The p io ip ir o u i m rr- c h a n t» a r t a lu ia y t g o a d a d v e rtia e r» . THE SPRINGFIELD N E '. TWWNTY-THIKI» YEA’ l GASGADE PLANI IO VELTIE PRUITT WILL „ L .. , , . GIVE PROGRAM HERE Expanded Lumber Materials, — — Factory Starts Work In T e n 1 * program of muelc and readings rfPRINGl’T BL», LANE COUNT Y. OREGON. To Give O peretta ‘Sylvia’ A p ril 16 , High School Plan» For First Presentation of Kind Springfield ------- THURSDAY. APRIL 8. 19% Future Champ? Form Committee tor M emorial Ddy "The People's Paper" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 14 ÌEACHERS NAMED Bi SCHOOL BOARD To Ask Church*» D:"»«r>se With Morning Service A. J. Morgan Is Elected Princl« For Observance pal of High School At $1800; Representatives o t IS organizations Twenty-nine Q o n tra c tE met at the chamber of Commerce Awarded With Payroll Total Tuesday night and formed the {Spring- For Year of $33,012.50 field Memorial day committee, to have "Sylvia," tb« first operetta ever to a a 1» to be given at tbs Christian church be prem-nted In* Springfield 1» sch«d 1 ' B ,, . _ Friday e v e n lw by V ellle Pruitt, o fu to d to start at I p. ni. Friday. April wo ow B u ild in g s Are C o m - Mr Pruitt la a tenor singer 16 at the high school auditorium, pleted By R eorgan ized C o n » jnf considerable ability, und an enpoy- The plot of the play centers around charge of wbat promise» to be the The entire teaching staff of the most Impressive observance of Mem­ Springfield public schools for 1926-27 corn. able program Is promised. The event Sylvie, a court lady, and Hetty, a far- j —— | Is given as a benefit for the Christian , mor girl who iro w tired of their ' orial day In the history of the city. was elected at a meeting of the School Owing to the tact that Memorial board Tuesday night. Twenty-n'M The expand,si lumber m aterials' church Christian Endeavor. Invera and apply the old proverb, I day occurs on Sunday this year, and contracts, representing a total pay- plant of the Cascade Manufacturing I ■ ----------- "Fair exchange la no robbery." Many ; company, which has been sliul down that It has been the custom to hold an ro„ Q, approxlmat4ily , 3j ,012M , wer. amusing even ludicrous situations are Dinner Honors Visitors. all-day service, the committee voted > awarded whll> new buildings were being built created when girls trade lovers. Mnrv A dinner honoring Mrs. Hnelslngcr to confer with pastors of the local and additional mach'nery added as A. J. Morgan, who has served as *rsnill)llK)11 of Bprhl<. «hen he stra y . out In the hayflelds. past year, was elected principal ol morning to make way for the Mem­ the high school at a salary of »1804, according Io announcement by O. F I field, last evening The visitor» will The play has a fitting climax, espe­ orial observance. Until the decision an advance of 1100 over his salary of Atiedrson, general manager. I leave for their home Friday, going cially satisfy!»« b ecasse of beuutv 1 New machinery for the plant h a s .. . ,, _ . of closing chorue renedered by ths ■ Jack Ke»rns who piloted Demp­ , on this matter Is reached, further last year. This action was taken to , a „ , * . . . ... by way of Vancouver and Banff sey to the heavyweight throne plans for the observance will be held fill the place left vacant by Principal nit nil arrived, bul operations w ill' two high school glee clubs 1‘rewent were Mr and Mrs. M M claims he has found a new set. In abeyance. It was stated. start wHh whet Is now Installed, the "Sylvia" has been produced In many lion in Jack Dorval of Los Angelo*. V. D Bain, who leaves the principal* McKlln, Howard Cotton, Mr and Mrs Major M B. Huntly was elected ship for the superintendency of