THE BPiUMQg.i'XD NEWS THURSDAY. APRIL 8, 1920 MRS. JOHN HILLS DIES UNDER HOOFS OF COW TOWN AND VICINITY EXECUTORS’ HALE OF REAL PROPERTY, In from River—H It Scott o f llhi«' NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN ’h it River wan a local visitor yesterday, bv virtu e of un order of tee - .¡inly In from Dealer—<1. J Lnffer or Dex C o'iit of Lane County, Dreg i. In ter wn. u via tor In Hprlngfti-ld yen- th e -m a tte r of the extale of Hugh M I’r in , tli aeid. duly mad1' tu I en i onlay. i id of r'-cord on tii. 7th day t f (lack from Portland— Mr and Mr» Apr'l, I9'!ii, Ito- underHigi* d, Execn- H I M"ir non are hsck after u trip 1 i» t.i lb" l,u»t Will ai'd Testam enti io I'o r tliin l early thin week. ■if •! gb M P'-lce. deceased, W'll, on un I after the 10th duy of Muy, 1*28, Here from Natron— Mr». Ob-nn otter for Hale und »ell at prlvat' »ale 8«' it of Natron paid Sprlngfh-hl a the following ib- irrlbed real property visit Wednesday. belonging to raid estate, to-wlt: W a lte r v llle M i n H e r e — J li Endi­ Iloglnnlng ut the Southwest corner cott. W altervllle resident, wn» in of Section 18, Townsh p 17 South of to w n on buHliiusa y e » te rd a y . Rung« 8 W est Willamette Meridian, thence North 89 degree» 39 minute» Muck» In Town— Verne llu ik u of Eaxt 41 36 chain» to the quarter cor Full Creek was a visitor here Wed­ ner on the South line of «aid section nesday. 18; thence South 20.37 chain»; thence Here from W estfir— Ward Lands- South 89 degree» 45 minutes East hury wan a visitor In 8prlngflehl this 10 03 chains to a point on the W est line of the John M Crook» Donation week from Westfir. laiud Claim No. 47, Notification No. Baby Boy Born— Mr. and Mrs. Max 5024; thence North 38.66 chain», Coglll are the happy parenta of a thence East 11.75 chain» to the cen­ baby boy, born Monday. ter of the channel of Bill Hays Creek, M a kes P o rtla n d V is it— D. B Mur­ .thence along said channel a i follows; AARON POLLEY. MINER OF phy made a business trip to Portland' North 8 degrees 20 minutes West 6 20, chaya«^ north 22 degrees 42 min­ OLD WEST, PASSES AWAY on Tuesday. utes West 9 09 chain»; South 73 de­ Down from W estfir—Carl Farrier gree» 30 minute» W est 3.21 chains. One of the I ant of the miner» of the old west passed Friday when Aaron 8. was here from W estfir thia week for North 45 degrees 46 minutes West Polley died at the I-eaburg home of th« purpose fo having h|s hand ¿rent­ 6*1 chains; north 77 degrees West hl« nelre Mm. (Tara Furnum. at the ed. The hand wn» Injured recently. 2 27 chains, north 44 degrees 80 min­ age of »3 years, 11 months and 2« utes W est 1.62 chains; north 5 de­ Undergoes Operation—Mrs. J C days. The funeral was held at the Sweeney l< In the Pacific Christian grees East 1.74 chain»; North 26 de­ Walker chapel Sunday afternoon. • gree* Weet 1 97 chain»; North 82 de­ hospital, following a major operation le a v in g New York state when he gree» 16 minute» Weat 4 85 chains; she underwent yesterday. woe 20 years old. Mr Polley took part North 146 chain«; North 24 degree» In the famous California gold rush, * Drive to Lancaster— Mr. and Mrs 30 minutes East 1.44 chains; Nortk and was In the rush of pioneer mining C F. Egglmann drove to Lancaster 63 degrees W est 4 46 chains; north activity In the old went for more than on Tuesday. 43 degrees 30 minutes Weat 4.78 two score years. He worked In the , rhalna. north 79 degree« West 7.38 Portland Man Hara—J. C. Sworden. placer fields and hard rock mine» of chains, north 46 degrees 30 mlnatas California and Utah until 18 years who was the victim of an accidental West 6.88 chains, North 26 degrees ago, when, more than 70 years old. shooting near I-owell some time ago, West 3.83 chains. North 34 degrees; he ram« to live with his nelce at Lea woe here from Portland yesterday for East 4 40 chains; thence W est 4.28 treatment by a local surgeon. burg. chains to the Northwest corner of the' Southeast quarter of the Northwest S a fe ty M e e tin g Held— H. T. Shea Marriage Licenses