THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS — * S p rin g D r i i i u p T im t Should br M arc h an t» C lean u p D a v i. flPRINOFlELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON.. THURSDAY. APRIL 22, 1928. TWENTY-THIRD YEAR T I "T h« P«ooi«'a Paper" L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 1«. TT“ PLAN CEREI FDR SCOUT TROOPS Lion« Club Organization Will M «««e. I ’ ~ ocie. 1/& UPPER WILLAMETTE NINES CASCADE COMPANY PLANT FORM BASEBALL LEAGUE READY FOR OPERATIONS The $100,000,000 Straphanger * MAYOR TO APPOINT Actual operation of Ita enlarged Organlxatlnn of the Upper Wiliam- ette Baaeball I'-ague waa effected In (Want la being atarted this week by Hprlngfleld at a meeting 'held Tuea rbc f'aacade Manufacturing company. day night, with WaltervHle. Spring •SYLVIA” PRESENTATION PROVES TO BE SUCCESS Held. Harrl»bwrg and Mohawk tWend- l’"lir a p r* ard "<*p ln Announcement To Be Made At --------- ling M arcia combined) entering on 'he development of the lumber Indus- Meeting Next Week; Morgan ° "Bylvta.” are flrat operetta Irrer the opening of the league. The meet- . try In 'Springfield. and McLagan Mentioned A* T ro o p nvaatitura S a r v ic a a ; 1 lloy tw -out work la to nMm, ani, financially. The clubs real- wIM play the Harrisburg nine bare, r lr n carried on by thia newly organl- flit the vacancy created by the real« ^"»k« a marked advance next Wed- | R(M| approximately »70 from the dooi and Waltervtlle and the Mrthawks will IBd wnr, (n l Tbp floor Rpare of the nation of Herbert J Cox will tak e W«-««tay evening, when Lions club receipt». • mix In a tilt at Wendllng. plant haa been multiplied five times, place at a meeting of tfhe council to l-eglon Tho«« who «aw the entertainment The next meeting will be held next and „ fu„ complement of machinery, troop No. I amt’ American be held on a night of next week, rvrolw «aid that "Sylvia" lhaa never been Friday nt the Hell theatre nt 7:30 for «ash and door work 1« now being Troop No 2 will combine In a pro­ ably Wednesday, according to Mayor excelled by other programs given by nclock nt which time officer» will be installed In the new buildings, <7 O. Bushmen. who will make the gram which will Include a court of the local nrhool. The next thlnx com elected. It In possible that Cottage An office building, 20x2K feet In j appointment. honor for the I.lone troop and 'the Ing up from the high school In the drove and Bugene will enter the ate> |„ bring completed thia week, That's what John E. Andrus of- Alfred J. Morgan, principal-elect of Inxtallullon rremony for the Legion way of entertainment la the senior 1« ague, making It a six-team aggro- 'ph,« huilrilng 1« east of the plant, and Yonkers, N. Y-, is called. For de­ the Springfield high school and resi­ orgnnlatlnn The event, which la open spite his immense fortune he scorn* class play, "Tweedlea," to be given gallon. will provide adequate room for use dent of Willamette Heights, and to the public, la to be held In *he a limousine, preferring to ride to 'A W altarvllla W ins Oame. May 14 ffs the hesdnuartera of the concern C. McLagan, superintendent of th« his office via the subway. He was M'thorilxt «diurch. Conservatism lost a hotly fought TTi«- buildings which house tb Mountain States Power company’s lo­ recently knocked down and tramp­ The Investiture ceremonies for the Five Hundred Club At Dinner. game for Springfield when the locals ehlnery are of the latest design for led upon during the rush hour cal property, are mentioned on the American Legion troop will take up ■ la v e d W a lte rv tlle h e r e last Sunday mh h n«.e S a w ' r'd In thia rremony Present were: Mr. and Mrs. F. A. victors. serves for storage of the waste, which eaRt Main street pavement offers to as a result of pressure of private af- are W. P Tyaon, John II. Will, Bn- DePue, Mr