the manager said. A rip saw and a univer­ ¡•Edgar Thom of Eugene. Mrs M Wag- high schools In Oregon where It was Kearns' protegee stands six feet president of the organization, and public schools. Mr. Morgan has not two and weighs 200 pounds. He sal grinding machine arrived and ¡ ner of Eugene, Mr. und Mrs. L K. received well by the public, accord­ has knocked out every opponent so Mrs. C. F. Eaglmann was named sec- , accepted the flyM were Installed In the new machinery ing to Miss Sapuldlng, coach of the Ilusford. Mr and Mrs. William Don­ far and hopes to get a crack at building las’, week, and today work Is ! rotary. Z. T. Kintxley, commander of prtBCp.iahip and the mana*! aldson, and Mrs Snelslnger and Mrs. play, who has seen the operetta sev- Dempsey being rushed on the Installation of ] Iuka post. No. 78. O A. R was named , tra(n(ng work tog#tb<,r leral tiroes and has helped to produce , Owens. « electrical equipment and the comple­ grand marshall of the day. | TOte witb rPKard to Mr Mor. c t. BRIDGE CREWS START tion of the blowpipe system ! The following is a Hat of the coop-. - er—Frank Lombard, song Rader In day from Portland, indicating the ap- trude Mu sloe; Methodist Brotherhood, ,lt)on of ber salary as principal of thu ' loo much space as soun as operations Mias Blom Honored. Christian church Sunday school por proach of actual work on the bridge I)r. N. W. Emery. Brattaln school, which the trustee« get undqr way trays the honest farmer lad structure Itself and the finish of the Baptist church. Fred Frese; Masons hg|| p,aced at J1200. a decrease of A shower In honor of Miss Helen Tim Cascade Cascade Manufacturing com Tho " . I Sylvia, soprano, engaged to De i prel preliminary actlvtly that has been Harry Stewart; Christian church, R" '¡ j 200 {rom last year The board explain paov was organised recently to op. ’»*«••. lwh<’"*’. .W*’ " "g " ""’T l-acy—Dorene Larimer, who has ap-'uad der way for some time. ¡land Moshler; I. O. O. F-. Fred " a' jed that the election of a superintend* era le the • , , ,n American A m erican le s io n programs, n r o r r a m s? J M crai» III expanded expande,! plant with the ,Bke I'1“''*- I ’ spr ng, last • * legion More than two score men already ¡ker; ker; Spanish War verterans, F K B. B enj reduced the responsibility of prill* the hom e of Mrs. Jack C h ao following officers: T E. Pugh, pres! Hamlin; Veterans of Foreign Wars, | cipalg and thgt the Imperative eC” ■» »»" • “ « “ b> frlonds Betty, alto. engag'd to W llllam- Tuesday a temporary sidetrack was ; son Vaughn. ! towed made It necessary to cut clU- lett. secrelary ireasurer. and O. F * hn «row dei Ihc rooma at the Chase Maxine Snodgrass, glee rluh soloist, constructed to the north of the main Before adjournment. F. B H am lin,, arleg wherever Justifiable and pout* Anderson, general mannger. Mr Rund- home durlng the event Is one of the conspirators in the lover (racks, and flvh house cars housing in behalf of Coxnander Klntzley of the bjp Hemenway's salary, how* lelt urrlved from the east last Thurs-1 crews for bridge work were parked G. A. R. post, presented to the Ladles i changing episode To Glve Social dny to lake over the ,lui les of secro- soprano — Naomi there. This sidetrack probably Is on ; of the G. A. R. a warranty deed to I | l ajderay on of her work. Arabella. larv treasurer Mr Ihigh will not come The Junior Women'» class at the (*arj,on _____ _ _ ____ ________ ____ __ _ the bed ________ of what ____ will be _ a permanent the G. A __ R. _ plot In Laurel Grove j | New Coach Named. until next fan. Methodist church will give an old Armlnta. mezzo soprano — Iowa s^ .b g In the future cemetery. Mrs. C. F. Egglmann. in be- Superintendent Bain's