PAGE FT V I TI UC 8 PIU NCHIIÍ 1.1) N E W « TIIVUHDAY. MARCII 25, 192*1. he bad a»»*tnbled rare tapestries, o ld ' "There la only one thing I would bric-a-brac and Inlaid cabinet» whten * be tempted to drink tonight." he an- gave the room» a personalty at on ce»w ered so quietly that on y I could compelling and bixarde. There was a hear bis low-pitched voice, "N> poh- faint lilnl of exotic Incense In the ‘hen, of ‘lie ancient«, a subtl» drug uir that banishes sorrow and pain." Thur.ton P.opl» In— Mr and Mr* Vialta In Portland—Ml»» Alloa Mor- A long, refectory table of black That .was all there wa» ttau- for Georg Plait of Thur»ton were l>u»l- t«oia«n woi.l I» P o rtla n d Monday to ■marble wa» pleasingly appointed with tbwxf aB(j it waa not until lat*r that »lo ud arvural day» vldtlng friends. ni vl.llur* h**r* on Monday crystal of Jade, green which exactiv j aaw him alone. Hara from Marcolu—Will uni Mc­ Co to Portland— Ml»» Dorothy D it­ harmoniz'd wltn the gown and J:«7 j wi). standing In a »mall room to and Georg« Di’Io »• nt to Portland Kay of Marcolu wu» a Springfield d r Mr». DoWight bad chosen for that apar’ from the other examining i n Vlaltor Tuesday. night, over th« last wonk «ud. amazing reproduction of .Mina Liza, "She always uses her Jewel« for In an Intricate F lorti.tlae frame. Vialta Parani»—Kilon Mond'll wu» Mr». J W Hora Iront W a lla rv lila the colour motif In g v li.g a dinner," "Are you try ng to get behind tho K*y oí Waltervlll wu» n local vl»lt«r, boiua fr m Cump 86 Sunday to vtalt explained Andre MolUre who Bad fol- smile? You might as well concern In r puroni» In Springfield, la»t Saturday, owed my eyes and caught their ap­ yourself with the riddle of tiM I lîu é t rolw t by Taut Robinson proving light. C la rh a t in P o rtla n d — M r and Mr» C ra a w e ll M an H a ra — lo in Drury of , »phlox." OaamUM MM W Lemoyne was upstairs removing It was Barry who had come quietly Herbert F Clark«’ motored to Port- Creswell was In Sprlngfluld on buel- A W om an Transform ed By Love. won them.1 They're going wild! T'b' her wraps Harry was greeting »rrai ■ lie»» Monday. up and was standing by my side. Utili Sal urda y Naturally the conversation be- *'I was Just thinking how I’d hate Tli*» curtain» of the box parted to f eating note of the aria had becoin > Mohawk Man In— F rank Stafford Papa In—Frank W Page. Walter* a faint echo of liquid gold. tween Andre Mollere and m yself I to live In the bouse with that smiie. admit UarrlBgton Pierce lie entered tervlllv rc»ldi nl. was In town on bus- ¡of M 'huw k paid Sprlugfled a but:m ea»| and p nr-ated himself In tho chair di­ " B ra v o ! Bravo, Dunlo le!" cried drifted into the main topic of the gj,e completely disturbs my poise, | visit yesterday. Inc»» Saturday ghe «ays to me, ‘I know all about rectly behind mine. Sltuultan oualy the crowd. "Fort Men! Bravo, Dan- -v .n ln g — the ovation Lemoyne ? they recejve- iz» that my hand bad Men clasped "Just this, that Instead of Chevalier Mayfly, I'm afraid, but there are a week-end. 11 pound hoy. born at the family home referred to the Interview he had Just and held closely by the young mu- she wa* {Reading with Barrington jol oj things I'd like to know.” M otor to Maroola Hr and Mr». W. at Eighth and K streets on Tueaday. t hud M hlnd the scenes with Immoyne.' sldan at my side. Pierce. She worships him and I be- "For instance?” II Pollard and family motored to ami "She'» romls< d to make up for every-! ( (Unengaged my finger» Just a mo- lleve she realizes that bers is t h e , j had resolved not to mention the Hsrv from Harrisburg— Mr Marcóla for a trip Sunday afternoon subject at all but an to p of