T IIU R S IIA Y , MARCH 2f», UH*1 T im SPH IN U W K LO N EW « P A t f f TWO LL >W "T - Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L __ _____ L A N E aM iiaivw h u i t IA C O U N T Y U N IT nO . 14 P U B L IC A T IO N A italta Pool Closed. MID-WESTERN FARMERS SEEK. NEW LOCATIONS • O F F IC E R S O F L A N E C O U N T Y • F A R M E R S ’ U N IO N Community News The laa! order for W falla seed for till* spring has been tak> n by (' in tv Agent •! 8 Fletcher The pool Bv Sarclai Correapond* -ta riMELY SAFEGUARDS TO PREVENT HOG CHOLERA A recent Invest sellon of the liog- rhalera situation by tl, Unite«! S tales Iteparlnieul of Agriculture reveals THURSTON NOTES ,r experim ental p u rp 'te « tills •¡inprising , arele»»,,"” ■ among farm­ Mr and Mr* R olW t H errington left s p r in t T 't seed wa- h a u d o t' al cosi er« In dealing will, the disease The last T hursday for K lam ath l'ail» lo 76 g re « ,» * al the Kug m Earn, effort I venes of »he preventive serum treatment baa given many «win*, wher. they > xpect to make tk a ir home tr a ' crearne, y. owners a feeling of seeurlly which Mr. and Mrs. Bud M ePheraon and M ar, sps Llesnses «sued i„ reul "Vet without proper «afre fam ily from Springfield spent Iasi During the ¡a«t week „.arriare It guarda'' declares Dr U G llouck. in Sunday at John Kdmlsion Billy Barnett made a trlp to (Hohe censes Ir,', he» n ss,ie,|, t>- the couiw I-hnrge of bog cholera control, "the ty clerk to the follow ing, '.taymood disease la Just os dangerous Relay last week. , Mrs. Genevlve Beaman, who la au- t Mlles and Mai lou Blown both of as It ever was." For safety against Id,Is disease It and perlntendeti, of the Gardiner scho.., S p rln gfltd ; Chester Chap'i.un visaed her mother. Mrs Harhl«. the Mary Re'har both of P o rtim i; J dm I» necessary to observe certain • pre. latter part of last week; sis., her W Barne«. Ei gene and 1. " i l i II Log cautions Isolate all new stock, keep­ son. Leonard who Is attending the an. M a r c ..,, Soat M .dlurv, I .,« « I. ing It apart from githtr boga for n eggt two weeks Thia deaf school In Salem, apaat the weak i n ! Ksthe - Mllhr Eugene; William period of al |L,I|. To ■ io and Christiana Y.-aget. precaution applies ,a pec la lly lo hog« end hero, pur, based al public sales or oilier Teddy Caruthers has gone to lb nd Eugene sourc-a likely to spread Infection. This situation is growing monot­ He nnd Jerry Nelson hiked acros« Hie Bern,I, no sick hogs to roam at large k n t C a r o f P y ro to l O rdered. onous to the Iowa farmers, and many pass. The last carload of pyrotol to he Keep boa lots properly fenced and of them are to come to Oregon and Mr and Mrs A W Wearer motored Califronia this summer in search if to Notl last Sunday and took llnner ordered this spring Is for IS.OoO giuintaln the fences In good reflair new locations as a direct result, the with Mrs. W earer’s nephew. Clark pounds. H has Just hern sent for hr Burn or bury dekply the aarcaaaeg of County Agent 0 8 Fletcher and ’■ animals that die on the farm Dead Iowan said. l ’err’ngton and family a week’s visit wtth her son in-!«’ and t h e Sunday school Is preperlng an ‘he ninth car »Inc. last fall Lane anim als lying above ground attract Mr. Darr’s home is at Arlington, A critical time In a calf’s life 1» daughter. Mr. and Mrs Frank Klnts- Es-’ter program and th-ro will be a county will take 10.000 pounds of dogs. Many outbreaks have been Iowa. He left there four weeks ago, when his feed is changed from- whole Creek basket dinner at the church Kaater «•»«• powder for road work while far traced to portions of dlarwoed car- driving west by motor car through milk to skim milk, notes the Oregon Mr. and Mrs C. It Scott have pur ’ mers are using the yrst for land clear- ■ asses carried from place to place the southwest. experiment station. Changing very chased four acres of the Bushnell Bunday Mi and Mrs Curtis Price from •»« During this winter 306 700 by dogs Do not attempt to hide the gradually by adding a little skim milk place In the W lllagtllesple neighbor Noli spent Sunday at John Price’s. pounds of powder has been brought ex stence of the disease, since every to the whole milk each day will avoid H. C. WHEELER WILL hood Work on thetr new residence, Erank Ren,rale spent the w eekend ln l,v «he county agent No more wlh hidden cent, r of Infection Is a men­ which Is near the Cal Young home, wtth his parents. Mr. and Mrs Wil- he ordered until land clearing time ace to surrounding farms. RUN FOR SENATE SEAT * » « • will begin at once, the Scotts w il re­ UMB Remnii. The preventatlviseerua, treatment ,h l" fr® H. C. Wheeler. Pleasant HHl farmer Certified planting of certified seed side In a tent until their new home la a dependab e Insurance against Mr. and Mrs Wll»lam Henson mot- —— — who has served three terms In the potatoes pays In Oregon, says G. R Is completed bey will move to their hog cholera, but this treatment. 