» PAGE SEVEN THK 8PRJN0FL3LD NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 1. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 1 Wn»t of the Willamette Meridian.' HEALTH BOARD ENDORSES ly ng North of Little Fall Creek, all SPRING CLEAN-UP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That In Lane County, State of Oregon. 1 With spring come* bouxe cleaning. on the 30th -lay of March, A. D.. 192«, S h e r i f f U h ? C ^ nty^ O re. “O e M - p " cam paign, are now In or- It. D. W Ison was appointed adminis­ trator of the estate of Lizzie M Wil­ Ml825 A1816'der. It I* an excellent plant to have son, deceased, by the County Court ot ■ 1. -1 ...— the street*, alley* and yard* cleaned Lane County. Oregon. All person* hav­ IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR i especially In the spring, hut the ben«- ing claim* against -aid estate are re­ quired to prese-nt them duly verified, LANE COUNTY IN 'I HE STATE OF i of the clean up will depend en t’ as by law required, to said adminis­ IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOP- y upon tbt! effort8 of In'Hviduals to trator _____ _____________ at the law off tee of Alta King, TION OF VENUS PATTERSON keeP «P work during the entire *,,, Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon; SPEED year. To maintain healthy, sanitary within six month* from thl* data. ORDER FOR HEARING. condition* either for the Individual Dated March 30, 192« Thl* (b matter coming Marjorie on for hearing .. ^'""hunlty _ , Reed baby upo„ S p e e d or thw d o e. not require a l f ^ Late at of first publication April 1, FOR SALE. FOR HALE- Sturgis« FOR' SALK Good r»« Id once ot; Co­ Seed Corn. Mliimeota Number 1« ALTA KING, Attorney for estate. buggy, hot bearing*. good shup -. | praying for the adoption of a fom ale| g ,,'at *'f‘ort- but 11 doea f«f« » at «tnt ■Iduwulk. Inquire New« of- | r D. WILSON. Administrator E. A. FumsworCh nt MHI and J child of the age of about six -months ot morlly. al kind* of eerond band furniture n o tice ok h ea r in g of fin a l in the Name of the State of Ore- M 11 18 25 A 1 the father of said child are unknown , 7 1 — . . ACCOUNT and Implement*. J. K Greer, I "hone and that there Is no way of ascertain- ! Thera '» nothing more expensive U , gon. you are her hy cited and requis A iffT B ilff'b r N W Emery Notice I* hereby given that the Eugene 1(03 Ing who Is the mother of said child the community than filth and dlsean.-. cd to appear jn the oui y^ on price* on plate and other work A favorable sentiment toward het- ^ • ^ ^ t h T c ^ r t ^ m S or who Is her next kin and that the M IN ; M 4 undersigned admlnlatrator of the es tale of John M McCormick, deceaaed F'-jt 8AIJC—r’arhon paper In large Court should proceed herein as ter living and health has grown in at EnKene, In the County of L""" ha* field hie account for the final hand must he h o l d sheets, 2«x39 Inches, suitable far though said chf d had no parent liv­ this state until now there Is In a -1 Monday the Fifth day of April. 192«. ■eltlement of the said estate In the ing. and no guardian or next of kin making tracings. The New* Offlea In this state, most every community a clean up at Ten o’clock in the forenoon of that Will aacriflca hlgn-graile piano In County Court for Lane County In the NOW THEREFORE It Is hereby spirit. An ennual clean-up doe* not , then and there to show cause. If ttaraan near here for Immediate State of Oregon, and that Saturday ordered that the Hon ¡ \ P . " „ u f t o a n y more for a than any you have, whv an order .hould •ale Will give easy term* to an «a- the third day of A prl, 192«, at the NOTICE TO CREDITORS Court Room of said Court In th* be and he la hereby appointed to act - ' 7 1 not he made authorizing and directing IS HEREBY u OIVEN that __next friend of the said child In , 8 7early bath would for a clean In-; tabllahed butne For full particular* County Court House, In Eug-ne. Ore-1 NOTICE 1 1 ■> , ,a