PAG£ T U R E » T H E S P R IN G FTJLD N E W 8 T H U R S D A Y , A P R IL 22, 1V26. 11 ■ TT—TT — -1 ter of the channel ut Bill Hays C reek., A * * * * * ”' . W, r then«« along said channel as follows: North 8 degrees 20 minutes West i 6 39 chains, north 22 degrees 42 min- i ules Wust 9 09 chains; South 73 de- ' groes 30 minute s W est 3 21 chaina, i North 46 degrees 46 minutes West I APRIL 25TH — MAY 1ST 6.81 chains; north 77 d .grees West If your birthday Is this week yon are sympathetic and kind, and are 2.27 chains, north 44 degrees 30 min­ capable of great self sacrifice. You are. or can be, very secretive. reservM ute« West r.62 chains; north 6 de­ and quiet about your personal affairs. You are courageous, have a strong grees East 1.74 chains; North 26 de­ will power and great tenacity, and can always be depended upon In aa grees West 1.87 chains; North 82 de­ emergency. You stand a little flattery, but are skeptical to a great derres. FOR HALB—My house and three lote grees 16 minutes W est 4 66 chains: FOR SALK You are Idealistic, artistic, a lover of the beautiful. You are fond of Fttll HAI.K--Chinchilla rabblla First Heed Corn. Minnesota Number IS | 66x120 at corner 2nd B; price (6000. North 1.4« chains; North 24 degress music, art and poetry, but In a mechanical way rather than a creative way. and K Hu., Hprlngfluld, I). T Fslr- 1600 down, balance easy term^ 30 minutes East 144 chains; North You have a bright, vivacious mind and excellent memory and are never at clill.l A 16(1 D ent, 11 yeara la I s « « County, 66 J. L. Clark. « a loss for a variety of conversation. You have a light-hearted. Joyous, gen­ 62 degress W est 4 46 chains; north ial disposition—which wins for you many friends. You also have the fas- bushels to acre last 1 yearn. WANTBD- Wunlod tu buy, for raso, Klled Dried. FOR HALE—Payroll sheets, printed 43 degree» 30 minutes W est 4.73 ulty of being Intensely sarcastic. al kliute ut eecttnd Itund turultura At Farmers Union ebrnn, Spring and In istock at the News office. chains, north 76 degree« W est 7.36 Person« born during these dates succeed In any line calling for con­ and Implenunte. J. K Ureer, Phoae field, or Eugene, or at any pittas qfe Form suitable for road, construction chains, north 46 degrees 30 minutes work, sawmills, etc., with table to West 5.88 chains. North 26 degrees tinuity of thought, discrimination, precision and Insight Into human nature. Eugi na 1603 McKeexle. O«o. W Neff A lt I Women become excellent teachers, writers, welfare workers, office e x e e » compute workman's compensation M18; M 4. and deductions. No employer should West 3.82 chains. North 34 degrees; ¡lives and actresses. Men become lawyers, jedges, physicians, salesmen, FOR BALE—Carbon paper In large FOlt BALE—Carbón papar In lar»« be without these forms when they East 4 4o chains; thence W est 4 26 and mechanics. sheets, 26x39 Inches, suitable for can •>« purutoused for a few cents chains to the Northwest corner of the shorts, 36x38 Inohaa. auitabla fo» making (ratings. The News Office. curred on a ranch near Natron St each. “ HoiHheast quarter of the Northwest R O B E R T K IZ E R K IC K E D tnaklng traclnga TI m n a v a Offloa which Kiser was working. quarter of said section 18; thence Butter wrappers printed aeoording IN A B D O M E N BY H O R SE The injured man was rushed tti WANTED—Clean wool rags at The South 20 48 chains; thence W est 20.16 to regulations with luuns, wrtght NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Pacific Christian hospital, and it Newa office. Will pay 6c per chains to the quarter corner on the N otila la hervby given that the and address, 11 16 a hundred at the Kicked In the abdomen by a horse Is reported that he Is recovering undersigned haa been appolntad Ad­ News Office. pound. West line of «aid section 18, thence ministrator of tha natala of Harsh M Houth 40.68 chains to the place of he was harneveng, Bober» Klxtr o f . satisfactorily. It was at first thought Dnvla, deceased, by the County Court CAIA, AND RKR Dr N. W Emery beginning, containing 