The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 01, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    THURSDAY. APRIL I. 11*26
T im
Lane County Farmers Union News
Community News
A progressive corn farm er ticca not
C W. Allen. Vida, »»resident
p lan t the nubbins left In his crib after
W I Seals, Eugene, Vlce-l*resl- •
he has fed o r sold the bulk or his crop
durin g the w inter. He has long since
B etty M K appauf. Cottage Grove •
U the eleventh annual convention
learn ed the value of good seed corn
S ecretary -T reasu rer.
The sam e farm er, on the o th er hand,
W alter M organ. Cresw ell, Conduc • of the Lane County C hristian Kndeav-
' or. held at C ottage Grove lu-t week
doe« not alw ays use equally good Ju.’g
jneni in selecting seed for his potato .1
II. H Smith, Eugene, Doorkeep- • end, Allan P W heeler ef P leasant
p a tc h ‘ Too often he plants the culls
i r.
• II 11 was elected president and M!-«
end inferior potatoes which are left In
O. L. C lem ent, W a torville. Chap- • Lottie llen d sh ad ler chq rm an of the
th e bin a fte r th e good ones have been
• p rayer m eeting com m ittee
The Pleasant Hill C hristian Em
sold or oaten. He has not learned the
«leaver »octety w ent In a body to the
value of good seed potatoes.
'c o u n ty Endevor m eeting at C ottage
"T he first requirem ents In good seed j
Grove Sunday afternoon and «'veiling
p otatoes," says W illiam S tu art, potato |
The ''H ole N utty Fam ily." will en
sp ecialist of the U nited S tates D epart­
tertain at a April fool p arty T hursday
m en t of A griculture, “Is th at th ey bo
Oregon farm ers who use th e swil night at the home of Miss L ottie
as free as possible from disease, at
least of those diseases which can not pail for feeding calves or who hang Bend shadier.
FYI. nils of Mr and Mrs II J Bng
be destroyed through treatm en t in th e pall on a post betw een feedings
e ith e r th e hot o r cold corrosive subli­ w ithout w ashing It will soon be look­ llsh. who form erly lived at P leasant
m a te o r ft'rm alln aolutlotia,' Good ing for a cure for calf scours, accord- Hill, will be in terested to know th a t
a re ag„ |n at th eir hom e In I.eb
Se-xl h e says, m ust also possess food Ing to th e experim ent station, T h -
vigor, high productive capacity, and d irty calf pall Is one of the chief anon a fte r having spent five weeks
be tru e to nam e and to type of v arie­ causes of scours. Palls wash««d thor at the hem e of Mr. and Mrs T -ddy
ty. W hile such factors as th e p re p a ra ­ oughly a fte r each feeding and sterll- Twavitt at Newburg. Oregon.
Mr. and Mr*. E B T in k er m otored
tion of th e land. Its fertilisation, th e , ixed eith er with steam , o r scalding
p ro p er spacing of th e seed piecee. and j
«»d Inverted in a clean pro to W llam m lna ami Salem T uesday
th e cultural care given th e growing tected place until tim e to use them visiting d ifferen t poultry ranches.
T he freshm an reception will be
cro p have an Im portant b earing on again wilt elim inate th is factor as
th e yield, none, he says, if of snch a cause of scours W arm w eather given Friday. April 2
T he m usical stu d en ts of Mrs Bell«
prim e im portance as the ch aracter m akes this precaution very neces­
Wkmnter and the student« of oratory
of th e seed.
Few persons who have not a suf- will give a point recital at the Pleas
P erh ap s th e best way for th e aver­
age f a r m r potato grow er to he as fletent acreage of legume hay th ere ant m u high arbool S aturday n lih t
•tired of good seed Is to purchase is still time to plant oats and C anad­ April S.
E rn est Schrenk received a ship
“certified seed." T here is abundant ian field peas. In w estern Oregon the
evidence th a t certified seed is im w hite C anadian v ariety has been vary rnent of 1000 baby chicks last week
proved seed, and th at It will yield good, while in e a ste rn Oregon C arle­
m uch more th an common o r uncer­ ton and Kal.ier have been p artic u la r-1
tified seed. R eports to th e d e p a rt­ ly good. In some warm sections like
m ent from a n u m b er of experim ent Douglas county and oth er southern
Miss Mildred P rice spent W«dnes
Stations in the U nited S tates and counties, and also in some of the
C anada, based on 11.827 test show an Snake riv er valley and the Columbia day In L ea^urg. the guest of Mrs. A1
ac tu a l increase o f 48.4 bushels per riv er val ey sections w here th e ele-j b erta W eaver.
