T H U R SD AY. A PR IL I'». IH-’ti THE SPRlNQFT'Xn NEWS page foür Lane County Farmers Unión News O F F IC IA L Supervisors in Pest W ar A re N am ed ' Springfl-kl, LANE C O U N T Y U N IT ctO. 1« Community News ______________________________ -------- P U B L IC A T IO N T H U R S TO N NOTES rtv fcutciki Correspond UPPER W IL L A M E T T E M. O. L. Clement«, Mrs Rosa B aughm an from Em - hn Tin« ninny friend» of Mr and Mr» Made By Lane R j . Springfield IT spent tho » o ik end with her sister, h ; J English wore itrlered to Iv a r f o u n t » C o u r t For 22 Dis- Coburg; No. 43. Van Macy R , B Mrs Flora Price. d eath of Mr English, v \ n KS A I T aylor R B. o fthe (the sudden death tric ts ; To Lead Campaign For n)i' Mr and Mrs. H enry H andnkem p ' »hleh occurred at the Pacific Chyle- C ontrol Of Squirrels and Pests „ ’ ~ k . \ o a Rav Bower, and John H .-ndakemp from Kugeue (|an hospital Friday m orning. April In Section ' 7 No. r ™ . c. » , .... M t. r™ . . ., , » a, w. Appointm ents itnuh Hlgg.-n- lbmry M«nr*. John q u a r t e r ly m e e t in g of Munro iiml family Mr» W M Douh UNION HERE APR IL 28 irm i will move into hl» m w h o rn e t'o u n ty F arm er- in lo u . t o m- hold in BprtugftoM on April 2* The m eeting »oon will ho hold III the Woodman hall R,.v \|r» Leslie Halley and fam ily of Toledo »pent Tuesday at <’ reoooib • p r. Ih,, j ay H ah home 111 l,f ,h " 1 ' 1 , 1 wl 1,1 ..... •‘ ' . r S T ’ S S « < • - - » s » « « »» ......... ............... .................. Supervisors to lead in the anti- u»«lie»will«- No **0 Robert Wills. Heersma. Tihaday to tak«» a poaltloa at (r o w . . . |h <*** * n,| ¿in-aaalo« topic, according to Agent O. S. Fletcher. These super- Crow s ta L. Zinn- K ha. begun work at the William saw n»h pawed away on the mU, ¿¿„trlct visited with the O R Ft«h PALI. AND SEE and other work follows, with the numbers waIt' R A Eugene; No. 138. E. J. mill. table before the anaesTMifr was gtv -, ramHy Sunday. . 00 Prl< "" 1 ,1 1 l’1 "1" The Hat folio, he school district In which Wanl R A ......... Eugene. Mr and Mra. Clement-« bahv fell en. “ ------------ ■ ■ ■ i i u ■ ■ ----------------- “ ' Indicating the .................... . ___ ___ . . . as 4V-I- n al w a_ — a Mrs K * 11-.U ^l.L ___________ _________—^ —-»»11— ■■ the supervbors are to serve, unless M-adowTiew: No. 31. Frank . . Hardle off Ihelr porch a few A.arw. days . ago . and Mr and English with >L.,I. their Otherwise noted: R j. junction City. broke her arm. daughter. Margaret, came lo Plea »an« Creswell: No. 1»1. M. A. Horn. Sagl- Mapleton; No. 33. B LaBar and L. There was a basketball came last Hill four years ago. purchasing the Baw; No. 41. Melvin Jackson, Cres- j p |owman. Mapleton. Friday afternoon on the local diamond Wambold ranch. They «win made w ell; No. -40., W. F. Wallace. Cres- Haceta: Road districts 33 and 39. between Santa Clara and Thurston th«.|r way Into the hearts of the rest Well and Cha». W ettel. CreeweU; No. p Blaster. Mercer. team s The Thurston team won; there of Pleasant HUI by Ihelr will. 378. W P. Napper. Creswell; -No. «3. Canary: No. 171. Fred B ins. Can- was also a game here Sunday be- ingnem to help In private, enmmun- Alva Wise. Creswell; No. 2«. Harry ary; x o 99. N L. Austin and C. R. tween W altervllle and a team froqj Ry or ,-hurch affairs Mr English wa« Poftee Saginaw. <4»rtmw Eugene. W altervllle won. 8 to 3. a devout Christian ami patriotic d tl Cotter. , Sylvester. i'>n>rv Canary. » » Coast Fork: No. 35. W. T. Gatroute. Dexter: No. 4«, Wm. Cruaan. Dex- The Ladlee aid cooked food sale which Cottage Grove; No 50, Geo. Kappauf. ter; No. 82. G. E. Carr. was held at the public market In Eu Services were held at the Pleasant Cottage Grove; No. 75, J E Banton. Lowell: No. 71. A M Veach. Low- gene laet Saturday nett.sl them l n || ,-hurch Rev. Orval Wick, pastor • Cottage Grove; No. «1. A. L. Lent. eR; Xo. 81. Joseph