PAG£ THRE» TllK HPJUNUKrXD NEWS »T IK JR8DAY, M A R IT I 26, 1926 a part of her Every article has so n * association that m akes It dear to her Memories, tears, oM griefs, old Joys, b alow and sanctify every object until the shablest thing ts more pre­ cious to Ita owner than the f nest thing in a collector’s shop. IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR Twice Married and 65! Marry Again? j Those are the things that bless aud LANE COUNTY IN THE STATE OF Dear Mlsa Flo: I am a widow of I comfort her in her old age. OREGON IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOP- alaly-flve. with seven grown children. TION OF VENUS PATTERSON I have already been married twice, A ska for Divorce. I SPEED and am seriously considering taking Hult for divorce on g r -onda ot ORDER F'>R HEARING unto myself a third mate. Do you cruel and lr human treatment has Thia mutter coming on for bearing M ) S T - (lohi wrlat watch, closed case, upon lh< pe»it on of .Marjorie Speed think 1 atn too old to marry again. I been filed in circuit court oy Charles FOR HALE. Ftllt SALE Gooil realdenc« ot; ««• Heed Corn, Minn« «Ola Number 18 , Reward, call phone 138 W., Spring- praying for the adoption of a fum ale' *inow • ,ln man- who wan'8 lo ,aar <)rerton »against Bernie« O erloR. ment aldewalk. Imjulro Newa Of­ field child of the age of about six months of ry me. Wou». due lo freaheu m March 860 street. Call 122 R. D. W. McKinnon. '* the above entitled Court be an- ■ , my (Urn|ture and have b een ' STATE OF OREGON FOR THE i«ch See th»m on my rutich »• f eld, or.E u gen e, or at iny place on pointed to act In these proceedings! „h«i,«-»n to,i COUNTY OF LANE tf as next friend of said child and that I11’ 1»« ar,jUnd * “ b iuy ct“ Wren B u tN V CITATION A22 1‘leuaant MI f F llyde, 731 Wll McKensle. Deo. W, Neff F o il HALE 110b-*Lot 46x145 on K notice - f hearing on said petition be 1’ ratlrsd of It. I want my own home— ( Matter of the Estate of Hugh hiiuett« H t. Eugen« F o il HALF -Carbon paper In large Ht. C F. Hyde Realty Co.. 731 Wil­ ldv«»n to th»* unknown parent» of »ai l • wlth wy own furniture—to live o it M price, Dec*a»e*J. M 11 18 25 A 1 H sheet«, 36x39 inch««. »ultable for child by publication; and 'the remainder of my days as I want, To Onorge R Price. John M. Price, lamette HI., Eugene, Ore. making trusfnga. The News Office. It appearing to the Court, and the lo__n()t the way thPy want me to. Fred H. Price, Carrie F Fountain M 11 18 26 A 1 3 WANTI-I»- W antnl tu huy, für «u*n, Court find*. Ihgt the mother and : and ^ ¡„ a Emott, greeting the father of said child are unknown G“ ldren lh,uk dnl tr In the Name of the State of Ore- nl klml» of i conti hand furnlture NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS ACCOUNT and that then- is no way of ascertain j »1st that I continue us I am now. But yf>u arg he<.pby c)tpd and requir­ and linpleui nts. J K tlreer, l’hoge NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN that Notice la hereby given that the the undersigned has been appointed ing who Is the mother of said child whether I marry or not, I'm going to , d ¡o apppar |n the County Court of Eugene 1603 or who Is lo-r next kin and that theC a jew roO[na furnish them with the State of Oregon, for the County untler«lgn*tl administrator of the ea M18; M 1 tale nt John M. McCormick, deceased administrator of the estate of Rena X s ^ f d ^ d lo X " . “ my own thing. -and live alone I of c . Easton, deceased, by the County hue field hla account for the final Court of Lane County. Oregon. All t^,. F|fth day ,,f Apr)| 192S> PIANO MI ST BK SOLI» ttb-nienl of the anld eatute In the i persons having clulnts against snld Ing. and no guardian or next of k in , IX, you think 1 am wise In doing, _____ __ , u u |«lther of theee two things’ Which Ten o-cIock ln , he forenoon of that Will «ertile» tilgn-grad. piano 11 ¡County Court for Lime County In the stute are required to present them ln ,h l*. NOW 'H E R E H 'R E It Is here v | day, then and there to show cause. If adT“'*- Frances Frances. storage near here for Immediate State of Oregon, anil Hint Hatunluy wjy, i^,. proper vouchers to the un­ ordered that th»* Hnn. C, P. Barnard - the third day of Aprl . 