PAOK POUR TUE SPKINOFIKLD fygWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS K r s c h X i ; ,ost r,gU* ‘•conw“ >’ , n land. • a ■■ a a a a o * . , ------------------------------------- ..75c . 5c — __ i • • In resum ing the plan of n city superintendent of school the school board said that it was in the "interest of economy and efficient adm inistra­ tion." By the change two half time teachers paid $832.50 were laid off and the principal of the — Rrattain school salary cut $200. a saving of $1032.50 and at the sam e time another salary of $2400 was provided for. We are willing to reserve judgment until all the teachers are elected on w hether this was an actual saving or not. We have no objection to the superintetulenuy plan nor the man elected to fill the |>osltlon so long as the school expense Is not increased W e mere- lv want to he shown that the < hange was in the interest of economy and we fancy that there are a good m any taxpayers just like us Saits for Spring W ith I wo Pairs Pants—Double Service S ta tin s th at a thing is in the interest of econ­ omy and transacting public business behind I closed doors does not increase confidence In the board of directors nor convince the people who are paying the school hills T h is m uch can be ‘ lav Voton. who * * * spoke to a Springfield audience last Friday night, ¡on his candidacy for governor: lie is honest and . Of R st. HOOL FINANCES. fearless. He does not preach prohibition in public The heavy bonded and w arrant indebtedness of ‘ dri” k lik,> a fisJ‘ in Hk,‘ " T 0 can' «nhruU v . io j . • . didates for state offices in this election. Jay is a ' ' a i 'd l ' u ' slow progress that rare candidate in this respect. He believes law has made in the past toward reducing this indeb- enforcement officers should first observe the law tedness makes it almost m anditorv that some themselves. sort of a future financial program be instituted • • • Paris send* well drestte*,! Am-ri- els» we will arrive at a time when the schooli The boy scouts have done twto good turns bv can women this clever plntd Kasha plants will be worn out and with no money or cleaning up the alleys hack of Main street ami gown, to w hich a tan turban, shoes stockings are a pretty compli­ credit to replace them. A school is an institution the graveyard on the hill. Now let some or the and m e n t A red suede bag completes which must live in the future as well as the pres- ''1,h' r folks do a feW Kood turns in the B,‘ring liie picture ent and we have no moral right to levy a burden cleanup- • • • UPTON SCORES PIERCE on the future farth er than the present generation IN CAMPAIGN ADDRESS The rural free delivery system was carried on G overnor Pierce'» prohlbl I Ion en Will live to pay. by the postoffice departm ent last year at a loss fo,cnn«t»t m ethnda were scored by School district No. 19 is in debt more th an ¡o f 88 million dollars. From the routing of some Jay H , lttni,llU„. ,„r th„ r„. 00 anv wav one can figure Judged bv t h e !nf the de,iver>' routes in this section we can be- u ratiipnlini uddre«« d rlv rrto d at tn*‘ 100.000 « th is system la universal publican invnilnnCan for governor, In progre BB it ‘h as n u d e in paying off its Indebted- Ueve »• 1 Springfield C ham ber of Cntninoroe ness in the last sixteen years it will be 200 years room last F riday night. T he room was E d ito r ia l C om m ent getting out of debt, provided that no more debts well filled wilh people from spring- are incurred in the next 200 years. Is this a rec­ NO CRIME TO DISCUSS LAWS field and vicinity ord for a school district to be proud of or for the The speaker declared th at Governor The laws of thl* country are supposed to be like our p)ei.Cf> taxpayers to take little heed of. especially when governm ent, “for the people and by the people.“ T here ..tuk„ , . thlef r „ rh . and we are both bonded and tax to the legal limit? .a re laws on the statu te books th a t a re n ever enforced , he„ rore » th „ ief to „ b. . . . . _ • »a d, citing one case In which a man year has the bonded indebtedness of this district The sam e conditions are som ew hat tru e of th e p r o h l b l . . ... .. . , . . . .. ,u . . A°und guilty three tim es of first de- be* n taken care of. We surely need some sort of t on law of sta te and country. W hile they a re on the sta t- .......... i a financial program th at will carry us out of ute _ books they should be obeyed and . .. they should . ,, . I*re* m urder had been paroled by Gov- be e n -, „. , debt faster than we are now paying off. ; t ’ . ernor Pierce and Is now in th e