270 27 acres In Hnrlngfleld. was aerloo-ly Inlnrod last he had sustained Internal Injuries NOTICE TO CREDITORS. a t Lane County. Oregon. All persona >~i pH « ne -la v sod other work " Lane County. State of Oregon: Friday afternoon. The accident oo- whlfh might prove serious. Notice 1« hereby given that loiters having datum against said estate ara Excepting therefrom the following hereby notified to present tha sani«, (eslnmenlary on the Estate of Frank NOTICE TO CREDITOR» properly verified, to the undersigned J. Zimmer, deceased, have Issued nut Notice Is hereby given that the described premises, to-wlt: at the offlraa of Wells A Walla, ltank of the county court ef la n e county, Reserve Oletrict No. 18 Beginning at a point 28 rods North Charter No. 8941 o f Commerce Bldg., In Eugene I .a tie Oregon, to the undersigned executrix, undersigned has been appointed Exe­ REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Countv. Oregon, within six months and that all persons having rlatma cutrix of the estate of Ira N Taylor, of the Southwest corner of the South­ from title data of tha first publication against said estate should file the deceased, by the County Court of east Quarter of the Northwest Quar­ same duly verified wtth the under­ Ijinn County, Oregon All persons ter of Section 18; Township 17 8outh of this natica. Date of first publication April I I . signed at the office of 8 ,D Allen, having claims against said estate are of Range 6. Weet Willamette Mertd- At Springfield. In the State of Oregon, at the cloee of bualneae oa Hovey Building. Eugene, Oregon, hereby notified to present the same, April 12. 1926. usa, lan. In Lane County, Oregon; running properly verified, to the undersigned, wllhln six months from the date of HAROLD J W K U JI. RESOURCES at the office of Wells A Wells. Bank thence East to the center of the Ibis notice. Administrator. Loans and discounts. Including rediscounts, acceptances of other of Commerce Bldg . In Eugene, Lana stream known as "Bill Hays Creek”; Dated April 1. 1626 WEI.1,8 A WELLS. banks and foreign bill« of exchange or drafts sold with In- MARY JANE ZIMMER. Executrix County, Oregon, within six monehs thence Northwesterly np said stream Attorneys. doreenwnt of this bank ............................ - .................................... 1193,888.25 from the date of the ftrat publication 8. D ALLEN, Attorney for Estate. A II 38; M « 15 10 to the W est line of said Southeast Overdrafts, secured, none; unsecured, $126.25 ---------------------------- A 1 g 16 12 of 1» this notice. Date of first publication April 11, Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of U. S. Government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) 16.260.00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1616 said Section 18; thence South to the All other United States Government securities (Including ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given tbat the LOURENE TAYLOR, place of beginning, containing four premiums. If a n y ) ------------------- --------- ----- ------------116,176 09 Undersigned has been appointed Exe-^ NOTICE 18 HEREBY Q1VEN. T hat Executrix. 32 426 06 'acres, more or less. In Lane County. Total cutrlx of the estate of Anna E De-^ on the 30th day of March, A. I)., 1636, WELLS A WELLS. 80.666.81 Other bonds, stocks, securities, e t c . ------------- —........... ............... Oroot, deceased. by the County i R. D Wilson was appointed admlnla- Oregon. Attorneys. 6,314.44 and fixtures (6,314.44 ........ .......... ...................... -..... — ---- Court of Lane County, Oregon Alt 'lator of the estate of Llxile M W il­ A 22 26; M 6 IS SO . That the said sale will take place Furniture 22.642.61 Real estate owned other than banking h o u s e ..... ................