TH U R SD A Y, A P R IL 15. 1D2«. PAG Z T H H E » g " g Moves to Heights— W H. C arr, re-1 Hero from Thuroton— F rank Camp- times howl th a t way for nlg bta!” Prk*», cently uf Izta Angeles, has moved to bell. Thuraton resident, «pent a p a r t' "T h e re 'll be a death alrig ht If h t tuwn tries It again to n ig h t!’ ot Saturday in Springfield. the D. W . McKinnon bouse on W ll Munday -v- lam ette Height«. In from Thuraton— Jack H arb ert of A S ura Sign. Old T im a Danes. Hara from C raak— J««a Gate» nt Thuraton. waa a visitor In Springfield Har« from W In b a rry M r and Mra Here from Portland— Mra. Footer Monday. Neighbor: "A dog howled around W B ««OH of W Inbarry ware vlaltora Camp Creek wa> In town Munday. Stevens H a ll. Springfield. Every and ciyidren of Portland were here my house a ll last night." In Springfield un Toeaday. Saturday N ig h t G arretts Orcheatra, thia week visiting her parent«, M r. Tryon Vlolta Hero—O l' nn Tryon »f Camp Craak Man H a ro Charlea tf "T a t’a a «ten of death— they some- Tickets 76c. K Seward, Hayden of Camp Creak waa In town Jaaper spent a part uf Munday la and Mrs. F rank DaPue. In from Marcola— M Springfield visiting. vlaltur here un bualnvaa Saturday. M a rn ila realdSni, waa m — TOWN AND VICINITY 1 In from Thuraton— Thurston »lai Charlea Brnaat Conlay Vlalt«— K r t i e i l Con *<>r» ■»«« Saturday V ley o f Camp Creek waa In town nn O ran t und Ira Gray. In fro m M arcola— W a lte r M arin in resident, visited In ‘ Down from W e e tflr— D K M itchell waa In tuwn from W eal F ir over the wmlly. Moody and fam ily M otor to M arahflold— Mr. anil M ra. In from Natron— J. It McPherson Welcome Baby D a u g h te r- M r and of Natron waa a bualneaa vialtor hen- 11. D M itchell. Mlaa H a ttie M itch ell. M r« I.. C. Raatburn of M arroin wel­ Janiee M itch ell, and Mra. M W M lt- Monday. comed a habv daughter laat Sunday. cell. motored to M arshfield Monday. T he little g irl weighed 10 pound« Varna Sm ith V is its — Verne Hmllh A t the southern city Mlaa M itch ell of F all Creek waa hare on a bualneaa gp(>k|> g l g ,n t|„ n T hey returned Drive to Portland— Mra Paul Prat visit Monday. la te r In the w e e l| stopping fo r a tain and M r« Pernice Van V a lin h drove to Portlnnd Tueaday. returning In from Destar— M r. and M r« It F. abort visit at Bandon yeaterday. , * Svlveater of Dexter were vlaltora In Springfield Monday. V lalt In Corvallis— Mrs. F II Flan- erv amt children went to Corvallla Hera from Landes— M r. and Mrs. W ednesday, wdiere they w ill remain I I Newman, {.a n d a i resident«. were w hile the F lan ary home hare la being ln Rprlngfleld shopping Monday redecorated. Qoea to W a n d lln g —D r W H Pol Returns Hom«— I I B F la n e ry nt lard made a business trip to Wend- Corvallla. returned to hie home M o n .llln g Monday, dav following a b rief vlalt at the hom e of hie son. F B F lanery. local Hera from W In b a rry — Mr«. Anna O .’ Have you seen the bualneaa man. ! B aker of W ln berry. waa In SprtngflelJ ' on bualneaa for a ahort tim e Monday. I Baby Boy Born— M r and M r« Ray C n llv rr. form er Springfield people ] Make T rip to Salon»— M r and M ra ., now living |n E u grnr, are the banpv John Nice and fam ily, Ira Nice, and parents of a new baby boy. born laat hla mother. Mr«. J T. Donaldson. Bunday, A p ril 11. , motored to Salem 8unday to vlalt relatives. I I Flegor h u ile F ie«or la Injured— inju red — W wn e operating o p e ra .m g , AM, nda Bar M oating— Ira M F r t - a wood saw In SnCngfleld Tueaday. I , raoB c)„ a ltom ey. attended a I meet- Dollar Ansco A Real Camera For James M c l’heraon sustained a P»,n- : |Bd of the I.ane County Bar asaoeta- fill Inju ry to one of the finger« of g, the Bu4.00, now only— / Women's Shoes The season’s latest, Blonde, Gore and One straji Pumps— 55.85 Tan or Patent Leather One strap Pump, low heel, fancy stitching— 52.45 Juvenile Suits Boys’ Waist and Pants Suits, regular >3.00 value, sizes 3 to 8— 51.69 Men’s Shoes and Oxfords Edmond’s Foot Fitter Shoes and Oxfords. Black, tan or brown, regular >7.50 value— 55.95 53.95 DRYGOODS Women's Rayon Silk Dresses— 54.50 Unbleached Muslin, per yd— Nice assortment of Women's Silk Dresses In season's latest styles— 54.95 to 511.50 12 20c Figured Georgette, beautiful colors, per yd.— 52.85 Women's Spring Hats, good assortment of colors New Rayon Silk, per yd— 85c More Miles Greater The World sz Lowest Economy Priced Q UALITY Satisfaction Guaranteed Tire Secretarial, Stenographic or Book- keeping Course Eugene Business College Enroll Today It's A Good School A. E. Roberts, IVe aident Kugene, Oregon 992 WUIauMlU 8t. Phone 646 Oregon. 2 That the owner la: H. E Mnxey. S. T h a t the known bondholder«, mortgngeea. and other security hold­ ers owning or 'holding 1 per cent or more of total nmount of bond«, m ort­ gages, or other securities are: none. ; 4 T h a t the two paragraphs next nhove, gvlng the names of the owners, stockholder», nnd security holders. If . nnv. contain not only the Hat of stock­ holders upon the hooks o f the com­ pany as trustee or In any other fidu­ cia ry relation, the name of the per­ son ot corporation for whom such trustee In nctlng. Is g iv e n ; also that the said tw o paragraphs contain state, m ente em bracing n fflant'a fu ll know l­ edge and b elie f ns to the clrcum sUn- ces and conditions under which stock­ holders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and aecurltles In a capacity other than that of a bona fide ow ner; and1 thin a ffia n t has no reason to Relieve that ’ 605-609 Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon Camera at >2.60 and a .n , , h . Ownorobln Man- Ch" d,' r* <’»“»<«•" »• »»»• P««tor T h , ,R p ktare U kin g time. Get Statem ent ot the Ownership, Man- * c h ri|l„ an