and Mrs. I. D. I-arlmer, The score: 1« taken to the building from the ma- motorist! proved too much for half fairs and his Increasing duties a s gene Kester. C A Swart« ftooutmn«- Mr. and Mrs. W H Adrian. Mr and R H •ehlnery rooms by a new blowpipe „ dOxen autotets Sunday, and aa a president of the Springfield chamber ter Orson Vaughn also will take the Mrs fhnvye, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. WalUervllIe 7 system. The building Is sot high. In result the local justice court did a of commerce. He handed his resigns- Unwaon, Mr and Mr». M M Peery. Rnrlngflrld oath of office. 9 1 __ 1 order that trucks may be h ack e’ In bustling buslensa on the Sabbath, tion to the city recorder last Monday, Members of the troop who will Welby Stevens. Flra Sutton. Fred and ' und**r 11 and ,h e wast® leaded through assessing all In all »88 in fines over to take effect at tile next meeting of Waltervlllo- Rattorte«: « n«_ «P '« rLI taki- th«. oath are Dorman ('ha«e. WII- t'llngan. Mr» (Trace Roberta and S I" " 'F « ¡7 ' n / « »' vv d i " bopp*r t0 *”* *lau,®d away as fuel the week end. the council. Mayor Bushman expects Ham Cox. Richard Harpole, Keith Mr« Alberta Wbaver. i Springfield will play the W endllng . ,.„««, h, , , h; I _ ___ _ „ . u team next Sunday at W endllng , L. « «. . ” e,We A Charges heard In court against ®*H a meeting for next week to r Kendall. Qordon Lee. Richard L’ pley, / - — , 1 team lay jU H dlng and the main m tc h lo e ty moU)r, gtR weN> p„ prt tha, thPlr consideration of the resignation an« Ch«-«t«T Mmm.. Marlon Mooney, Ornn Q lrl Scouts In New Projae-.. »-ucture. with nu approach making parR were trgTe, ln< , hp ea9t Malll the new appointment Mulligan. Ber, Newell. Oscar N«'«lur. Hewing Is to be the new protect SPRINGFIELD HIGH BEATS K ptWlbto to drive trucks directly Rtrptph haR an Hm|t Ward p , . „ Talkad. Loyal Noita, Paul Schontal. Fred COTTAGE GROVE BY 11-2 Into the building for loading purpose. of , 0 an hQUr Rppp(, g St,me. J«uuwy Hummer and Crof: ,» ,ak*» uo by "f ‘h* The situation has brought the mat* field Olrl Scouts, according to plans ... . . NwM .nA he m ,rh l“ery oP*ra,,‘<’ entirely frTMn JR t<> nparly R() m l|-# an hom. ter adopting the ward system teg Truax. made ---------------------------------- t at a rooming w held a at the r , chant- » X « k le . ^ h ? ? n r i^ 2 f lS d bX t r and ” * ha8 Those who r,Id »10 fines for sp ew in g ^ " c l l representation in Sorin gfleli Fleet Court O f Honor. T h . first court of honor to bo held h' r ,,f ^m m erce Monday afternovn. neafh weeping skies the Sprlrfgfleld been eted this week. A complete wprp E M Johnson c Bro(„ e E o to the fore. A proposal that such • by t h . Springfield scou t, will taka Th" m" “ n« » L i ‘* " * « . ^ 1 . 7 * 1 "‘ 1‘t,ng *r ’ tMn 8trun«1 Rn' » • * ” • H 0 Cunning-' ^ m »«lopted here I. made <■ ,n, u n e d . j>ck f a PtMion «mn to be circulated, w it» pince preceding the Investiture May­ domestic art room, of the high ar*«td b e ., the Cottage Orove nIne by a when the score of 11 to 1 The pouring rain ------------------------ ' # fab a r |w > >R for fa„ ln< l*« up The made I, n e c e .s.r y to jr to p th e _ game F R £ E J E X T B Q 0 K S A R E atop at a railroad crowing, and Joe- ’««1 practice here following the N » V O Bain. J F K e ,i-I« will sit an meeting day of the troop has hern at the end of the sixth Inning. DISCUSSED BY POWERS tlce Reuben W Smith touched O. W. vember election. «'hanged to Saturday. Y cstenlay"! tuaale with Cottage -------- - , Newland of Springfield »1 for park-} Those who are poehing the propoasf tnagletratea. C. R Fivelyn Harr,« waa given the fen- (Trove had conaldarahty different as- Aspects of the free text book Ties- log on the sidewalk D. L. Bullls, who believe that It will meet with «!