The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 22, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 192C.
Stura That Shine A# Seaton Start*
Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­
keeping Course
Klirtill Today
It's A Good School
A. K. Roberta, President
Phone 616
Eugene, Oregon
992 Willamette Ht.
In from O osh.n—It tloney wii« 4
Go to Alvador— Mr and Mrs. Pnul
titillili wo drov« to Alvador Bunday.
visitor h' re from Uothen Tueiklay.
Here are the big guns of the baseball world who gave a good
account o f thenuelve* In the first battles of the sm son. Many rookies
made gallant bids for fame, but fandom continues to idolize the
• • m o i o f Ituth, Johnson. Cobb and Hornsby, veterans tried and trues.
Teams Inject Young Blood In *nc<l **> make 1926 their best years.
Lineups, But Veterans Star Walter Johnson, started hie twenti­
eth season with the Washington Sen­
As Of Old.
Peas, Onions, Pie Plant, Home
Asparagas, Radishes, Turnips,
Cucumbers, Etc.
We have also a full line of Tomato and Cabbage
Phone Your Order
V r't Sanitarium—Mr. and Mrs.
Move to Eugene—-Mr. and Mra.
, Herbert Clarke are moving to Eugen« B»rt Doane visited Elkhorn sanltar-
. ihls week. Mr. Clarke Is In the Insur- ii;v rear Leaburg for a short tim e
! once business.
Many of uh cannot have our own gardeua,
and even If we could It would be ImpoBslble
to ralne the wide variety of choice vegetables
that we carry. Fresh local garden delicacies a*
well as others shipped In fresh, ready for your
Harv«y Clark H .r«—Harvey Clark
In from Notl— Mra. C W. R .h ard -
of Jasper spent a part of Tuesday lu son of Notl was a visitor here yeeteft
I Springfield.
Leaves for South— Miss Thelma
Woman la Injured—Mra. Alice P3-
I^yson took a train here yesterday Ueon received a «ash above one of her
for lx » A ngtles.
*ZM when she atom bled and fell In
a local »tor«- Tuesday.
Tonsils Removed—The little ion of
Mr. and Mrs. F. Mites of Jasper nn
Enters Hospital— Mrs W . K Mill-
derwent a tonsil operation h»re yea- sap of Mabie entered the P ad fle
Christian hospital ‘ arly Tuesday for
, terday.
Finger It Injured— R. A. 8teadm»n<
Moves Hera — Mildred
a worker on the Southern Pacific
, bridge construction,
a moved this week to the Myers houss
i smashed finger while working on the at 442 Fourth street, from her form­
er residence In Eugene.
I structure Tuesday.
Eugene Business College
There’re off. Meaning sixteen major
league teams.
We’re off. tAo! Meaning sixteen
million of ns. more or less, who are
< -Hain right now—although few of
us will sneak up—which will win the
T h - grnnd game—baseball—grips
the nation once more
Baseball experts- -writers, mana­
ger«, owner«, «tars— predict that
1S26 will be the banner year. Total
attendance of 119,769 on the open­
ing day seems to warrant that predic­
tion World aerlea crowds of 30.000
or more saw the openers at New
York. Cincinnati. Detroit and Chica­
Most of the teams have added new
t blood Yet we have with us agalr,
manv of the old Imers. Rabe Ruth.
Walter Johnson. Zarh Wheat. Jacques
Fournier, Eddie Collins. Cy Williams.
Hovers Ifcrnshy. Tv Cobh. Harry
Heilman. Tris Speaker. Charlie Jam­
ieson and many others.
What are they going to do this
year? Are they going to show up
the aspiring youngsters—doaens of
them Who are getting their first real
chance to show their «tuff?
Well, these veterans seem detertn-
ators. by blanking the Athletics 1 to
0 fn 15 Innngs
Babe Ruth, who
swear» by all that's holy that h e ll
make more home runs—and be a bet­
ter bov—than ever before, made two
doubles and a single and Mole a b ise.
Hornsby crashed out three singles
and Slsluv gof three. The heavy stlck-
work was done by the veteran«.
One interesting point this year Is
that the Washington Senators are
going back Into the struggle with
the same crowd of "old men,” led
hy their boy manager. Stan Harris.
The Pirates worid champions, opened
the season with the championship
h am Intact.
Who'll win* We won't wager a
guess, but like you. and you. and yon,
we'll scan the box scores before
breakfast each morning, dig* up last
year's figures to make ourselves be­
lieve w e’re absolutely right In our
nien'al note book. -
And we're going to see a f.\m? nf
has'hall ever so often. If the nril.i.’s
are too far away, we’ll skip nas to
the county league or industrial league
brand, or thf kids on the corner
For there's som ething abou* a lu ll,
a bat. a glove and four 90-foot oaths
on a field that makes baseball the
greatest sport In America.
In Hospital— Mrs. Charles Have«
Here from Salem— Mrs. CharlFs
Shoemaker of Salem Is visiting for a was received at the Pacific Christian
few days at the home of Dr. and Mrs. hospital Monday, for a minor opera-
It P. Mortensen Mrs Shoemaker is tlon wfhlch was performed by a local
Mrs. Mortensen's sister-in-law.
nm a
Our steady customers buy their meats here because
they know they get the tenderest, choicest cuts. Then too.
their meat bills are much lower when they trade here.
Independent Meat Co.
Phone 63
4th and Main Streets
1 ■)
Call on Us in Our
in the Stevens Building, Main Street, Springfield
W a lts rv llls Man Hara— O L. Stacy.
on ath Falls was a Springfield visitor
Sunday afternoon.