P erry P rice and Jay G rant, «'ho ar
a cre for certified seed over u n certi­ vation is low and th e growing seaaoa]
atten d in g O A. C. at Corvallis, «pent
fied seed. Individual teet showed an
Losses of sheep and lam bs are pre several days li\p t wepk at 'h e ir h «m
In crease of as much as 219 bushels
p er acre hv th e use of certified seed vented by avoiding a reas Infest« »1 here. It being th e ir spring vacation
Mr Z tcgtler left for Canada Iasi
Increased yield Is not the only fav­ with d ath eam as. som"'ln"«-s railed
orable resu lt from the use of »ich "lobelia" In Oregon. All p arts of th • Monday to lock at hl« property there,
geed. says Mr. S tu art. The crop from p lan ts are poisonous especially the hla fam ily »11 rem ain here. He >x
good seed will invariably grade a high­ bulbs which are pulled up and eaten pects to be gone m ost of the sum ­
er p -r cent of No. 1 stock than will by the sheep The experim ent station mer.
Mr- All» r ' « W eaver from Leabm g
th a t from poor seed The difference recom m ends the erad leat on of death
m ay often be so g reat as 20 per cent, caroas by digging th e plants at flow­ spent the week end w ith h« r parents,
bn t even if it should be only 10 per erin g time. The I - lb s are careful:: Mr and Mrs. A. B Math«ws.
F a th e r 'O H ara from St
M ary's
cen t it m aterially enhances the va­ destroyed a fte r digging, as they re­
church In Eugene lectured a t the ball
m ain poisonous a fte r death.
lue of good seed.
If Orearm dairym en use palls with here Monday evening on the "R ural
a partly covered top.f 50 er cent • i Life."
O ats and Canadian peas a re crops th e Im purities th a t would oth erw ise
T h«re was an old fashion d am e a t
to be sown in March and early April
,nto mllk arp
o(jt noteg the th e T hurston hall last S aturday eve-
in p arts of Oregon where th ere is t»’ t iexperim M ,t station
It is Im portant rung.
enough acreage of legume hay. ac- j (hat a , atenM , , whlch come Into con-
Mr and Mrs. C urtis Price from
co rd in g to G. R. Hyslop. agronom ist (a ft wUh m l,k an(, cream be kept Notl sent Sunday In Ttiur«ton
a t th e experim ent station. In w estern c,ean a , a„ t ,mpg
Mr. and Mrs M. J. McKlIn fro n
O regon th e w hite C anadian variety
Spr ngfield visited Mrs. M cK l'n't »
h a s been very good, while In e a stern
The Ree|<|eSB a ge.
ter. Mrs. Roy Edm lston. la • Aundav.
O regon Carleton and F a ls e r have s e
j . m T'u rk „r
Rev. P atterso n from Eugene d«liv
been p articu larly successful. In some gflnry ag eT„r .. r , mal.ked the fr,rmP, er«»d a very In terestin g
rmon nt
w arm sections, as Doug as county and re g|(](.nt on a flying visit to Dinky- th e church la st Sunday morning.
Other so u th ern counties, and In som e vm „
j | r „ Ray Ballgh h as been 111 for
of the Snake and th e Columbia river
"Gosh, no !" exclaime«! th e native, several days with the flu.
YSlley sections w here the elevation Is -J im ’s g ettln ’ to be a reg ’la r spend-
Mr. and Mr William Remmi« and
low and th e grow ing season hot, soy- th rift. Why. he even g"ts his h air fam ily m otored to th«' fish hatchery
bean« may be w orth while.
cut a t the b arb er shop now !"
laat Sunday
W illiam Goff from fish ha'ch o ry .
r s f i
sent th la tte r a rt of the week with
his g ran d p aren ts here. Mr .in«: Mrs
Th«re will be an Baste.* pr gram
at th«- church next Sunday m -m ln g
followed by a basket d ln n -r and
preaching in the afternoon T here Is
an effort being made to have 7.'. p r is ­
on’ a t Bible school.
is th? greatest human bond. With an un-
Miss F lossie H 'rrin g to n who Is
derstancmg of your problems we bring to
atten d in g norm al a t Monmouth, spent
our profes-:or--I ♦•»«;i<g a reverent sympathy
th e sp rin g vacation here with h er sls-
■ ter, Mrs. IVm. Henson.
that bespeaks our sincerity.