devll- Mr» D I). Carr of Harrisburg were thing a: I to do son"» of her v e r y 1 •nl,.nt before the light« flargil up. greater love." “Oh, you must be wrong!' I Inter- nu-nt, an eho of*the old S a lle , prod- D.i n among out-of town visitor» here Tues be»t work. It was a aw-et th ugh oi There wu» no time for analyzing the Mr». Zimmerman III Mrs your», Hallie, and thank you for male situation then for the I>W ights were rupted, “surely he must adore her. ,je(j me on. Zimmerman la confined to her home day. Ing tne do the thing 1 should have preparing to Have, though*my cheeks 8he'e altogether lovely.” "Why did yon hold my hand?" 1 with I Ine»» this week. Returns» Homo— Wif 1er Wallace done_ unprompted, before." «till burned from the Indignation I "So think we all and Barry too. for The moment the question had S ra v e y Is H e re — V. Il tfeavey, mer- ha» returned to bln Natron home uf When be »poke of the young singer : rq t towards Barrington Pierce. ’•hat matter, but methinks his love lx>en askej j »rould have given much busines» visi- ter an operation at the Pacific Chris there wa« no alr’t of conquest In hl» c h a n t <>f D otim i. was He was talking with Mrs. DeWIght. has paled before the flame. There t(> baTe u k en jt back a dlacnaetol tor at Springfield last Friday linn hospital. manner nor was there any trace cf -v ou wall and bring Lenmyne,” she waa a time." he began, then stopped Qf waa bound to ensru« braggudoclo In his voice. However, Ba|<|t then turning to me. ‘‘you're to suddenly as if he had no righ re- (To Be Continued Next Week) Here from A storia— Stewart Mit­ S p e n d » Woek-end Here Ted Har­ us Sallie. We're having a Te*l a secret of his frlendn, "Man al- chel of Astoria visited tail Hatunlay per of Portland spent the w eekend he unconsciously betrayed the fact come with ¡In Springfield visiting hl« parent», Mr that her love for him wa» an uckuowl little party to 'celebrate Lemoyne's ways reverts to type," he concluded, with hl» aletnr, Mr» J W. Shaw. R E S O L U T IO N O F S Y M P A T H Y edged condition, as far as their •• I “he must ever be the hunter and and Mr«, fc. E. Harper Cora to H arrisburg— t l 0 . Bushman I h e » tlta ted a m o m en t. T h er e w a s tra ct h ls game.** ' i _______ friends were concerned. Whereas, the hand of death has re, was a Hurrteburg visitor late last “You mean that one should never | moved from our midst, onr beloved Undergo»« Operation— Mabie Hurd, T h en our a tte n tio n w as fo c u se d on really no graceful way I could refute week. to accept although I felt that Curtiss 8ho»' a beloved one how much they sister. Mrs. James Lax too, the willing who lives at the borne of Morris Hill the brlll'ant etage. of Jasper, underwent an operation at It was a radiant Lemoyne who now , would be uneasy If the hour were late are-loved. That's hard and extreme, workers of the Christian churoh have Visits Sitter Here— Miss Lillie the Pacific (thrlstlnn hosplal Tues- played the part of the famous courtl- when I returned. Still, on the other •Y unfair.” lost one of its beloved members. Schlewe, school teacher at Noll, vis­ day. »an—she was Ike a vivid tropical , hand, my thoughts were far from "Perhaps, but true nevertheless. A Therefore be it resolved that this ited her el»lar, Mrs Fred Frese, of flower In her bouffunt gown o f the i «leep. I was strange y excited *oo. b,t tactful Indifference wins a man society extends its sincere sympathy Springfield Bunday. M r«. Olllaaols Im proves— Mrs. Vie- early eighteenth century. Her chic Why should I go home and go to quicker than all the proffred caress- to the husband, son and daughter ind j tor Gillespie who was brought