> pagc . e ::: it TU K 8PR1NUFUCLD NEWS THURSDAY. APRII. 8, 19Jrt Special Demonstration of MONTAG COLONIAL RANGES Come in an d See Your N ew R ange It's here on our floors. J One of the Montag Colonial Ranges. We ve arranged to take your old stove as firs t payment— balance on easy terms. So you can have a new Montag Colonial buffet— in white, gray, blue or "Santone” enamel— to fit the color scheme of your kitchen. I p h — w ith French cooking top which heats quicker and holds heat longsr. Steaks, chops, hotoakesi can be cooked directly on top. r 1 THE WIOE AND SHALLOW FIREBOX — with the Pacific Coast firebox, wide and shallow for fuel economy and better heat distribution Duplex grates fo r wood or coal. — sturdy construction— high grade materials. ------- YOUR OLD RANGE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE During the Demonstration Sale now on we give a premium choice of anAluminun Set, value $10; Kitchen fable and two chairs, value $10.50; or $10 credit on any article of Furniture or Rugs. Come in Tomorrow and See Your Next New Range A Western made Range to burn Western Fuel to the Best Advantage. S P R IN G Furniture, COLONIAL Our Special Terms Make Easier Buying Now A sm all down payment Is all that Is required to place one o f these beautiful m ontag C olonial Runges In yo u r kitchen. The balance payable $10.00 m outh. O F F E R IN G IN R ugs and Hardware Roofing $1.75 $2.10—$2.50 H e a v y ................... .* $2.90 Mineral Surface at .......................... $2.75— $3.25 HARDWARE— Mineral Surface Shingles ...................... Bedroom Furniture Hardware STEEL BEDS— 2-inch Post Ivory Beds at ....... ....................... $10.50 and $13.25 Fabric Springs at .................................................. Coil Springs at $5.75 and $6.75 $5.50 Nails, by the keg ...................... 5>trap Hinges Dining Room Sets $4.10 base ........ 15c— 20c— 25c and up $9.80— $12.60— $13.75— $19.00 Mattresses from ....................................................... $5.50 to $50.00 Mortise Door Locks in Brass and Copper Dressers in Oak, Ivory and Walnut at $15.75— $10.50— $24 50_ $26.75— $29.50. Door Butts, 31/2x3y2 Chiffoniers at Garden Hose at ! .................. $13.75— $18.75— $28.25 Complete Bedroom Sets from .................. $50.00__$200 Living Room Furniture Rockers in Oak, Walnut and Birch, priced from Tapestry Overstuffed Daveports at $5.50 to $18.00 ................... $65.00 to $90.00 85c $1.75— $2.75— $4.00-$5.75 and u , Dining Tables $13.50—$19.50—$28.50—$33.75 Buffets in Walnut $28.50— $34.35—$44.00—$47.50 foot length Rakes .................................... 70c— $1.00—$1.50 Shovels, all kinds ......... ' ....... $1.60— $2.25 Kitchen Pumps ................. $3.25— $3.75— $10.50 Perfection Oil Cook Stoves, 2 burner $1900 3 Burner ...................................................... $24.50 Mohair Overstuffed Davenports at With Shelf and Legs ............................... B.ltwell 3ed Davenports in Velours, Jacquards, priced from 22.00 and up ................... $4.75— $5.50— $6.30 for 50 Gasoline Cook Stoves ................................. $24.75 Living Room and End Tables at $5.50— $7.00— $12.00— $15.50— $122.00 and up. Chairs at .*............... 35c and 50c Bakers' Velour Davenports at ............................. $81.00 to $130.00 .......................... $120 to $190 Dining Room Furniture, in sets Oak and Walnut Lawn Mowers ................ $29.70 $8.85 to $14 85 Acme Quality House Paint ......................... $4.10 Certainteed Weathershleld Paint .... $2.75 Gal. Linseed Oil $1.35 Gal. .......................................... Beautiful Rugs for Every Room • Bedroom Rugs in Wool Fibre from $6.50 to $20.00 Living Room Rugs in Tapestry Brussels $17.50 to $29.50 Axminister Rugs ................................ $32.00 to $56.00 W ilhir Rugs at .......................................... $80.00 and $98.00 Linoleums and Felt Base Floor Coverings Felt Base at ................................... Print Linoleum . 50c— 75c— 90c sq. Yard $108— $1.12 and $1.25 sq. Yard Inlaid Linoleum in Many Pleasing Patterns $1.48— $1.60 sq. yd. Wright & Son Hardware Furniture Springfield, Oregon