S pr . inqfield , ore . o i -
W anted
Eggs and Poultry
Sher Khan
662 Oak Street
Mrs A S Wilson of Eugene visited
with her sister, Mrs Jay Kish, Hun-
Mr and Mrs A C. llogart of June,
tlon City «pent Sunday with Mrs
B. a rt's parents, Mr and Mrs G It
Miss Chloe Wooley of Springfield
was a d in n er guest a! the A C. T ravis
home Sunday In the afternoon Misses
P rances and Emma Jan e T ravis ac
,-oinpanled th r lr guest to o rchestra
practice at the 1J. of O.
Mrs Will Spencer of Eugene was a
Sunday Flatter at the Ed. R obertson
Mr. and Mrs H enry Cook of O ak­
ridge spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
O It Fish.
Lucille italnea Is suffering from an
attack of chicken pox.
M'ss Carol Chase has retu rn ed to
Corvallis to resum e her work at ihe
O A. C.. a fte r spending the spring
vacation at h e r home here,
Mrs. S A Jones of P ortland, arrlv-
» »I S aturday for an Indefinite visit
with h««r daughti-r. Mr« W 11 Ander
Mrs. C larence Chase aponsored a
silver tea for the benefit of th«' Sun
shin«« club. Kr’day afternoon Those
who enjuy««<l the pleasant «v««nt w ere:
Meadamea W II
Ander«on. L ester
Cyr, U G M .EIhany. II E Wylie,
G reta B uckingham , W II Hunly. Cole.
Jay Fish. W J Penga, A C T ravis
and Mlaaes Lucille Wylie and M idle-
Mrs. Stone and daughter. Hasel. ot
Columbus. Ohio, who have »pint th«'
w inter m onths In San DL gn and L u
Angelos, arrived last week to v 'slt
th« tr roUsIn, Mrs. H elen Doty, secre­
tary at Chase G ardens.
Bud M rd ln ttc k of Eugene visited
with his friend. Joel Holton Suni.nv
In honor of Mrs C 1 A nd'-rm n of
Eugene, who leav«'S this week for h«T
new horn» In llend. O regon, Mrs. W
H A ndersen sponsored a delightful
bridge party Monday evening Thuoe
One of the la rg e st social affairs
T hurston has had for some t nc was
a b irth d ay party given a t John P rice's
last T hursday evening. Mrs. Price
gave It as a su rp rise on her husband,
John Price, d aughter, M ildred, and
ron In-law, Arch shough She also In.
vlted Mr and Mrs. F ran k T aylor
from Etig>ne whose birthdays were
In the sam e w eek; nlsn Renn Edm l»
ton and N athalie Edm lston, whose
b irth d ay s w er only a few days aw ay
It was a neighborhood affair and be­
tw een 75 and 100 guest were pr«»*ent
a fter a «oclsl evening of playing
gam es and visiting. Ice cream and
cake was served Mrs. Frank Taylor
Invited them to celebrate th eir next
b irth d ay s with her.
M arriage Licenses Issued.
M arriage licenses w ere Issued d t t r
I ing th e p ast week by the county ,
clerk to Ralph M oshburg. Veneta, and i
I Mabel Neal. W alker; Jam es Horning
and Alma S ears, both of C ottage j
Grove; H e rb e rt Or« m s , LaGrande,
and B lanche Isaas, P e n d h to n ; Con­
rad K eene, C ottage O r'v e , and M in­
nie M arie Lindsay, Creswell.
Eugene, Oregon
CALL AND SE E Dr N. W. E m e n
o n o r i « on p la t and o th e r w ork »’
Corre apond«-ta
tty Bpwcial
present were Mrs. C I Anderson and
daughter, Jan e, Mrs. S A Jones of
l*ertland, Mrs L ittle Forre d -iiitl
daughter. E thel, of E ngine
Maude W atson, Mrs Isaac Steven»' of
Springfield. Mr. and Mrs Carl W y­
man of Springfield ami .Mr. an I Mr
IV H Anderson and son. hVr. «I
Koniieth mid Liioille W rite ei WII
lam ette U niversity spent Ih - tprlng
vacation with th eir parents, Mr, and
Mrs II E W ylie
II K C hase has p u rih a ti'd a road
wav tw enty.five feel wide on the west
aide of Ills farm , from F rin k Bailey
The Wiliam«-» le Telephone
any held» n « jsc la l m eeting «I the
home ef (5 II Ne"l. vice pr«- Id«" I
Monday evening S teps were Liken Io
have an . Xpert exam ine the phones
thul have been causing trouble
V I, Applegate, state dairy luspec
ter, was visiting dairy bents in this
vicinity Friday
E astern Oregon Irrigated sections
a y rapidly coming to the front ns
dairy centers, according Io Inf' rma-
lloti w a iv e d bv the «•«* lege extension
service through Its rounly agrlrul
tu ial ng-uls, Crock county, s a 's W
1» Tucker, count« ng nt. ln«t Vesr
produced m a rly sn.nou pounds of but
terfat. which Is practically tw in th "
qannt'ty pro«lu«'cd the y«'sr before
T hree carloads ef pure bred Jer,
seya w r « brought Into the eoiituy
Inst venr and 19 pur«' bred dairy hulls
were placed at th«' head of aa n any
herds. Not a single Crook county
dairym an Is using a scrub sire now.
