SPRINGFIELD NEWS ■ uginoM Suffering from Spring Fovor Should Be Given A Dose of Advertising. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNT Y, OREGON, "The People's Paper” A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 13. THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 19 î i TW E N TY -Tl W ill YEAR 6BAHTS PERMIT FDR BUSSES ON STREETS Special Services Observe Easter \Sôcie< ■ 'REPDRT STATE HELP ON BRiOGE REftOYMarch T°ta| LarKe,t F°r That 04827355 __ Appropriate Programs Planned Month In History Of SCHOOL TO PRESENT By Baptists, Methodist and Colonel A. W. Cleary, Portland, Postoffice ARBOR DAY PROGRAM Committee Tells Chamber High- Christian Churches Will Muster In Springfield Council Gives 6O-Dny Permit to way Department Will Sign — t — >----------- - Convincing proof of Springfield’s Company At City Hall To­ Southern Pacific D u r i n g Arbor day exercise» will bo held at Irs B Wilson's w.-ll known cantata. Agreement As Soon As Pub- healthy business condition this year the Hrattatn school, thU afternoon at night; Swarts and Gossler Work On Railroad Bridge; "The Reaurrtctlon end Ihe Life," will lie Service Commission Will 1» given in the postal receipts for A r e Named Commissioned Mill Street Overhead Petition be given by the choir e l the J. 11. Kb 3 o'clock, wltn a «peclal program giv­ Report Findings; Vote In No- 'he first quarter of 1926. as announced en by the children a» the principal Officers vember Planned. y e.terd .y by Postmaster F. B Ham- Turned Back To Company bert Methodist Episcopal church at attraction. Parents and patrons are 7:3<4 o'clock Bunday evening as a _____ I Un. which show the quarter to he I - With Different Specifications »pedal feature of the Ranter obser Invited. A permit to operate busses between * • » * The choir will be directed by ttprtngfleld and Kugene, for a pert* Mr* J J '. J w)1| The program: Song, America. Exercise, "Hlatorlc Trees," The State Highway commission 1» 15.4 per cent ahead of the correapond-! Sounding the first note of Oregon ready to make an agreement with the Ing period of last year E v.n greater National Guard activity in Spring- Lane county court to build a bridge Proof of business activity Is given In field, eighteen members of the head- across the Willamette riven at Spring-:‘he fact that March, with a total of I Quarter, company of the first battal- field and the preliminary plans are h a. a record for March«, In ton. 162nd Infantry, will be mustered now underway, E. E Morrison, chair- a" Springfield's history. j ln at a ceremony at the city hall to- man of the chamber of commerce The recelta f o r t b e first th ree, night at about 8:30 o'clock. Lleuten- committee, told the members at tb» months of the year total »1944 39. ant Colonel A. W. Cleary of Portland, regular meeting Friday evening He * h lle those of the same period of 1925 instructor for the 162nd. Infanrty, will said the state was ready to b.-ar Its v*™ »1684 39 This quarter's aggro- will be mustering officer, and Major share of th- cost and that the public »as been beaten by only one W. G. White of Eugene. In command service commission would be asked first quarter, »hat of 1924. of this battalion, and other o ffic e » , to determine the fair share of cost .'or j To show the general upward trend will be present. all parties benefltted. of P°"tal receipts during the past live Activity of the new company, which Sixth h#hJ ,n , be mornlBg w), h Rev F. L. grade. Reading, "What Do We Plant When Moore preaching Reception of ment­ her« will be held at the morning eerv- We Plant a T ree»' Fifth grade. Hong. "Beautiful Oregon Ro»e," '«••» J T Mocrr Fifth grade, cboru» by school. Ranter nolo at thia nervlce. _____ Recitation. "The Faithless Flower." Juanita Seamon». EASTER OBSERVANCE Song. “Our Oregon." Sixth grade. AT BAPTIST CHURCH Recitation, "Wind." Fourth grade wan laianed to go Into effect Immed­ Song. "Peek a Boo." Third grade. iately. 