THURSDAY, APRIL 22. *>• * 1 -“C---- TUB SPRINGFIWLO NEWS page folk N F U / q ! There are a few sidewalks that need building H E W O ' (hat wepe overlooked by the council and property holders last year. A cement sidewalk on a street Publtafcwd Kerry Thursday at is as good as its weakest link. Repairing our Sprlngf1*ld. Lan» County. Orwg«»u. by sidewalks got us mall delivery. Fixing up the THE WILLAMETTE PRESS rest of the weak links may bring us something H. K MAXEY. Editor else besides general satisfaction. T u r 1 H L C D D IM P C l C I n □ r K l n b r I E .L .M • February H, IH t •» aa »econd claaa ra a ttw pqstaftH-a, a NEW STORE • rhere ie an enrollment of 25.0<>0.0iip students ■' In American schools. This country is fast reach­ M A H . S U B S C R IP T « » « R A T « ing the point where every child of school age will Oae Tear la Advance----- 11.71 Three Month« —— 7Se be in school. B U M o n t h « _______________ S t» « ** O B T ------------------------ * THURSDAY. APRIL 11. H IS . E d ito r ia l • I • Make Sprtngfl«« * • «ven O ra g a a . O avciop a Stroeeg T rw d lnfl P a lM ; IL SuUS a C H y a f C o n te n ta d Hornea. Impewv. LN.M m ota th a R a.e in g o f Pwnafcreo th a O ro w tn g a i F w l U W o r * fb r IV. Tall tha World Aboot Orwgoert. SeoiUc W oodae . . r t . . • .............................................* ♦ * RESIGNATION OF COX. The resignation of Councilman Herbert J. Cox .. . ------------------ T R ~JL ee.-I Miteciallv at this time. Coming guilty of ftrst degree h X each from the various funds and' heinous I» « | For C om m ent M SELF SERVICE LOW PRICES GrindelPs Grocery PORMJCRLY THE ALL PACKAGE 0R0CERY Main Near Fourth St. Next to the Independent Meat Market Artstyle Chocolates A DRINK The new sensation In quality hocolales— truly the best and X ‘a'nd“byT'do.n? en’ sw eete.t of gifts for the sweet- to shoot down officers? - « • - How long t o f ln o th e n 5 . On. Pound »1.50 m> constituted th a t' of mery’s Drag Store crimes that they cannot sen In the crime a threat «, May 9th Mother’s Day We Give 8. & H. Green 8tamps to to . gone over and re-entered in a new and up o We are glad to meet new customers us well as the old. DRUCSTORK murder. i S o S S e t e .’M r X S i d S o r g a n iz S ' t h E aloni business lines. For th e ‘courage other crim inal, firft time in years now the) O l t y the exact ^nditions of ail its variow fu n d j n ~ (<> S S ' X S y S T U X t «*■ > « “ ■ L „ d \2 X e n t, to to p to e to to in the SteveiiB-Pvrkins Building. Main and Fourth Street*. • j • SENTIMENTALITY PLOWU8HBB YET. Another Omgoo alaynr paid thw penalty ot h l. ertmr on the waffold today. But he did not go to the « a lio « , wlthoot the usual hue and cry among the sentlm enUltots Delegations of organiiatlona that exist for alleged hu­ manitarian purposes besought the governor to exercise clemency. They had no evidence to show that the con­ demned man had been wrongfully convicted. They based their appeals on their disbelief in capital punishment. Why will cttlxens undertake to Influence officials who are sworn to uphold the law . of the state to break them? As long as we have the capital punishment law. why not let It take Its course when murderers have been proven I We Are Now in Our •with PAYS THE pipBB? That Mother Enjoys Next to the delicious flavors from which she may select her favorite, she appreciates the absolute cteanllnesu and purity of our Sodas. It will add to your « njoynient of them, too. so why not make thia your soft drink headquarters, along with moat of the other folks who know goodness and quality? SDbn d » — • t o - » - M ~ 1 use only 100% guaranteed between the tw o nations at a time when England may pure white lead, sine and lin ­ nP«rf friends badly. seed oil paint, beautiful, dur­ Churchill's picture o f the F « lt« l States as a land fat tening on wealth "drawn from the d-w .-tated and war- able and w ea r re s is tin g . 1 pvv p a re th e s u rfa c e p ro p ­ e r ly a n d b r u s h t h a p a in t I n so y o u r h o u s e g ats m a x im u m p a in t p ro te c ­ t io n a n d service. b ^ .