- — ---- persons having claims against said son, deceased, by the County Court of 17.692.08 at the law offices of Potter A Foster, Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve B a n k ------------------------------ estate are hereby noticed to present' Imne County, Oregon. All persons hav­ 48.68L08 Salvation Army Drive Success st 861 Willamette street. Eugene. Ore­ Cash In vault and amount due from national b a n k s ------------------ the same, properly verified, to the , ing claims against said estate are re­ 1,280.47 A total of 1216.60 was raised la gon. Terms of sale, cash In hand or Hhecks on other banks In the same city or town as reporting ban k . undersigned, at the office of Wells A quired bo present them duly verified, Total last two items _______________ --- ---------- —— 149,862.43 Welle, Rank of Commerce B ldg, In as by law required, to said adminis­ Springfield In the Salvation Army one-half cash ard balance to he se 1.12724 Eugene. |A M County. Oregon, wllhln trator at the law office o f Alta King, home service drive carried on here cured by first mortgage on the prop­ Miscellaneous cash I t e m s -------------------------------------------- --- --------- Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer 313-99 Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon; alx months from ohe date of the first last week, a re-check made by Chair­ erty on terms to be approved by the Total ..____ _______ __________________________________ $39$,647.11 publication of this notice Date of within six months from this date. Iiai.'d March 30. 1626 ' man Cox shows. The drive, Mr. Cox Court. first publication April 22, 1626 e » 4 .1 s.'jf LIABILITIES Date of first publication April 1, said, was a success as a result of MAUDE M PORTER, 16M JOHN M PRICE, Executrix. the support given It by the American 25,000 08 Capital stock paid In...... ...................................................—_ _ _ --------- ALTA KINO. Attorney for estate. WE1.L8 A WELLS, JESS A. FOUNTAIN. Legion. 5.000 08 Surplus fund __ _______ _____________________ _____ R. D. WILSON, Administrator Attorneys. Executors of the Last W 111 and Undivided profits _________ __________ $6337.63 A 1 8 16 22 26 A 23 26: M 6 IS 10 3,802.59 Less current expenses paid _________________ _ ___ $2635.05.... Testament of Hugh M Price. Buys Lot. 6.250.00 Deceased. ___________A8152229 M6 Circulating notes outstanding Elizabeth I high has purchased two 1,811.04 Cashier's checks outstanding ___________.7_______ ;.............................. lots In Midway park. Went Springfield Total of above Item ______ ______________________ $1,811 04 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. from C. 8. Walla. She plans to Im­ Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject Notice Is hereby given that E«n,ce to Reserve 'depo’lts navable within 30 days): prove the property with a moJern H Bonney has been appointed admin­ i Individual deposits subject to check _____________________________ 170,169.66 house. istratrix of the estate of Alva A. Bon­ Certificates of denoei’ due In less than 30 days (other than for General la w Practice Phone Res. 101J Office 3-J money borrowed __________________________ _______________ 16,925.01 ney. decease«!, by the Country Court F. H. W A LK ER I. M. P E T E R S O N * I State, county, or oth-r municipal d- ’■c“**« secured by pledge of of Lane County. Oregon I XHCl’TORS’ SALE OF REAL A uto T r u c k T r a n s fe r All persons having claims against assets of this bank or surety bond ........ ............... ....................... 19.655.0$ Attnrney-at Law PROPERTY. House Hold Goods, Baggage, Total of d m and deposits (o th e r th an b a n k de p o sits ) s r h l ct s:fld estate are required to present to reserve ..... ........................................ .................... ..... $205.760.68 Commercial State Bunk Bldg.. Merchandise Moving NOTR E IS HEREBY ^lVEN that them, with the proper vouchers, deposits subject to Reserve (Payable after 30 Springfield, Oro. Office at 312 Main SI. bv virtue of an order of t>» - .nitty within six months from the 22nd day Time days, or subject to 30 days or more nottce, and Of April. 192«. Io the -aid administra­ Court of Lane County, O n x 'i, In trix at the law office of L. L. Ray In postal savin gs): .'ie matter of the enlato of I'tgh M the Miner Building, Eugene. Oregon. Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) ............... 13.816.00 H O U SE P A IN T IN G Other time deposits ........:.................................. ...............j.... ......... ........... 42.516 83 Telephones: Office 613 Res 2076 "rln, deceased, duly mad.- .111 I m L L. RAY. Ksltomlning in all Its Branches. Total of time deposits subject to reserve ..... ............156,332.82 Attorney for Estate. vd of record on the 7th day of City or (¡ountryj Work. Lowest EUNICE H. BONNEY, tpr'l, 1826. the undersign'd, Execu- »303,947.12 Prices. Every Job Guaranteed. Administratrix of the estate of 1 h ,1 the Last Will and Testam ent Osteopathy Htniitlh for the Alvu A. Bonney, deceased. Give me a trial. if tl gh M. Price, deceased. w'll, op A 22 29 M 6 12 19 State of Oregon. County of Lane, ss : tru th wherever It Is scienti­ ROY KOCH. Springfield, Oregon. ' and after the 10th day of May, 1926, I, Lloyd C Martin. Cashier of the above named b«nk do solemly swear fically proven. Phons 125 J offer for «ale and «ell at private sale Osteopathic Physician and Sur­ that the above statem ent is true to the b -st of mv knowledge and belief. Man Sleeps Like Log, the following described real property LLOYD C. MARTIN. Cashier. geon Eats Anything Correct—A ttest: Wm. G. Hughes, L. K. Page. S. M. McPfierson, Directors. belonging to «aid estate, to-wlt: BUY FURNITURE HERE Office 404 M. A. W Bldg.. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2(Rh day of April. 1926. Beginning at the Southwest corner Eugene, Oregon Rockers, Beds, Mattresses. Stoves, "After taking Adlerika I can eat Frank A. DePue. Notary Public for Oregon. of Section 18, Township 17 South of Ostenpnlhy stands for the truth My commission expires January 8, 192$. Tubs, Stove Boards, Clothes anything and sleep like a log. 1 had (BEAL) Range 6 W est W illamette Meridian, w herevst It Is Scientifically Basket*. gas on the stomach and couldn’t keep thence North 89 degrees 39 minutes proven food down nor sleep.” (signed) R. C. Wm. DONALDSO.v NEW AND Bast 41.36 chains to the quarter cor Miller. ONE .spoonful Adlêrlkâ r e Charter No. 88 Reserve D istrict No. 12 SECOND HAND STORE ner on the South line of «aid section REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE moves GAS and often brings surprte 18; thence South 20.37 chains; thence Ing relief to the stomach, »tops that South 88 degrees 45 minutes East C o ntracting and Building Call full, bloated feeling. Often brings 10 03 chains to a point on the W est GEO. W. P E R K IN S At Bprincfleld, tai the State of Oremn ■» the cloee of business on out old waste-matter you never line of the John M. Crooks Donation Corner 5th and D Streets SUTTON TRANSFER April 12, 1926. thought was in your system. Excel­ Laud Claim No. 47. Notification No. Springfield, Oregon lent foT chronfe constipation. Flan- 6024; thence North 38.68 chains, Plans and Estimates Furnished Phone 57 RESOURCES Free. Will Help You Finance thence East 11.75 chains to the cen- ry's Drug store. Your Building. 1. Loans and dlsconnts, including rediscounts, acceptances or bills o f exchange, sold with endorsement of the bank. (Including Items shown 29. 30 and 33, If any) ------- --- ----------- ------- ------$149,729.72 GEO,. N, McLEAN Overdrafts secured and unsecured --------------------------------------- 36.68 DR. N. W . E M E R Y TJ. 8. government securities owned, Including Automobile, Fire and Life those shown in Items 30 and 36, if any — ------------ ------------- 8,500.08 * D E N T IS T IN S U R A N C E Other bonds, warrants and securities, Including foreign Surety B°nde_ Phone 617 M Button Bldg. P.hone 20-J government, state, municipal, corporation, etc., including My bualneae la to protect your Realdenco Phone 153 M those shown in item« 30 and 35, if any __________ _________ 36.963.17 bualneta t Banking house, $14,900; furniture and fixtures, $2,712 00 ........... 