1 The fact of the Resurrection will be Exercise. "Arbor Day Tree»," First Tl)« permit granted In only ten - emphasized In all the services at the an il Second g ra d '» . • folowing table Is porary, Inanniuch an the rail company Bapttal church Sunday. "Jesus An- Recitation. "Trees." Joan Seavey. World war veteran with considerable asked for only a to d ay privilege pear» to Hie Disciples. will be the non*, i . . . . . grad | Song. "Pussy Willow." . Flr»l 1st military experience, has been recom, Whether that fact Indicate» that the Bible school topic At the church aerv- R e, Ration "Dandelion." First grade th- money In May but the question Quarter March company expects to return to the Ice. the choir will »Ing iwn anthems, Exerctne, "Come I-et Vs Make » j will be raised at the November gen- »ear »1343.13 »420.77 ¡eral e action. Members of the cham- 1922 -------- use of street car» for Interubban "First Fruita of Them I hat Slept, Garden.” Second. Third grades. 1583 92 487 50 |ber believe that It will be compartlve- 1923 ............ transportation here after the bridge (l-orenz) and 'I Know Thul My Re Shag. "America, the L ’autlful." 513 81 .... 1984 65 In • ly easy to get the measure passed as 1924 ...... — 1» built ha» not been slnK-d by rail deetner Llveth." iW'lson I The pas- 440 10 1684.84 the need of the bridge is generally 1925 --------- official», but tt 1» expected that ellh tor will »peak on “The Message of LEGGION AUXILIARY HAS 527.43 1944 39 understood. *926 „ — When filled, the company will con- «r an extenalon of the time or a per. the Empty Tomb, and the ordinance POPULAR CHICKEN DINNER The T h e bridge tne the highway mgnway engineers ----------------------- | gist of 22 men, with the two commia- luai • nt p e rm it »III !«• naked by the 1 ’ baptism will be administered, At 7:30 In Ihe evening the sterop- have planned for Springfield is slm- ELECTION OF TEACHERS I sloned officers, 10 non-commissioned coaipany nt the end of the period. At least 200 were served by the liar in type to the one Just bnllt at ____ _ (lean will used to picture the prln- AJ TUESDAY’S MEETING officers, and 10 first class sergeants. Ol»cu»e Mill C roaam g. --------- , This is minimum strength, and it Is On the same night, the council's c’pnl events of Christ s life from ( al- members of the American Legion Albany It is of steel. 27 feet wide for atre-t committee met In session with « f f *® 'he '» c n s lo n . Wllford Cook, auxiliary at a chicken dinner given vehicles and with walks on the out- J Election of teachers for 1926-27 PXpPCted that in time the local com- _t i Concrete z-v___ — approaches . K o . lead M W» ♦ to n v n h n h lv w i l l Hi- h i* f chief h ip f h tlS illC B S up probably will be t the business pany ».<11 will be I increased. representatives of the Southern Pa- wllltalng a solo, and the minister w ill, at the Woodmen of the World hall side. last night, resulting In good financial ---------„ . the etruetprh. Engineers say they transacted at a meeting of the Spring- clflc. Including It W Putnam of Eu speak'oh "The Victorious Christ, Personnel Given. returns the probab y ugp uge , tbe turns for carrying on m e work » o r a of he old gtreet street car field school board to be held next Elghteen men including the offl. gone, to discuss the lowering of the Ihe e auxiliary j br|,lge piers In the building of t h e , Tuesday evening at the d ty hall. 1 cprg haye ukp n tbelr medicai examl- Springfield approach to the new PLANS ARE MADE FOR The dinner was given In c o n n r nPW br,d t« W hile It 1. expected that most of the natjoM fur. The program follows: the delicious chicken dinner In g acrei Qn tbe mU, Tace and of the varloug jncludes folU)w, ng; Norm(ln f . mam nt. Their stand on this question a___ . primary. .i« ... Song, eral charge of the dinner was Mrs . . c „ F gcott, Delbert D e lb e rt V. V Whita- W h ite - at the br,da« bridge in In the Seavey lane, schools will not be considered, considered. it 1» was Is based on a proposal to make Mill Welcome. Mrs. Etta Moon B Hunt V president of . . pUng of the pafk commlttee Is to (stated, unless the positions offered j M ck LyndaH P Qardtner .B e n David Plans of the park committee Is to stated, unless the positions offered | afreet, with Its undergrade crossing, Song. Mrs. Anderson's class. The skit n v < ‘n y » .