Istusd. quarter of said section 18; thence and E. A. Taylor, officials of the Bogth 30 49 chains; thence West 20.16 Mountain States Power company, County Clerk R B Bryson has Is­ chains to the quarter corner on the sued marriage licenses to the follow­ were here Tuesday to conduct a safe­ West line of «aid section 18. thence ing couples during the past week: ty first meeting at the local plant of South 40.68 chains to the place of Lisle Henry Horton. Mohawk, and VI- that concern Such meetings are be­ beginning, containing 270.27 acres In vianne Mulkey, Rprlngflnld; Francis ing held every two weeks. Lane County, State o f Oregon: McLaughlin and Maude Hahl, both o f Excepting therefrom the following Boy Cuts Thumb—Carl, the young Cottage Grove; lxwmard Edison Bo­ described premise», to-wlt: son of W. F Gibson of Fall Creek lin and Erma Pearl James, both of Beginning at a point 28 rods North Creswell; Glenn Blsler and Nannie on Tuesday night rut his thumb sev­ The of the Southwest corner of the South­ Iola Carmen. Waadltng; John Lloyd erely while chopping wood. 1-ay, Eugene, and Dorothy Heyne?. thumb was nearly severed from the east Quarter of the Northwest Quar­ ter of Section 18; Township 17 South Cottage Grove; Herbert Miller and hand. of Range 6, Weet Willamette Merid­ Anna Iovln e Thompson. Eugene. Left Arm Broken— The 2-year-nld ian, In Lane County, Oregon^running daughter of Mr and Mr». O. L. Clem- thence East to the center of the Mathews Here—Mr and Mr». E W eat of Route 2. Springfield, sustained stream known as "Bill Hay» Creek"; Mathew» of Creswell were here on | a broken nrm when ghe fell from the thepce Northweaterly up »aid stream business yesterday. porch at the family hmm Monday af­ to the W est line of said Southeast ternoon Thu little girl wu» brought Quarter of the Northwest Qnurter of O ld T im e D ance, to Springfield for treatm ent »aid Section 18; thence South to the Stevens Hall, Springfield, Every j Hera from Elmira— Mr«. E. C. Tripp place of beginning, containing fonr acre», more or less, in Lane' County, Saturday Night. Garretts Orchestra, of Elmira w «i In town on Tuesday. I Tickets 78c. «f Fulling utulir th« hiiof« of a cow which »be wu» nlnrtltig Io milk, Mr*. John A Hilt», <»f L"W«ll, wmm his'anlly kill* »1 nt lh> horn on th» llllln rali'-h liiiA I’rtijH) night Tin- body wan ill» coinrcd n Hi*- »(nil n »h'-Tt tint« tutor In Mi Hill», upon 1» I'liiin from a nourhy hoot «bur« In* ha. I non»* to bring homo their i-bl«»t daughter. Mr», llllln wan u tn li» lit th ■ time. Il wn« 1» ll'onil tliut »he ellliur »lip­ ped ninl fell or fainted, under th« h""f» i f the uulinul, mill n broken rib p e l l ' (ruled the heart. .Mr« 11111« wn» bom April 1, 1881.- Uh' wan the mother of n non. Virgil, and two dnughtern, Irene and Vitin. Hhe 1» »urvlveil at ho by her mother, Mr» Nellie Tilton of Hexler; two »In­ ter», Mm Lena (Iruven of New Jersey, and Mr» Vlnn illggln« of Trent, Ore- gun; ninl two brothers, K C Tilton of Dexter and Enrl of Trent. Funeral nervlres were held nt the Walker parlor hore, Huntluy, and ’he burial wan at Natron PAGE FTV» Oregon. That the »aid »ale will take place at the law office» of Potter & Foster, at 981 Willamette street, Eugene, Ore­ gon. Term» of »ale, cash In hand or one-half cash and hulunce to be se­ cured by first mortgage on the prop- or'y on terms to be approved by the Court. JOHN M. PRICE, JEKB A. FOUNTAIN, Executors of the Last \VW and Testament of Hugh M. Price, Deceased. A8152229 M6 For aS umptnous Sunday Dinner CHOICE MEAT It’« most necessary th at you have good Meat as the basi a for your Sunday spread. So you will find here the very choi'vst cut» you like. Phone your order! Satisfactory choice and prompt serv­ ice assured. i d ependent Meat Company SPRINGFIELD, OREGON PHONE 63 ■M B B H B M B H B B inB H a ? I / / Time to Drop the Fish * Line G r o c e r ie s of Quality We carry only the very highest grade, finest quality groceries. Our volume of steady customers enables us to sell many articles for less than you will pay elsewhere. Our Btock is always fresh. Phone No. 9, or leave your list when you aome in and we will have It all ready for you when you call. Bring your butter and eggs direct to us and receive the highest prices. They’re biting and all the lC'”ars of the piscator­ ial pastime are flocking in for rods, hooks and lines. Friday and Saturday Special Rods, R e e l s , Baskets, Landing Nets, and Linen and Taper Lines. 