52 Year O ’d Apple THURSDAY. MARCII 25. 1920. T il K AFttLNHFiKbD VE W S PAOS SiX Wales’ Tumbling and John’s Pummel- ing Wins World's Praise and Admiration I O bey! - l¿ g e s * * T* j? MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY DIVIDEND No. 33 Whatta Life ! ! » . v»5-- ' i la r< Ahiin H aten, of Chanion. Ohio, •w n i the oldest apple in th e world. It was given to his wife by Sheri- ds~ BuH upon his return from the Civil W«r. Haien has preserved the apple for 52 years by sticking el. ¿,s into it. CL l • E APPLE OWNED BY TUMETTE 45 YEARS OLD S co! r ' eld is no' io be lift in the vh le C ot::.c Grvve and Junc- tio i' ,y n nearta a n d - n t apples which It s claimed grew on trees over half a c.r.iu rv ago. For today H arry Brurn- e tt brought to the News office an apple which h as been preserved for 46 years The local apple, a Belflour. was fixed w ith cloves in Portland In IkSt. and has been kep* in good condition since th a t tim e W hile the loea fruit can claim no such age as 62 years, w hich ’» claim ed by E ditor Bede of he C o tta s- Grove Sentinel for an ipp|. owned by a Cottage Grove wo- nan. nevertheless It m ust be admit- ed that 45 years Is a long tim e and Ittobtless the apple will last for n an v vears to come. MEMORIAL DAY PLANS TO BE MADE APRIL 6 h April 6 is th e d ate for the general m eeting of rep resetatlv es of various civic o rg an lzat’ons to consider the p la n . fcr observ an ce'o f M emorial day here, according to announcem ent by M B. Iluntly, chairm an of the A m eri­ can Legion com m ittee. T he persons appointed by each or- gnnizat on will compose a com m ittee to have genera charge of all phases of the observance. L etters Inviting participation in the arran g em en ts have bren sen t out to clubs by the legion com m ittee. The most im pres­ siv e observance of Memorial day in S pringfield's h istory is expected to be h e 'd thia year. ei.;. T k .,P " ? credit*'i being E ngland’s best a.trer- L i £' 6 i ln »,hU .tum bl,ln< • ct from galloping steeple-chase hors««, a « '» n . “ 00n<1 “ va?—now *Att John Coolhlge, son o f th e ! denf, has taken up boxjng a t A m h erst college. Right now I , nu rsin g a rath e r "ouchy" nose and the Prince is carry :, , in a sling— .. a fo rm er having lo s t a three round batl to u rn ey and the la tte r from a bad spill— h it th irte v —by A. A. H o o p in g ;,« . . p rs o n s w ill ride hobbies alw ays, but it s only o n ; «• in a wh le th at riding thusly gets anyone anything. h resh in the public mind are two cases w here voting men have w n ad nlra. lion an I respect of the .... b and. above ail. r» 6 • favorabl , u » (; th e ir co u n trlts. Just because they believe in "going through with som ething th e y ’ve undertaken. They didn’t earn it through valor on the field of war, cham bers of ill; lorn- acy. halls of 0n ar.ee. or in pulpit, press or platform They earned It th ro u g ' th e ir persistence, determ in atio n , gam eness in pursuing som ething entirely asid e from th e serious phases of life. The P rince of W ales, h eir to th e th ro n e of England, rides. It I» his hobby Now and ihen he is throw n from his horse. At first t was a calam ity. th< ti a Joke, and now—good ad vertising for the prince and Ms country. The w or d likes a person who g e ts up Then th e re 's young Johnny Coolidge, son of the president of the United S tates. He boxes a t his college and gets a black eye But he f nlshes lb'- bout, praises Ms superior boxing o p p o n en t and asks, "w hat's a black eye. anyw ay?" And the nation halls him —because he Is game! Yes. the will to try. even In th e m atter cf m asterin g a hobby, is worth while. FOR HIGH SCHOOL NINE E ducation by scientific m ethods, nt t la v courts or legislation. »11 fl- m - '!v solve the crim e situation in the B n ted S tates, said Prof. R H Par» a m s of the U niversity of Oregon. In a ta .k before the Springfield M ethodist B rotherhood Monday evening "Some A; peels f the Crime Situation,” was Prof. P arsons' topic. The speaker frophesie-1 th at crime will continue to ,’n c r'a s e yet for a w hile u n fl the