T1IUR8ÜAY, APRIL K. 1926 THK SPtUNGRIMLD NKWB PAG J THREW )' ■ ■ ■- 1 Jaser Msn In— Homer Brown cf I Gas Makes People i«M Spriogîitkl a business Nervous visit lute lust week. J î f . - r TOWN AND ViCîNïTY In from Gardens— Mr-. Ed Col* of Mm. Oldnam Here— .Mr It II Old­ O n Sick List—Mr». Lrr Brockman I Chad« Garden» was ah urine»» visitor ham, nl Motor Route I) was a birrfrm 1 f 248 South It strei t, 1 m III thl , w eek. In Sringfleld this week. r fh hl visitor lute last week. Makes Business Trip— A T Brewer in from Jater— Mrs. M o rrlsT ^ l» ’ Oakrtd')«! W-man Here— Mrs. O. I. made a business trip to Htayt'.n la a t- Jasper w*» In town for a short , Ncbturi ot OitkrldK* was a visitor In week. time Monday. J»prln«fl«-ld Friday. Fractures Wrist— Mr* C. W. Mil-' V is its R e la tiv e s Here— Mr. and Jaaper Resident Here— Harry Wal- lor of Marrnla called at a local sur- Mrs. Arthur Cannon ot Albany arriv­ lei-i- of Jasper wua in Springfield Fri­ of a fractured wrist. ed Sunday to make a brief visit with day. geon s office Bnlurday for treatm ent, rs Cannon's ooaala, Mr». Here from Viughn—I. Yockey of Undargoes Operation— .Many Oak«» Doane. Vaughn was In town on business last of Goshen underwent an operation for Friday. appendicitis Sunday evening. He Is I Visit from Jasper— Mrs I,yon» an<1 reported to be doing well. k Mr». Ciawfnril Halley of Jusper were Vl»lta from Portland— Miss Grace here for a abort time Friday. Male, t> aching In Portland, waa a In fro m P le a a a n t H ill — R o b ert visitor at the home of her parents In Brown of Pleaaant Hill waa a visitor Springfield over Easter hern late laat week Here from Eugene— Among Eu­ Lraburg Visitor— Mr and Mra. Lee gene residents who called In Spring Fountain of Lraburg were vUitors In field Friday were Mrs. B. Branna Springfield on buslnesa Friday. Mr». Joe Stelnmets. Edna Smith, Joe Conley la HaVa— Harvey Conley of | Toblarf, and others. of Portland which recently held a most successful sale of Coats and Dresses at the Farmers’ Exchange Spring- field are now at Eugene • laat Friday. T h e Peacock F rem enade Miss Flo Tells W hat Milady W ore on Her Eastw Morn Stroll Down the Famous A venue of Fashion la Operated On—Harry C. Bishop, Jaaper Man Hare— An out-of-otown of Eugene, well-known here, under­ ahopiw-r here Friday waa George Utile went an operation at the Pacific ^Christian hospital last Saturday morn. of Jasper I ng. In from Pengra-yFrank K lotiley ot Taken to Hospital—An ambulance Pengra waa here for a short lime laat was sent out Friday night to Fall Friday. I Creek and Andy K. Olsen, seriously Motor to Corvallis— I)r. and Mr». 111. was taken to the Pacific Christian W. C Rebhan motored to Corvallis hospital for treatment. and bark Sunday. Visits Here Sunday— M'aa Lillie H e r e fro m C re s w e ll— Mr». E. B. S c h le w visited here Sunday with her Purcell of Creswell win In town on sister. Mrs. Fred rFeee. Mies Schlew* bualne» last Friday. Is a teavher In the school at Notl. Offering Tremendous Bargains COATS - SUITS DRESSES Hundreds sation of Eugene. Your Credit is Good born to Mr and Mra. K. Andre on N’yntrem of Menifee camp was a visi­ S m artly costumed women, arresting, individual and distinctive, April 1, at the Pacific Chrlatlan hos­ tor In Springfield Saturday. furnished s u ffic ie n t color to the gav scene to make It one o f rio t­ pital. Mr». McCornack Here—Mrs. Fred ous beauty. Costly, bizarre creations, were worn by many, hut F a ll C re a k M an Hurt—Charles McCornack of Wendling was hers w hile these costumes added to the th r ill o f the ilay, the vogue Brewer of Fall Creek sustained a pain, Saturday visiting acquaintances and fo r the