iVh.N mat executors of said estate to self at «on. .1 ten o'clock In the forenoon.1 ”7 " . ap5*>, I 1 n‘ed and where piano may be aeen, ad- the above entitled matter and that dividual. Regular Inspection of the private sale the following described has been by said Court fixed as the " i? “'°A * ° o R,,?a he may give or wlthold his c o n sen t: milk and meat supplies, restaurants real property belonging to said estate, dre»« Portland Mualc Co. 317 «th St., lim e and place for hearing objection, ' , by A to such adoption In loco parentis; 1 and go()a fonntalng )g necessary to to-wlt: Portland, O n MIK; Al thereto and for final aetttoment of haT,n(t c° Im. and It la further ordered that a c o p y B e g i n n i n g at the Southwest corner of said petition and of this order be ln"“r* 8“d e'e™ ^ 8 The n „on. h - said estate. I »state are required to present them served upon the unknown parents o f,streeU , a'leys and backyards should Section 18. . p ' wlrtf»«- THOMAS B !(cCORMJCK. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER­ with the proper vouchers to the un­ derslgnnd at th- law office, of Pot- i W k4 ford, deceased. All persons having o'clock In the forenoon of said day. yards should be removed at leas: teT ot ,h e channel of Bll Hays Creek: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, N W H ; W H S W U N W H ; KH 8E U claims agalnrt said estate ara here-, Notice | , hereby given, and the tw ice a week, as they are the prlnel-, cbann®’ 88 Dated March 6th, 192« „ . . .. , , _ . . 'North 8 degrees 20 minutes; W est N W 1* and E% NEt»8W t*. Section 23. by notified to present the same duly , Common Council of the Town of C. P. BARNARD. pal breeding places of the fly. L lrn ej, » , chalng. North , 2 degrees 42 min- Tp 15 S Rang- 9 Weal. W M . within verified, and wiL. the proper vouch Springfield doe* hereby declare Its County Judge. Is one of the cheapest disinfectants utes W est 9.09 chains; Sonth 73 de­ the Slualaw National Foreat, for the ers. to the ssld Administrator at the ( intention, and does hereby declare IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR I for general use, and shou d be liber- grees 30 minutes W est 3 21 chains; Timber on the 8W<4 SW t». Section law office of Gordon 8 W e ll In the I it to be expedient, that a concrete 37. Town«hlp 10 8 . Rang-- I K«»l \V Court Houae at Eugene, O regon,! pavement be constructed In the alley LANE COUNTY IN THE STATE OF a]iy used In the disinfection of man­ North 45 degrees 45 minutes Wert M , within the Caacade National For- within six months of the date of the between Main and North A street OREGON ure grounds, garbage cans and the 5.91 cha ns; North 77 degrees W est 2. 27 chains; North 44 degree? 30 min­ <»t first publication of this notice ¡from 3rd street to 4th street, and | IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOP­ like. Precautions taken against flies utes W est 1.52 chains; North 5 de­ The purpoae of thl* notice la to al­ Date of the first publication of this ] from 4th street to 6th street, and the TION OF VENUS PATTERSON now will save endless work and wor­ gree» East 1.74 chains North 2« de­ low all person* claiming the lend* se­ notice is March 4. 192« property abutting said proposed pave­ SPEED. lected. or having bona fide objection* grees West 1.97 chains; North 83 ry later on. PETITION. JAMES RUTHERFORD. ment and liable for said Improvement Io *uch application, an opportunity to Marjorie Speed respectfully repre­ Take pride In the general appear degrees 15 minutes W est 4 85 chains; Administrator of the Estate of being deacrlbed a* follows, to-wlt: North 146 chains; North 24 degree« f i r their prote»la with the Reglgter Nancy J. Rutherford. deceas«-d. Lot« humberlng from one (1) to sents to the Court as follows: ance of your community, and keep 30 minutes East 144 chains; North and Receiver o fthe United Statea That she is an unmarried woman M 4111826; A eight (8i Inclusive In block