TIU'RHDAY. APRIL 1, 1920 PAOi THREW T i l l i H P IU N G H U ÍL D N EW « JR . - t í - T " — Chase In— V G. «base of Camp | Breaking my heart to tell you thin, T— Creek was a visitor here Monday. I — ' wi ■ n't copy Miirb-Anhilnelte'x * ihouau or auythlng one-half aa elabor­ Goes to Camp 35—W. H. Adrian ate a* thui and we can't even no to pent the week-end at Camp 38, above j Venice, I’m afraid, because Its abao- Mrs. Polly Here— Mrs Esla Polly J Wendling. Aubrey In—J mu« « Aubrey nt Jus- j Inti ly Imperative that I return to the a id daughter, Mina, was here 8atur-l , ,,, ,, . . . . . pur >at iu town Monday. . Hueka on Visit—V L. Hucka, Fall (Hlates I have jin offer from a firm day for a «hört time. They live at I„ . was a visitor In ’ 1 Creek resident. l4n lllrm 'n g h a m and *<> I'v e decided to Smith Hers—B. O. Smith of Jasper Wa tervllle. Springfield Tuesday. was In town Monday. ' no there and atari ull over again. It’» < Io e to Muscb- Shoals «ml la also th>- Mr. end Mrs. Flanery Vielt — Mr. Donna Resldsnt Vieita — H . M. Weed In Town— Ralph Weed of Eu- eteel center of the South On account and Mr«. F. B Flanrty and family Veach, resident of the Donna district, , . i. l . u u g'-ne waa a vie tor here on Monday. of the new developments It should be ”” ««z. spent Sunday at Dallas visiting with was a business visitor In Springfield a splendid place for my line of work Higgins In—Jack Higgins of Jasper relatives. Saturday. I have two other propositions, one In apent part of Monday In HprlnsNeld Gates Is V isitor— Jess Gates of Hsrs from Cedar F lat— M rs. Lea in Peru but I China and the other In Her« from Vaughn— L. Yockey of Camp Creek was in town on buslnes« Baker and Mrs John Endicott were can't lake you to places like that. Bo we'll sad on Ihe 'Leviathan’ next Vaughn, Oregon, was In town on burli­ Monday. He was accompanied by A. in Sprlngflld from Cedar Flat. Tues­ ness Monday. E. Davis, also of Camp Creek. day. week.” z asaoon was Its height A condition Adversity. The worries of Ihe quarrel we had Makes Jasper Call—Dr. Eugene Keg W allace Improv««— Mr. a * I Mrs. Returns from Portland— Miss Mabie H cep was an elusive nymph sn-l that II was Impossible to figure out. had the night before seemed petty ter made a professional call at Jas­ Roof returned Sunday to her home Walter Wallace of Natron were h e/e "What on earth could It be?" I ask­ uniII ihe first gray rays of daybreak Indeed compared to this. Not to re per Bunday. here afier speddlng two weeks visit- Monday. Mr. Wallare Is Improving fol- ed. 1 lay restleas and awake. turn to my old home an I to live away Ing friends In Portland. lowing an operation. ••Rovida." he replied, "you see the Kaet Here—Earl K aat.of Route B. N stea l of starting over aguln, ns form my father and friends I wonijer- I hnd planned, ufter my conf* salon of -nlieurd of exodus to Rorida has left e(| )f ru r, )ga realised what a trem»nd Eug< ne, was In town on buslnes Fri­ Visit Pettijohn Home— Mr. and Move from Pendleton—J R. Addle- events and un nxprosslon of alncere ■h Rlvb-rn us desolute as Main street. ous sacrifice he was asking me to day. Mrs Wesley Shackelford of Wendllng | man of Pendleton, with his wife, for- ur hotels are walling to be 'eased rerct for the manner In which I bad make. Hers from Harrisburg— Mrs Sam were here over the week-end, visiting ! over residents of Srlngfield. have flirted with Itnrr ngton I'lerce, Cur The shutters of our pretty pink vil­ Fawver and daughter of Harrisburg at the home of Mr. Schack eford's moved from the eastern Oregon city llss* anger had bad Just the opposite las on closed Ughl, the rich Euro­ SPRING ACTIVITY parents, Mr. and Mrs. John PettIJobn. to a new home w est of Eugene. I were Springfield visitors Saturday e ffic l. k’ slead of being itonaclous- peans are In America this year and AIDS EMPLOYMENT! Moves to New House— The D. W. ¿tr'ken. as I had Ixun before, I now are apt to be for several yeera to Jaaper Man Hare—George Fish, of Baby Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. K. R. McKinnon family this week moved to felt Justified tor my condio-t in the come or at least until the novelty Ihe Jasper district, was a business Wadleigh of Eugene are the parents Portland, April 1. — (Spellai.)