THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TkisHfeelt A rth u r Brisbane 14 BILLIONS! CHEAP. SOCIALISM DEFINED. SCIENCE USEFUL. ASHES OVER GOLD. The Bureau of Industrial Tech- Bology says it costs the Lui ted (hates FOURTEEN BILLIONS A TEAR to buy automobile«» and keep them running. That's more than the amount lent to Europe during the war and it is also a better investment than the war loan. From Europe for our ten billions we get criti­ cism, the accusation of tess. From the automobile our fourteen billions we ge uonal health, saving of time, much pleas­ ure, millions of families united. A t fourteen billions a year the automobile is a bargain. If you haven't got yours yet, get it NOW, with the opening of Spring; To use public money» for the gcmfort of the prosperous class is '■„ in., .[!l " To use it for the unprosperous class, their wives and children, is SOCIALISM. We spend thousands on a tine bridle path in a great park, sup­ plying soft footing for the horsee or the well-to-do, that’s W ELL. But when the Governor of New York suggests using public moneys to solve the housing problem for the poor, providing de«»nt living art ers at reasonable rentals, at is denounced by indignant landlords as "rank Socialism. 5 The Rev. Dr. Thomas, president pf Hutgers University, say. ".'.1 our progress is due to religion thia nation forges ahead throuA . its faith in God. Science and educa­ tion have been negligible factors in the progress of America.” , The founder of Christianity s?- ’• »‘Render therefore unto Cae- sa. he thing: which are Caesar’s.” Ho would uave rendered unto science and education all cre«iit due to science and education. Ine radio, carrying sermons, includ­ ing the marvelous Sermon on the Mount, to millions unseen by the speaker would have interested him and the modem methods of protecting mothers and prolonging the lives o f children would have delighted the heart o f the great defender of children and women. Religion is the greatest thing in the world, because it deals with the infinite. Science and educa­ tion are important also. Eugene C. May, highly educate«!, ha- left this earth in disgust. Years ago he learned the location c f a schooner sunk in a few fath­ oms of water on its way from the Au-;ralian gold fields with $10,- 000.000 in gold on board. Trying to get that gold he fitted cut two expeditions, nt ail he hod, more than $100,000, failed. He opened the veins in his wrists, died, and now his ashes will be scattered on the surface of tne Pacific Ocean above the $10,000- 000 in gold that he did not get. A good text for sermons. A British scientist makes this most important announcement concerning cancer. He can de­ tect, by analysis of a few drops o f the patient's blood, t he pres­ ence of cancer in its early stages. Cancer located and treated promptly in the beginning can oe permanently eradicated. Cancers that kill are those ignored too long. Report any strange growth to your doctor. Seven years ago, young J. K. ■Tucker, of Dartmouth College; owned just one dime and a watch. Now his life is insured for a mil­ lion. That interests many wno think money means happiness. Later Mr. T ick er won’t have even the dime, and the worms will have him. But the crc ' forgets that. V.'a have heard an unpleasant of slave labor. A 8tate is allog- ' to have made a profit of more than half a million dollar- In 1925 by putting convict« to work in the mine« as slaves, -nler condition- of dreadful cruel- L. E. BEAN TO RUN FOR POSTAL INSPECTION IS LANE-LINN SENATORS h TF’ REMINISCENT ON VISIT E. C. Clement, post office Inspector, who makes his headquarters In Port­ land. and who has Jurisdiction as an Inspector over all the post offices In this section of the state spent a good part of Monday after noon and Tues- day forenoon of this week In making an official Inspection of the local pos» office While the inspectors do not give out anything for publication It Is re­ port e«l by the postmaster that every- thing was found to be In good condi­ tion ami that the Inspector was ap­ parently well satisfied with the pro­ gress that Is being made In the pos­ tal affairs of this city frspector Clements has been on the Job for a good many years. He remem­ bers when the business section of the city was almost wholly on or near Mill street, when there were no pared streets or concrete sidewalks, and when he had to go to n livery barr on the eastern outskirts of the village to get a team when he wished to visit the up river post offices. This barn stood as nearly as he can now tell, about where the Begl- man Candy kitchen row stand«, th» corner of Fourth and Main Mr. Clem ent has seen the village grow from its m a ll beginning to its present site and predicts that the next few years will see still greater growth and improvement. I, K Bean, prominent Kuaene a», torney ami former »tat» repreneala- live ami senator, today announce«! hts »»ndtdac.y for republican nomination as slate senator of the Joint Lam»- |.|n n county tflslrlol A delegation of prominent republicans spent a large part of yesterday afternoon In con­ sultation with Mr. Bean urging him to be a candidate. In announcing his Intention to run. Mr Bean stated that he would stand onhls former record» In the house and senate. He was a member of the legts Islature for It years He will be o p ­ posed by Willard A Elkins, who al­ ready has announced his candidacy for nomination. TOWN AND VICINITY Tonali« R»mo»»à—Mm 8 W HI Iv anlaoii "f N«U und»rw«>i»t a toesll operation here y«-»tvrday mo.