No. Six your own place continually cleaned I-«nd Office at Roaeburg, Oregon. Any 62 degrees W est 4.46 chains; North («I. and lots numbering from one of the age of thirty-two years; that auch protests nr objection* must he 11) to eight (8), Block No. Thirty- she Is a resident of Lane County, up. Remember general cleanliness is 43 degrees 30 minutes W est 4.73 filed In thl* office within thirty day* Phone Re» 101-J Office 73-J five (351, both h o ck s being In extend­ Oregon and that her permanent ad- an outward indication of sanitation, chains; North 79 degrees W est 7.35 from the date of flrat publication of dress is No. 1307 15th avenue East cheapest advertise- ' ba ¿?ortb ,45 de8T7 ’ ™ ™lnutea ed survey, Springfield, Oregon. F, H. WALKER Eugene in said County and State. . W est 5.88 chains; North 2« degrees thia notice, which flrat publication I* , Sealed bids will be received by the in That Auto T ru ck T ransfer Venus Speed is a , ment your community can have. We*t 3.82 chains; North 34 degrees March 4. 192« * C'ty Council to ana and inciu Including ncu up io am gi -----■ - Patterson ----- House Hold Goods. Baggogo, East 4 40 chains: then co W est 4.2« April 10th, 192«. for t-he constructing ; female ohild now of the age of about I non-coal chaina to the Northwest com er of A Sure Sign. Merchandise Moving o f said pavement according to t h e , six months whose parentage is un-, HAMTI.L A CANADAT, »knowrn and who 1« now in the care! •'This restaurant must be a safe the Sootheast Qnarter of the North- Register plans and ap«»c I first Iona outlined by I*" cu * ody of this petitioner and Office at 311 Main 8t. M 4111835 A7 west Quarter of said Section 18; o*v4 in a >1 I rt city F for ew* •(*»* , ordinance of *> said the (***41*4. build-1 I anil a mother' Jen Veve Speed at the. P|ace ‘o dlne- r. -» thence South 2 (4 9 dhains; thience Ing of pavement, and according to V «¡yen address, and has been '«Why?" , W est 20.1« chains to the quarter cor- the «perm eations of the city snrvey « , cu, to<, y g(nCe the o r as rra d e s and M lin e * C o n •..*«•»«. tra c to r i ,D lu SUt 11 "•™ .---- - __ vhen P-IlP There s the proprietor eating at ner on tbe W est ine of said section lev* • • to a^v-.zl«. oa^m to furnish all material for building 8th ^ / “¿ . ^ b ^ ^ p a r i ’^ o r parties, “ lable OTer there ” 118; thence Sonth 4088 chaina t# • parties, a—* *»,—!■*, ii r— i—■ 1 | wn* "^"""'the“ u pc _ ____ inn the the Veae-« -R eBst ,, gi^tin— place of beginn.ng containing I ■ said par-m ent. and furnish ■ all I abor petitioner’ or . her mo- R*uiew Reviewing Y e a r’s F ic tio I n tbe ., lln connection with the building of tbf.r on , hp Teranda of petitioner's Nursery Rhymes by Mother Goose, 270.27 acres In Lane County, State HOUSE PAINTING of Oregon: excepting therefrom th» ¡said pavement, and do all excavating homp ,E Eug,,n,. Oregon at about —Very Childish. Trt*-l*’>t»oai Offloa «M Haa 207« K alto m ln lng In all Its Branches. or filling In connection with bringing the hour of four o'clock A. M. of following described premises, to-wlt: Congressional Record by A. Sena- C ity or Country W o rk. Lowest the surface to grade according to the] Beginning at a point 2S rods North “ “ kno“w »mi’h as'ro viTy'o"ascertain t o r - P o t slow but bloodcurdling. Rec plans of the city surveyor. of the Southwest corner of the South­ Prices. Every Job Q uirsntood. Bidders will specify the price per' “u‘ rhil(i ommendfd for children, east Quarter of the Northwest Quan- Osteopathy stAixb U>r the G iva ms a tria l. cubic mrd for snob pavem ent, also in*t who -s ?f 8a!d ™ ? T„ , . nhrt„o n , u Telephone Directory by Belle Svs ,er of Section 18. Townshir 17 South tmfh w I h w p v w k kt suteatl- ROY K O C H , Sprlngflsld, Oregon. the price p. r cubic yard for excavating That the p etition « herein is of Range 6. West W ’llam ette M-ri- teacherJn, the■public 8ch"?,a n»f ,; m- To° man’'' ^ " rafters in p lot.ifl,an ConntT prPaon. nm. flcnlly provon. Phono 125 J or filling In bringing the surface of OrteopaMUc Phyaleian and B u r Rv^to bring up ■.