192«, at the dersigned at the la« offices of Pot- I any you have, why an order should sab- Will g ’ve easy terms to an e s­ Court Room of su'd Court In the ' ho Is herehy appointed to act d'rwtlnw t-r A- Foster, at No. 961 Wllla-nette he un ... v friend ,,f th. said child In My gra.iou- F r a n c s, you must be not he tablished (lotti For full particulars . County Court House. In Eugene. Orc- street In Eugene, Oregon, within six and where plano muy be seen, ad- gon. ut ten o ’clock In the forenoon, months from th dre-s Portland Music Co 227 6th 8! . has been by snld Court fixed as the time and place for hearing objections day Portland, Ore. M18; Al thereto and for final eettlem cnt of said estate, upon th- unknosm par-nts ° f . a third husband when g it s o f elgh- of Section 18. Township 17 South of thomah n M c C ormick . LAXTON, Deceased DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER­ Id by publishing a copy there. hardlv act one Range 6 W est W illam ette Meridian; M 111826 A 1» ¡ Äatd ch,ld Administrator of the Estate "of of on< a week for three su ccessiv e, te^.n ca/ har* h eart i (d)n of course that the man D 10.03 chains to a point on the W est Notice Is hereby given that on Feb­ \ o . l t t, 1. iK .ite.n t n i» r .a i i i . h ____ # v _» ____ . on i And don’t agonize over the lmpossl- 5024: thence North 38.56 chains; 01640! under the Act of March 20. ten ble task of reviving mad love at your thence East 11.75 chains to the cen­ 1922. 142 Htat . 4«6) to exchnng. the day j age. Thank God that there are so ter of the channel of Bll Hays Creek; N E H N B li. t»-c 21; WVkWWNWH 1 many other pleasant things ln the thence along said channel as follow s: NW’t» ; W H HWt* NW>, ; EM. SEH claim s ngulnat said estate are here­ P. BARNABD. NW>* and B H N B 'iH W 's. Section 22, by notified to present the same duly ' ^ '^ ¡ " ‘1 Vt" the la world besides love—and take as a North 8 degrees 20 minutes; W est County Judge. office of A. E , 6.29 chains; North 22 degrees 42 m l» Tp 15 8 Range 9 West. W M within verified, and wlU the proper vouch-1 verlnid substitute a fine companionship and nteg Wegt 9 09 chaing; South 73 de. Wheeler, in Eugene, Or-gon. within the Sluslaw National Forest, for the ers, to the said Administrator at the six months from this 18th day of friendship. There ts no reason greet 30 minutes W est 3-21 chains; IN T’OUNT y ’T n THE°8TATEF OF J Timber on the SW14 SW A . Section law office of Gordon H We Is In the February, 1926. LANE ■ ( 01 ’ 1 why you should not feel that for scene North 45 degrees 45 minutes W est 27. Township 30 8 . Range 3 East W Court House at Eugene. Oregon, WALTER W- EDMIRTON. OREGON 5 91 cha ns; North 77 degrees W est 2. M . within the Cascade National For- within six months of the dale of the Administrator. IN fH E MATTER OF THE ADOP­ man—and thereby have the last lap 27 chains; North 44 degrees 30 min­ first publication of this notice , est. A. E WHBE1.ER, Attorney of the Journey made pleasant by de- utes W est 1.52 chains; North 6 de­ TION OF VENUS PATTERSON The purpose of this notice |s to al­ Date of the first publication of this F 1826 M 41125 SPEED. ightful companionship. gree* East 1.74 chains North 26 de­ low all persons claiming the lands se­ notice Is March 4. 1926 PETITION Certainly 1 should advise marriage grees West 1.97 chains; North 32 lected. or having bona fide objections JAMES RUTHERFORJ>. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Marjorie Speed respectfully repre­ in preference to living out the r e s t ' degrees 15 minutes W est 4 85 chains; lo such application, an opportunity to; Administrator of the Estate of STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE sents to the Court a» follows: , P 0, 1 i,a .»1 1» v„,i »n North 1.46 chains; North 24 degree« ft e their protests with the Register' Nancy J. Rutherford, deceased. That she ts an unmarried woman of your life alone, although If you do 3Q mlnuteg t »» chains; and Receiver o fthe United States M 4111826; A 1 COUNTY. of the age of thirty-two years; .th a t; IN THE MATER OF THE ESTATE , . not marry—and that Is for you alone 62 dfgTe«g w e s t 4.46 chains; North laind Office at Roseburg. Oregon Any County she is a resld» nt o of Lane ^ anent ad; to decide—and If you ar« quite sure j 43 degrees 30 minutes W est 4.7i OF GEORGE T. HALL, SR. euch protests or objections must be I'bona Res 101-J Office 73-J Notice is hereby given by the under­ dres« " s BN o 1307 15th avenue East that you would be happier living chains; North 79 degrees V est .3 5 fll...1 in this offl-e within thlrtv days . „ an- „ n ' u g V ? , s«.d C o .» ^ alone than you are living among your ^ 8 ^ ^ = It " signed administrator with the will from the date of first publication ot F. H. WALKER U-xed of said estate, that he has this notice, which first publication Is Auto Truck Transfer estate., That Venus ™ te” o,n i c h lld r e n -lf you are sure you will not Wpgt 3 g, cha,ng. Nortb 34 dPSTeea 1 filed his final account In said March 4. 1926 Houaa Hold Goods. Baggage. and that by lta order the --------- ---------- __ S h o w parentage 1» un- become morbid, or lone y. then by Eaat 4 40 chains; thence W est 4.2« non coal i ?U ed’H M u r t a 7 M . ^ n ° l 9 2 6 O,,at t t ’ knosm’ and" w h T ls T ow Y n’V ’ c.'re ’ all means rent your rooms and estab -, chains to the Northwest com er of Merchandise Moving HAMILL A CANADAY, S of t.-n o’clock A M at the custody of this petitioner and , lgh your own home. the Southeast Quarter Of the North- Register Office at 312 Main Ht. M 4111826 A ,1 Chambers of said Court, as the tim e her mother Jen Veve Speed at the youf wjthout gny douM „ est Quarter of said Section 18; ts. anu o«-,-u . „ „ Soulth 2«49 mence rfhalns; sourn thenc* zig*» qnatns; inence and plate for hearing objections. If Bbove given address, and »as has been, _____ _ ____ ____ 'hence custody since s ’nce tne tile are acuatfed by the most affectio at0 |W cgt chalqs to the , quarter nv Uter - be. to said account and 'ts ¡n such care anti custody ---------------------- ------------- ---------- cor- ______ er. 1925 when she of motives in des rlng that you live | n<>r on thf Wp8t 8th day of November, ring ner th? W est lne ine of sa1d sai(j section pproval. . - deposited by a party, or parties. around amOng them, but people of 18; thence South 40 68 chains to FRED E SMITH. unknown to the petitioner or her mo- ® should stay put. They «hould the place of beginning containing Attv, for Administrator. • !,..r nn n er. j have their own home and not be call- 270.27 » -n o - r r - o . State . , . ther on the veranda of p .tllio a"bi»ut acres in Lane County GEORGE T. HALL, HOUSE PA IN TIN G Tolephonos: Offloe 613 Res. 2076 of Oregon: excepting therefrom th« M Administrator with the V 1 1 1 An- hour of four o’clock A. of ed upon to make changes. They can­ Kslsomlning In sll Its Branches, following described prem's s. to-wlt: nex d of Said Estatc_ j i i i g o s , said day That the petitioner d o e s ; ta sjiy adjust them selves to new city or Country Work. Lows st Beginning at a point 28 rods North I- .5 M 41118.0 no( fcnow and hag no way of ascertain, not tasily adjust them selves to new ' environment. However welcome, you of the Southwest corner of the South­ Prtc««,. Every Job Gusrsntsod. ing who 's the o{ ^ ' d 5g t’ a are but a guest In your children s east Quarter of the Northwest Quar­ Osteopathy standts for the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Give me a trial. That the petitioner htrein is a ' ter of Section 18. Township 17 South truth w h a v e w it Is scienti­ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER teacher In the public schools of Eu- homes, so you must adapt yourself of Range 6, W est W illam ette Meri­ ROY KOCH, Springfield, Oregon. fically proven. P'R. U S LAND OFFICE AT ROSE e Oregon and has sufficient ahll , to the)r wayg_an d that ls not always dian. In Lane Countv. Oregon: run­ Phons 125 J Osteopathic Physician and Sur­ HICRO. OREGON r h a r le s i U’' ,o hrln* “P the 8“W ’'’.i,?,n-.d 1 easy for an old P«!80*1- ning thence East to the center of th« geon 5 ~ t ^ s s % ’s r . •» « „ ;« « ~ • * - » . . . . . . stream known as “Bill Hays Creek”; . . . n on m « r . g jn Qwn w a y , g OfOce 404 M. A W. Bldg.. BUY FURNITURE HERE thence Northwesterly up said stream on June 28. 