PAGE SEVEN TH E SPRINOÄITXD NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 1C, 1926. utea West 8.08 chains; South 73 de-I Oiling of the Old Oregon Trail, weat greea 30 minutes W est 3.21 chain«. fiom Heppner Junction, Is in progress. North 46 degrees 46 minute« West _ _ n n r M ia a iiir e n r A T It la planned to oil the road 10 Blalock 6 81 chains; north 77 degrees West 2 27 chain«, north 44 degrees 30 min- : utea West 1.62 chain»; north 6 de-1 Dalles-Oallfornla highway from Tbe greea East 1.74 chain»; North 28 de­ Brief Resume of Happenings of uaiies to nntur grees West 187 chain«; North 82 de-I At a meeting of the Umpqua Chiefs, the Week Collected for greea 16 minute« West 4 86 chains: i Roseburg'* hospitality club, a reso­ North 1.4« chains; North 24 degree* lution was adopted opposing the iloa- Our Readers. 30 minutes Eaat 1.44 chains; North Ing of motion picture theater* on Sun­ 82 degrees W est 4 48 chains; north day. An eldajlon la to ba held at tho WANTED—Clean wool rags at The 43 degrees 80 minutes West 4.73 Cut worms again are appearing In same time as the May primaries to FOR SAIJk KC»lt HAIJC- Chinchilla rabbit*, First New« office, Will par (c per chains, north 78 degrees W est 7.88 Lane county, according to O. 8. Fletch­ vole on the matter. Reed O o m . M ln n a a o ta MnastMW and K Mta.. Hprlngftrld, H T Fair- , chains, north 46 degrees 30 minutes er. county agen t pound. child. A ISM D ent, 11 years In Latoo CoanCjk Oregon branches of the American I ■ ■.« 1 ■ Weat 6 88 chains, North 28 degrees buahala to arra laa* I Umpqua valley strawberries will be Association of University Women will NOTICE OF SH ER IFFS BALE ON West 3 82 chain*. North 34 degree«: on tbe market within a few days, ac ' Kl b-d DrkaA WANTED—Wanted to buy, for caao, offer a graduate fellowship for women EXECUTION East 4 40 chain«; thence Weat 4.28 cording to reports made by growers. At Farmera Unina al kluda of aecond hand furniture of Oregon, according to an announce­ Notice la hereby given that by vlr- . , „ .. . ___ . tue of an execution and order of sale 10 * * Northwest corner of the and Implementa. J. K. Oraer. Phons field, or Eugene, nr at tnp Madison-streat bridge, long an old ment by Mias Moxella Hair of the ex­ MrKenale Oeo W Nntt AM Issued out of the Circuit Court of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest landmark of Oregon City, and con­ tension division. The scholarship will Eugene 1803 of Oregon, for Lane County, on quarter of said section 18; thence MUt M 4. FOR 8 ALE- Garbon pnper In largn State (he 13th day of March, 1828. upon a Hootb 20 chalna. thence West 20.18 demned for a long time. Is to be re­ total approximately »1200. CALL AND SEM (Ir N W B m i’ry atieeta, 24x39 Inebaa. «altaille for Judgment rendered In said Court 0» . tx . placed by a new structure. Twenty days earlier than In normal the I7lb day of February. 1828. In a ‘° “>** •«- of Range g We«t W illamette Merid- of tbe Mlaaonrt Flat market road has the automobile Mrs. Matthea waa driv­ like that.** Oregon, to the undersigned executrix, .;,* fb .w 3 i '•» . ■■ ■— « « » . n » . < » been let to the Security Construction ing waa struck by a southbound Ore­ and that all persona having claims company of La Grande for »20.ki2.60, gon Electric train at the Qulnaby fendants and order for the sale of the thence Eaat to the center of the against «aid eetate should file (he Raal Safety. crossing about eight mile* north of asm« duly verified with the under­ lands In «aid mortgage and herein- stream known as "Bill Haya Creek": by the Union county oourt. Secretary: "Theae valuable paper* signed at the office of H D Allen, after described to satisfy «aid Judg- thence Northweeterly np »aid stream Marshall Fleshman. a tanner about Salem. ah,mid bo put In a aafe place. Where llovey Building. Eugene. Oregon. ment, with Interest, coats and expen- to the Weat line of said Southeast 88 years of age residing about 20 mile« The preaent high condition of winter within six montila from the date of aea of aale can we hide them?