„ « h ta v h ,v e • Park day ,n “ fe w |Ure not accepted In that event, n e w . gon Ethmer R Grimgt Orval R. Eat- the main highway nut of the city to­ "He Is Risen." Billie Nesbitt, Bes­ M-nlor class at tha recent Lau«nM»- w k g wben pTrybody w„ | , gked c n d id .t p , for the Jobs must be con- Qn JobQ M Hugh D Cowart< ward Eugene, eliminating the dan­ sie Greenwood, LaVern McPherson eaque. which won first plnce a, # (n , , <(dered O th er. gchoo, business 1» Augtln j Mcpber8on. John H. Tom- g gerous Second street crossing now Solo. Jessie Manning, event was l>r,‘’,,‘n general cleanup. At that time the scheduled for consideration at next seth. b r Carl , Mf.KinnlH In use 11 Is expected that Mill street McKlnnis. K«nneth Kenneth Mulli- Mulli­ Recitation. Charles Cole. ,, night . performance. "Doubtful Skept - brush cutting wt 1 be complete and and It week's seeilon. will be paved. gan. Daniel Taylor and Charlea Song, primary. Iclsm"' given by the Junior class, won will remain for the townspeople to The removal of the pier, and other Thompson. "If | Could." O'lvor Adams. O«ue second place at I-aughteresque burn It and pick up all trash on the STATE PRESIDENT IS ____ changes In compliance with the city's Daniels, Roscoe Cole. B Me H ew ett. The organisation of _____ the company wish-«, will make a considerable da­ land. MEETING OF W OMEN -here marks the end of much effort Play. 'Bprlng 1» Here" Flowers, The paint up committee of ’h - .— on (be part of several’local men, in- isy In the work the railroad officials Joan Stratton. Verna Bell Vnlller. GRAND MATRON WILL VISIT EASTERN STAR Chamber of Commerce reported that, A regume of the State Federation I eluding Major M. B. Huntly. who to o t stated. I Inasmuch as this line now be !»«• Ma„,erg nin)e Stratton. Blitter -------- I all resident properly owners on Main j of tvoman's club and Its work from its tbe matter up with the general staff. comes ■ a main line, all specifications fH| g Maxine Valller. Bernice Barnes. A dinner and reception at sx gtreet bad agrc«d to paint ' tim e *of inception, and also a discus- At f|r8t, it was proposed that a rifle ......... . Jw,n(t Xmh,rxou. And,,rg(U1. Lode Lode- ' Adamg must 1»- I»- kept up to standard, and a» i bulld|rgs dUring the spring months. I glon of puWj{. bealth work in all its company be organized in Springfield, steal work will have to be used In Hln(.g ratprp„ tarai Charles C ol. o'clock, and a program of drills ,y A ^ „ ,,^ 1 discussion wa« held h v ; pbageg t„ Oregon, was given before This was later given up for a machine changing Ihe Mill street crossing. R Ht(.Un»an. Gene Daniels. Lloyd other features, are plannc grf)up of they said, with a large Increase In |U rr|g BurnP„ nlrd„ Iatv- rn members of Cascade chapter. Oywls comes here dlscuRsion of the matter will be h ald , state >-» IsAalttv d aw Q w* »• d vs Joint m eet-1 A n beadquarters company ,» is prlmar- Fellows ha 1 1 reparai 1 r '. , TOPIC OF RAINEY TALK ing to hear Mrs. Dunbar. The state j jjy a specialty company. Communica- PERMIT FOR BUS USE FINDS SCHOOL o rate en tertain m en t are e --------- ^pad gpoke for an hour on matters tion matntenance Is its princlpl duty, COSTS BEING CURTAILED Reports from Salem today staled by the chapter m< m rs. am •’ School finance problems will b ' of general interest. and its members are trained to be eg- . that the public service commission attendance nt the a a i s p > d| Scussed tonight at a community Mrs pioyd Thompson gave a vocal perts in rado. telephone, telegraphy, -School districts all over the conn ( (h(> Sl,,„ hern ,.ncl. meeting bv H. P. Rainey, professor in sok> accompanied by Mrs. Paul Bas- and messenger service. The instruc- try are finding It necea.ury Io cur any wl,| not be required by G irl Scouts Mee . department of education at the ford tlon ig in charge of the commissioned t a t e x p e n s e s b e c a u se th e rising cost (<> thIl for Tenderfoot badges w ere, given sev- r n ,veraJtv Orpgon and authority officers, with the assistance of regi of education Is oulstrlpt.il,g the U x- tt«oytv_v standpoint alone, it Is pointed out. the Monday evening. Olrla receiving A nv»rc^ room at 7:30 o’clock, and th? | gun school of education. In an address nn(, d|ggatlsfactton pins were Dale Daniels Ad, line Per- * |r )nv, ted Sunday. April 4. will be the opening new company is to be quite an asset before the Springfield Lions club Frl ! nr(Rp , h(> coinm| , g,o n kink. Jewel Htltcbrnnd. Taxation" is Is Prof .............. Loudvlle WII . -‘School Taxation t-rwi. Rnineyis n < > . | day for thp p-asrade resort on the Me- to the community. day noon T h er e I a tendency to re , lnV(lg, lg a |u m a tt,.r> ,t w as - . . ...... . -• ...» « < > < » iinnkxbi ith . . Hams. Audrey Danlelil. Audrev Audrey Sm Bmltn mpeting of the Kpnzip hlgbway. arid a special feature The Springfield company will go In- trench ra th e r thnu expand at the pre«-1 tveni e u n i,» « ,. ------ -- a . anil Annu Moskop. Mr«. 