PAOB SIX T I U ’RHDAY. A P ItIL 1. 1 l»2f. Ti-iK á P K lN U H K U i N KW 8 --------------------- Ready-To-Wear for Women and Children - : s ------------------- ■>. » W HERE Dry Goods— Notions Women and Children DM you ever step Into a store where cheerful­ ness and friendliness permeated the atm os­ phere* This is typica of Pilcher's. Our clerks are always ready to render a cheerful and helpful service. We would like to number you among our custo­ mers M EETS We have received loads of new spring merchandise to outfit ycu for Easter. I Train Changes Made. Several changes in Southern Pacific train times were ordered during the as- week, accord'ng to Agent fa r ' Olson. Train No. 18. which has been leaving Eugene at 7:30 P. M. will now leave at 7:30 o’clock for Portland. Tra n No 92 on the Oakridge branch now leaves Railhead at 11:30 Instead of 12:36, and leaves Oakridge at 72 r,n o’clock, reaching Eugene at 3 P M Buttar wrappers printed according with name, weigh’ an 1 ddresfl. $1 26 a hundred at th‘- N' ws office. to r gufnttona Young Wire Afraid I Shoes Furnishings Hitt« — Cape E V E R Y TH IN G for Mon nnd Boys Everyone can be taken care of with the Our Silk Department Offers You the Latest Spring Frocks Beautiful new dresses of Georgette*. Cantons. Taffetas, Flat Crepes, Crepe Romaine and Crepe Satin. In Two-Piece Effects— Flares, and Straight Lines Sizes 13 to 52 $ 8 90 $1075 Printed Silk Georgettes and Crepe de Chinee, 40 inches wide, yard $ 2 .4 9 Georgette and Crepe de Chine, All Colors, 40 inches wide, prr yard $ 1 .8 9 Printed Silk Mixed Crepes, 36 inches wide, pW yard $24H 89c And Up Others to >69.75 Printed Tub Silks, 36 inches wide, par yard Sport Coats Novelty weaves, plaids, checks and plain colors ! r Quality Footwear for Women and Chiidren Women's Slippers Growing girls' patent and tan one-strap s Ipper. Blond trim, low heels, sizes 2V4 to $ 1 .8 9 Cooke’s Flat Crepe. Guaranteed Washable, 40 inches wide, i»-r ynrd $12.75 to $19.75 Personality Quality Shoes C lo t h e s Pilcher’s Ixiw Price $ 3 .9 8 Men's Oxfords Pilcher’s Low Price Black and tnn oxfords and Shoes, writ »<] rs— $29Z! Women's Slippers Pilcher’s Ixiw I Vice $ 4 .9 8 Men’s Staple Suits Pilcher’s Low Price Men's Oxfords Men’s Nunn • Hush Oxfords III grade shoes—combination lasts— For The Conservative Dresser $ 3 .9 8 Buckle pumps and one-strap Spanish and Cuban heels— Pilcher’s Ixyw ITice In Gray’s Browns and Blue. Regular, slims, stouts and stubs. No m atter how hard you are to fit, you will find a suit here for you— Boys’ Oxfords Pilcher’s Low Price Tan Oxfords. A good wearing shoe. All sixes— Pilcher’s Low Price $4 9 8 $ 7 .9 0 Pilcher’s I xjw Price $ 2 4 1 ! to $ 3 7 ! 2 $ 2 .9 8 Blond Kid Boys' Oxfords One-strap trimmed with sau­ turn and parchment with 18-8 covered Cuban heel— $3 49 $14.75 to $22.50 Children's Patent One-strap, cut-out. Sizes 8*4 to 11%— Youth's Oxfords Tnn oxfords, welt sole, broad balloon toes. Sizes It Io 2— Pitcher's Low Price Pilcher’s Low Price Student's Suits $ 1 .9 8 $ 2 .4 9 Boys’ 4-Piece Suits Just Like Dad's Keds Pilcher’s Low Prices Youth’s Inii'-to-ton crip e sole shoes, Sizes 11 to 2— $ 1 4 . 7 $ to $ 1 6 . 7 5 $ 6 .9 0 " $ 1 4 .7 5 Single and double KAPILCHER CO Stamped Linen Sets 9«6 W illam etta Buffet Sets Vanity Sets Lunch Sets {Department Stures Larwway •n ild ta f Across from Rex Theater k $ 3 .2 9 Dress the boy up for Easter In a Pilcher suit. Home with two pair of long pants, others with one pair knickers and one pair longies— .Vith two pair of long panjs. breasted models— Pilcher’s Ix>w Price 3 9 c to $ 1 . 