Blakely. E u la;i$12 94. of the Lebanon Christian church. Rev | Cottage Grove; No. 13«, J. B Trapp. Xo. 74. N. O. Hyland. Landax; No.; Mrs. William Henson entertained Teddy Leavitt of Newburg, assisted] Cottage «7. Fail Creek; , No. o 83. OilAfiH Grove. virOVB. $ (, Jack JBCK Palmer. i r»R i,rrrk «». the la »a» d »« le » s w Sewing «• club of Davis dis w x Klfcln«. pastor of the Pleasant I“ - Hill Christian church i Doreaa: No. 121. J. L. Smith. Dor Emery Calltsou. Fall Creek; No 131. trlct laet Thursday afternoon Beatdes a wife and daughter. Mr. eea; No. 84. L. W Hunt. Culp Creek; ( cha». Neet. Wlnberry ; No. 15«. L. J cream was served. No. 93. M. A. Land. Dorena; No. 1 » . McLaughlin. Mr* Id»*« Mlck- teacher of the Jun English left six sister and m anv| A Warren Kelly. Cottage Grove; No. 128 Oakridge; No. 7«. A. C. McLaae. lor Sunday stSiool class. Is going to friends to mourn his loa The farther away you get from one J. C. C. B. Sear», Cottage Grove; No. 34. a„d J. B Hill. Oakridge; No 17«. W take her claaa to the fish hatchery Residents or the Upper W illamette || Geo Layug. | A. Crispin. Oakridge; No. 117. Clyde on a picnic next Saturday This Is dlstrli-t were given a rare treat Sat Penney Company Store the nearer you get Lorane: NO. 3«. E. H. Oowlng. Loe F3sk. 1» reward she offered them when they ur^ ay night when the musical pupils || to another. Our hundreds of Stores bring a gae; No. 39. Leslie Heriadeen. Lor-1 Marcóla: No. 79. Leo Ploch and 8. secured 16 members Their class now - hj . ii , wim tner and (he oratory gae; No. 1«9. J. W. King O. Spicer. Marcóla; No. 1«3. H. J has 20 member« pupil« of Mt«« Lottie Bendahsdler country-wide advantage almost to your own Cloverdale: Noe. 3. 103. H I. 103— Downing. Murcola: No. 163. C A | The two daughters of Mr and Mrs gave a recital at Wtxxlman hall. I T. W. Morgan, R. L Creawell Rlgg». Box 105. Mabel: No. •«. R.IW11lla Bevtsch haa been quite 111 with Those who look part were: llaael door. Without our great family of National Springfield: No. 85 C. I. Gorrle. HI lemán. Box 88. Mabel i flu Kull. Nina MrPeek, Elbert Wloasger. Springfield; No 18. Glenn Tryon. ] Franklin: No. 121. Harry Keeler | Merrit Senter from Cushman was Stores many of the enjoyments that your big- ------------ ---- --------------- . , Lucll« Walker. Clarence Monson. Ed 3. Junction City: No. 10. Alfred . visitor In Thurston Friday w>n) #B(J Harry j arobT. N lns DMIey. Springfield; No. 10«. A. B. Mathews. city cou»in» experience would be denied to p, rk, ryroan S p r in g f ie ld ;. No. 174. D Smith. R. 3. Junction CRy; No. 108.. Mra. Otto Oosaler and baby duugh v(rf|J WalRh M Davis; Springfield; No. 70, J. A. Harbert. R 3. Junction City; ter from Portland visited Mr and T1nk),r c , „ a Monson. Bens Bowan. you. |Iy |a n d C„ ^ , >r.l Je»? Gatea, R. 2, Springfield; No 77. W O Carter. Goldsou; No. Mrs. Lawrence Gossler several days No. 1«4. J S. Baugh. Springfield; 13«. George Jones. Qoldson: No. 110. l»at week returning to h e r ..h f n e |ta, Irr Gertrud» Dilley Lor»* l< lro. " * Eldred No. 11. John Spores. Springfield; Albert Morgan. Oohtoon; No. «9. E. Saturday* Hent), ah(iww, , pr„m W altervllle: No. 126. Sam Swaf­ the distribution which our Storei give, enable p lp , ntea wM6h pu, ford. Leabnrg; No. 57. 8. J- Godard FORD TOPRJNO CAR FOR SALE eral days last week returning to her , a ____ • , h(> h |fh achoo, fun(, Good running order, good tires. $&o home Saturday. god Lawrence Millican, W altervllle; people in even the most remote sections to Most of the farmers In Thurslon „ Caah. time, or trade. R W. Smith Rock Point: Merton Brown, Walter h iv e thelr potato« cro p , planted now I W L. Bristow h a. recovered enjoy the new things and the stylish things at rille ; No. 95. Walter Easton. R 2, city hall Mr and M r. F rank Campbell took ""»> h- r r" * » ‘ " ,n; M b" ---------. ----------_i._ -...