­ pared with the past ihres years, ac- cording to the *1, employment tetter b„r0 lod. v Tb„ f. „ er, , nd bu).k. r, ha„ ,a|( # #M |b#r of Or r.ttnpa. actual logging la continuing at practically all major operations Summer woods work In the pine district» ea»t of the Cascades la gradually being Increased The total number of men employed at pin« sawmills this spring Is leas than that of one year ago; several extra shifts which were |n operation last year are not now active. All kinds of building and construe, tlon work, both cast and west of the Cascades. Is very active and com -' cares favorably with last year at thia time Spring work In agricultural lines Is advanc'd from two to four weeks nhead of normal. ’ There Is nt present not much Idles ness In anv d'Mrlct of th» Pacific 5f„r,|lw es, " 'hl1'' Hb1> ha" Bot 7 « approved ,hlB ,*“,e Bn<* while It Is customary ,o WB* lon«”r Bf,rr ,he •«•<•<»<» f0" ,he ln“u«urB> Is held. It Is eg. «"<*** 'h*1 ,h,B d , ‘e w,,‘ bW*‘‘ be' cause It brings the ceremony in con­ junction with the Semi-Centennial. w>h|ch la expected to be one of the b' « e ,t « ’«‘•atloeal B” n‘B • » » ’“*'<> ln thT' •'’ortbw eat The com m ittee In charge of the Inaugural 'follows: Eric W. Allen, dean of the school of Journalism, chairman: O. F. Stafford, head of th» chemistry department; George Rebec, way you part of hlB mood. I