** NOW THEREFORE, pursuant ’o Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of north of Wallowa In the Promise coun wheat with practically no winter kill­ thls notice, B o m : "Glee them to the filing Dated Altri! 1, 1824 said execution and order of sate, I said Section 18; thence South to the try, was dragged t° death by bis team ing of the acreage seeded last fall In­ clerk—abe‘11 lay th»tn down where dicates the probability of a very ex­ MARY JANE ZIMMER. Executrix will, on Satorday. the 17th day of p|acF of beginning, containing four whtla logging In the woods. Bn one will ever find them!*" 8. D ALLEN. Attorney for Eatate April. 1828, at one o’clock In the after- Headquarters company, third bat cellent wheat crop for the Oregon 1925 . , , ,, -, . - _____. acre», more or leas. In Lane Connty. A 1 s 16 H 28 m the Southwest door or mam _ talk>n, 16td Infantry, of St. Halens. was harvest, according to F. L. Kent of " ' entrance to the County Courthooae Oregon. mustered In Monday night as company the United States department of agri­ Eugene. Oregon, öfter for «ale end n iâ t the aa Id aale will take place NOTICE TO CREDITORB ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE K. 186th regiment. Oregon national culture. l«M le aneti«» for “ü L J ü St the law office» of Potter A Foster. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That? • ’' h1 hea, b,dder( „ b je c t „ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Judge William Ramsey of the Polk " U , J U , .n 941 W illam ette street, Eugene. Ore- guard, with a roti of 62 men. the undersigned haa been appointed on the 30th day of March. A. D . 1828. Hearing on the motion of the pub­ county circuit court upheld the ruling n’t e " inn n-a’t and relate gon Term« of »ale, caah In hand or ndmtalatralor of the eatate of Rena It D Wilson was appointed admlnla-|<® lic aervloe commission to determine of the state engineer In connection •» "n"-half 0Mh an<’ ha,anre ,•"<” *»ld dearrtbed to- curFd by flrat mortgage on the prop- peraona having claim« ngntnat »aid ment of the Oregon Electric railway on Mill cre»k In Yamhill county. Ap- ' erty on term« to be approved by tho Ing claims against said estate are re­ eatalv are required to preaent Ihitn The Northweat fourth of the North, proxlmattfly 30 persons owning water has been set for Friday In Salem. with the proper voucher« to the nn- quired to present them duly verified, east quarter of Section 34, Township Court rights on Mill creek are affected by as by taw required, to said adminis­ Officials of the bureau of agrlcul derelgned at the law office« of Pot- 18 South. Range 1 West of the Wil­ JOHN M PRICE. ter A Foster, ut No. 981 W lllaniette',r »tor «' ••»« law office of Alta King. lamette ll«rldian. Containing 40 acres, tural economics of the department of this order. Street In Eugene. Oregon, within all 818 Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon; and «II that part of the Routhweet JESS A. FOUNTAIN. Governor Pierce received a letter agriculture will visit Portland on months from th<- date of this notice within six months from this data. fourth of the Northeast quarter of Executor« of the Last Will and April 23 to bold hearings on the pro­ from Governor Plnchot of Pennsyl­ Dated .March 30. 1926 Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this lltfc seetton 34. Township 18 ftoath Ruege Testament of Hugh M. Price. posed official grain standards for bar vania, urging Oregon to send a num­ Date of first publication April 1. 1 Weat of the W illamette Meridian, day of March. 1828 Deceased. A81B2229 M6 ley. 1826 ber of its singers to Philadelphia next JAMES LAXTON. lying North of Lltüe Fall Creek, all ALTA KING, Attorney for estate. Administrator of the Eatate of In la n e County. 8tate of Oregon. The new Young Men’s Christian as­ July to participate in the exercises R. D. WILSON, Administrator RENA C. LAXTON. Deceased. FRANK E TAYLOR. Fines Are Assessed. sociation home which is nearing com commemorating the 150th anniversary M 111838 A II A 1 8 16 22 28 * Sheriff of Lane County. Ore. pletion at Salem will be occupied on of the adoption of the Declaration of M1826 A1816 a— — — ^ a i— For cutting the corner at A and May 1, according to announcement. Independence. Loren D. Willis. 