THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1920 page four Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L RAIN PROVES BENEFIT TO CROPS OF DISTRICT Despite the tact that Jupiter I’l.v- lW brought ruin to what uian> Us J hoed would be a perfect Ka»<«*>* day, the showers which begau du> ng lh< Week-end aud continued into no iwevk hare proved a great benefit to agi <- culture In this district, P U B L IC A T IO N LANE C O U N T Y U N IT « O 14 tier consisted of coi n, will ni a id oat#. JOHN H. BOWER SCEKS O F F IC E R S OF L A N E C O U N T Y • F A R M E R S ' U N IO N ♦ • C W. Allen. Vida. President • W. I. Seals, (Sagene, V ice-P resi- • dent. - • B etty M K appauf. C ottage Grove • Secretary Treasurer. • Walter Morgan, Creswell. Condili- Community News aSv aosciMi Correspond»-ta l)n S ck List—d ir# I ee lire, km in || ' f ls Si'tilh II #' r» I. < di lIti » ■ K COUNTY JUDGE POSITION John II Bower, of the W lltakemla dlatr'ct. has fili I n petition with the county clerk# office for republican nomination as county Jii'lg«- Rntun- slon of farming and marketing ronda and ci on,iiuy am plank» In th, can­ didate's platform. Mr Bower %#.«•» a city attorney here from 19111 lo IBI&, and Is well known Ihroutthout ih» county. E Jordan, Robert and Evelyn Phelps, Cocrectlon It Mads— A/i tieni In n th I he ir (uirent*. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Issi - k s News M aini tlial Ih'- to Ips and Holier« At'drew t Ilsen, S outhern Pacific trulli No. Ut. n<>w li-ave# Finteli, for P ortland al 7 :8o P J v sitta g at the It K Chase home fo r 1“ '"* hl* '«"'her. Mrs. Andy Olson ' <>unk folks of the Pleasant M The limi* I# 7 ilio A M , Instead of • to r. • > the past two weeks, haa returntsl to I ' ’ hrlsttan End- uvor had a Jolly In thè evenlng Such is the statem ent of 'armera, • H. H. Smith. Eugene, Doorkeep- , the hoin-- of his grac Ison. Marlon ltigelow. of Green berry Mr Ferguson tprll fool party, sponsored liy "The who declare that the unusual dry • er. weather of March was beginning to • O. I.. Clement. Wa te r r in e . Chap- • celebrated his eighty-seventh birth Vutty Family.* Thursday. April 1. FOHI» TOVRINO CAI« POR SALE The young folks hud been promised G im h I ninnili« ortler, goml (ire* 16» • .I.«' Mar. h M prove serious setback to farm w>rk. • lain. i ehleken dinner when the lim e came Cash, Urne, or tradì- R W Smith CALL AND S"CR Dr N. W Emery Is many cases, the ground was too Mrs. V. (1 MeRlhany. who is a mem «H nA » «n "M r »ed Mbar Week '* dry for phiw'ng. and in cases where I ber of the official board of the M. K for refreshments. Their ehleken «Pn- city hall. THURSTON NOTES pivwing had b a done moisture was ! church of t*prlugfleld, attended a Insufficient to help further work, Miss Dorothy Travis, who is teach business meeting here Monday even th e se conditions were eliminated by Canary, spent the week-end ing b e n e fic ia l ehowers. Jay Fish and family spent Sunday with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Sain Especially did the grain and bay with the Odell family of Wwndllng. crops benefit by the showers, the Mr and Mrs. I.em Drury and fam t Mr and Mrs. Anton Fugate and farmers report Bumoer harvests in llv from Jasper visited Mr. and Mrs i ,w ° children, of Eugene spent Sunday all lines of agriculture are predicted A. B. M athew, last Sunday. wlth *2‘ nk J ' “'1-* for this year, as a result of the open . Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Bailey of Coburg Mr and Mrs. Felix Spark, from Thur„ tay eTenll< „ th„ Jay winter and the spring showers Blue River spent the week-end with p . kome their son and family. Mr and Mrs. Mj> Mr, „ g Pin" h -r tragic death. Besides her du -gitter, Vida, she leaves a husband ! t vo other children. Mrs. Elph Mathews of 1 nvnle fell from a wagon Friday aft “noon. April 2 and broke both bon * n her J right arm near the wr'st K1 e was returning from n field when he and Mr. Mathews, Mr. and Mrs R"'lle j Moon were planting potatoes when | the seat on which she wamrld'nv tip- i ped up th’owlng her onto th* ground , and breaking her wrist. Wortls has been received from Mrs. W. L. Bristow that she hope» to re­ turn from Portland to Pleasant Hill very soon. The musical students and the ortt- j tory class of the Pleasant If 11 high i I school will give a Joint, recital at the high school building Saturday nigh*. | ¡April 10 The program promls« • to he 1 very good A number of children gathered Pt the home of Bonnie Jeanne Tinker Fa ter Sunday an4 hunted for F: eggs on the lawn. Thom* pre nt were i Florence, James, Wayne and ifrnnefh i Jordan, children of Mr and Mrs. C J A nd Such L o w P ric e s o n L o v e ly R a y o n S ilk U n d e rth in g s For Women and Misses’ In sum m ertim e there's nothing like the satisfaction of possessing plenty of t*ool, dainty silken underthings as Sum m er w eather bursts upon us. Are you ready? Here are the shim m ering and delightful quality Vests, Chemise^ Bloomers and Step Ins to wear, specially priced for this event. New shipm ent just received. RAYON SILK VESTS IN ALLi /