tendency has sp en t It- •elf. T hr- reform m ust then oome th-our.b edqeatlon. controlled by scl- e n ' t.c nun. By this m eans, th e num ­ b e r of crim inals wi«l probably be g re a tly reduced, and then the speaker th en urged th a t those found to be k a k ttu al crim inals be Im prisoned for life w ithout chance for partle. Other phases of tibe situation were given *ly P r o f P arsons, who spoke before a large num ber of Brotherhood m em bers and th e ir wives In the church basem ent following a dinner. Y-------------------------------------------------- G eneral f.aw P ractios j Comm ercial S tate Bank Bldg., Springfield. Ore. .la lly fr o m C h r ie tla n C h u rc h . The Jam es A. E bbert Memorial » 43 Sunday st-b*,| M ethodist. Springfield. 11 00. church R rv C hilders speaks i "T he F irst Palm Sunday" will be A nsw er P raj-.-r."!' the pastors them e for th e m orning at ! on "Does God based on the last story of G eo rg e1 11 o'clock hour. "T he Palm s" will be Muller rendered by th e choir. • 11:00, Ju n io r church At the evening hour, the them e will 6 46. Senior Endeavor. be "By T his Sign C onquer." The Il­ lum inated cross will be used, and the 7-30. E vening service Mrs B arger ,(d hym ns of the cross will be sung. wi 1 eing. "T he P enitent," bv Van de Special music T he hom e.like church. W ater. Special evangelistic meeting. F. L. Moore, m inister PRESENT PRICE $100.00 per share, to yield 7'. per year O rders for shapes must 1», In ur hand - I" for. lh i !os< of bu«l> n- « March in order ,o avail yourself of lit' - !l, '• m t, h u t pnvineut tnay In- made up to April I6tb, for »«»n -ah ', MOUNTAIN STATES POWER SECURITIES COMPANY OFFICE MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY J/LàdÀ». J-*Si Í - jÛag*B*Xuùd *4 HIGMEIE’H A.\l> I ’LAl III Is t»:i . . . ' . i . i- Io n u tu u lly l i l t . iik is t’di’h v • | ru t nitty to the l II.»' »tty of Oregon axrtcut turul conditions, labor situation, and stn O a r m atters a re topic» about which the Iti'iulr es eek Information In a n s u e r. ('resident Cox and the pub Icity com m ittee h»v- prepared a circular le tte r which Is to be senf along w th I’te ra tu re of various k in d s .1 g iv lrg the iuiidunienlnl points of In fo m a 'lo n concerning this district Fren: m any standpoints, esp. iiliy i that b : «ing to do w th educational ad- jv ap taces. Springfield o ff.r* unusul a t ’ traction« to h o m es,ek era an I It Is for th S renson Mi.it so nin'.y In q u irí's a re being received In th replies. P resident Cox po’nt* out th.it the university may he reach ­ ed by half hour stre e t car or bus ,»irv .Ice. that Springfield has fine el«.men-' tnry a rd high sch-ol facilities, and gives a fu 1 survey of agr cultural so- clal industrial and sim ilar conditions In this vicinity Local renltors also n o t're an in­ crease in the num ber of inquiries con­ cerning property In this section, and an increase In really transactions is expected to result T ourists are al­ ready beg n n in c to arriv e from 'he east by autom obile, and Ideal spring clim ate Is giving them a favorable ' impre«slon. _ ___________ ________________ MORE GAMES SCHEDULED The 3.1rd regular q u arterly ,liv’d« nl of (I 76 per sh are on the 7% Pr f«»i r« tl St»»« k of (bln ( ' d i i i | u « i > v »»ill !>«• p«i«l Apill »«, 1124, Io «Intro« holder« r< itlMtvrrd on lb« b*»< ka h ( th«’ »’It»«»* of bu * I lit«*» M unti 31, 1M4. Subscription* for » h a m in the ca*h plan r < p r i o r to Mar«- i •Mb will «ntltl* pitritiu or to tin full »1 vbh tot of >176 por »bar for the qu arter botflm lng Januar» l»t (biMiuiutlua partial pavtu« ui ucouttt* up» u which Pilot p iy n u iit 1» m ade b« tor March 26th will r»«,v h r dividend No I oil Apr I 3lHh T hat Wi aturo Oregon I» to he the destination of hundreds of E astern ers and Mui W esterners king new hornea lb » su i i.or In Indicated In the sens of I'quirlea co rcern ln g Spring- field re v iv a d bv l'r>-:>i,leut H erbert J Cox of Oi< local C ham ber of t ’oui tuerce Our ng the past fortnight, such lot. “ Eugene’s Foremost Home-Owned Store’ Mountain States Power Co.