f T U E S P K IN ’ÌE IK U ) W PAGE S iX THURSDAY, APItIL ». 191tf S pted to defend tuy p v il Ion i mil for a walk and whan I return you e nip I the covered wagon Think of the de attem none loo rosy. givo nm your decision ” However, he silenced me before th* 1 or ratio n s th-y »ttfierwi .ir.tl look at “ Now look here, Sallle. I'm worn pen ng words of the aeuteuev had >ul w uh your com platniug, You've i th e ir »pirn! It wa» the womeu be- Has C nstir Guest»—Karlov dinner I done nothing but tias alaw at from I hind Ihe rn.it that kept them going been uttered «tirai* at ihe home of Mr» Mary he monteni you found out th at you ¡.ml m o le them fit for th eir shining "No. I don't w aul you to d cnle ill Magill Included her three il m ailler», were got g to have to give up a few .sch lo e nls H ere I'm asking n.y t-,| II- ' lies; Mr and M-s Pam luxuries. W hile I was once m ore g et­ a ■*,- t,- live simply in a com fortable a liurr) This Is a serious and vital immolli iu our lives. Aall'e. an I I Richmond. Mr. and Mr« Klhiwr Fin­ ting started . It Isn't th e first tim e bungalow with me and vou'J think that a m an's in v estm en ts have boon I'd asked you to sh are a life of abject want you to think It over. I'm gmug ley. and Mr mid Mrs (luy l.e s b r swept aw ay leaving him aim si misery The trouble with you. Sallle. stranded I've explained to you that I: is iha von'vc be-tt It ihe dm . light won't take me long to get my »ffan-s so lone that any norm al perspective — ree sta b lish e d and with a tittle f i t h 'y o u n ig h t have had. is hl I tiled and encouragem ent on your p art the your > aW ’ olnl of life Is Olli of f" 11« whole thing would he easy Hut you'ro Y ll'r- ” l t i 'g now heeau-i von e a s t so unwilling Io sacrifice a few unit"' I - th- leading l . t . h Y ou can 't !»■ any- 1 e ssa ry pleasu res and worldly poa.»- s thing unill I «< ’ on mv feel, hut n»y You'll find our it'i1 «renin nml la*te tenulng drink« nn I stons th at the « ffn rt Is already ruin wife, 1V> you understand ihat S allle"' tion of the section of E urope which I Ing your dtap o a'tlo n !” His voice gained n emotion, "th e Sail,« Grows D issatisfied. Irresistible ns honey to a bee! One nip Iu e n o u g h uml ever I had preciously found so alluring. help- ale of a working man. a doer, I My eves o p e n ed w ide In a m a ie m e n t. FinSSnx an «¡tractiv e house at t a fter (he taste tingles you'll uinke n bee line to Hggl- "C h. don't worry." he said iu uu W as this C urtiss? II* paced (he floor a common, o rdinary go getter. If you re n ta l C u r tis s t.'" U < h l was reasonable attem p t to be reassuring, " w e ll meet and w ithout being actually In a rage wish to rem ain with me unde- those ntuiiii's pov .’ u fountain, Was no easy m atter. While he was plenty of young couples who are Just he was plainly moved Inw ardly hv ¡conditions and act pleasantly ahoitt « « ng on h s plans for the mining sta rlin g out and some who have even what he was saying W ithout w nlt'ng It you can m ake me very happy. If j SODAS SVNDAJCS sub-division. I looked at many places I ¡not, then there Is only one o th ir less than we have." for my reply, he continued: SOFT DRINKS Cue afternoon H arriet Craw ford I course that 1» «»pen You may re tu rn , "I hardly think th a t would be pe.i- "You girls of this g eneration lack took roe. in h er new lim ousine, on a to your fath er until I can woo you! house-hunting expedition. Salsby stble.'' I answ ered curtly. I ha t u t couarge. absolutely Yon can 't face back with a fortune " m eant to be u n k in .? but somehow the Craw ford, to whom she was m arried, any situation th at isn 't ail honeysttek- I started to reply. W hat mv answ er w as the scion of a fabulously w ealthy prospect of living In a cottage end i les and roses. Look at your an cesto rs! fam ily and we had become quite inti, relinquishing the things, that all my , Those pioneer women who crossed would have been, I do not know but | nn.t with them because of the fact life. I had been used to having, wa» i the continent in those lean days ui woman like I suppose | woul I have th a t he and C urtiss had been c la s t-, ■ » ■ ' m ates a t college. ìtlr^iHìrs., —■'being the Confession o f a new w ife ~~ Ilbtrtrafed H WB-bto*» "1 Like Bees After Honey EGGIMANN’S It didnt take me long, how ever, to an ly te the fem inine m em ber of the ho anyway, he m entioned several developm ents th at he a lre a d y ' has to hi« credit.” "I couldn't bring m yself to go in­ to detail about our recen t fln an c’al t r uble and besides my new acquaint ance w as not th e sort to inspire con­ fidential disclosures W ith h er beau ti­ ful home, h er sm art clothes and end­ less servants it would be impossible fo r her to understand or sym path'xe w ith a less prosperous condition. L a te r I gave the excuse of letter- w rrit'rg and so she ordered the chauf­ feur to turn back and take me to the T ’-tw iler hotel at which we were stay ­ ing. V.’h n C urtiss ca-r.e in at tw ilight h- f und me sittin g b*s de the win- • o v . unsm iling and sullen. B..t every dollars worth of merchandise in this store is bought to give service. SLID OVERALLS Sl.lfl Men’s Trousers 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.75, $4.50 Here's a real bargain for you men— A good light In a Class by Themselves "W h at's up d e arest? W here's mv lit 1 life of the p arty T ' Wa've seldom had the opportunity to offer such No a n sw e r. •'Come now. tell us ait about it.” he pleaded, coming over and gently tiltin g by face so th at he-could study m y expression. “C h, 1 guess I'm still under the Influence of H arriet C raw fcrl.” 1 said as he sat down beside me. Mv to n - w as sullen. "S he does act a bit Ritxie,” he ad- Bitted, but my dear, you're so much Born attractiv e th at you should get |d t e a kick out of being in the pres- snee of Mrs Craw ford.” " It isn't that Curtis«, it’s Just th at th 7 have such an awful lot of every­ th in g ,” 1 concluded. "I-ook at th eir house, it's simply stu n n in g i" " ’ ught to be. It co st over a bun . dred thousand Besides Salsby had a bunch of gold-dust handed to him on a silver p latter In fact all the chaps I've m‘ t here have seem ed to h it it off in one way or another. You m u itn ’t let th at m ik e you unhappy. Besides you’ll n aturally be thrown w i'h girl« who have plenty. You know '» » '< r geeks Its own level’ and the crowd you'll be congenial with w'll be—what It the new spapers call them ? Oh, yes—the 'spoiled .society' d arlin g s'.’’ ’ He was In a wonderful humour Not a Large Stock S pecial O ffer < But Jiou-e hack w ays C nrttei, I can ’t even find a to live In,” I declared going to the subject which was al­ upperm ost In our conversation. " T h e r e are plenty of bouses to bo had ,” 1 contended, "but. nothing as a,-: Il as you liw 'st on having.' " 'in sist' Is an ugly word, le t’s say 'afford' Instead. It's Just as easy. D idn't you find anything when you w ent out with Mrs. C raw foid?” "W e d id n 't look a t—co ttag es ” I re Idled. UHing a word th at I thought was less drab than the hunaglow th a t he had first m entioned. "By »he way, C urtiss," pursuing the th ought which I had sta rte d , "I hope we’ll m eet som e people h ere who haven I so m uch money. It'll Just be h a rd e r play­ ing around with a bunch who have all th« thing s we should and would have had If you h ad n ’t lost so much on th at darned old R iviera ” a splendid assortment of Men’s Dress Shirts as we now carrj^. A nice assortment of Madras, Percales and Flannels, soft collars or banded. $1.50 Boys' Khaki Flannelette Outing Shirts, just the shirt for hiking 99c Men's $5.00. $5.50 and $6 00 Dress Hats. $3.25, $3.50. $3.75 weight garment, in the bib style and of blue den­ im material, sizes 32 to 42. Men’s Work Shoes LIGHT MEDIUM AND HEAVY WEIGHT, $2.76, Men’s Suits, just a few small sizes l®ft, $35.00 now $23.50 $1.25 Cut Silk Ties 89c $3.29, $4.29 and $5.49 Quick action is suggested, for there are lots of men who will read this and hustle to grasp tho opportunity. Men's Hi-cut Moccasin toe, 16-in, regular $10.00, Men's Cord Pants $11.00 and $12.00, to be cleaned up at $7.50, $8.50 Ju st K eep C om ing Folks, w e are For You! $1.25 LADIES' FELT BEDROOM SLIPERS 89c and $10.00 ....... Men’s Dress Wool Trousers $3.79 $4.19 rain, no cold weather and an early spring; also Shoe Sale 69c the men, being without a full pay, had lightened Most lines are complete, affording a splendid op­ Men's Heavy Flannel Shirts ..................... $3.73 up considerably on purchases which has left us portunity to save on your footwear. Buy shoes A great day for men. Blaser Shirts. with more goods on the shelf than we ought to now for t he f uture as well as your present needs. carry at this time. $1 00 Knit Ties ......................................... Another sale! of Flannel Boys' Tennis Shoes, 11 to 2 .................... $1.25 Canvas Gloves, for ....................................... 15c $6 00 Men’s Brown Oxfords Men's Gray Work Pants This is the reason we are putting on this sale. Men's extra heavy Khaki Work Pants, a good buy anywhere at $4.00, selling here for $3.00. ............ $4.89 ...................... $1.99 Men’s Split Leather Work Gloves ................. 39c Boys’ Heavy School Shoes This was a hard winter on merchants, very little ...................... $3.29 Three-ply Veneed, metal cover Trunks at de­ MAKE T H IS HELPFUL STORE YOUR STORE HJJM W duced prices. Suit Cases 10', off Boys' Fancy Shirt Waist 89c We have two Boys' Knicker Suits left, sizes 12 and 14 yrs„ sold regular $8.50 going to some lucky parent for $4.75 Children’s blue denum, red trimmed play suits $1.00 Men's Wool Sox for 39c to 79c Boys’ Khaki Lace Breeches $1.99 Boys' Khaki Trousers $109 A Money Raising Sale—.... HALLS CASH STORE Springfield : Starts Saturday, April 10th : He smiled at my vehement descrip­ 1 Springfield