O u r Furent» a re our C rea te» ! A i u t i " D o n 't B u rn Them THE SPRINGFIELD NEW HPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. TWKNTY-THIHD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 15. 192«. A Proclam ation RAINEY 10 SPEAK • I I CBNIHENGE»ENT FARMERS' UNION WORKERS ENJOY EVENING SOCIAL University of Oregon Education Instructor To Deliver Address Kmplnysa of the I .a no County Farm- At High School Exercises On epa’ union |n this district and their June 4; Twenty-nine Seniors families enjoyed a delightful party Tuesday night at the Juy Scoti homo Gragunte This Year WHEREAS, the tim ber Indudtry In one of the tdiief nouri en of prosperity for thltt community, and the forentH of the Hiirroundlng country are an atmet of untold value, not only from the Industrial and commercial point of view hut an a meant) of preservation of wild life, an attractions to visiting tourlKts. as a playground for the people, and In countlees other ways, and WHEREAS, the preservation of this Im portant natural resource depends almost wholly upon the interest Of the public In protection of the forests from the ravages of fire in reforestation of the areas where the tim ber has been cut, and in forest conservation, and A u to C o m p a n y M oves to M a in St. g ju r*1? l_ "Th» - topla’l Paper" * -------- _ IN new spaper A LIVE TOWN NUMBER IS BIDS ARE OPENED ON ALLEY PAVING Jolliff-Scaiefe Concern Moves To Stevens Building With Special Meeting To Award Con* Additional Equipment tract Friday; S. P. Told They Removal of the Jolllff-Bcalefe Motor j Must Pay License on Auto company to the Steven« building be-J Busses; Street Lights Dis- tween Third and Fourth on Maini cussed by Electrical Experts. streets, and alteration of the ne w | quarters to provide for the enlarge- u ,q a on paving the alley between In Eugene Guinea and visiting furn ment of equipment and activity of Main and A streets from Third to Ur llottier I' Hah,ay. profeaaor 'it I h e ll diversion and dainty refresh the motor concern. Is under way this Fifth street were opened by the •duration at the 1'rlvnraltv of Ori­ menta were served late In the even­ week and will be completed Saturday. Springfield City council Monday eve- ’ gin! mill w ill known Oregon educator. ing The Gannett Motor company, which ning Whether the contract will b« Among those present were Mr and In to iti-llvi-r > Il” rommencement n*l has been operating a Chevrolet awarded to Briggs A Doty the lowest 4r<" i nt ’I«’ graduation on J'im 4 of Mrs F E Morrison. Gerald Morrison, WHEREAS, the week heglnlnng April 18 and ending agency for Springfield In the Stevens bidders on 7-inch concrete or to J. lb'- i' "lor Ha»« of the BprIngftold Donald Gillespie. Kva Rychurd. Mr. April 2-1 has been set aside by the United States Departm ent building, will continue to use the , (• Compton, of McMinnville, the only un i Mrs Bam ,!• ttls. M r' and Mrs. Illitli • i T i i i o I of Agriculture as National Forest Week, a tim e for the rooms for that purpose, working Is bidder on 6-lnch viberolitbic will b« Fred Louk. Mrs Driscoll, Fay I»rl«- Principal V U Halt, announced yes­ centering of public Interest on the Important problems of cooperation on service with the Job decided at a special m eeting of tna eoll, Pauline Driscoll, Irving II Du­ terday thul bo had aecureo Dr llff-Scalefe company However, the council called for next Friday e,venln< forestry. gan Francis Travis. Emina Travis, tin iniy » cenaent l<> bo Ihr mm- latter concern will operate a general at which time a conference will he nnd others TIFEREFORE, 1 hereby proclaim the week of Anril ill' ll* * -ment speaker, «ml stated that storage and ervlee garage, not spe­ held with property owners. It was decided to hold parties, 18 as Forestry Week In Springfield and do hereby urge th at other detail« of tbo exercises aro now cializing on any certain make of car. The bidders on the paring wer«: monthly. every effort be made h.v the people of this com m unity to brine completed T w enlvnlne voting The move from the old building on J. C. Compton, block 35, vlberollthlc, appropriately observe this period; th at loual m erchants people will be graduated from the e„n-rd street to the Main street loca­ 11053 20. 6-lnch concrete. $1084.14; TO REORGANIZE CLASSES the school authorities, the church pastors, and the clubs high »rhnol Ihl» year, practically the tion Is considered a distinct advance block 6. ylberollthlc $1088 83 and 6- FOR WOMEN WEDNESDAY and elvle organizations, follow the suggestions of the state aan-e number as last year, for the Jolllff-Scalefe company. Re- inch concrete $1088.83. and local cham ber of commerce In planning suitable means Bunday. May ¡10, will be baccalaur­ modeling of the new quarter^ will Prirgs & Doty, block 35. 