« church present at community and the time they are introduced in citiea like Sunday f c.ner with Mr and Mrs Irn gatherings again. Gray. New York and Chicago, and at prices which Jay Grant, who attends O. A. C. '.t i E E Kilpatrick. he»4 of the mat he : t'orvaills spent the week-«n1 at his matte department at Corvallto. haa arc comparatively low fur the quality we home he>- .accepted the position as principal of Mr aud Mrs George W i t, ah i Tnlo nhlgh school No 1 at Pleasant provide. family r .to r e d to C o ttl« , C.-e,« Mill Prof. M E. Hays, who has been ru«-«d»v evening and took ,*>• r principal the past two years, goes with Mr V llllam s parents. Mr. au-1 OuOrllner. Miss Lottie Bendshadler Mrs Tlmmas William. »"<« Mr«. Ru«»el Myers will leach Mr and Mra. Henry A-lrisn from '>~aln at the high achnol. Tht« —111 be Springfield l o k Sunday , iif. r with Mlsa Bendshadler rd year and Mrs Russr-I second year Mrs Clark has Mr and Mrs. Charles Tav. •». been chosen principal or the grade M any tax payers fin d it convenient to pay th e ir schools As vet a primary teacher has ■mMMMMKUMe: M a rria g e L icen se Issued. not been selected. Big-City Shopping No Longer Exclusive The 1925 Taxes are Now Due and Payable taxes at this bank. During th e last week m arriage li­ censes have b*en Issued by the coun­ W IL L A M E T T E ty clerk to the following: Glen Ix-roy Palm er and Mary Luv flunday IHI,,n FILES FOR TREASURER Mr and Mrs. Jay Fish and fam ily g ------------ Mrs. Betty M. K appauf of t.'-ittage GOrove has filed declaration >r r- publican nom ination as coun’- tP-a?- iirer Mr« K appauf will opt - Mrs. G race Hi hl- ka. Incum bent, at i • May prlm arh - Mra. K appauf Is th ounty “i-ereiary 1 ! the Lane County I rm *rs ■ union, an I prow Leg In h er d ! ratio n thiii -Io will perform h er (b ' - - con- V selentlon-ily. I ■■ ----------------------------- R I • O FFICERS OF LAME COUNTY CARVERS’ UNION • C W Allen. V l d T p r e Ident. • W I H, ,b Eugene. VI. i-resl- lt . ' »".'tv M. K apnauf, C o ttar Grove • • , • , • « R eerefo ry T rea u n r W aller Morgan. Creswell. Cond.ic )(r TI H. Sm ith. Eugene. Doorlteep- (r O. L. Clem ent. W a tervllle, Chap- ]ain * ‘ • * « and Mr. anil Mrs. 11 E. Bailey of Wi-ndllng were Sunday gne«ts of the E arl Halley fam ily of H arrisburg. , Law rence Bailey and daughter, Heaulnh of Shannon spent S aturday night with the Jay El-h family, Mr. and Mrs. fx«s Ferguson Goshen aPd Mr. and Mr», Charlo« Ashton and fam ily of Albany w -re vt-ltors nt the G. It Fish home Sun flay. Tb<* Oard < r f ti II v , ub* r'conUy ornipl' ' Hi« Eubank« pinto tuivo w )vp(, \v. . f Butt» w»« plcasantlv «urprlsod S aturday ev-n ln g when ’»’’out forty relatlv s and r ends ne t at bor hom e to help cfK’bratP b<»r birthday with music, visiting, and r e * fr' htnents Thos. who enjoyed th» * pleasant occasion were: Mr. and Mrs « [. Cline, Mr. Ira Cline and Mrs. Col- ♦ llngwood and sons, Mr. nnd Mrs. • Cog«well, Miss Ethel Cogswell, Mrs • Edna H orton. Mr and Mrs G. E »¡M endel and fam ily, Mrs. Hughea nnd Bill, I'll Tel\ You— __th a t if you give a car the attention th a t m echanical th in g s require— you ca n 't wear ’em out. Take your car— i t ’s six m onths old and been in the garage once— and then to iron a kin k o u t of the fender. Man alive, if you did n ’t give yourself more attention than th a t no insurance com ­ pany w ould take a chance on you. Yes, I know you keep it polished, 'n use good gas 'n oil— but th a t's no th in g ! You wash your face and eat and d rin k — but when you die it w o n 't be fro m old age either! It'll be because your heart or lungs go bad— your appendix or liver gets to actin up! Remember th a t old saying— “ An ounce o f prevention is w o rth a pound of cure.” Well, whoever said th a t m ust have been th in k in ’ about an auto. SERVICE STORAGE ACCESSORIES Springfield Garage W 414 Main Street H. A D R A IN . Prop. D U a ., a <14