Arnhart In Town no mor be In Paris on such a gala night. There was a ready flow of win- and Ketels Welcome L ittle G irl— A baby ly framed her face. V isit« Shaw Home— Mrs. E E. Al­ Barry, of all the guests, was the She was the toast of Parts and In­ In the end I silenced my con scien ce! girl wa» born to Mr. und Mrs. John Mrs E. E. MORRISON. len and daughter, Donna Jean, of on |F one who wore a quiet miea. I I Kcte » of Springfield last Thursday deed she played the part, singing and decided do go. Mrs. Saidee Rayland, Glendale, are visiting at the home of From the moment I entered the I-emoyne was gay. Apparently her night at the Pacific Chrlstlnn hospi­ with sudden and Irrestlble charm. Mrs. George Ditto, Com. Mr» Allen's slater. Mrs. J, W Shaw. There wa» still an undercurrent of Dewlght's apartment I was con sciou s, brief seance with Barry had been tal The newcomer has been named . Mora Into Town—Virgil Moon, who Barbara Jana. Both the mother and (insatisfaction In the audience In of the luxurious atmosphere of tho m ost satisfactory and had made her FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large has been living north of the city, has ’he baby are reported to be doing spite of the tang ble transformation place. Our host was a collector with as bllthsome as a day In June, sheets, 26x39 inches, «ottante tor i that had taken place. They conld no* an innate desire to possess exquisite “The w ire is really good, I said moved Into the property at Second ( well, 1 making tracings. Th« News Office. ! forget at once that the new prima things and from all over the world, to Barry who w as at my side. and F streets. New Book» Here— New books are donna had not given them the ‘‘Ltttl* TooMI» are Rtmoved Perry w a l M ginning Io arrive at the Springfield Table- aa «p|endldiy as Rousne lace of Jasper uniferwent a tonsil op- Public library and a few are already loft was wont to do. oration at the Pacific Christian hoe- ‘ on the »hrif for clrcu atlon. according’ , « p r e ss e d my anxiety to Barr'-, pltal Tuesday. <° Mary Roberts, librarian. A hundred - Walt unit the next scene at the of the old books are to be rehound. ¡Seminary." he replied, "watch wh raffln beiiw Ba Confessions; of a iww wife ••• I Motors to Corvallis— Mis« Clara To Return Homo—Oenleve Nesblt ' lron- 9 win them to a man!" Wy»«. accompanied by Alolne Amort of Eugene, motored to Corvallis t o 1 »«P ^ ted to return to her home here And Prored to be right, visit friend. Sunday I »*»«« Toppenish. W a sh in g '* ” “ »• / O,,OW’ d, p o n . where she ha. been visiting whlch U wl11 bF f*» Move to Apartment»—Mr. and Mr», j since early In February with her sta- time's energetic fingers to erase. Before us was a vibrant Manon J Georg«* Green have moved Into the ter, Mrs Sherman Douglas. pleading with Chevalier not to take! n* wly remodelled npartmenta on B .................... the Holy Orders and he lost forever' street of James Laiton. j FOR SALE— 8turgv»s Reed baby to her love, but rather to turn hls j buggy, hai bearings, good shap?. Visit at Mareolt—Mr and Mr». ■ back on the bleak monnstlc life and j E. A. Farnsworth at Mill and J Walter Oosuler visited with hls par­ I streets. reennd «tndn to her overwhelming de­ 2t ent«. Mr and Mr«. P. M Oo»«ler of sire. But Cheek ier Is nnmoved. She falls upon the floor, clasping hls Mured n Sunday. CALL AND SEE Dr. N W Emery kness with pleading, dramatic hand».! Visit In SprlngflHd— Mrs IL W. on prices on plate and other work She sings, the words are winged with Sellers and children of Cottage Orovo gentle seduction and artless allure.; NOTICE TO, CONTRACTORS, district wa» a business vlaltor In Gone, the