25. Portland, a Second street, R <3. Masters was The building coat approximately »150.- I.XECVTGRS' SALE OF REAL teaching fellow in mathematics at the fined »2 this week by Justice R. W 000. PROPERTY. Smith. John Doe paid a similar fine The board of Multnomah county University of Oregon, was found dead NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ‘.hat for parking too near a hyrant. and commissioners will go before the vot­ in his room in Eugene. An empty Phone R e t. 101-J O ffice 73-J ' bv v.rtue of an order of the • .nnty W. I. King paid the same amount for G«n<-ral I s * Practice ers at tbe primary election May 21 ether bottle beside the body and facial I Court of Ijm e County. Oregon, In breaking parking rules. F. H. WALKER with a request for a »2,500,000 bond is­ burns led W. W. Branstetter. Lane I. M. PETERSON Auto T ru ck Tranefwr .he matter of the estate of Pugh M sue for county road construction and county coroner, to declare that Will» Attorney-at-laiw had committed suicide. Prlct, d eceas.d , duly tnadt an I en Houes Hold floods. Bsppaff*. Improvement. B irth Report Made. Marchandise M oving Commercial Htate Bank Bldg.. • cd o f record on the 7th day of Activities of the state prohibition Cutworms have Invaded several O ffice a t 81» M ain 81 Apr'l. 192«. the undersigiitd, Execu- Springfield, Ora. department during the year resulted orchards of Wasco county, and are Springfield bad seven births and • rs el the Last W ill ard Testament in 465 arrests for violation of the pro­ five deaths during March, according causing considerable damage by eat- >? »1 city of cattlemen and horse raisers Beginning at the Southwest corner Mrs. Ellen J. Shortridge. pioneer of of Oregon. The 13th annual conven­ Lnrth whaaever It In Rclentl- RO Y K O C H . Springfield, Oregon. on -Ik t-' and o th er work • of Section 18. Township 17 South of on p H ' tion of the Oregon Cattle A Horse 1863, and Mrs. S. B. Kern were killed nrally jtroven. Phono 125 J Range 6 W est W illam ette Meridian, OsteopetIMo P h jM a lt n am Raisers' association will be held there in an'automobile accident at Cottage thence North 89 degrees 39 minutes Simple Mixture Makes Grove, when the Shasta limited No 12. on May 28 and 29. Stomach Feel Fine I Rev." A T Smith of the First United i northbound, struck an auto driven b , East 41.36 chains to the quarter cor B U Y F U R N IT U R E H E R E Otftea 404 M. A. W. Bldg.. ner on the South line of eakl section ' Rev. Chester Smith, pastor of the Free Fhuaeno. l> « p m Roekora, Rada. M attreeeee. Stoves, Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, Presbyterian church of Portland was Methodist church. Rev M. Smith. 18; thence South 20.37 chains; thence Ceteopathy stand« 8or the truth Tubs, Btova Board«, Cloth«« electefl moderator of the Oregon pres­ South 89 degree« 45 minutes East etc., as mixed In Adlerlka, often helps bytery of the United Presbyterian Mrs. Smith and their little daughter wherevdt It la SPlentlftnnllT BaakeVs. 10.03 chains to a point on the W est stomach trouble In TEN minutes by church at the semi-annual session of were also severely injured. prova» Wm. OONALOSO a N E W A NO line of the John M. Crooks Donation removing GAS. Brings out a surpris Orders booked by mills of the West that body at Albany. 8EC O N D H A N D STORE Ijind Claim No 47. Notification No. Ing amount of old waste matter you Coast Lumbermen's association In the The Thompson-Kelly sawmill in 6024; thence North 38.66 chains, never thought was In your system week ending April 3 slightly exceeded Stops that full, bloated feeling and Marshfield, which had debts araount- production, the sales reported by 107 thence East 11.75 chains to the cen­ Contracting and Building ing to more than »40.000. was sold by Call com- ter of the channel of Bill Hays Creek, makes you happy and cheerful. Excel Deputy Sheriff Maiehorn for »1400 mHls totahr.g GEO. W. PERKINS lent Dor chronic constipation. Adler­ feet. thence along said channel as follows: Corner 5th and D Street« SUTTON TRANSFER which turn represented a portion of the l’are 0,1 pu ° ' ’ Shipments'reported by the mills were North 8 degrees 20 minutes West lka works QUICK and delightfully Springfield, Oyegon taxes due Coos county. IOS.809.082 feet, as against 112.215,- 6.21» chains, north 22 degrees 42 min- easy. Flanery's Drug Store. Phone 57 Plan» and Estim ates rurntshed The request of residents along the 537 feet In the week enring March 27. Free. W ill H elp You Finance .t • ' <»i t John Day highway for a motor truck Your Building. Cantilevers built out from opposite mail delivery service out of Arlington v.alls of Crooked river gorge were low­ is receiving favorable consideration at ered into place at 3 o'clock Thursday OEO.. N, M eL E A N the postoffice department. Representa­ OR. N. W. EMERY afternoon and the steel framework of tive Sinnott has been Informed. Automobile, Fire and L ife t highway bridge which Is thè highest D E N T IS T IN S U R A N C E The Portland Feed « Fertiliser com- q{ type ip th church-builder and recognised nation- the entrance to Bullard’s; Yaquina Springfield ucts make the task easy. For forty years, Acme Quality 312 Main Street ally as one of the leading m inisters rjver from Toledo to Yaquina hay; Paint, Enamel, Stain and Varnish for interior work of his denomination, died in Portland clatskanle river {rom CiatBhaniv , 0 have been famous for beauty and long-wearing quali­ Thursday. : (he c 0| Ultlbia river cljgnoel, and Tills- ties. For any finish-any wood. And each up to the Orders for pine lumber booked by mook bay and entrance. DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL 38 mills of the Western Pine Manu­ Acme Quality standard. JEW ELER Favorable reports on two Oregon facturers' association for the week DENTIST Repairing a Specialty I bills were ordered by the public lands ending April 3 totaled 1294. cars or I committee of tbe senate. The first Springfield, Oregon Phone 43 33.644.000 feet, which was 299 cars, or , would reduce the area purchased by F irst N a t'l Bank Bldg., Springfield 10'.,7? : 000 f’ et more iOr Pre' : 'he city of McMinnville for its water­ ceding week. I shed, while the second authorises the R. W. SMITH Contract for the conatruction of the county court of Cooa county to pro- Alder Slope ditch near Enterprise has teet the grovea of myrtle trees within Justice of the peace and Our store is the local Acme Quality Paint and V arnish been awarded to Edward Bishop of ■ lta jurisdiction. Both were introduced notary public, Insurnnoe WM. G. HUGHES Service Station. See us before buying any paint-tor Baker It is estimated the ditch proper ' by Representative Hawley of Salem F IR E A N D A U T O IN 9 U R A N C E any purpose. It will pay you. J will cost $8800. but coat of bridges and ! and bave passed the house, N O T A R Y P U B L IC City Hall Springfield. Oregon engineering will bring the total to j ExGovernor We8t Of Portland has , Office at about $15,000. filed vfith the state engineer applica­ FIRST NATIONAL BANK A. D. Dawes, who was said to repre­ tion for permission to close the outlet Springfield, Oregon sent some large mining interests In of a nameless stream In central Ore­ tile middle west, has filed in the office gon. construct a dam and divert the of the state engineer on a power site waters down the Deschutes river chan­ All kinds of gravel for con­ FRANK A. DE PUE on the Little North fork of the San- nel to the intake of the central Oregon crete or road work. We A T T O R N E Y A T LA W tiam river, approximately one mile canal. The water then would be car­ make a specialty of crushed from the mouth of Gold creek. The ried through this canal to the Powell rock and rock'sand. Bunk­ x N O T A R Y P U B L IC filing calls fur 200 theoretical horaa butte district (or the reclamation of ers at foot of Main on Mill Button Springfield power. approximately 2000 acres of land. street. , Buldltog Oregon. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST (B U S IN E S S DÌ R E C T O R YÏ Dr.John Simons Nothing ever escapes her e a g le e y e “The Loop” D. W. Roof acmzwal ' tt • P a i i n t ^ y 't i S 'n i s h SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO, HENRV W. CHASE, Prop. Wright & Son