► cut I ve, will act aa Merk of the court derfont badge at the meeting Monday, recta than those of the bout with , . . . H«-nutmaater W P. Tyaou will hove -------- , Fngene high school here last Friday. "on ’ er* re,a,w ' Pranrla \ Pow' a coraer- added » to the ctt* proval. It la claimed that there 1« considerable feeling to the effect eight candidate» for second clasu era, members of the staff of the funds. Hold H IY S anqm t. when K.igene carried off all honors that councllmen should represent rank from the membership of Troop with a score of 11 to 0 Springfield ’rho<’1 of ^ “«'a“ “» ’“e University different lections of the city. Further Eighteen young people Including ___ . . . 1. While the names of all ,1ie boys of Oregon. In a talk given before T H R E E A R E H U R T WHEN . .. . . . . , , , , ., players mere altogether ou, of form, more, It Is argued, . the fact that three nemhars - ... of the high school - HI and y . „ to be given badges was not r -ady . rn■ ... Y -------- . _ . . the Methodiet Brotherhood In meet- __ Ing Monday evening Beth sldo* of CAR DOORS FLY OPEN councllmen are to be elected and on« yesterday, they are among the follow- their Invited gueats. enjovad a de- b(|a --------- to hold over will make R possible tc tng Hat of «routa who pasari thelr llghtful evenlns on Saturday, at the ' the qovation were discussed by Hr PoWprg Three persons were Injured here change the svstem next fall without pacing ,«hi, Mundny night- mnual banquet of the organisation. — point of his Index finger while tink­ The question 1- said Mr Poe err. durln* ,he P*81 weelt as 8 of complications. Ralph Hughej Evan Hughes, Pey- The affair ws held I «he Methodist ering with a bucking Llixle the oth- i- vpwwrv band of flbrrwrod Feront., hratlon of th« birthday of Mrs nt,to. Present wero Mr nnd Mr». Delbert republican Is Indicated In the results (•ears but reanlts have not been altc- The <,a‘>- dr|ven by Thomas Thom- town Into wards runs somthing Ilk« w„, b» prea»n,ed t o n SprNgfleld «" I „ , rtIani1 Mra . „ FHh from the registration of voters for ns, Sr., the child's father, was moving this: T d k n c tontgh, »I She n-11 thea’re hv "»nkum of Portland. Mr». A H F ish « Eether satisfactory of Salem Mr. and Mr« Glenn Dltt» ,h '’ Pv""«ry election on May 21, ____________ at about lo ml lee an hour W itnesses Ward 1—W est side of Souther® tho s«-nlcr «-lass of the University h|gh «r ConuIHe Iirttl members of the fam » hi«« °< ‘0,al "f who register- Girl Fall From Car. , street. fdnek-robed frlnra. Springfield Chamber of Commerce O. Brown for a luncheon Saturday **•« 47 were republican, 17 democrat. The 7-year-old daughter of Earl Ward 3— North side of Main street The plav s d l,( c t« l hv ,h • »e ilee og o > c am r victim of a sim ilar accident Sun- Ward 4— East side of Sevent» R’.by Batigh. ii -risted by Mrr, n«>r- I morrow night that a pamphlet ariver- "•lla I-ombard Mrs J E. Wright Mra. primary election this year. ' day, when she fell from an open car street. e.-, e Couch and Mrs. Erinä Aaaenh -I- ¡Using Springfield. Its Industries, re- rs the door came open while the Emery. m< r It was w -ll recelved- at Engenr C E. Swarfs, Mr». N. W Should Report Case». koureea and attraction», be printed. Auxiliary M em bers at Roseburg. family was enroute to picnic grounds Mrs. J C. Pnrker, Mrs C. E Kenyon p,o»entatlnn» lust week. Dr. W II. Pollard, city health ,ffl- The committee 1» composed of Dr. on the McKenxIe highway. Springfield Auxiliary of the Am«’rF Robin Hood Is played bv Rov Ford, and Mrs. J. T, Maore. car, said yesterday that tt Is b»'1ev»d 'V. H. Pollard, Postmaster F. B. Ham. The girl, thrown to the loose gravel can Legion won credit •• district tlie fnlr Mald Marion by Virginia Ful­ that several caaes of whooping cough " n an(' H. E. Maxey. as the car traveled about 3B miles conference at Roseburg Tuesday w,t> Picnic Enjoyed. ler. Erlar Tuck hy Gerald Roberts. A picnic dinner was enjoyed Sunday »>,«« C"»!