new duties fashioned social at the church parlors Carl,„ n Moat of the bridge work Is center- half of Iuka circle, accepted the deed. d(J pot include athletic coaching, a.ld next Wednesday evening. April 14 A Polly, Myhatle Harvey—Friends of ,-d on this end of the structure. False The next meeting will be called board met the problem with th« M A R K ET PATRONAGE IS l i o r p n BY T V OGDEN Pro«r,m “ ‘o be f,TeB' “n*‘ r* BGty work is being put In, and huge tiro, bv the president, at which time the e,ection ot Walter Fenwick. Univer* URGED BY T. V. O G D tN ¡ fr<.ghmentl, w,„ be I tiers are being prepared for use In church com m ittees will report Molly—Constance Rebban. sity of Oregon student, as coacu at , this way. Preparations are being Dolly—Shirley Hemenway. a salary of S’6o a month The m ite i Patronage by Springfield people of, Kill Kare to Meet. made for carrying the eteel, which EASTER SERVICES AT Chorua. e l athletic Instructor fr the school» (he tubile market during the spring Combined Girls' and Boys' Glee has been here all winter, to the scene The Kill Kare club will hold CHURCHES SUCCESSFUL to Superintendent Ba'n. w>ttl gardening season Is urged by T V. of activity. _------ ln«tructlons that he keep within tHO Ogden, market master, who says that meeting at Ihc home of Mrs. Frank clubs tn addition to the bridge work. 1 Springfield's churches were well in employing such an Instructor, This local people must start using th e Poindexter In Eugene this afternoon. | another activity has been under way f n w Eagter Sunday when | n8pjrlng 1» the only Job left unfilled by th« market If farmers ore Io keep bring- j Local members of the club plan to HIGH SCHOOL NINE TO for some time In the railroads yards | proKrams and serTlC(,B commemorat- board. lug their produce there During the make th, trip. PLAY COBURG FRIDAY A half dozen pew house cars, for use » u le r months, llllte produce was on] ing Christ's rising from the tomb were The official teaching roster of th« In housing work crews, have been ------ , ---- I Springfield schools, with monthly sal- M ist Blom to Wed. bund for market exchange, bul w llh| Flushed with a victory which they conMnl(.ted here mounted on trucks.! *iv*n. At the Methodist church In the eve-carles, follows: the approach of spring, he says, Invitations are out for the wed- won over Mohawk here last week, the and went up and down the Natron cut- fresh vegetable» and other produce j din« of Miss Helen Blom, daughtei players of the Springfield high school “ff ining, the choir, directed by Mrs. S S. High Schools. for use ! Potter, presented the cantata, “T h e ' V. D. Bain, superintendent, $266.84. will be found there ut fair prices. of Rev. aad Mrs Blom of the Balt- baseball team will attempt to repeat i Resurrection and the Life." The pres-1 A. J. Morgan, pvrincipal H. S„ man- Mrs Art N eel of Springfield and vhurch, to Ruel March, of Me- the performance in an nrgument wlih entatlon was well received by a large ual training. »200. Mrs Mary Neet of Coburg are Iwn minnvllle. The happy event will !«• j Coburg on the local field tomorrow WHEATON MENTIONED AS MEMBER OF SCHOOL BOARD audiPnce ( M'ss Sylvia Veatch. mathematics, of the most fallbful visitors nt the hr)<, |n thp Baptist .church here ,,n afternoon. » a .,, - nine ...» c u— ’ With 533 present, a new Easter at- $130. market, coming every Saturday with Apr|| 2, according to the announce Coach V D. Bain's has devel oped a Hk.dv fielding ability "that APProttch of ,he June sch oj’ elec tendance record was marked up at Fred Whittaker. I^tin and English, futm and garden produce, Mr Ogden promises .0 make It a strong'oppor- ,,on 18 bei,nning ,0 8tlr. ' p ^ 8' *» the Christian