H e r« fro m W a lte rv llle — M J Wear-
Here from Oakridge—Mrs. O. L
In. W altervllle resident, was a vlaltor Nelson of Oakridge was a business
in Springfield Tuesday.
visitor In 8prlngfl«ld Tuesday.
Are You Going to Put a
New Roof on Your Home
This Spring?
If So See Us for
Mineral Surfaced Shingles $5.50 sq.
Extra Heavy Mineral Sur­
$3.25 sq.
face Roofing
85 lbs Mineral Surfaced
$2.75 roll
Heavy Smooth Roofing
$3.25 roll
The Finest Made
Medium Smooth Roofing $2.50 roll
$1.50 roll
Light Roofing
Come in and see us on your roof­
ing requirements.
We can save
you money.
First Class Garage and
Service Station
Les C ra ft H e r e - I . e e C raft of Klam -
W alterrllle resident, was bA-e
business Monday.
'0 ^
------ We Have A------
V isits Cdtieln— Albert W illis of
Morgan la In— Forest Morgan of
Portland was here Sunday visiting Wendling spent a part of Tuesday
shopping In Springfield.
bis cousin, H. T. Mitchell.
LHtle Boy III— Harlan Duncan, lit.
Goss Fishing—C. F. Barber made a
trip to Poodle creek Sunday, »pending tie son of Mr» Katherine Duncnn, I«
the day fishing.
Ill at tbslr home here.
Drive« to Snow Line— Miss C1a;a
In from Wendllng—Mr. and Mrs.
, W vsc drove to the snow line on the F. F. Foster of Wendllng were In
, McKenzie highway Sunday.
Springfield on business Tuesday.
In from W altervllle—Bob Parrot of
Mrs. Flowers III— Mrs. A. F. Flow-
W altervllle was In town on business ere Is suffering from an attack of
Makes W altervllle Call—Dr. Eu-
Leaves for Home—C. F. Swander
gene Kester made a professional call °f Portland who has been a visitor
for some time at the H. T. Mitchell
at Wnltervllle Sunday evening.
home, has left for his home.
In from Marcóla—Mrs. George En-
Visit Richmond Home— Mrs. H. R.
strom of Marcóla was a visitor at
Swanson and children of Santa Clara
Springfield Monday.
visited at the Sara. Richmond home
Coburg Resident Here— Mrs. J. L. Saturday,
Zehner of Coburg spent a part of
Make Fishing Trip—Fred Frese.
Monday In Springfield on business.
Fred Roeeberry and Paul Frese went
Goes to Portland—Postm aster F. B. fishing last Thursday, trying their
Hamlin wns In Portland early this luck In both the M cKenxo and Wil­
lam ette rivers.
week, visiting w’lth his mother.
Return to Meredith— Mr. and Mrs.
In from Creswell— Ralph Laird of
Morris of Meredith returned
Cyeswell was n Springfield visitor
to their home Sunday after vIHtlng
for some time with relatives here.
In from Cu»hman—Mr and Mrs.
Motor to Oakridge—^Mr. and Mrs
Rd Brnttnln of Cushman were visitors
T. A. Rathbun nnd son. Harry, motor­
In Springfield on Saturday.
ed to Oakridge Sunday. Returning
Undergoes Operation— Mrs. Marlo.i Monday, thev brought with them their
Harpole of Motor Route B underwent daughter, K n th trin .. and three cb!l-
a major operation nt the Pacific Iren for n rew days visit.
Christian hospital Monday morning.
Attend Dinner— Springfield people
Child Operated On—The young son connected with the General Petro-
of C. R. Lowry of Goshin underwent leum company nttended a dinner glv
a minor operation at n local surgeon's on by the concern at the Eugene
hotel Monday evening.
office Saturday.
Baby Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Have Picnic at Laks— Mr. and
Tuller of Springfield are the pnrents Mrs. Milton Cyr and family and Mr.
of n 9 pound baby boy, born last Sat- and Mrs. Wilbur Lloyd nnd fnmlly
' enjoyed a picnic at Triangle Lake
Spend Day Fishing— Prof. V. D.
Bain and wife went fishing on Lake
Noti Visitors Here—Miss Lillie
Creek near Sw iss home Saturday. Solili we, Effie Montgomery; Beta
The high -ohool principal was lucky, Vickery nnd Sam Montgomery of Noti
and returned with a good catch of visited at the Fred Frese home In
Springfield Sunday evening.
Equipped To Take Care Of Every Phase of
Automobile Repairing and Service.
We Also Specialize on Chevrolet Cars in Connection With
the Gannet Motor Company, District Agents for this
popular machine.
Jnlliff-Scaiefe Motor Co.
Formerly on Second Street, Now Located in Stevens
Building, Springfield
.. -L' ! 1 .*SA ------ -- AÜ
Utility Investments Are
Protected by
Services Founded on Public Necessity
Public utilities render services that are vital and In­
dispensable to the public-services that save the user money,
time and inconvenience, stimulate production and promote
The public requires electricity and gas in good times and
bad. Demands of diversified classes of industry assure a
regular volume of business.
Your investment in the preferred shares of Mountain
States Power Company enable you to participate in the
dividends derived from supplying such indispensable serv­
There are many other ways in which utility In .....
vestments are protected. Let us give you the de­
tails about the opportunity for sound investment
afforded by Mountain States Power Shares.
Mountain States Power
Securities Company
Mountain States Power Company
Junction City
Cottage Grove
S tavto r