*»« * the Oregon high J r.’tih will serve deughautx nrt r-.ffa« tnfr. Regular n^Mtlngs of this kind j sections of Dhe two streets. rhun her memhe, t. President ; nre being held every two weeks hy , on Springfield streets late at nk-tit The attitude of the Methodist at the dining room n ett Wednesday ’ chool musical contest sponsored by church, which owns a large part ° » ! n |, h t\ h " dlnnZTTs given a s'a bene- Pacific University. They will repre.J Herbert J Cox urges that there be employes of the p lan t with official«: P^v^d to he more than a Joke fd . . . . . . . . - ntgnt. in e dinner is given as a nen« , _____ I . . . . ________ «. four Eugene youths last Friday night. night, of the company In charge. sent the local high school In the con- a full attendance the property Involved, will play a f|t for , hp pburrh flnnnrRR. when Night Policeman Fred Hlnso® test. Miss Francis Hodge and Miss largo part In deciding whether the j . Interrupted the vocalising and arrest* Chamber Gets Publicity. paving shall be done. R. W. Smith Plan Church Dinner. FaF Spaulding, high school Inatruc- Receives Sad New»—N ews was rf- pd th„ boys. Justice of the Peace R. will bring the matter to Dhe attention Members of the Methodist Ladles’ to™- wt” accompany the young peo- The April number of Oregon Bust- rP| TP<, Sunday by Mrs. M. B. Huntlr Smith lectured the youths on mat- of the church trustees at the next Aid society are planning s dinner to Pl® on tb® tr'P- ness carried notes from the Spring-jqf the death In Duluth, Minnesota, of ters of behaviour, and allowed th e « board meeting, he said yesterday. be held for the church membership I field chamber of commerce, telling her sister-in-law, Mrs. M. A. Pohl. On (0 th"' cUy ’ ’ "Ì A’ t0T’B> d"” ° « ‘* d The Woman’s Civic club of Spriaffi ther, who lives In Bllverton, last lor of the Stevens minding on Main # u t# iw ,catloll hy President H hlp In an accident, field will give a chicken supper ■( Tuesday. His mother Is reported s»> street, and painting the F. B. Flanerv Springfield chamber. It To Entertain Club. the Woodmen of the World hall Thut® Mrs W H Adrian will en tertain , house both Inside and out. The next ~ gpn(, )n notp8 mon,hiy : rlonsly 111. Returns from California — Mrs day, April 29. beginning at 8 o’clock. the KIR Rare club a, her home th is | Job will he the pairing of the front from now on. Maude Bryan returned .home Satur- The public Is Invited to the supper. Is Injured—V. A. Spaulding's evening. Members from Springfield of the Egg,matin candy shop, d«y from Long Beach, California. and a small charge will he m ale. 9-year-old «on, nf W est Springfield, nnd Eugene are expected to be pres­ Rail Officials Visit»—O. V. Che«- where she has spent some rime visit- sustained a painful Injury above ths ent. Visit Morrison Homo— Mr. and Mrt. V isits Here—Mr. and Mr». J«-t supervisor of b h oldings and i ___ Ing friends and relatives. She was _________ __________ „ „ „ „ „ „ indings ___ right eye Saturday when h« waa Joseph Schwab visited .... on Monday at ney, _________ Tacoma M»n Hers— A. L. Kruger, the E. E. Morrkon home here. The bridges for the Southern Pacific com- accompanied on a motor trip north Lemmons of Marshfield are vIsttlM struck hy a rock thrown hy a rl»y- mate. It was necessary to take tw o Tam m s resident, wns a visitor In Schwabs live at Stockton. California, pnny. was In Springfield Saturday on hy Mr and Mrs James Clark, former for a few days with hey parent« Mr ■tltchoa In the wound In order to Springfield for a short time yester- nnd are on their way home after an business In connection with the Springfield residents who now reside and Mrs. o n nsenr e o P 8« clo«e I t lday. I extended trip. coMtructlon work going on her®. .at Long Beach. field.