«» thé =<•-. sai l — child and Author has fine head for mathemat- j n in(t thence East to the center of the said alley to grade. nnn» uu — ___ aWe n -uriure a tu r e and and "due,.- •« - - »«treem known as » , "Bill "Rtn Hays H nv. Creek" c„ek- Bidders will 4 so specify the price mrnlsh i.L .-i.h . sn“ ’“'»We -du, -.- I« ¡stream known B U Y F U R N IT U R E H E R E Dictionary by W eb ster^ P erfect' thence Northwesterly up said stream per cubic yard of Vlhrollthic concrete , thprefor and that it Is her dd- Of Wee 404 M A. W. Bujg.. pavernent of six («) inches In thick- ’ 'on »“ertrvr » as her own. English. Author Jumps from one su b ,! tbe W es‘ Iine of ’ a’d Southeast Enonne. Oregon Rocker*, Beds, Mattrsssee. Stove*. n»*««. or common concrete pavement Hire to ; dopt » ’ ' {*», h r n'w î ° .......... , QUarter cf Northwoet O'iartar of Osteopathy stands for the truth of « e o n (7) inchoa in thicknew. That Petitioner her Ject to another too often. No plot. said Seetion 18: th€nce South t0 the T ub *, Stove Board*, C lo th e* wherevrt It Is ic l.-n tlftra lly I council reserve» the right to reject ther and that ne. sa < • • * Census Reports— (Anonymrtus)T\>o nlace of beginning, contain*!)? four Baake*«. all bids I»?. a88‘8‘ h‘ r >n rarln* ror 9a,a much drtail. Author very nosey. Sex acres, more or less. In Lane County, proven Wm. O O NALOSO.v NEW AND ISth child. , . . , Bfd- will be opened April ! Oregon SECO ND H A N D 8 T O R E 1192« Bidders are rcqulr- I to deposit That if the petit o w r he '2."'n^n t I W itness, the Hon. C. P Barnard, in check for nt least 5% of the amount IO adopt sa.d c h il. t t • Income Tax Report by U. Ann Mee ' j Vftt e of tbe County Court of the i of price hidden ns a guarantee o’ sire to name h< r Venus Patterson —f b e best piece of fiction of the S tst° of Oregen. for thr County of ¡good fn th. ssld deposit to he returned Speed In the place of whatever un- }.par HprQ g happv go ,ucky ,,ar whp ' T.ane nnd th" Sea, of **id Court here- Contracting and Building Call to bidder If bid Is rejected known name she may have n:l(1 to affixed, this Second day of March, GEO. W. PERKINS 22 That your petitioner doe» not gives most of his income to churches, t Passed bv the Council March Corner 5th and D St-roets know and has no way of ascertaining Finally, on March 15th. he swindles , f®-«- SUTTON TRANSFER 192«. T Î? ___________ a i . ° L ' ^ . r WHEREFORE your petitioner prays eorder. City Hall. Sprf Your Building. M 25 A 1 for an order and decree permitting . b*r to adopt the said infant female NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON child and that from the d ate. .,ba GEO.. N, M cL E A N DR. N. W. EMERY EXECUTION. said order and decree that au d ehild Automobile, Fire and Life Notice Is hereby given that by vir- shall be for a 1 legal Intents and pur- D E N T IS T IN S U R A N C E tue of an execution nnd order of sale poses the child of the petitioner, and # . Surety Bonds,. Phone 6 ,7 Button Bldg. Phon* 20-J Is,ued out of the Circuit Court of the further that the Court decree that / \ | \ 'I (-O ^ T Y l i r l i r i i ? State of Oregon, for Lane Iuine County, on the said *alti child's child s name be chang 1 J J f t/O V i l l l O* 41 I Stale My butlner, Is to protect your Residenco Phone 153 M thi- ,3th dav of March. ,926. upon a from whatever name may have b"en business Springfield, Oregon 860 W illa m e tte St. Eugene Oregot^i Judgment rendered In said Court on given her. if any. by her unknown So changed w ere tbe floors that Mrs. the 17th day of February. 