1 nul iis.'>r. , ( r,llb. bP spoke on a sim ilari will tll be nri »««ter ,-ce hunt for ch41- to to encampment an Easter egg hunt for ch41-! encampment on on June June - 4 to xe at ent lime he told Ihe duh members Soutbnrn Pacific, however, haa and Mrs. W. C. R ebhan were In — J" — "— ‘ rM,p,yed by lhe i dren. All school children In Lane cout, j Camp Jackson at Medford, the regu- Professor Rainey declared the In- b„fore commission ■tv are eligible to enter tbe bunt, and j lar Oregon National Guard encamp- lihnrg<>- . , l, IP n vt C,ub- cren«ed cost of school a Im lnlstrnlten ( _ f )r RU(-h n pPrmtt although Another out ng will be held nn, y twr) ypars, but has become popn- mprrow n,ght witb lhe Friends class, romc within the next 50 years. 'have been In steady practice for sev- ter J Scott. ' were reclevd as members of the Eag ,ar ln tbat time and a large crowd taught by Mrs. Ora Hemenway. In In his work among school boards '.eral weeks, and are now ready ' j les patrol, and Jesse Sumner is a new ,g ,,xperted there Sunday. charge. The program follows: in Oregon he said he had found wae-Renter n stiff sen,son with a dozen C arn ee C lu b M e ets. ' member of the troop. The scouts 1 ------------------------ Introductory talk, by Friend Houk. fill Ignorance on the par* of f hool games on schedule. ,h o s , As .si.ni Scoutmaster Aaug'in C|TY WATER IS PURE IN Reading, Mrs. Kaufman. board members In regard to uluca. Development of an infield has been M em bers of the C n rn .e club will j (" 'yp pgen, the)r tro op on the general SPITE OF TASTE. REPORT Stunt. Manning and Puckett. llonal finance. There were school I Couch Bain's principal trouble in be en tertain ed ' nt 1:30 o'clock nt !L nu, mOrtal day commn te e w hich m eets Planologue. Mrs. Hemenway. Stagnation In the mill race as a boards, he «aid. that did not know | preparation for the season. He as bridge luncheon nt the A nchorage in Stunt, McPherson and R ddle. , r()Op' No. wm go on result of low water In the W illamette how badly tbelr districts w-ere In debt. Iseveral good men now In trim, nn, Eugene Friday. Mrs. Carl Fisher Is ' Reading, Friend Houck. ihe tenm is In pretty good shape from hostess. ¡. Pantomime. "The Courtln.’ the swatting standpoint. Fire Hsxard Grows. Band and chorus, Class urday. during the past few days, according The season's schedule was com ­ Grand Matron Coming. The Importance of complying with Special entertainment will be pro­ to a statem ent Issued today by Su the city ordinance regarding burning plet'd and announced today: AU members members of of the the Eastern Eastern Star Star j B a k e ry In A-1 Condl‘ l0"' ,n ' ' p rL Pn dP„'t ' W. C. McLagan of the vided for children. All April 2— Mohawk Union here. permits grows as spring brings drier ar* cordially Invited» to attend the re. That the Spring < < 1 the i Mmintain States Power company. At t w „on be C . . » Me.. C .eo .b ,-! A , e . - « » e .C . - ,« W - April 9—Coburg here. weather, city officials pointed out Months Finss »10. cepiion to nr ------ - ................... the intake of the race, a donkey en­ April 14—Mohawk there. yesterday. The ordinance, Nn. 221, Lewis of Seaside, grand matron for ( standards was revealed gine Is at work dredging. In an ef- April 16—Eugene high here. Only »10 In fines were taken in by makes It necessary for every person Oregon, at the Masonic hall Saturday, inspection of the local plant man , fort to correct the condition. A sam­ Recorder R. W. Smith for traffic vio­ April 21—Cottage Grove there. burning trash, slashings, etc., within night at 8 o'clock. [Tuesday by W. B. Duncan, state In ple of the water was sent to the bac­ lations during March. Those who pab, April 23,—University high here. the city limits, to obtain a permit. specter for bakeries and restaurant^ teriology department at O. A. C. Mon­ were Wilbur Lloy