conservative tn llle u r was dom inant. injury to h'o ankle while'working transacting business. Terms to suit your con­ venience. Visit Mra. Magill— Mr and Mrs Guy Lester of Portland were here Sunday to send Easter with her mo­ ther, Mrs. Mary C. Magill. j Kelels drug store, taking the place ' Visits Mra. McPherson— Mrs. Edyth Ca|>e coats are very sm art. Others are stra ig h t o f line, subtly j which has been held by Misa Jose­ Oleson of Marshfield is spending a defining the figure, w hile s till others show a decided preference phine Cooley, who la leaving for Se­ few days in Sringfleld visiting he fo r the fu lle r and widened silhouette, w ith fla tte rin g bands o f attle. mother, Mrs. Nina McPherson squirrel, mole, leopard and wolfe. f George Gunn III—George Gunn Is McKinnon Hat Article— D W. Mc­ Gloves are quite elaborate, w ith the daintest o f cuffs, em broid­ reorted ill at th e home of his cousin. Kinnon. secretary of the local 4L or­ ered and stitched In pastel colors. Bags are exceptionally gay. ganisation. has an article In thia Mrs. G. W. McPherson. Exquisite prices th at are the sen­ Spring, long heralded w ith fascinating glimpses o f the new Visita Daughter Here— Mra. J. 8. Platts Are Visitors— Mr and Mrs mode, as evidenced by advanced displays, was o ffic ia lly ushered Smith of Creswell te »pending a few George Platt and Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ In on Easter m orning, when thousands of promenaders and spec­ day» at the home of her daughter, ter Platt were In Sringfleld shopping, ta to rs turned out as o f one accord, fo r the tra d itio n a l Easter Mra. Wilbur Lloyd, of Springfield. from Thurston Monday. display o f fem inine fin e ry on F ifth Avenue. My dear, you should Baby Son B orn— A baby son was [ F ro m , Menifee Camp— Mrs Adrian have seen It. fill of Models to select from at Baby Born— Mr. and ^Mr». William Here from Lebanon— Mr. ahd Mrs. Vaaby are the proud irorents of a Glen I. Arehart of 1» ban on were baby daughter, born laat Thursday j Sunday to visit Mrs. Arehart's broth­ morning. er, Dallas Murthy. and family. Navy blue was yprom lnent, often combined w ith w hite, and In the Howard'» lath mill laat week. also w ith lirlg h t red. Black and w hite com binations, and gray, He waa treated here. are favored too, w hile soft tones o f biege, biscuit and pastel col­ orings were Interpreted In soft lacy frocks th a t could merely Accepta Position— Ml»» Alice Tom be glimpsed underneath coats. w lh has accepted a position at the Gas pressure In the abdomen caue- int a restless, nervous fee lng and prevents sleep. Adlerika removes gas In TEN minutes and brings out surprising amount! of old waste matter you never thought waa a your system. This excellent Intesti­ nal évacuant Is wonderful for consti­ pation or ullled stomach troubla. Don't waste time with pill» or tab­ let» but get REAL Adlerika action! Flanery's Drug Store. The Oregon Cloak & Suit Mfg Co. Cedar Flat «topped In Springfield on, Visit» Barber Home— Mra. W. S. business late laat week. Boom, riccntly of Portland, was a From Fish Hatchery— E. W Goff visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs. of the FInh Hatchery was In town ‘ Clayton Barber over the week-end. 'tw o o f the must esclusive fashions in L aster finery— both speaK- Ing th r universal language of chic— both poaeessing a charm th a t Is inim itab le! Tho hat is o f draped silk, trim m ed w ith the gayest of em broidery, and ha» droopy, graceful lines. P articu larly lovely and unusual is the new version of the popular ensemble, consisting o f a two piece dress o f beigo worsted, and a flowing cape, the smartness o f which is sccente