-.ilj» VlaU» «I Morten»«« Mom«— Mr» John llosard of Ihn Wlllaknutl« ill«, irle! vUtteii ynaterday »« the heme rf Dr ami Mr» It I’ Morteli«»«! In from Not!— M and Mt». Il y Baker of Noll were In town on bust ne»» Tuesday. Her» from Ltsburg Mr Al Montgomery are here days from Noil. Jasper M»n Here— P 8 Hill» of isp.r »«» bore on huslne»» y eater- Children In the schools of Spring- field district, and esp.'dally thoae In , •he ach«w»l» In the regions adjacent t o , t the Cascade National forest, are to; , hear much of the needs for forest p ro-j» lection during National Forest week. , to be observed April IS to 24. accorl* ! Ing to Supervisor Nelson Macduff cf t the Cascade forest I« said, will speak before all the schools In the forest district In the ea stern . part of the county Most of the talks will he Illustrated by lantern slides. The Importance of protection of the j timber from fire will be stressed by M ilk Spilled In A txIdenL both speaker and teachers. A considerable quantity of milk was Springfield Boy Scouts are to be spilled In to the street last night asked to consider forest problems dur- when the Harpole delivery truck, de­ Ing the week along with other scout livering milk on W illamette Heights, troops of the county. broke down while Jack Harpole was In the Springfield schools It is prob backing it down a hill. The rear axle able that the teachers will lake up of the truck broke, allowing the b-xfv the matter of centering Interest on of the machine to fall to the ground. the timber resources and their conser­ vation and protection. | The chamber of commerce here Is endorsing the movement, and along with the 41. unit Is urging that m«r chants put some slogan regarding the ( forests In their windows and w h ere: possible bring out the thought In > flood food makes sturdy healthy constitutions, giwxl di­ gestion. Good digestion makea good disposition* and good dispositions make happiness and good feeling all around Perfection broad and pastries make more families happy than any food In town because they ate made from the purest Ingredients, scientifically baked by experienced bakers. Perkins Idtxlon Building EKED ERESE. Prop. Fifth unti M It’s All in the News and it’s STIR*RING. VIRILE. VIGOROUS. RED-BLOODED, HE MAN DRAMA MADE EVEN MORE IMPRESSIVE BY / BEAUTIFUL. CONTRASTING LOVE ROMANCE! We can X S P R IN T 1 Checks that can’t be Raise A briuf ? He& Things You Should Know Baby N eed s th e S u n sh in e Give the baby every advantage of these nice spring days, and take him out in the open air. mands isolation and quarantine, but the rest of the fam ily me« be protected by the judicious, ly use of formaldehyde. Kept led about the bedding, clothin ,-id rugs, it is fatal to germs which are abroad in the air. Formalde­ hyde is a good defense against pneumonia, small-pox, and influen­ za. It should be used in forty per­ cent solution, and its use limited to a point where it gently irritates the pyes and nasal passages It is never used in contact being tov strong, but should be careful'.’ sprinkled 'out the room and breathed i.. with the air which it purifies. Germs that attack the threat arc among the easiest to destroy. If combatted early—before they be­ come deeply imbedded in the tis­ sues. Even a weak solution of boracic acid is effective if used as a gargle, spray, or nasal douche at the first sign of disturbance. Ba­ bies and small ehitdren may be i irayed with a suitable atomizer for the nose and throat after trips through dust, or after attendance on winter gatherings where some­ body coughs and thus -ets free in­ fectious barteria. A >od plan is to spray before going to bed and on rising, and the boracic acid so­ lution is one of the simplest and best preventives of trouble. f Id, icy air is dangerous for - dults a3 well as children. Cover face with a light woolen d .'.ric, if he is to be ca ried ouyii extreme cold to a neigh- ... - w hert * Vottnesvj an d R e sp e c t y The Famous Whitney » Baby Carriage found exclusively at the Powers stores in the state of Oregon, affords you a selection of fifteen dif­ ferent carriages, each one of them a model of style, W F WALKER €28 tyfETHERBEE - POWERS U 2-J fonerai service ^ ' N1 s PR.I ng field . ore , ° ’ A George O’Hara Directed by fillIdid Webb. YANKEE WHALER THAT ROVED EVERY SEA AND RULED EVERY PORT A MUSICAL SPECIALTY Charge 13734892 Interest Credit WITH THE Willamette at Eleventh QUARTETTE _ Announcement SEA BALLARDS. L OLD FAVORITES POPULÄR HITS JG NIGHTLŸ AT 7:20 THE CHEVROLET Service of the Gannett Motor company in Springfield haa been placed in charge of the JOLLRF- SCAIEFE MOTOR COMPANY, which baa moved its shop and equipment to the Chevrolet Garage In the Stevens Building, Springfield. The Jollff-Scalefe Motor Company have expert mechanics and are prepared to give Chevrolet owners the best of service. Gannett Motor Co i TAJtt/l Dolores Costello ADDED ATTRACTION CHEVROLET CARS WILL CONTINUE TO RE SOLD AT THE SALES ROOM AT T1IE GARAGE. These popular models are making record breaking sales for tills district. is arranged by os with courtesy and respect, with formal dignity ant»' ye* w'th human understanding. It ¡»the Service of Sincerity. ^ eSEA Herman lelvilles class­ ic of the whaling indus­ try,"M ob u Dick? has1 been made in to th e g r e a te s t adventure photoplay,with Africa's g re a te s t a c to r in the s te lla r rôle, __ __ THE STORY OF THE FEARLESS, HEROIC, FIGHTING, Come In and see them today, our convenient payment plan will enable you to enjoy the use of one of these carriages, while paying for it. The L