6-lnch eon- All local women Interested In In­ of bringing this Im portant m atter to public attention. eate Bunday for the hlgb srdiool sen provide a neat and attractive display crete $888.92; 7-lnch concrete $1020.13 terior decoration and millinery are |era, and fitting egerclaea at thia time space In the front part of the rooms, block 6. 6-lnch concrete $913.85; 7-tncll (Signed) G. G. BUSHMAM, Mayor. are planned The minister who will requested to attend a meeting In he - where display« of both Chevrolet cars concrete. $1046 75. held at the Bprlngfleld high a hi col | drllyir the baccalaureate sermon has and nutomoblle parts and accessories c . J. McKy, block 35, 6-lnch con- al 1:30 o'clock negl Wednesday aft But yet been decided upon will be made. crete $981.84; block 6, 6-lnch concrete PAMPLET PROPOSAL TO ernoon. April 21 Classe» In this work . IZAAK WALTONS ARE OUT Seniors Named. Possibility of the abandonment of $1009.92 rre to be reorCanlzed at tltot time AS FISH SEASON OPENS BE DISCUSSED AT MEET The names of the seniors, as they Second street a« the official outlet Nela Jorgensen, block 6. 6-inch con- Hess Chappell, state supervisor of will spprnr In the Maple la*af. high Springfield Ixaac Waltons are out a proposal that a suitable pamphlet from cl,r- should the Springfield ere«* $1109.13; block 35. 6-lnch ton- home economics education nt Cor- School minilul now In the hands of the , valila will have charge of Ute I m'-e» today with rod and line celebrating telling of Springfeld and Its attrac- highway bridge be built as expected crete, $1042.40. printer, follow: Ed. R'ad * Co., block 6. 6-incfc Inr .and of the damme to be held the opening of the fishing seaaon. tlons and advantages, be printed In ,n the n"ar ,uture- W8R one n1 the Frank Lombard. Iowa Carlton, Liter fir..un» classe» have h « n •h - ;d The Mi KraKP roam *• Provided, they could well the larger bonds bet. Collins, Delbert Whltenack. \ Viola glornnlres at the southern town Frl good, local (Algiers believe. Fishermen iwncernlng this city, and the know!- “ Nelson. Gertrude Mustoe Purmntee dnv night On the local tram were J are remntded of the fish snd game ,.qt(. that Springfield Is losing an ev- B O O T l E G L IQ U O R F O U N D ter. F Wechter asked that L street near Markham Katheryn ifemenwav. Ida M I arson C It Senseney. O M Ol­ commission * action In ruling many e r present opportunity In getting in IN CLEANING UP PARK his property be repaired and the Coy Bt-lln Barker. Margaret Hulsey. son, Jess Meats and Trubert Hende-- streams of the coast country closed touch with prospective Oregon set- — ----- matter was left to the street commit­ F ilth Horning. Lucille Fritts. Con «on. Tom Shnrmon. C. A. Swnrts and this season, und It Is stated that war tiers, are matters which make the Cached bootleg liquor, totaling In tee. stance R< hhan. Oladva Walker. Elor- C. F Scott accompanied the team dens will wntrh these stream s care- printlnr of appropriate literature an a" several cases, was found In the A petition to grade and gravel A e -c c B’tirlt and Dorothy Aheene, fully during th first few days of the Important issue, says the chamber hushes on the kite of Springfield a . . . , . street between Ninth and Tenth was Play Practica Start». • executive The Oregon State Cham, “«w city perk by workmen Hear ng „ n tf-eer ordered to "Whai Rehearsals for the plav. CHECK PASSER SERVING Open season In the tidewater por- W r o f Commaroe, of which the local th** P«fk for uae laet week. That the sneclficatlons S e v TIME IN PENETENTIARY »«W elled to Jone»." to be given »« tlons of coast streams attracted a civic organization Is a member, each P»rk site had been the hiding place,. enth street from A to C will he relm* ____ _ I a W C, T farm home benefit party composed of C. F Barber of month sends out lists of people ,,r perhaps place of exchange, for ( proved this vear and ’• w»« said that Lon W nkefteld. who "bought" a about May 1. have started with Mrs Sprli-gfleld. T A Barber of Westfir, throughout the Vnlted States who are local bootleggers and their customers, I lack cut, on Seventh could he used to ranch In Bprlngfleld with a fictitiou s Flovd Thompson directing The en- and Bert McCnrray of Eugene, last planning on moving to Oregon If a wa" Indicated In the finds, but fill on A stret. The city will do th» check, and thereafter set out for CiJ ,,r*' caste for the play has not yet g u„^(l!lr - j - j , , , pHr(y fished In the »tus- favorable location Is found. At pres- ° f Hue« prevented an official invest! work In both cases. Mapleton, making a good "at. no effort Is made hy Springfield Hon. Ifornla strewing much worthies* pa- been chosen The presentation w law r John Fitzereernld was ordered t» he In the Bell theatre. to get In touch with these people be- TI1" park site is located on the ’ retch of «liver-side salmon and sal­ per on the way. has been found guilty huild a cement sldowsflt in front 9t cause of the lack of literature telling disused Seavey Ferry ro«d. and Is v-„ii„ hz,i,uv«rd to In a Stockton. California, court of n mon trout. Priscilla Club Meets. of this district. believed to have b een .a n ’ ldeal place nl" Pr / . f ________ _ charge of (Missing worthless checks, connect with one constructed farther An enjoyable afternoon was spent for such purposes a* it apparently anil Is now In the Callfnmtn pene R ecently,'President Cox had printed . j out. had been used. tenttsrv. according to word w i v e d Ia«t Friday bv members of the Prls- HORSEBACK RIDES PROVE letters which gave considerable In­ recorder was Instructed to _ bv W O Hughes of the First Nation Hila Hub. who met wt the home of SERIOUS FOR LOCAL BOYS formation, to be sent to those who J Kenneth Gossler had charge of i The , , iv , . . v v j notify the Southern Pacific company _ #) h„nk • I Mrs Riley Snodgrass Rrefreshments Hearing the park of underbrush and made direct replies here for litera­ . , , , . . .. , »hat there was an ordinance requiring What for a time had all the fea­ scrubs, and has completed the work Wakefield was sentenced Io from w m «erved late In the arternoon ture. _. , that a license fee should be paid in ture» of a wild west show In minia­ The cleanup was paid for hy *>” **'" the one to fourteen years In the prMon.; , advance to operate busses. ture turned Into something more ser Springfield Chamber of Commerce Mr Hughes learned. The man w a s .F R F E TEXTBOOKS TO BE Renreeentatives of the Wester® SUBJECT OF DISCUSSION *ou" for fi- r .............................. . ____ ornamental street lighting. They said Io !g- In Los Angelen. to whom he h" , education department of the Vnlvet- event nnd took the would-be cowboys Accidents In mill and woods In this that they would furnish the council lleved Wakefield would go when ar- slty of Oregon, will apeak before the Into custody for breaking Into a prlv- district took their usual toll of victims 4 L S T IC K E R S S O U G H T R plan and estim ate for lighting Malo riving In the Angel city The ruse Brotherhood of the Methodist church ate property and riding government late last week and this week. t BY SPRINGFIELD LOCAL Street The council expect« to take work'd and Wakefield walked Into here Monday night on the subject of horses without permission. q . r Hamilton an employe of the. --------- up ornamental «treet lighting this the hand« of the law The man w h o ''F r e e Textbooks for the School«" The hoys, James Steel. Roy Sever- Fisher mill, was brought to Spring-1 Probably 500 more of the automo- 9Um-mer when the present contract preferred specific charges against , Both sides of the question will be dla- ' erson. Franklin Worley and Alva field Saturday for treatment of his bile windshield stickers, which were th«* Mountain States Power cotn- him had received a worthless c h e c k ' ensued hy Mr Powers, who has con-¡Green, all Springfield lads of about left foot, which was crushed when deslgned here some tim e ago and pany expires, ducted extensive Investigations re- i 16 or 16 years of age. were taken caught In a drum while working at written on the First National bnnk which proved exceedingly popular garding the matter. before Justice of the P ea ce R. W the mill He was taken from here to wj(h orKan,MtlonfI t h ^ g h o u t the p T A T O NOMINATF of Springfield. The addres» will follow dinner In Smith. They were Informed that the the Eugene hospital, and It will be - - . I I • state, will be ready for use again at j AT FRIDAY’S MEETING the church dining room. penally for horse thelevery was a considerable time before he Is again a nearly date, according to D. W. Mc- USE WOODFN POXES IS 1 nenetentlary confinement, and were able to work. Klnnon. seerU ary of the local. Vr-mlnettou o f offle^ -s will take Newcomens Locate H ere. let go free on probation with th« SLOGAN FOR CAMPAIGN Oliver Dorsey, employed at th« looal 41, Unit has sent to Port- ptace at a meeting of the Snrlngfleld Mrs. J. IL Matheson of North Rend underatandlnft that their conduct Is same pince, sustained a badly hrulsel ,nn(, headquarters requesting that Parent-Teachers association, to be With a view to strengthening Ihe is visiting at the home of Mr. nnd j to j)c «-{itched. arm Friday when his arm was struck mnrP of (he stickers he printed for held at the Lincoln school Friday lumber miirkH the Snrlngfleld cham­ Mr». M. J. McKlIn. The Ma’hesons T Q jaw enforcement of Io-a wire cable. distribution, and expects early result- afternoon at 3 o’clock " ’ -«••on ber of commerce nnd the local unit have purchas'd property from the for (he forest service office, and On April 7, A R Cramer, while run O. H. Jarrett, superintendent of the wI,j take place at the next meeting, of the l.oval Legion of Logg'-rs nnd Mi-Kilns near the Lincoln school, end Taylor, took the hoys Into ring on logs at the Fisher plant, fell : local mill. Dan Crites nnd George j a decision has h e n ™«de to try Lumbermen, are Jointly undertaking pr(.(taring It* put up a new house custody. The horse* ridden hy the -nd sustained a macerated right leg. Davenport, designed the sticker. 0„t for one year a suggested plan n campaign to Induce people to use ,|,p property. Thev will move here youths were being pastured on the lie » , brought to Springfield for Which was carried on automobiles all that each school have its own P.-T. w oolen Instead of fibre boxes for the 9O(,n Tom Seavey place near Mohawk. treatment Friday, when the serious- ; over the country during the tourlat A. Instead of having a Joint organi­ shipm ent of goods. The campaign wns .... zation as |n the past. This plan is to season. n< ss of the injury was realized. start' d by the 4L locals nt lh-nd, i g ar (_«avei Road « go into effect next year, and if It SALVATION ARMY DRIVE Oregon. I Considerable damage wna done to prove« satisfactory, will become per­ PACKAGE GROCERY SOLD: The local organizations urge that | ,|t<1 Cadillac nutomoblle owned hy W. PROVES TO BE SUCCESS MARCOLA UNION HIGH manent. Thus three organizations merchants, especially, cooperate h y , c . MarLngnn when the machine left SWAMPED BY LOCALS MOVES TO NEW QUARTERS will he formed—the Lincoln Rrattaln buying goods shipped Io wooden boxes lhp r(M»,l In the McKenzie Pass last Approximately $200 Is expected to • n F Grindall has purchased th« and High »ehool Parent-Teachers as- whenever the price nnd the quality Is Bnturdny nnd crashed Into a rock, he raised for Salvation Army relief Raseball rained on the Marcóla n E Orindall ha-s purenaseo m equal. It I» also urged Hint local peo- .Mr. McT,agan was driving, with the j work In the county as a result of a high school diamond yesterday after- All-Package grocery from C. - ' ' Eugene will speak at and will move into the Perkins- » r • sPpa* pie In buying goods, ask whetfler It gears in Intermediate, and gave pres-1 campaign which Is being brought to noon, and when it was all over the ___________ was shipped nr sold In wooden boxes, SHrP (o the accelerator Instead of the | n close today In Springfield. SolHtors Springfield high haseball nine started Stevens building at Main and Fourth, brake. The enr Immediately headed wtn make their reports today to ller- b mp w„ h „ J# , () , vlctory hanR|ng g r e e ts immediately. It was announced Omitted, rather than fibre. ^ na p]att w^ g "The fnel that It Is the lumber In forward left the road, hit the rock, bert J. Cox. who has had charge of ,lf , hp|r hc„ g Puperlor BWll„ | ng nhll- yesterday. The store will be opened ¡ i ,,y of (he ]oca] squaa, and the speedy for business In the new quarters dustrv that Is the most Important re nnd hounded back to the highway ,h». campaign here. I Inadvertently omitted from the list of source of the Snrlngfleld district „g„|n, badly damaged, •’ . teachers of the elementary schools, The American Legion has given Ihe twirling of Hastings and Beeson, ■' H’ Mr' who recen y came ere , . . . . should result In especial Interest In campaign the strongest support, a c-, proved far too much for the Mnrcoln from Nebraska, has not yet decided which was printed in the last Issue Biq E ngin es Coming. favor of this movement," said Presi­ cording to Mr. Cox. Practically n il, outfit. concerned1«’ <° a ”»‘ will do next, and f o r , of the N ews Miss Platt was elected Dig "hog" engines are to be used I Ihe business men, and members of! So far as Marcóla was dent H. J Cox of Ihe chum her. "Whe. Ome a8” 8tlM ,h e ^ H l ’ roce’ 7 n »aia’rv of" $112^0 along ♦ her there Is a box factory In the d ls-i„ n the Natron cutoff railroad within have been" be the game was a comedy of errors telct or not. makes no difference, for „ w p h . according to word received i h |„(1 (h