192«, In a parents, to Venus Patterson Speed Spurlin;’., back from a w eek’s \ • to suit w herein Wlll'am Taylor and and Ihnt a certificate be granted Pearl Taylor. Husband and Wife, thereof. Your petitioner further prays the city, could hardly believe it was her 33 w ire plaintiff*, and Newton Jasper that the Hon. C. P. Barnard, Judge VASBY BROS. ow n house. Jim had had Frank Lovejoy, Cnsnor, W’llinm C. Rehhan and ,,f the above e n tiled Court, he ap- the painter, flef busy with A circ Quality Georg" 1 llur ey wi re defendants, pointed to net In the«e proceedings Painting & Decorating Your Home When In the plaintiffs recovered judgment n,.xt friend of said dbild and to i Floor Paint and Varnish. The floors in all Its branches against defendant Newton Jasper give or wlthold his consert to such were re f iiished and beautified. In fact, Springfield Cosner for the sum of 82154.39. to adoption in loco parentis in accord- 312 Main Street all the woodwork smiled a welcome. And Mrs. S. said if hear Interest nt 7r' per annum, the anCP wuh provisions of section 9831 ot a week and a little Ac/ne Qua y could make such a differ­ further sum of 8100 attorney fee, nnd Cregon Lnws; and that the Court or­ 814.00 coats and disbursements, with der notice to he given to the unknown ence, she’d go away again and not come back for a month. accruing costs; also decree of fo™-j rarentH ()f sai,i child of the hearing en su re of the mortgage given to se- horeon by publication. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL jewei br cure the note upon which said Jtidg MARJORIE SPEED. DENTIST Petit'oner. mpn, wn* based, nga'nnt nil the dp-1 Repairing a Specialty femlnnt« nnd order for the sale of the Sfftte p{ OrcRon | Springfield, Oregon Phone 43 lands in said mortgage and herein- gg after d f erlbed to satisfy said Judg- j Countv of ja n e F lra t N a t i Bank Bldg., Sprlngflald ment. with Interest, costs nnd t xpen , Marjorie Speed, being first duly t see of sale. sworn, depose and say that 1 am the. R. W. SMITH NUW THEREFORE, pursuant *«’ . p,,tlt|onpr |n the above entitled mat- » -J sn ld execution nnd order of sale, 1 j tcr nnd ,hn, the foregoing petition This Acme Quality Paint and Varnish Service Station JuRtlce of the peace nnd i will. o*i Saturday, the 17th day of Is true as I verily believe. is local headquarters for cheerfully given advice on all notary public, Insurance WM. G. HUGHES Subscribed nnd sworn ,o before me, > April. 192«. nt one o'clock in the nfter- paint m atters—and for Acme Quality Products. See us. F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E j noon nt the Southwest door or main this sixth day of March, ,92«. L L RAY. ’ entrance to the Coiinly Courthouse City Hall Springfield, Oregon N O T A R Y PUBA-IC Notary Public for Oregon. | In Eugene. Oregon, offer fort sale nnd , OfRce at sell at publie nuetlon for cash in My commission expires June 15, 1926 ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK [h a n d , to the highest bidder, «ib ject State of Oregon sa. SgrlngAoM, Oregon f r,.,jPniption ns provided by law. «11 the right, tl« e. interest and estate County of I-ane 1, I,. L. Ray attorney for the peti-, ■iof nil ssld defendants In nnd to the All kinds of grave, for eot»- i lands in said mortgage described to- ttoner In the above entitled matter. | do hereby certify that the foregoing, FRANK A. DE PUE orete or road work. We ' wit; ATTORNEY AT LAW The Northwest fourth of ,he North. copy of order and petition is a true , make a specialty of crushed ! east quarter of Seetion 34. Township and correct copy of the originals rock and rock'sand. Bunk­ i NOfANY PUBLIC , ,R South. Range 1 West of the Wil­ thereof and of the who e thereof. Dated thi* eighth day of March ers at foot of Main on Mill lamette Meridian. Containing 40 acres, Button Sprlngflald street. and all ,hn, pnrt of the Sonlhwest 1***' L. T. RAT Buldllng Osage*. fourth of the Northeast qnarter oí HENRY W, CHASE, Prop. .« .ii-« .V - A U IW A I, section 34, Township 18 Booth, fUnga B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Dr .Join Simons o u v d u o “The Loop D. W. Roof . SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. ACM E Q U ALITY Paint»*1 Varnish Wright & Son