3 9 Pilcher’s Ix iw Price Light and Dark Patterns $ 7 .9 0 Misses Patent Writ sol« tan oxfords, but loon tor s » zex 2*4 to 6*4— Top Coats For Spring Pilcher’s Low Price Tan and Black oxfords. Sizes 11*4 to 2— Tan Oxfords, writ soles. r moves OAS ard often brings sur­ prising relief to the stomach. Stop* th at full, bloated feeling. Remove, old waslp matter from inter/inee and makes you feel happy and bungrr Excellent for obstlrate constipation hing Clothing Boys newest in style and quality merchandise that can be depended on to give you real values for money expended. Fashion’s Latest The leg that was injured was the same that was broken several years ago, when Bosserman was hurt at s:w Har work. Richard Duplex of Eugene was burnt about the arms and face while working at the Eugene Water board's project in the vicinity of Hayden bridge Monday. Inflammable materia, caugfct fire at the workings, and Dup- lex attempted to roll two cans of gas­ oline away from _the blaze. In doinz this h-“ went too near the fire and was burned. He was brought to Springfield an J tr a te d here, but will be able to get back to work soon. S N Sweeney of Springfield Jure- tie - rrn a '•T'lln'<‘t In his arm Sa’ urday when he fell across a loz wh'l" rrnn'nc down a hill tr the dark Io the v'cln ity of h's home Th-> Injurv Is not expected to prove serious. FS ling on a jazr«*d knot on a log Clifford Smith of Marcola sustained a painful wound In his right thigh wfc'le work’ng for the Fisher Log­ ging e'-mranv The Jagged points of the broken knot penetrated the fle«h t o a depth of two inches. Smith was rushed to a local physician for treat­ ment -hortly after the accident. Mrs. A. J. Ervin of W alterville call­ ed at a physician's off'ce here Fri­ day for treatment of on° of her hand t wh'ch was badly bruised when a win­ dow fell on it. Don Gillespie on Sunday gashed or» of his hands on a license plate while crankfng a car. A. C. Petticord sustained a cut lip i while working at the mill oa 9a>. tirday. < For Every Member of the Family IN ODD ACCIDENTS Perhaps the most serious mishap occurred Sunday, when Carl Bosser- man of Springfield sustained a brok­ en ankle, internal Injuries, and miner bruises while working at the Booth- Kelly Lumber company mill here. Bosserman was carrying a heavy Hock, and fell, the pulley falling on top of him. At first It was not known that he was seriously hurt, but a phy. sician's examination proved that his ankle had been broken and other In­ juries sustained, and he was rushed to the Eugene hospital for treatment thing Mon'e Clothing EASTER APPAREL MANY ARE INJURED Seven persons were injured in as many accidents of various kinds in this district during the past week, according to reports given out at the tocal offices of physicians. C O N F ID E N C E S h o p p in g N e w s A Complete Department Store Instinctively, we all like the fel­ low who knows our menu». On thfc' baii<- w* are *11 g.'ibg to tike Pau! Robinson becauev, starting thia week, he is every week going to picture for us -he trials and hu­ man weaknesses of our fnenda right here in this community in his new comic strip, “The Purdy*. ' it is Hist an average American bon e wing pa, ma, grandpop, ter and the kid brother. It’s ip-stick. Instead, real hu- terest situations' Read -r h e every week in this paper. Q U A L IT Y L C H E R 'S Shoes Millinery For Cheerful Service WrH'JriMBRBI w here Pilcher’s Low Price 98c Silk Drapes Blue and Roso Combination mid Bcru Silk Gauze— 42-lnch Width m e e t s ^coÑyipKgrcE F ir n e r v e Drug store. 1 ped yard 69c