re­ times but ▼•ry seldom. Under the RULE CHANGES NOT * time« T n Ar r r p T nD Pr.D K J n‘ w n jlln i It could happen, whereat TO AFFECT OREGON w)th dut#||ce u TOWN AND VICINITY C h « M H s re — V I». Chase of Camp Creek was here Monday. C e d a r F la t V is ito rs — llarvey Con ley. Mrs Pat Conley wer» here from Cotlar Flat Tu<-s(luy, Return H om e-M r anil Mr«. H F. Clarke early liila week after a viali at Mount Hood Here front Thurston— Mia. John I'rire, of Thurston. was In town for u abort lime Tuesday. Harria Vialla John Harria, l'Ina x ant Hilt «umher, vlsltn l Hprlnxtlcll nn hualrwaa Tip mlay. a ltru i1.500,000 made available I from the sinking tund of the veteruns' , t tate aid fund, to be lent to the tarrn- « rs for the purchase of grain for re- feeding areas upon which the growing I crops were frozen out during the wln- lli-r of 1924-1925, an aggregate of 2398,- I I31J9 was lent to 536 farmers of six i «unties in eastern Oregon In 1925 by he state board of control. Of the total »mount lent. >389.928.59 hus been re­ paid on the principal and flO.6ul.22 hud been collected In Interest to .Jan­ uary 1. 1926. h aving u balance of 126,- 6u2 80. outstanding on the principal of the loans on that date. The more or less unpleasant taste prevalent in the City w ater during the past few days is due to stagnation in the mill race which In turn is due to low w ater in the Willam­ ette river. This <»>ndltlon is being corrected as rapidly as possible by dredging with a donkey engine at the intake of the race. The chlorine feed rate has been continued ab- solutelpy normal during this period. A sample of w ater was sent to .1. E. Simmons. Bacteriolo­ gist nt O. A. C., on Monday, March 29th. Reports by tele­ phone this morning indicate the w ater to be absolutely tree from disease forming bacteria, and entirely safe for drinking purposes. BMMMMNMMBRMRMBgMMRgMBIRMElIHgXMMNMMWMktMgSITTBanKWrilSFA« This $16552 p*evceen Italian D ining G roup Our Special Backache Plaster They are guaranteed to reach and relieve deep- seated soreness or irrita ­ tion of the nerves. Price 50c f More Impressive in Style, Surely greater in value. s? Six foot Extension Table, Five Side Chairs and Carver Now $13859 This group is one of unusual design and distinctive in ap­ pearance. The table has selected Walnut veneers on top— decorative skirt, cut corners and heavy 6-leg base of turned and fluted stock. The chairs have scroll panel backs, with good grade tapestry seats. Other individual pieces can be secured to match the above group. $84 Buffet $69.50 $59.50 China $49.50 $38.50 Server $32.50 Convenient Terms Without Interest ^/ETH ERBSE - PO V /F^S Visit Our Bargain Basement Visit our new home, 11th at Willamette Special Value 30x3’ j PATHFINDER OVERSIZE CORD $11.30 Notice to Water Users Mountain States Power Co. cure Is one of ■i rogg — 7-Tsrt- •• HIGH QUALITY TIRES For Every Purse and Purpose 3Cx3 PATHFINDER FABRIC _______ $8.00________ 3Cx3’/, PATHFINDER CORD $10.25 25x4.40 PATHFINDER BALLOON $14.05 32x4 PATHFINDER S. S. CORD $19.20 32x4’/, PATHFINDER CORD $23.75 33x5 PATHFINDER CORD $31.50 33x3’/ a PATHFINDER FABRIC $0.05 You’ll Get This Service FR E E We’ll see that the tiro you buy from us is prop­ erly applied and correct­ ly inflated. Then we'll in­ spect it from time to time and apply conser­ vation measures to pro­ long its life. Our service cuts tire costs. You can get the famous, nationally known Path­ finder Tires now in Clinchers, Straight sides and Balloon sizes. They’re big, burly, handsome tires— made in the world s largest tire factory and backed by a stand ard guarantee of quality. They’re tires that we are proud to recommend and sell. Whether your size is listed here or not we’ve got it— at a money saving price. W E ALSO SELL G O O D Y E A R TIRES AND T U B E S DANNER MOTOR CO. Ford Garage F ifth and A Sts. Springfield, O regon