church Sunday m orning., $125. says. On the patronage of these and j ___________________ Francis Hodge, science, $125. ent to any team In the district. The Springfield. ,he la,e8t 1 Members of the school gave a spe- rx who use the market depends ; Clubs Holds Meeting «1 ». . * . ». .i being (he Btntement by friend« Fay Spaulding, music, $125. II success, he says. Don Taylor, history, $130. Mrs. Virginia Rice, commercial an« TROOP 1 HIKES SUNDAY; filled dean of girls. $¿40. Mnhnwk game. Mohawk was defeated petition has yet been circulal-d. » It churcn' wnlcn 8180 wa LEGION SCOUTS IN MEET ent were the following: durin|? thp serTlces. W alter Fenwick, athletic coach, —j — ! Mr. and Mrs. W.-H. Adrian, Mr. and J however, 10 to 6. , , . . . . « i . . . . is expected that such action will be ________ - $65. *■ Mrs. The line-up w to start Lions club troop of Boy Scouts will Mr„ J j A. a . Senvey. Senvey. Mr. Mr und and Mrs. Mrs. I. 1. D. D. The probnble probnble line-up »w»n to ‘" taken by Mr. Wheaton's supporters Miss Georgina Bendler, domestic participate In 11 hike Sunday to th» i,„r|mer. Mr and Mrs M M. Peery. morrow's game Is: shortly Mr Wheaton Is a well-known j OILING OF STREETS IS ' science and art, $125. Mvera and Tyson park on the M e Mr and Mr„ Frank DePue. Dr. and Beeson, catch: Harper, pitch; Lewis. bug,nea8 man bere, and Is known to ENDORSED BY LIONS CLUB Physical Instructor, unfilled, limit­ K. nzle river The hoy* will leave j Mrlt 8 Kll|p n ip p .l. Mrs Grace Rob- , lat; Roof, 2nd; B. Cowart, 3rd: Has- , h(>roughly convPrR«n, wlth school ______ ed at $130. Fifth and C streets nt 9 o'clock, taking j ,,rtgi Mrs. Mary Galller, Welby Slav lings short; Pollard. Palmer and R ai­ problems and affairs, his supporters Proosed oiling of the macadamed Junior High School. their lunches with them At 11 o'clock , Elza Sutton, and Fred Cllngan ding. fielders. print out. He has lived In Springfield streets In the city was endoreed by J. O. Burcham, principal, $150. Sunday school services will be held ( ---- for many years. , the Lions club at its Friday meeting. Katherine Duncan. $115, Buys 2-Acre Tract. nt the park A part of the time will Q U A R D C O M P A N Y H O L D S Mr.». Paul Brattaln. who previously | he plan has been considered by the Marjorie Tracy, $115. he spent In trying out In va rio u s: C. W Anderson of Springfield this the schorl council as a ' means of keeping the ORGANIZATION MEETING r tm t ,, Mary E. Walker, »115. scout tests. board, ts also mentioned as a possible streets In good shape and with a min­ Jessamine Nelson. $115. Richard Harpole waa named senior] One.hundrpd per cent « ten d a n ce Gardens from John , pa’”d1dB\e " f or this year's election, imum of dust during the summer Ella Lombard, »115. patrol leader at n meeting of ‘ho | inarkpd tb0 first m eeting of the Mr Anderson Is moving Immediately | w t h {he p,ecUon the ,epm 0, chair- j months Elizabeth Jones, $115. American legion troop held Tuesday , Spr,n(tfleld COmpuny, Oregon National man C. A. Swarts expires. Mr. Swarts , -phe club considered the attendance Elementary Schools. 4L District Meat. night William Coz was elected loud­ Gunrd, which wob held last night at has teen quoted ns stating that he of a Springfield delegate at the con- Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway, prlncl* D. W McKinnon, local 4L secretary, i will not seek reelectlon to the posl- vention of Lions International at San pal Brattain school, $139. er of the Eagle patrol the Chnmber of Commerce. Further details of the organization were r. lli*atlend r district meeting of II at > tlon. Francisco, but left the matter over to Mrs. Elizabeth Page, $115. worked out, and the following