1921, made Homestead «ire to adopt said cnila a« ner own. j * __ to the West line of said. Southeast Eugene. Oregon Roeksra, Beds, Mattresses. Stoves, Entry No. 013985. for SW;•' K J ’S SS Automobile, Fire and Life IN S U R A N C E itue of an execution and order °f sale J* .*. court deeree that Surety Bonds.. Phone 617 My business Is to proteet y*uf ¡ ¡ h i lHih day of March. 1926 upon a j frtm business rendered In said ( ourt on give . i*atterson Spe«.' 860 Willamette St. Eugene Oregon Judgment February. 1926. In a parents, to Venus Patterson -p e the 17th day y of William Taylor a n d 1 and that a cert fleat.> granted suit wherein Husband and Wife, j thereof. Yout I*‘ltl“neLa,d ‘ r t udge Pearl plaintiffs, Taylor. were and Newton Jasper ( that the Hon. 1 ■ ’ , 1 • hJ * VASBY BROS. Uosuer. William C. Rebhan and , of the above ^ c ^ d ln g s Oeorxe I Hur ey were defendant», pointed to act in in p Painting A Decorating th.. plaintiffs recovered Judgment ns next friend of said chi d give or wll.hold his consent such In all its branches against defendant Newton Jasper adoption in loco parentis in to accord- Cosner for the sum of 82154.39, to 312 Main Street DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL D EN TIST Phone 43 First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Springfield R. W. S M IT H Justice of the peace and notary public, Insurance WM. G. HUGHES FIRE City Hall Springfield, Oregon , AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at FIR ST SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk- ers at foot of Main on Mill street. H EN R Y W. CHASE, Prop. NATIONAL BANK 8prlngfleld, Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW Sutton Buldllng NOTARY PUBLIC Springfield Oregon. further sum of 8100 attorney fee. and Oregon L nw s: and that the Court or­ 814 00 costs and disbursements, wltn der notice to he given to the n“kno* “ accruing costs; also deeree of foce- parents of said child of the hearing <> „sure of the mortgage given to se­ herion by publication. MARJORIE 8PKHD. cure the note upon which said Ju«lg Petitioner. mrnt was bn«cd, agn’nst nil tne de- fondants and ord«-r for the sale of the State of Oregon SS. lands In said mortgage and h erein-, after described to satisfy snld m d g -: p onnty „f Lane ment. with Interest, costs und expen , Marjorie Speed, he ng f'r-‘ ' W ses of sale. I sworn, depose and say ’hn - NOW THEREFORE, pursuant '01 (t||,nPr ,n ,he above ei tltl.d mat , said execution and order of sale. I ,„r and that the foregoing petition . tit u ltin b iV t llll 1 7 111 will, on Q Saturday, th«\ 17th day of Is true as I verily believe Subscribed snd aw<«rn to before me « April. 1926. at one o’clock In the after­ noon at the Southwest door or main this sixth day of March. 192«. entrance to the County Courthouse Notary Public for Oregon. In Eugene. Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash An My commission expires June 15, 19.6. hand, to the highest bidder, subject State of Oregon DO* to redemption ns provided by law. :>U of Lnne the right tH c. Interest and estnR' County 1 L L. Ray attorney for the I peti- of all said defendants In and to the tloner In the nbove entitled ma tier. lands In said mortgage described to- h e r e b y certify that the orego g copy of order and petition Is a tru The Northwest fourth of the North, and correct cony of the original east quarter of Section 34 Tewn«hIn and of the who e , ,S «tenth Range 1 We«1 of the Wil­ thereof Dated this eighth day of March, lam ette Meridian. Containing 46 aeres, L. L. RAY and nil that part of the Southwest 192S fourth cf the Northeast quarter of M 111825 A 11 »ectlon 34, Township 18 South, Range She sa id ‘‘N o!” '—and that ended it Mrs. Breeding refused utterly to permit any dingy-looking woodwork inher home to disfigure an otherwise beautiful and w ell-kep t in terio r. So Ralph had the painter get busy with Acme Quality. And now the woodwork is refinished and looks as spick-and- span as everything else. Acme Quality Products mean woodwork beautified, protected, always made easier to clean. For all finishes and all woodwork. Each product gives you the quality results identified for 40 years with ACME QUALITY ag i s Paint»'dVarnish Our store is the Acme Quality Paint and Varnish Service Station. Buy no paint until you see usi Wright & Son .«i W 'l s i I