« '^ i M i t a r ^ u ^ ' V ^ ’b. w ed * - r ¿ x x to :::■ A « 0 » “ »*« P R IC E S A R E L O W E S T eTen 01 ° Ur C° nCerB Wb*‘n ” S I2 Main St. MONEY IN THE HANK IS ONE OF THE MOST -------------------------------- — l— e ‘A l l iw * V M M R c m w a wmn W t ) TO A LZTTL» MONEY WILL BRING. STARTING AN AC­ COUNT IS A SIMPLE MATTER. In In te r n a , M e d icin e fo r th e DO IT p e el fifte e n ye a rs TODAY. • DOES N O T O P E R A TE Will be a t OSBURN HOTEL WEDNESDAY/ MAY S. Office Hours: 10 A. M . to 4 P. M . '■ By A B CHAPIN ana WHATEVER COMFORTS OR PLEASURE • F C C IA L ftT — — YOU YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE A88URED Commercial State Bank ONE DAY O NLY < r r r v rp usually -S rrí B ly Tfeec UAWH T'SMC 9 M X Tb t X WAMCD - TIIOUOHTS PROSPERITY OR A TIME OF TROUBLE. Or. Mellenthin Advertising Is the fuel of buslnees. Stint the fuel and your engine run» «low. No fuel, no «peed.—Northern Furnltiire. AIN’T IT THE TRUTH SATISFYING CAN HAVE. WHETHER IT HE A TIME OF Coming to Eugene One way to get ahead and keep ahead 1» to do each )ob aa though you were going to be Judged by that alone. —Becker’« House Organ. • You Cannot Dodge VASBY BROS. . enter It In the name or democracy, there was notniggard- lin e « in men or money. Yet the politicians of Europe— setting up a claim because of thte very aid—would place the whole tremendous financial burden of the war on the L hannv ” back of American taxpayer. ItV pronouncement that he was an “Infidel" Nor Is this a ll: damned for h l. «tlnglness. the American »rough? a Storm of protests upon him. He sought taxpayer seldom retorts that he la elready peytng all Of rainlv at his age to answer eacti critic—and his own share and half of Europe s—which he it. hero were thousands Of them. He clung to his The United States h a . gone to the very nmtt in grant- •ontention that there Is no life beyond the grave. ,ng concessions and virtual moratoriums in fathoming The controveraary unnerved him—and his "ability to pay.- m affixing low rate, of i.terest We neth failed in the crisis. »’’• not (aB pictured by the foreign pres, and politicians) - - a lauds nation of despite Sbylocks demanding our pound of flesh. And now the entire world him, iis religious conviction, as a great scientist and There Is some thought that Churchill Is playing for a breakdown of the Britlsh-Amerlcan funding agreement 1 great and lovable man. If so he is wasting breath; to reduce financial arrange­ ■ ments any further would be equivalent to paying an ad­ PROSPECTS SEEM GOOD. mission fee for getting Into the war.—Dearborn Independ­ With excellent growing crops and a fair market n sight the fanner can gp about his work this e n t. A FACT me 91MM« on yossr worl ‘*Hencalled himself an "infidel.” "The idea that ILrut fo il would send neople to a burning hell 8 Utterly damnable ” he said. "My religion is a •elitrion of love I love everybody. I want every- pring with optimism. The winter and spring has >een Ideal for both fall and spring grain as well « vegetoable and fruits. A little rain will be need- id in the next few weeks but it’s an even bet we «rill get it. After a few lean years, it would seem that the ’armer faf,?s a fairly prosperous one. And what , fHo farmer is good for the rest of us. EGGIMANN’S — A art A l l p u h t o o u t veten mama w i V vb j a l i t t l » h e l p Bppingfieid, Oregon A Good Bank* In A Good Country N o C harg e fo r C e s e u lte tlo n Dr Mellenthin I* a regular grhduat* In medicine and surgery and is Hcen, sed by the state of OREGON He does not operate for chronic appendi­ citis, gall stonll no a d d itio n a l la r t , grt «xtr« xdvjntage« wb»n you trawl. Profit by «topover p riv ilrg n on 15 d.iy roundtrip ticket« between many Oregon point«. V i«it at several points instead of only one. Weekend roundtrip ticket« to and from Portland— - w ithout stopover-— are greatly reduced in cost. Buy them foe ovee-Sunday trip«. Return lim it is fo llow ing Tuesday. T e ll our agent your travel plan«. He’ ll gladly advts« you regarding a most advantageous itinerary. Southern PacificUnes CARL OLSON. Agent