non- organization. to be held at Wendung BUS SERVICE BY S. P. further consideration. Mrs. Crystal Male, $112.50. Aprtl I3 at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Busman Passes. Mrs. H. J. Cox gave several highly Mrs. Opal Roberts» ^11250. IS TO START FRIDAY commission«» officers were named: Daniel Taylor, staff sergeant: Charles Friends ot Mrs. John Bushman, appreclated piano selections, Ml«« Nina Boeson, $112 50. Plan Pood Sale. formerly Miss Ruth Price, were san- --------------------- - ■ Bus service between Springfield F. Beott, first sergeant; lien Davld- Mrs. Eula Montgomery, $112.50. A food sale to he held on April , 17 dened to learn of her death last Frl- Junction and Springfield Is to b e ' son, duty sergennt, r n i n i t l A N H A U X IL IA R Y Miss Alto Manning, $112.50. """ ..................... ” ------------ " " " •1 PLAN MONTHLY eiCN.CS ¿started tomorrow morning by the Thursday was chosen a« drill night "* " " oay a *' i «»ni»»u- Miss Anna Gorrte. $112.50. Southern Pacific company, following for the company, the m eetings to b e , np< ’> ° ‘ *’r ng ' 1 ' wpre held In Eugene Sunday at the 1 Miss Hazel Stephens, $112.50. same time schedule as the regu- i hold at .he Chamber of « ^ « ^ « ' r c e . a Tuesdav n igh t The pro_ Miss Mary Voris. $112.50. the Durlng the summer months, month- Bridge work | Plans were made for the organization ''PP,,R wl” hp "S£’J " ,h, npfll f° r (' Mrs. Bushpan was a former Uni- The grand total of the salaries, $38,* lar street car service, iversRv of Oregon ‘student' "and 'h a d ,* picnics are to be held by t*,i team lonni bv >. the local library. The board met Tu ’S- has advanced to a place whnro opera-] of a baseball by tbn tho rnmi»nil% compnny, 012.50, Is $762.50 smaller than the dav ntght nt the home of the presi- manv friends on .he campus. Mr. Bush the American legion and au xilary lion of ears over the span Is linpos- which probably will be In shape Io total for last year, which was $33,- man Is connected with the Springfield according to plans made by the legion slble ( participate In enmp activities tiurtog dent, Mrs. N. W. Emery. executive committee. The legion w ill, ’I® It was decided1 that the library will A 29 piiHsengor bus has arrived for ] Hummer encampment at Camp Jack- Mill and Grain company. hold two meetings, one a business be closed on Mondays until fall. ________ Hotel Registration. UHo on the run. session and the other a Joint affair ------------------------ W rist Broken In Fall. Major W. O. White of Eugene was The following parties were regis­ with the auxiliary, each month. Guest at Male H o m e-P ro f, and palling from a wagon last Thurs- present a» the meeting and expressed Scouts Study Bandaging. The drum corp« of the Eugene post tered at the Elite hotel over the Eas­ Mrs. E. J. Bonbrlght of Portland were (lay Mrs p*. W. Matthews of Plens- his nppreclnt'on of the Intrest shown Tlandaglng wus taken up by the will give the program at the Ameri­ ter week-end: Mr. and Mrs. G. L. guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. M Male art HUI fractured both bones In her Brewer of Fall Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Lions club scout troop at a meeting by the new company. ' Saturday. Mrs. Male and Mrs. Bon­ right wrl®t. She was brought to can legion night at the Bell theatre E. A. Blew and daughter of Portland; held In the office of Dr. W. C. Rehhan for April. It Is planned. Dates and brlght are cousins. j Spr'ngfleld for treatment. Thurston Teachers Get Offers. Monday evening. Tho Instruction was further details are to be announced J Howard of Fall Creek; E. S. Bos- I*rlnclpnl A. H. Pengrn andi Miss german and family of Oakridge; Wal­ g'v