17,612.00 Springfield, Oregan 660 W illamette 8t. EugeneJ3regor5< Real estate owned other than banking house ..................None (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trust companies designated and approved reserve “ O f course, new furniture adds charm agents of this bank ............................................................................ 40.988.15 16 to the home. But,” says M rs . John­ VA S B Y BROS. 10. Exchanges for clearing house and items on other banks in son, an authority on antiques,“ in every the same city or town as reporting bank ................................. — 1.026.09 P ain tin g & Decorating 11. Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and long-established household there are Your Hom e When In other cash item s ....................................................................... none in all Its branches sure to be old pieces which, when re- Total cash and due front banks, items S, 9, 10 and 11 $42,014.24 Springfield M S1Í Classified Ads u 'th c la ij ■ 1$ it th is Week. ? J*.* + J **’ (ÆT RESULTS) First National Bank ¡B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Or.John Simons C om m ercial S ta te Bank o f Springfield Old M ore Interesting Than New, ” she says “The Loop 312 M ain Street D. W . Roof J K W K L E lt Repairing a Specialty SprlngCleld, Oregon DR. S. R A LP H D IP P E L D E N T IS T Phone 43 First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Springfield R. W . S M IT H Justice of the peace and notary public, Insurance W M . G. H U G H E S FIRE C ity H all Springfield, Oregon , AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at F IR S T SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road w ork. We make a specialty of oruxhed rock and rock sand. B unk­ ers at foot of M ain on Mill street. H E N R Y W . C H A S E, Prop. N A T IO N A L BA NK 8prlngf1eld, Oregon FR A N K A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW Button Buldllng NOTARY PUBLIC Springfield Oregon. finished w ith z\c m eQ u ality Products, are infinitely more interesting than the new .” Th ere is an Acm e Q uality Paint, Enamel, Stain or Varnish for the beautification o f all furniture, new or old. Each gives themorcpleasingrcsults for which Acme Quality hasbeenfamousfor40years. R efinishyourfurniturew ith ACME QUALITY Pdint-t^Varnish O u r store is the Acme Quality Paint and Varnish Service Station. Do not buy any paint without consulting U9. Wright & Son ________ $254,855.69 Total LIABILITIES 30.000 00 16 Capital Stock Paid in ___ 6,000.06 17. Surplus fund ......................... ...$7,408.27 ; 18. (a) Undivided profits ..... .. 4,522.68 (b) Less current expenses, Interest and taxes paid $2,885.59 I 180.00 , 20. Dividends unpaid ___ _____________ _______________________ '$3. DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to reserve: Individual deposits subject to check. Including deposits due the state of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds 185,681.20 208.95 24. Demand certificates of deposit outstanding ......................... .......... Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject to reserve, item s 23, 24. 26, 26 ................................... $185.890.15 TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and pay­ able on demand or subject to notice: Time certificates of deposit outstanding ..................... ..............— 22,762.89 Total of tim e and savings deposits payable on demand or subject to notice, Items 27 and 28 — _ _ _ _ _ ....... $22,762.86 Note« and bills rediscounted Including bonds or other securities 5,600.00 sold under purchase agreement« with contingent liabilities ..$264.866.69 Total ____________________________________________ State o f Oregon, County of Lane, ss. I, C. E. Kenyon, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that thè above statem ent 1» true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. C. B. KENYON, Cashier. Correct A ttest: Welby Stevens, M. M. Peery, Directors. Subscribed ard sworn to before me this 20th day of April, 1929. A. P. FLOWERS, Notary Public. (SEAL.) My Commission Expires Nor. 16., 1619.