Indifferent Manon of the. j Notice Is hereby given, and the Springfield Monday. - , Common Council of the Town of first few scenes, hire Instead a living' Springfield does hereby declare |(s ature of flesh an ! blood singing >, . i . . . „ , ) Bpringneid S alem M »n ere a rry " ' J Intention, and does hereby declare her way straight Into onr hearts an l Morris Miller, who are now living at ; It to be expedient, that •*°n<',(i',M i 1 8<’b one of the audience putting a Salem, were visitors b ere over tho Pavement be constructed In the alley between Main and North A street | Pnr!,'”’al Interpretation on her song, week-end. They returned to the capi­ from 3rd street to 4th strbet. and "L isten!” Barry exclaimed, "she» tal city Monday. from Ith street to Uh street, and the! property abutting said propo««d pave­ M a kes Portland Trip—E. G. Sutton. ment and liable for said Improvement Mary Elizabeth Whitney and Harry being described as follows, to-wlt: Wright were among Springfield real- Lots numbering from one (1) to eight (8» Inclusive In block No. Six dents who made trips to Portland for (8).- and lots numbering from one a week end visit. (1) to eight (8). Block No. Thirty- five (35). both h o ck s being In extend­ Returns to Corvelllo—Mrs. H. F. ed anrvey, Springfield, Oregon. Sealed bids will bp received by the Flnnery, who had been visiting for City Council up to nnd Including •eversi days at Ih« F. C. Flanery April 10th. 1928. for the constructing homo here, returned ' ast Saturday in o f said pavement according to the her home at Corvalllx. plans and specifications outlined by , ordinance of said city for the bnlld- H ere fro m C alifo rn ia— F. C. Bxrt- Ing of pavement, and according to You can save here not only lett of Ma. 8hast, California, left the specifications of the city survey­ In term « of money— but. If or as to grades and lines. Contractor ... fnrnlsh all material for building you belong to the fa ir • •« , •with DRUGSTORE short time with hls parent«, Itr. and rR(|)d rnTPmcn, and ^„.„1«,, aJi (abor In connection with the building of said pnvemfnt, and do all excavating Visit At Albany—Mr. and Mr». Paul or filling In connection with bringing Scalefe and family and Myrna Mc­ the surface to grade according to the plans of the city surveyor, Kinnon accompanied Mrs. Scalcfo'» Bidders will upeelfy the price per parents to Albany Bunday, remaining cubic yard for sunh pavement, s l ’ o the price per cubic yard for excavating there during Ute afterhoo». or filling In/ bringing the surface of Kenyon Moves Here- -1 of the local »hop. They decided to (nids to be filed with the City Re model the Roecbtirg bakery on the eorder, City Hall, Sprtngfleld. Ore. Springfield «hop. , .. M 2B A 1 In term e of the complexion ae w ell. E very woman needs proper to ile t requisite« to preserve and protect the natural beau­ ty ot the ««kin. And a t T h * Rexall Store the may select any one of our several «»■ elusive lines w ith the aeeur- ance th a t h er choice le S A F E and H A R M L E S S to the com plextlon. L et us show you Shari or T ru v y — to mention but tw o of n u » » . e . Here’s The Tire You’ve Been Waiting For Built in the world’s largest tire factory the new Pathfinder Balloon offers you exceptional riding comfort and long tire wear at a price which makes it a real money saver. If you want Balloons»—with all of the wonderful low pressure advantages— if you want comfort, satisfaction, econom y- hero is the tire you’ve been waiting for. 29x4.40 - $15.00 Other Sizes Equally Low Priced. DANNER MOTOR CO. F la n e ry ’« Drag Store 30x3y2 O. S. Cord - $11.30 Ford Garage Fifth and A Ste. Springfield, Oregon