Mr T ucker a ss e rts The county eco­
nomic conference. h« Id at Prlnvllle In
F ebruary, 1924. estim ated that th e re
were 20 scrub dairy bulls In use nt
th at t ine and recom m ended that th -v
be elim inated
K lam ath county Is an o th er Irrig a t­
JOB OF COUNTY JUDGE ed a rea that la assum ing Im portance
as a dairy region Four years ago
Alta King. Eugene attorney, and there were shout 1700 dairy cow s 11
County Judge C I* B arnard, have th a t county, ranging from fair to good
both filed th eir declaration for nmol- 'n productive ability, says C A Hen- »
nation tn 't h e office of county Judge «lerson. county agent He fna.le a su r­
with th. county clerk Mr King seeks vey In 1926 th at showed 3200 cows
the dem ocratic nom ination and Judge In the county, mo«! of them being of
very good producing ability During
B arnard th«> republican
A desire to carry on the policies he the la st four years, K lam ath . unlv
has Inaugurated Is said hv -fudge dairym en have purchased mer» than
B arnard to lie his principal reason 300 head of calve« from m em bers
for ««»eking reelectlon. II«* is now In of ih.- Tillam ook cow testing asso ­
ciation Every calf w sa sired by a pur«
his sixth year as county Judge
Mr King was city recorder of Bn brad and from a row producing b e tte r
gene for n num ber of years, and Is than 300 pounils of b g tte rfa t a year
chairm an of the Lane County D«-mo- In terest In cow testin g association
work •« grow ing ard a few dairym en
rrn tlc C entral com m ittee.
with pur«' bred herds a re considering
offtrlnl testin g
T hese two counties s r e ty p lral i-t
, .
N««»’ .„ i. h«rehv giv.«’ that le lta n .
testiin1 m ts rv >n th« E«tale of Frank ' dairy expansion thnl has ocenrr-d in
I ' ■ . ,-r d • • ••!, have I « ‘in 1 out j re re n t year« on ail east rn O regon
of tic county court of lain«' co u n ty ,' irrigated arena, p articu larly In J"»e-
u le r s lg f ’
x e c u tr 'x ,lh ln „
la-si hutes. U m atilla. M alheur,
Onego! io
il o e rs o n ’ h av 'n g eltilm«
, „ . . o u n t le»
and th at
i «nt«l «»tate shouM »11« Ih"
sum i del', ••«■rift.'d wlth thè und«<
He Believed It.
s’r r e d a t »he o f f l r i o ’ R D A lle i» .
Hov.-v Building. E ugrne
"W ould you I h -II cv «' Il 7 H" far, th a t
w l» h ln s ’ x m o n tila fr o in th è date of
car <«f m ine ha« cost m«« only If«"'
thls a n itre
"W d l. I suppone th a t’« one of •*>«
Ita l.d Aprii 1. 1928
MARV JA N E ZIMMER. F i. cutrix m inutages of the deferred paym ent
S D AI.I.EN, A ttore-v for E state
A I S IT. 22 29 ^,ln,l
Green-Kilborn Co. Selling Men’s
Wear at Prices That Will
Open Your Eyes
Men are flocking to this sale from every direction.
They are wise.
takes just a little money here to buy a lot of merchandise. We are posi­
tively retiring from business in Eugene and prices are fairly cut to bits.
Come in today.
You’ll get more than your money’s worth.
New Spring Model’s in
at Quit Business Sale Prices
Fine spring models in the Famous Park Suits at closing out sale prices.
Society Brand and Kirschbaum Suits at less than fire sale prices.
Men’s Shirts, Hats, Caps, Socks,
Pajamas, Neckwear, Etc.
Prices Have Hit Bottom!
Supply your every need in furnishings and make your money go a long