— pa») and loo, Instead of th-< c.mdern wears out. Il Isn't smart for Ihera to Gain's In general emp oyment were visitor here Friday. of a baby son. born Friday, March 28. the new house which Mr. McKinnon nation 1 had fell for Barry, I now seek the Riviere any more From past Mrs. Wadleigh nee Helen Reynolds, Is has nn/lt on Third . street between Monte ’■"Pff1®'* lBBl week fr<’m Bl1 * e ,t Stevick Is Visitor— Herbert Stevick elided him with an aura of romance. ii'atlalles, when Nice, and a former Springfield' newspaper work­ D and E on W illamette Height«. The the most fash- ,rom Vancouver, B. C-. of Fa„ creek pa(<1 Springfield a bus- house la practically complete. The beautiful phrases he had used lu Carlo and Cannes were er. lo northern California, according to Ineaa vlst Friday. rrnployrI1, nt ,eUat lHaued hfre declaring his regard for me, I kept lonabl. watering place. In the world Drive Orowe_ Mr and Mra Fred to myself. I.lned up against Barry's we set mated that we could wor up fetvenl compliments the austere way s tremendous bustnese with a * present time there are few skilled «Teae and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schlewe -------- 1 workers Idle and that the surplus of motored to Cottage Grove on Sunday. ! unskilled laborers Is not nearly so Motor to Esgle Lake— Mr and Mra. great as It was last month at this Jess Beavey motored to Eagle Lake time. , on Sunday. The delicious cakes we bake are by-words for excellence. From the Inland Empire and other One of them will make your dinner a success, especially If 'T knew you In from Leaburg—J E. Kennedy of districts of eastern Washington and It is all decorated up for Easter. But whether they are cov­ couldn't under­ Oregon and Idaho, come reports of Ix-aburg was an out-of-town visitor ered with frosting or just plain they are always mighty anything stand stea d ly Improving conditions, the 4 L ' here Monday, finance, good eating. about letter said. Second shifts are being Harrisburg People Here— Mr. and W e’ll have very added at a number of pine sawmills, A nice loaf of light, wholesome and appetizing PERFEC­ Mrs. D D. Carr of Harrisburg were little until 1 get a fear log drives have started, and sev­ TION BREAD will also add to your Easter dinner or any visitors In Springfield Monday. on iny feet again eral woods operations are preparing other meal any day in the year. and you'll proba­ to start work durlnr the present j Frof Hayden Bridge—Mr. and Mrs. bly have to econ­ | week. Railroad« to all parts of the i g q Moshler of Hayden Bridge were omise for t h e Pacific northwest have greatly In- \ m town on Monday, Fifth and Main St. FRED FRESE, Prop. Perkins first ttm« In your creased the numbers of men engaged Springfield Laxton In track work Spring work on farms Visits A u n t-M iss Helene Rich- life." Phone 66 Building I. well advanced both east and west SundB’r wlth her Bunt- of the Cascades. Mr" Elmer Fln,lley' Bt the D®"1« Workers are coming to the weet . ranch . coast from eastern points In Increas- Motor to j unctloB_ D r . and Mrs. N. Ing numbers and are adding to the w Em,,ry and the c Baney family of local surplus which, although much Jasper motored to Junction City Sun­ smaller than It has been for many day. months. Is still large enough to care for all demands. j Joins Hsuband— Mrs. C. W. Petti- Several hundred men left Vancou- John, who has spent the winter In Who ever heard of Easter without colored eggs? We ver, U C , during the past week for Springfield, this week Joined her hus- have a full assortment of Easter candies put up in all the the prairie provinces, where spring band at Camp 35, above Wendllng. of modern hotels. And we could h a v e! work Is Just starting, In which Curtiss had greeted me seem various Easter ways. Also some mighty good Chocolates, Visitor from Grove—Dick Harbert ¡done It If Florida had stayed put!" ed moat unkind. waa here Sunday visiting his family Excuse Me My Mistake. fruit and nuts. "Do you mean you haven't any mon­ IL as 'now ear y morning—the sort nt their W illam ette Heights home. “Who Is that stupid looking rf fteah dawning that promises a ey at all? Curtiss why didn't you teU Mr. Harbert is working at Cottage And, of course we have rabbits, chicks and the other cus­ In the blue suit?" duy of sapphire and gold I dressed me Inst night?" I Grove. "Oh. I didn't want to ti ll you at all "You mean my husband?" and decided to go for a walk. tomary novelties. Drive to Kelao— Mr. and Mrs. Mil- As I slipped out of the front door but after thinking It over all night I ' «oh no! The other man—the one la ton Cyr and Bert Cyr. drove to Kel­ I si« i cu rtlss coming up the brief con decided that It wouldn't be fair to the dnrk gre ysult." son. Washington, ast Saturday, re­ crete drive Evidently he had not tuk keep you In the dark. Beeidea," Be turning to Springfield Sunday. The was »lightIf embarrassedj "W will McKenile Bride Visitor — J. H. t-n off his clothes trip was made for the purpose of vis­ "I went down Io the corner for cig­ possibly make a great change In our Bones of McKenxIe Bridge was a iting relatives In the