5 Creme Oil Soap _______________________ 40c A Complete Stock of Im­ 7 Crystal White Soap ................ ..... ........... 35c A f l f t 1 Peer's Wash Machine Soap .................. 40c H U I ported Halford Dry Flies. Henderer Electric Supply Total ............. ...................... ......................... $1.15/ Wax Beans, 1 Ib. 3 02. Size, 3 f o r .........................................35c PHONC FHOW a S - WHITE FRONT GROCERY ■ 3 4th and Main St. Compare These Vaiues A t th e D ru gstore. W ITH PRICES ON “TIRE BARGAINS' AND UNKNOWN village maiden, coy and sweet With downcast eyes, and husky feet. Told uh today, In serlou» tone That her complexion color waa sll her own. We «nickered. grinned and then relied And laughed until we almost died— •'Please, gal, lay off that highbrow guff— lint tell us where'd ya get that stuff!"— Prune Picking. BRANDS A • • TIME AND PLACE OF LOCAL MEETINGS • • • • • • • • • • Ckinary—First Bunday and Third Buturdn-y, Farmers Union Halt Chivonlal®— Fourth Friday” Cloverdale School House. creH W w ll-F irst , and T hird Tue»- dny«, C nww dl. M. W. of A. Hall. Conet Fork—Second aod Fourth Thurmlayw. Farm Union Hall. Danebo— First Twanlay, Danebo Sidiool H ours . Daren«-—Second anil Fouth Tues- dayw. I>or«o« Church. Hmlloyvlllo — First and Third IWnnekw«. Hadleyvlhe School. llocet»—First Bunday of each month. H eceta School House. Jaapor—Second and Fourth Wod- nomkvy«, W. O. W. Hall. Jsepor. Ixivwoo -Hoootxl «<*> Fourth Wodii«*dwr« I. o , O. F. Ifall. MeKenale looel, »ocond and fourth Wedneedtvy, 8 p. m. I. <>. O. F. hall, Walkerville. Mt. Vernon—Wrot ami Third Wednesday BrawfleM Stone. Silk Creek Meet» Firat and Third Thursday at (¡edar School House Spencer Creek—Third Friday. Pine Grove School House. Trent— Second and Fourth Weil- noedayu. Ileaaont Hill High • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • School BMg. • • • • • • Vida—Second nnd Fourth Satur dny« at Mlngey H alt Seorokirtoe will plea*« send In time aud tdnoe of mooting nnd effin“m* (>^ ‘lute nS Hrey may on» CT». PATHFINDER The rewards of earnestness are approval. So with a desire to serve we offer our sci­ entific knowledge and our modern equip­ ment in the service of the public. CORDS Full oversize— full weight— fully guaranteed. Made in the world’s largest tire factory. Buy them now at these re­ markable prices: i PHONE. W.F.WALKER e z s 62-J funeral S ervice ™^ BALLOONS SPR.INGFI ELD.ORE. 29x4.40 ............................................................ $14.05 30x4.95 .......................................................... $19.20 31x5.25 ............................................................ $21.95 Veltie P ru itt -À/3) PRESENTS MUSICAL 33x6.00 ............................................................ $29.55 Clincher Sides 30 x 3//2 Fabric ................................................. $9.05 BEST EUGENE BIBLE UNIVERSITY TALENT UNDER -V. —w ” DIRECTION OF MR. PRUITT. 30 x 3V2 Cord Reg............................................ $10.25 30x3’ j O. S. Cord ......................................... $11.30 30x3 .................................................................. $8 00 READINGS—VOCAL SOLOS—VIOLIN AND PIANO SELECTIONS Other sizes at equally low prices— Pathfinder Straight Sides at big savings DO YOU WANT TO HEAR TH E BEST MUSIC? COME EARLY FOR A GOOD SEAT T onight at Christian Church WE ALSO SELL GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES DANNER MOTOR CO. F ord G arage ON 4TH AND A STR EET—ADMISSION: 35 nnd 25e UNDER AUSPICES OE LOCAL C. E. IMIMWimMi Fifth and A Sts. Springfield, Oregon "I " ' i , S... . .. . ■ "ii