PAGE FTV1 • • Chimes T .M F ik in PI ACP f)F LOCAL M EETING S of 8. B and Puppy's • • • • • • • • • • OFFICERS TO BE VOTED St. Maw-», and »he Is out of the medal COTTER SEEKS OFFICE • «AKER COWS TEST HIGH Mawi-s. The dam of the new medal of merit cow lloaalre* Koffee. • NATIONAL CLUB REPORTS »Inner la lloaalro’a Koffsa. which baa Canary- Kttvil Wuii'lay auil Third * i Club Meats. n record of 882 pounds of fat Ito- COUNTY COMMISSIONI AT PRIM ARIES NAM ED Notice of his candidacy for reputa­ Twelve state and district offices, • Wtt,‘*r L • n'1 M“b"1 K B ,k *r of Members ot the Meedler-raft d|fb li! m nomination #» county com m i» two counjy and numerous minor offt- satre'a Koffee la a daughter of th» • ' ■ I............ ... )"-* «1 « • gold ami silver medal bull, Roaalre’» m-1 last Wednesday with Mr». Halsey, «loner has been filed hy Harry H ces. ure to be voted upon by Lana 1 asaleted by Mrs. Hlldebrant. Mea- Cotter of Saginaw Mr. Cotter will i ounty electors In th eprlmarb t of Olga laid. dbinea Williams. Stafford, Hanson, oppone O. E. Crowe, incumbent, who .May 21. Offices to be voted on foP * Silwllh • »>«• riKult Hint Ibi* hrtfxr hu* Oregon Helfer le Heavy Producer. Huitly. Kntght. Pettlcord, Stearmer, has filed notice of his Intention i f low: • mn*)p aneli « numi rword that aha Violet's St. .Me we» Oy|»«y, a Ix lf r Doane, Kiner. M epber--n. and Oer- • him ri" nivali ramno Ilion from Iho seeking ref lection. In a brief state­ One U. 8. senator in congress. In l he Jersey herd of W. L. and ard were present. Mrs, Jennie Cannon Atm-rlma Jaroay Collin club. ment fil' d Mr. Cotter states , that he One representatlv« In confrere, first Itimnlra'* KoffM 2d wax otartml on ! Mabel W Halter of Canary. Oregon, of Portland was «pedal guest. will do all In hla power to the up- t r » t n i ilia early age of nna year and ! imide n very good Showing on her congressional district. Ixldlng of county* road work. Ian month» und In 111« »n»olnn 3061 first offetal teat for In MS days she Governor of the state. Can't Tell Now. ilaya »ha yielded 444 «4 lint of fat yielded 863 68 pounds of fat and "Hay. don't «twid there and tell me Three Justices of the supreme court. dny». Hormin l h M rnh No Doubt of It. 11,742 pound* of milk. Ho Dayville pirai" ami Third • •"«' "• that n man choked hl* wife to death Superintendent of public lr.stru» Thursday«. lU ilb y villa School. • I” r fBl m" ,h ' ' “ 1*,nr rB'i 8 ho was atnrted on thl* teat when In a crowded d u b and no one knew tlon. MlHtress: “Are you sure the lady llo r o u I n. I Himlny ..I eii.-h • ' • l'""1 AAA. MM ( |» l- lie wan two year» and two month» he was doing It!” Commissioner of bureau of labor. who left this package knew m e’ I of age and »he carried her calf for B oath, Haeet« i. "i N' i ■ • I t tor t Iv a rm d U " I t 's th e t r u t h ' E v e ry body thought Statistics and Inspector of factories can’t place anyone by that name " I..,.. g ..... . »„.I Knut III Wml • 11 '’'a W iillC 338 day* of the year, thus qualifying they were doing a new dance.” and workshops Maid: "She must know you. because for a »liver modal. Her milk averaged m ,1.1 , ,V O w Hall. Joapar. • »«■ « • » “ 1 ....... Commissioner of public service. Lx ran« -Hm-ond and Fourth • «“Id and allvar u»a«Iul alr«a Silver 6. 57 per cent fat for the year. The first match always goes out when 1 toH her I had bten working State senator, second senatorial Violetta 8t M«»<* Gypsy 1» by anyway, no I always throw one away for you five month* »he exclaimed, district. Wadimodara I. O. O. P. Hall • For Goodness S ak e!’ ” WaRa's St. Mawea Chime*, a grand- and light the second. McKniwIn tnual. aamml and * State senator, fourth senatorial dis­ ion of Poppy'« St. Mawea. and the fourth Wmlmanhay. 