1» Grain Company Busy. ored to Eugene last Sunday and spent Oregon legislature as member of the Hysiop. agronomist at the experiment location this week ___________ __ Opening of spring haa resulted In should be remembered. It a proven- the day with Mr __________ Henson's _____ parents house of representatives, has decided station, because they usually make Miss Lot« Male has been confined Mrs Della Herrington spent several new life In the grain business, a n d |Uv» and not a cure. By adopting tho to oppose Jack Magladary for stdiw a larger vie d Although the merits ,_ f her ’’¿ .'"r J??* .l h * «>«/• 1*»t »•*<« wltb her "sister. Mr« the Springfield Mill and Grain com foregoing safeguards swine owners senator from Lane county. Mr. Wheel- of certified seed are pronounced, Friday. Miss Male Is employed ln Dr A. W. Weaver. P»ny Is having a busy season During may largely reduoe the loaw from hog er was in Springfield Tuesday an J many growers hestttate to use It b e i Harrtg. offlc„ |n Eug„n,. Mr and Mrs. Ilervy from Eugene ihe last week the company received cholera which last year exceeded stated that his friends has prevailed cause they tear that they will not be Mrs. Carrie Parshall, who has been calk'd on Mr. and Mrs Henson last three carloads of barley, two of corn 810.000.000 on him to seek the senatorial Job. able to produce certified stock. The vtaiting In Junction City for the pa«t and two of wdieat for rattling and dis- j ■ 1 L Mr. W hee’er Is well known here total supply of certified seed In the sevens weeks, was called home last Sunday evening. Mrs. Root te visiting her daughter, trlbutlon Similar shipments out were! Jackson Is Weather Observer. and has lived ln Pleasant Hill for United States Is small. Wednesday on account of the Illness Mrs. Robley. mssde, and there te a general picking Harry Jackson, farmer of the Wa years. As republican candidate for —- — of her daughter. Mrs. Ferree. terville district, has h,nf|rej to her b,.,i ¡m.a, iong at , wo bushels an acre, ac- Mary Fisher of Sprlngfled spent the anrding to the experiment station week-end wtth her friend. Margaret Early planting gives the largest , , aUKabn yields. Mrs. Clara Ma e nas returned from Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­ keeping Course Eugene Busines« College was for the first year of the new contract after which it wi 1 be In­ creased for two years. by Simple Mixture ”ltal to hom" of Mr" Wambold. _____ “After taking Adlerlka I feel b"t ter than for years. At my age (SO) It Is Ideal—so different from other Sleeping Sickness. medlolnes." (signed) W. W. Carter. «‘How Is the new maid getting on?" Adlerika is a slm j/e mixture of buck- «‘Oh, she's alright, but «he can’t 'thorn bark, glycerine, etc., which A heavy frost with the temperature ' aH Iow' »" 24 foUowed by early sun- "Wne Is feared to have done some j 'iali8, r to the early fruit In the Pleas- ant 11111 district. In some Instances water pipes had to be thawed. Floyd Ix>rd of Enterprise has been make up the beds without lying down removes GAS In ten minuted and busy showing sheep of goats In tho on the Job.” often brings surprising relief to the Pleasant Hill district. Mrs. Bruce Wheeler, who has been stomach. Stops that full, bloated A good manw congressmen must feeling. Brings out old waste-mat­ suffering for some w eeks with a think that tax relief means relieving ter you never thought was dn your sprained knee, was able to be at the people of their money by taxa- [ system. Excellent for chronic constl church Sunday, March 21. Hon. pation. Flanery's Drug store. — W anted Eggs and Poultry The Annual Educational exposition In which the students of O. A. C. un- derfflke to show their aspirations and achievem ents Is under way this week­ end. Student work In many lines— agriculture, commerce, engineering, basic arts and sciences and others— Is on exhibition for parents and friends from all over the state to nee Moving picture stories add In making the exhibits comprehensive. Physical culture work of both men and women Is put on, and a special concert will be given by music students Hiinday afternoon. Then She Fainted. Old lady to boys whom she caught