Washington plans.” business visitor here Tutodny. arettes,” he explained, "And you?" town. "Of course It wll , Curtiss I feel "I'm going for it stroll In the park," then as I noticed the lined, gaunt perfectly terrible about not being General Law Practice look about hin eyes. I Invited him to there last night when you rame home I. M. PETERSON with no one to share your troublea come along Attorney-at-Lnw Parla had hardly begun to stir. We Mth at all. Don't worry though, be swung along at a brisk pnee walking cause Dad will help us out. ’ Commercial State Bank Bldg., In silence until we reached the near- "Thai's fine of you. Bailie, to think Bprlngfleld, Ore. by nark. of soliciting his help but 1 couldn't The flowers, too, were aware of the atand that. I can't even let him help pristine lovelln iss of the dawn and you and maintain my self-respect. had opened wide their petals In a You're ho used to luxury though, that spirit of happiness, derived from Ihe Its going to be hard sailing for you frolic they had had the night before at first." with talrlee, browviles and elm "You mean we can't have onr love­ sprites! ly, great, big beautiful house In Flor­ By common consent we seated our­ ida when we get back? Has It gone selves on a bench beneath the sun- that far," I asked. flecked branches of an nvenue of He smiled. "I knew you couldn't We are operating a complete rug cleaning plant in addition planes. understand anything about finance. I knew that when Curtiss spoke to our dry cleaning business. A large part of our cleaning We'll have very little until I get on It would not be to refer to the un­ my feel again and you'l' probably consists of Chinese and Oriental Rugs as well as all of the pleasant misunderstanding through have to economlxe for the first time domestic types. which we had pasaed. He had the In your life. But If you love me you splendid faculty or not repeatedly re­ won't mind living very simply for a All rugs are sized and may be moth-proofed as well. turning to unhaapy events. while, will you sweetheart?" He look- Flnnlly In n calm, steady voice he id seafchlngly Into my eyes na If his broke the sf ence. very life depended on the sort of an­ "Sallle." swer he would find. ■■Ye« Curtiss.” "Ne. Indeed!" 1 exclaimed, "we'll ‘ "I'm broke." I looked up qlckly from the dew- Just change the plans for our house nrenched grnss. "What do .you mean, and have an adorable small one, and not ns many servants, maybe Just pb-nse Curtiss don’t Joke." "I'm not, nnd for your sake I wish two, or. at the most, not more than to Henvens 1 were. It's true. RUey three— und I wton’t get that lovely from Ihe company hnd dinner with me mink coal when | refnrn to New York. Inst night. He brought In tho last I ll get the quiet, simple one of squir­ Full Pint, straw that broke the camel's back. rel. Oh, I’d Just love economising Curtiss. It'll he fun!” You see, I'd been receiving warnings Perplexity covered- his face, all along that the Riviera Investments nut Bailie, I'm afraid II will have to were hendlng towards a loss but I hnd no bleu things were so hnd until be even mere meagre than that. I A real strength builder. R ley «-nine Inst night with n minute know Its hard for you Io understand Invigorates the entire system. right at first. You see we'll have Io report of tho facts."' stop nt the ruins, ns It were, nnd "But honey I don’t understand.” Aids the appetite; enriches the Sympathy now replaced any resent­ bald again but It wilt be easy with blood. , ment 1 might hnve foil for hia harsh your help." Our Best Tonic. "I tell you what let's do”- I sug­ behavior wh«n I hnd returned from RAYMOND TORREY gested, "gel sketches of Mnrle An­ (he DeWIghta. Between Eighth and Ninth on Olive " W | I, you see, sweethenrt, we hnd toinette’s playhouse In the gnrden of Invested heavily In property along the Petit Trianon nnd have It cop­ Eugene, Oregon tho Riviera. Hotels, apartments end ied for our home, You know that's even villas with modern conveniences where she used to go and pretend tha* and such. It was n tremendous expen­ she, too, wan peer. W e’ll hnve to diture hut I had faith In Ita returns stay here longrr though If we do thati and Invested heavily myself Them nnd we can’t go on to Venice as we was one reason only that kept " hnd planned." "Listen, Bailie,” said Curtiss, "It’s from making ns a million once the TOWN AND V !f ÍNITY tho Confessions nospu4£e~ Let Us Furnish the Cake For Easter Dinner \ - SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Easter Eggs EGGIMANN’S SAVE™ »» Spring Rug Cleaning Is Now in Order DRUG STORM The Old Pep RIKER’S PEPTONA Telephone for an Estimate! $1.00 PHONE 300 Flanery’s Drug Store 3DU 5^***°^