8 p. m. I. (>. (I. • trict. i.'et’es »on of Walt» of A»hnook. the cow P. hall, WaNorWIIa. • Two representative« In the legisla- Geo. Eckhardt of Eugene ha* pur­ The parties who stole the bulk* which ha* a record of 580.30 pound» Mt, V»rnon-~K4ro< and IVitrd • chased a ten acre tract with the ! ture. second representative district. of fat Her dam la Blossom's St. from the corner of Second and C bouse and buildings of the Eubanks U'lalnnartay llraaflahl Htoee • County Judge. Mawe« Violet, a cow which ha* a streets Springfield, are known, and farm. Mr. and Mr*. Eckhardt took Milk Croak Mania Plrat and Thlvd • County commissioner. junior two-year-old record of 814 72 will save trouble by coming and set­ possession last Tuesday. H. C. Keen­ Thursday al (Jndar Hehool Hnuaa • County treasurer. What was best In confec­ pounds of fat. hla dam to by Blos­ t lin g for u n i» Hponror Croatr—Third Friday. • ey. a local realtor, made the deal tionery— therefore, he al­ som 8t. Mawea. a aon of Poppy’s St. l*ln« Oroae School llouan. • ways selected— Tram- «ncond and Fourth Wed- • nwadnya H ih m m U Hill High • . A Box of School l»da * Vida -Herond and KViurth SMur- • Whitman'» Chocolate« day» M Mlnnuy liaM. • 8.« rwtarieo wtS |il«<»aa »end In * to be presented to her Malunlay, Panixr» I'til.m Hall. I I I r,l, FrUnf U o w d a l . fr<-»w«ll Ural »ml Third Tmux duya, Crwwall. M W. of A. Hall. I f u r l. Mri-imil m il P oach Tlwrailaya, Kiirin Union Hall. li.iip ho Kirot Tu««day, Ihuint» Hi II p . i I linna» |h»r«nn- Hirmnl and Potti h Tuo* • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • He Knew that She Knew • tfjne »»<1 (dace ill m eerH i« and ’ when he called. • tjM 1««» of .taOa aa May »■ » rah»- • « PILCHER’S These candles come to us direct by expres« and while in stoefc are kept In a cool place. We guarantee them to be pure, fresh, cool and dean. Christian Church. » 48 rtumlay acbool, H. E Moabler, superintendent 11:00 Morning service, C. I. 8 wand­ er. slate superintendent of mlaalona ta to apeak. 11:00 Junior church. 7:00 Senior Endeavor. 8:00 Evening servie«. "King Dav­ id» Receipt for Happiness." by Ray. 8 Earl Childers. Mrs Hrmenway will give a ptaaologue, ’"The bast Chord." Misa Katharine Hntherford will slag "Rock of Agra." by John son. SHOPPING NEWS Pric« $1.00 and up EVERYTHING IN WEARING APPAREL For the Entire Family W« also have an «xcaltant line of whol««ome Bulk Candiaa for the Children. F Phon« 31 Men'« and Boy»' Clothing. Shoe», Furni«hing«, Women'« and Children'« R«ady-to-W«ar, Shoe«, Millinery. Dry Good« and Notions. Vialta Srwthtr Hara—Robert Rod enbaugh of Cad on la, Washington, la visiting for a few days at the homo of hla brother, William Rodenbaugb, of Springfield. Pilcher’s Special Purchases o « r Special P u r- chaaes are not "sale«.“ That la otrlctly against our policy. They are the result of very for­ tunate purchases by our buyers, which we. In turn, are enabled to offer you ait unusually low price«. OUR PIECE GOODS DEPARTMENT OFFERS YOU SOME WORTHWHILE VALUES REMOVAL SALE OF GROCERIES Daisy Cloth Just 160 yards Dai»y Cloth, 36-inch width, per yard — ................ - .......... -— Color Shur Suiting Silk Mixed Lingerie Crepe de Chine Grindell’s Cash (p $ Crepe oe Chine, 40-indh width, 4 Q per yard ............................................................ ....... ------- GROCERY-------- . Q Q f* f c lt/U Silk Mixed Lingerie, 36-lnch width; per yard .................................................................... (No Stamps Given During Sale.) * Q Q _ Ml t r V Color Shur Suiting, guaranteed fast color, 36-inch width, per yard ................................. ...... . Friday and Saturday, April 16 and 17. Liberal discounts given on all goods except Tobaccos and Sugar. * Q Q /i U w v Canton Flannel Wool Balbriggan ¿ubing « Canton Flannel, fine quality, Wool Balbriggan Tubing, assorted colors, 54-inch width, per yard ......................................... Formerly All Package Grocery Q Q f* tJ O V Jap Crepe 1 1 1 V Silk Charmeuse width,, per yard ....................................... & • White and Pink Outing Flannel. 27-inch width, heavy weight, per yard ............................. < p A t/U Crepe Back Satin, 40-inch width, per yard .................................- .......... — Willamette Press “ The Home Print Shop“ We can print anything from a call- ind card to a 30x44 inch poster. Across from the Postcflice Springfield * I I I I V Crepe Be ck Satin Outing Flannel Nobody can do better printing Nor give you a lower price < FT A I V Silk Charmeuse, 40-inch Jap Crepe, all wanted colors, the very best quality, AAA, per yard ........................................... The 27-inch width, per yard ..................................... •RA PILCHER; CO- A cross from R ex T h e a te r 1 1*7 A • I LZ